R 0487 - RESOLUTION NO. J.}!1 .4 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF .ARROYO GRANDE, AUTHORIZING AlID DffiDJTING THE CANCELLATION OF GENERAL FUND WARRANT #801 DATED JlANOH'-I4, 1961.. 'WH:mEAS, General Fund Warrant #801 ot the City at IInfiTO <IraDde was iasued to Chattin's Jewelers on the 14th day of Karch, 1961., frsr a refund due th.. on a business license, and WlfiiREAS, said WarTant was never sent to them because Chalfin's Jewelers stopped payment on their original check tor their buins.. license . WHEREAS, said Warrant should be canceUed in order to ret_ the lIIDney to General Fund. NOW THliREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL 01 TIll Cln OF .ARROYO GRANDE that the City Clerk ot the City of Ano1O GraIMB be and she 111 herewith authorised and directed to cancel said GllDeral Fund WarTant #801, dated larch 14, 1,961. On Hoti>cf: Ceuncilman ~ . seconded br Councilman ~ . and on the fo lowing roU oalJ. vote. AYFS. m7fl'c)~ ~ 4 ~ ~ NOIS: ~ .tBSlmT: ~~--u~ the toregoing resolution was adopted this .;?~ iif.'day ~ 7.?7~ .1961. lV.~~ t2.' t?~ .~~/p~L.~