R 0484 ODI OQU " lit/Lilt/V.&. 1:JQ JUISOLVTIOR 110. 484 A RUOLftlO1f "..' .,. .,AD ~".INDT8 AD ftovt.lUG JP01II IanUft Of ... RIllA 1'IRD'f JIJtOnft JrO. 60-1 RIIOLYD. '" tbe 01\7 C01aOi.1 of t1Ie ftt, or Arro70 Orand.., call1'om!a. ,be, W_IU, .Ud eo..u 41tt .. .ha17 11. 1960. pu. and adopt 1" ftuo1u'..... of Ia'..u. JiJD. "' ,..lats... to the &0- .uia1tioD ... ooutI'MUGa .t _u. ...., TW" 111 ...id C1t7 unc!eI' ... pur..., to the pI'OY1a1ou .r t1Ie llllU.o1pal _rovo- MIlt "'at .r 1913. ... . um.a_,I'1" ~.to, ... flU tlllen1n pl'O- T1d.o that ..1&1 ~'I' _1ald .. 18... t\tn_. ......, to ,he ....T1.1ona .1 tM IIIpI'oT....t .... Aot CI4 1915, :ref...en.. to ...1d It...lI1U,, .1 tn'-u. ...._ ...~.. ........17 ad. tor hrtltAtl' parUouJ.an, VIDIU, ..U.. of ..... .........Uoa .r the .....81MDt and of 'M tt. w1tb1n .web .....-q-T1ia ..,. .. patd 111 oaah, bae Hen 4tI1r' ....11... ... all.. 1a t1Ie -....... pI'OYUe4 'b7 law, aM tltAt u.. eo ,...,.... ,.. ....1T_ ... ~, of a....lJIImt. 1D ...)& 11M ~# ..... .. AJanl 11. 1961. the luper1l1tencient j of ....... .... ftl.. ...... .... .\7 ......... . 11.t .f all ..........t. wid.... "''''':J''tft J aU, ... "~&'. tM "'.111 11M aq ...14weC ...14 11.t and. .... d.t~ -.. Ut&, .. .... 1. .. aoO\lll"". .Mt....' thereof J lIOV, .,....., I! 11 ~- OU"~~'ID. a. follow'l 1. '1M' the .......t. Sa aa1d Ul\patd 11.t Wlich now ~,.. ...14. ad tM ......... tIl.....,. .... .. U&o1m on BIda1,1t "A" ....to .U.... ... _ "1'..._.. .... . part hereof. 2. 'l'Ut for . put1eular 'ellOripUOD ot the lot. 1Htar1nc the ~..t1... .........t D'''~ .... .et forth 1a Ia14 ~1d 11.t ad upon wh1eh .........,. n 'n ap&t.. .~ly ad J"Hpeothe- 17. "tereD.. 18 -..... .... to \be ....._t uA to the 41..... "001"4" 1a the otn.. of tM ...,1nHD4eat ot ftHd. 01 .a1d OU;r a1't... ooatu.,Uon '" H1d calaoU.. tU .......1 lot. "pre- ..t" 'bJ ....et ........t II:'''T~.' Mh'C .. ..."17....... ad dedpate4 \tpOI'l II&1d d1..... ad ......... .. 110 ~ and 'l'eeorded. ......lly lad .....t1...17. 3. '1I1e wwetd li.t 1a 1ft 1IJae _a' of f".085.19 and bond.. ahall .. 1........ tM .....1'>>' et H1d \IIIPa1d a.....unta a the ~_t of "-...,.1, 1ft .......... ft. tU prov181on11 of the IIIpn__t ... Hi 01 1915 (.'ft..1Gb 100t the .treet. ... 1Il"~R'" Code) .. .... ... ......, to __ ,..,,1111_. ot ..lei ReIIOlUUon ., IftMRUon ... \be ,""'~t.... t...... du17 .bad aM ftlteal ,.... t ItaJ.d .....lUll -. fOl'tJ-n.. (45) in aUlaber. .ltall .. dated ..., 1'. 1_1. .... 1tMr bteHat 1'Joo1a the1r date at the ..... of ..t to ...... dz ,....t (.) per __, and tbe elea~yt1on ot ....et ,... ft_ ,_11' "....t1.. Jr-".' ... claW. of _tVitr .... .. .... .. lIdt1'U "]J" lWHto .ttaobed and .1Ie a par' he....t '" Mtuea... 4. 181c1 "115l'" Mall ... s..n.d. 1ft ..n... uA the unpaid .........i. .. .__ .. A1d UA' nled w.1t1a .. C1t1 '!Pea..... of ..14 OUJ ... ..,........ '" Mid 00..11. ....,her witb the intere.t tUN_. lUll 1'1 r Ua ... ....t1.'. a Vwtt t\ab4 tor the .......Uoa ad pafIL'I.' of AU NIaU ad ot the bt....t wh1eh ..,. .. cI.. tUr.... wbt.. .,...ult a.....-nt. ..11 })e tax- .ble b a~_l ...1.. .......'.'!/iWII. a ..,..itw to __ .'-1' of ...1.. .f MM' 1...... aad _1__ aaaual pnpert10a ot ...ob ........10 ahall ... pqab1. Sa eaoh real" ~ the date of the _Writ;)" to.. ..... of the .......1 bocIa 1...... ...d auo.h 2 ~ or ..... ......Iunt ..1rd.. ... Sa ., ,...... 1IOPUIR ._. wI Sa"'.., tJun.., Ra1~ Sa to.. M ,.u1. Sa tutd~.. ..-.. ....11 tIPI ., ..... .., .. NIl .....tr .. ....UtA, .... .u ,...., ...t~:><I1II". a.* __ .... aM Sa .. __ ,."nU".'''' 11."L~ ....... __ ,U,lI"tiAMM ,."UI... r. ..1.11.1.... 5. 8U4 "111~' ....n ... ~r.1I .., .... 11__ alii _....... d ,.. ..., . ... .. ...... .'. 1IIII.l;:i ..-, .......... .. u..- ...I'tFj ..."..." .... ~ 1IiMl.,......, ..11 .. .,...... tIL. F'''. .. la' .11.... .... Rill' aIt'1.a4 11;'1 T rno 111&11 ... a4P1'W ., .... . I r ~ .. .. ......... ~ ':11.-"'-, Jlll'SltMl or U-.- ._11.. .',.-r.... ........ ft..... lI.at. fIt...w 1I!JlTlfr! .., ..... otfSun ... ~.t.. ., .... .......11.1 ., ..... ...... A.a11 ....u..... ... ... a..".....' ... ""I. .. f .;.t. ., ..... aM. .--. .. ., .... ...... .. au ., .. 1.0"'" "m 1111 ......U..... lJ'. .... ....mU ,.n. .......*1. Sa .. ...... Nt toI'ttt Sa .. t _ ,..,m..t .... .... ., 1J1J. ..... .'1'111" ... Cleft or ..... CUt' ... tu.", ...11........ .... .......... tie .... .... )IiII..d.. 6. .... _,.~~ II J lnl a...II... .. ..... 01 .... JUlnu ... mf1M'.. *_.... .. ""Iii *U .. 8a11M fOO"-I." ......_... ... ... ...._...U" Sa *' ,.1_.. teN, t.e w1ta lutllt_ ... . all . _'11 .\m lAB JiID ..... .~ai... t\9M ,ilr. au ,., .. "If. 111 IJ Ult .. .. ... .., or 11 .,.. ....... . ... ., Ai.'" Irw".. n: .. of .11.... .. . ' .... ....- 1..1 ,..._ ... 11ft ':l.~:l::'~ III. 1i'i'iJ"'!I.iIti. ........,...,.11... ,....-ae 1. _to .. ._01__~ ..1\ ~uuf. to .. ." 1'.1'..... tad ..., AudIt.... a ~ ..". of tIWJ I'IJI'Jl.U:a. ....... 3 r ) <, J .. ,. ~ I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a resolution duly passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, California, at a meeting thereof held on the 2~t& day of .A.Pr1l , 196-ll. by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES, and in favor thereof, Councilmen: Burt, Lee, Pace, Jacoba,Bartwic NOES, Councilmen: 10138 ABSENT, Councilmen: None ~ Af~ '=1'0 Gran" A:ID: d J?~ HJJ~or . - ) ,,- . .' . LIST OF UNPAID ASSESSMENTS CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PROJECT NO. 60-1 Ass't Ass'd Valin No. County Assessor's No. Amount Land Impvt 1 6-164-01, less street $ 965.82 $ 700 $2,200 6 6-411-23 11 11 1,127.34 1,300 2,200 7 6-411-24 11 11 1,127.34 1,300 3,100 8 6-411-06 11 11 1,573.78 1,600 3,200 9 6-411-07 11 11 1,096.54 1,100 2,600 10 6-411-4~ 11 11 1,097.04 300 12 6-411-5 11 11 1,050.57 300 13 6-411-10 11 11 1,542.45 1,500 3,500 14 6-411-11 " 11 1,249.67 1,200 4,000 15 6-411-12 11 11 1,296.37 1,300 2,900 16 6-371-06 " " 2,151.58 2,200 1,800 17 6-371-07 11 2,151.58 2,200 3,500 18 6-371-08 11 6,591. 25 2,200 2,800 19 6-371-19 11 410.58 1,600 500 I 20 6-371-18 " 3,538.60 400 1,500 I 24 6-371-2 11 1,366.27 1,300 5,100 25 6-371-1 11 1,366.27 1,300 1,900 26 6-411-30 11 11 1,367.70 1,400 700 ~~ 6-411-29 11 11 2,614.57 800 900 6-411-51 11 11 2,481.60 1,400 29 6-411-15 11 11 2,649.15 2,600 3,600 30 6-411-41 11 11 326.66 1,100 31 6-411-40 11 11 392.49 1,100 6,500 32 6-411-66 11 11 2,649.15 1,400 1,,300 33 6-162-12 11 11 1,900.82 3,800 4,400 $44,085.19 $35,400 $58,200