R 0506 . RESOLU'rION NO. 506 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY CE' AR~CYQ GRANDE AUTHORIZING ESTABLISHMENT OF BOULEVARD s'rop AND YIELD SIGNS, AND ESTABLISHING SPEED ZONES AND DlREC'l'ING ERECTING OF SPEED LIMIT SIGNS, AND DIP SIGNS BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' ARROYO GRANDE AS FOLLOWS: That the Chief of Police of the City of Arroyo Grande be and he is herewith authorized and directed to install Boulevard Stop and Yield Traffic signs as follows: Boulevard stop signs shall be installed as Loll,(,'",']: On the NORTHWEST corner of ELM STREET, and GRAND AVENUE so I I as to stop all traffic on ELM STREET as it enters GRAND AVENUE. I On the NORTImAST corner of I.INDA DRIVE as it enters BRISCO I ~ so as to stop all traffic on LINDA DRIVE as it enters BRISCO ~. on the SOUTHEAST corner of RENA STREET and GRAND AVENUE, so as to stop all traffic on RENA STREET as it enters GRAND AVENUE. On the NORTHEAST corner of PARKWAY and HALCYON ROAD so as to stop all traffic on PARKWAY as it enters HALCYON ROAD. on the NORTHEAST corner of DODSON WAY and HALCYON rtO!\.D, 80 a'oto stop all traffic on DODSON WAY as it enters W',LCYON ROAD. On the NORTHEAST corner of TO.D.D lANE and HALCYON RCA.D so as to stop all traffic on TO.D.D lANE as it enters HALCYON R~. on the NOR'l'HEAST corner of OLIVE STREET and HALCYON ROAD so as to stop all traffic on OLIVE STREET as it enters HALCYON ROAD. on the SOUTHEAST corner of Glt.YNFAIR TERRACE and FARRELL ~ so as to stop all traffic on Glt.YNFAIR TERRACE as it enters EARRELL ROAD. On the SOUTHWEST corner of LEANNA DRIVE and VALLEY ROAD so as to stop all traffic on T.F.JUlNA DRIVE as it enters VALLEY ROAD, on the NORTHWEST corner of ROSBWOO.D lANE and CouNTY PARK ROAD so as to stop all traffic on ROSBWOO.D LANE as it enters COUNTY PARK ROAD. On the NORTHEAST corner of LANCASTER DRIVE and FIRST STREET so as to stop all traffic on LANCASTER DRIVE as it enters FIRST STREE'f. "Yield" Traffic signs shall l>e installed as follows: On the SOUTHWEST corner of HILLCUST DRIVE and SIERRA DRIVE so as to cause all traffic on HILLCREST DRIVE to yield to traffic on SIERRA DRIVE; On the SOUTHWEST corner of PARKWAY Abfd RENA STREET. so a. to caU8e all traffic on PARKWAY to yield to traffic on RENA STREET. On the SOUTHWEST corner of DODSON WAY and ALPINE STREET. so as to cause all traffic on DODSON WAY to yield to traffic on ALPINE STREET. On the SOUTHEAST!rJCorner of PEARL DRIVE and LEANNA DRIVE 80 as to cause a~l traffic on PEARL DRIVE to yield to traffic on :r..BANNA DRI VE . On the SOUTHEAST corner of DIAMOND CIRCLE and LEANNA DRIVE so as to cause all traffic on DIAMOND CIRCLE f:o:y1eld totra:ffic on L'&ANNA DRIVE. On the SOUTHEAS'f corner of PEARL DRIVE and LEANNA DRIVE so as to cause all traffic on PEARL DRIVE to yield to traffic on I.EA.NW\. DRIVE. On the SOUTHEAST corner of TURQUOISE DRIVE and LEANNA DRIVE, so as to cause all traffic on TURQUOISE DRIVE to yi.~d to traffic on ~!A DRIVE. On the SOUTIiEAST corner of OPAL CIRCLE and LEANNA DIU VE so as to cause all traffic on OPAL CIRCLE to yield to traffic on LEANNA DRIVE. on the SOUTHEAST corner of TURQUOISB DJUW andL&AblNADlUVE so as to cause all traffic on TURQUOISE DlUVE to yield to traffic on T .1l"JiNA DRIVE. on the NORTHWEST comer of HILLCREST DRIVE and SIERAA DRIVE so as to cause all traffic on HILLCREST DlUVE to yield to traffic on SIBRAA PlUW. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEP THAT THE FOLLOWING SPEED ZONES BE AND THEY ARB HEREWITH INSTALLED: 3S Mile per hour zone. a. follows: on COW1ty park ~aei between the City I.1JDits anei Stanley Avenue, anei on Frontage Roaei between the City Limits and Cornwall Avenue. 30 Mile per hour zone. as follows: Huasna Road between Cherry Avenue and the City Limits. 2S Mile per hour zones as follows. on East Cherry Avenue between Traffic way and Garden Street. on Farrell ~ad between Pecan Street and Halcyon Road. on Valley ~ad between Traffic Way and the City Limits. on Grand Avenue frOll1 City Limits to City Limits. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that there be installed speed limits signs indicating said speed zone., and the Chief of Police of the City of Arroyo Grande i. herewith authorized and directed to install said .iqns as are necessary to indicate and properly mark said speed zones as required by law. BE IT FURTHER RESOLWD that the Chief of Police of the City of Arroyo Grande be and be is herewith authorized and directed to install "DIP" signs on either side of the intersection of Halcyon Road and Willow Lane, said siqn to be installed on Halcyon ~ad so as to indicate the "DIP" extending across Halcyon ~ad south aide of its intersection with WILLOW LANE. on motion of COW1cilman Hartwiq , seconded by Councilman I.ee , and on the following roll-call vote, to-wit: AYES, Burt, Hartwig, Pence, I.ee NOES: None ABSENT: Jacobs . ' ~. I . ~, J ' . . I .. ':be forego1ng Be.olution waa adopted th1a :!9tiv dayof~, 1961 I A'1"l'I:8T: I I I ~,fh1-.Lt, ,L~( c:;: /:lUAr , MAYOR CIT1C IlK I 1 ! I I . ^', ) . . . ,..... .' . STATZ OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ) ss CITY OF ARRfifYO GRANDE ) i I, MARGARET L. WILSON, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. ~~ is a true,full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a regular meeting of said Council on the .;1 itllc-. day of ~ , 19..kL.. , WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed the ,(jP~ day of ~.......,! ~.f-J '" 19 ~./ . I I I I I