R 0482 ,) ~ , . ." Illi:::;OLU'l'ION No,; .1'Ft7<.) . HESOLUTION OF 'mE 01'l'Y COUNCIL Q:.' ')'iil' . CITY OF ARROYO Q-HANDE ,AfPROVING MASTEn AGREE~~NT FOH EXfENDITURE OF , . . . , ' . FUNDS ALLOCATED FROM TIlE s'rATE HIGHWAY FUND TO CIT):ES , " ~S/?- "proposed agreement with the Sta1;e Department , " . . I . . , I ' of Public,Works, Division ,of Highways, for the budgeting and I ,. " " , , .". '. ',' "'. ..' .. , ; '.' expenditure of f\inda ,a1:(oca ted from the Sta te ,high~ay tund I' ' " , f. ". . I I' 'j . . ' , , to 'c:1.t1e8 ,has ;,be.e~ ,p'x:-eseljlted to the city councU:,for con;' siderationj' and" ' , " . ,. i WHE~~, the oity council. 'has heard read said agreement and :l.s familiar w1th,thei contents tl1ereo'.fi , . . - . . , . . , THEREFORE, be it 'resolved by the city council of the 01ty . ' / I I of' Al"I'o"fO Grand. that said agreement be and . t ~he,Bame iQ hereby ap~roved and the mayor'and, the, city q1erk .'., .' . . I . . are d1rec'ted to sign the same, on behalf of aaidCity,' said , , . . J i . . , , agreement, to Q8 'pindin~ upon the City upon ita, execution by . . .... . . , .the authorized officials of the State. '. AOO~ED ,t~~s j~ day of ~ ' l~/. I .. 1 ., ;};'" . ,"", ,'.';,; . ~;:}...,.,.,.',.'I . .' . '. . t " ., , d.J-1 . ",) F~1f;" .,' , I '" , . Mayor. of ~ i Y ot. . ' '. ,.. ,.. , \', " . Ar-vo:~o GraM",. . ,,,. '_'" .. _,: . .' . .;! . '.j", .' ,I ! '. Atte~t:...',,, 7i~t-.J'U/.-'11- ~ k? J../ /~~;..;;,';J:' .,,' ~ :. I ".City .Cler, .,0 '.~ ty 0 ArrOYO Granc1_::d" ,.' " I hereby certify that ,the foreg01ngresolution w~~ ,d~y and regular1y .passed by the city counc1.~ C?~ ,pl,e Ci tyof brQ,~'.o: .Grande at a regular meet.1ng th~reof held c..yt~ 1/, OG . " -r.':J~/' ". . . I ~~<~....~d.dL~' . dark e C1 y 0 Ar1'010 a:rapli. , , ! 'I'