R 0481 '- . J -,.", .-. ... '" ., , . RESOLUTION NO. b81 A RESOLUTION Of THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIT~ Of. ARROYO GRANDE CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION fOR THE PURPOSE Of . SUBMITTING TO THE VOTERS Of THE,CITY OF ARROYO GRANOE AN INITIATIVE ORDINANCE DESIGNED TO CHANGE THE PRESENT METHOD Of HANDLING GARBAGE IN THE C ITV Of ARROYO GRANDE fROM A fRANCHISE OPERATION TO A LICENSE OPERATION. . WfEREAS. at. the:.present time garbage {s'col ~ected i,n the , Cfty of;Arroyo Grande under the provisions of Ordfnance NO. 1Ja. of the Cfty of Arroyo Grand~, under which Ordinance' the only one authorized to collect and dfspose of garbage in the Ci tyof Arroyo Grande is the If censed franchhe-ho'Ider. and WHEREAS, there ha~ been submftte? to the City CouncIl of the City of Arro'yo,Grande an, Inftfat1ve ordinance by which it fs proposed that garbage collection and disposal in the City shalT , . ~ henceforth be handled by any person or company Ifcensed.by the .. City of Arroyo G~"nde so to do, and WHEREAS, the City Council upon the submission to it of a i . ' "..' I petitfpn Rroposing such new Garbage Ordinance did determine that i it would submit safd Ordinance to the Voters of the City of .' " . . . Arroyo Grande in accordance with the provisions of Sections 1711 et seq.. ot'the Elections Code of the state of Californja. '. NOW, THEREfORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE , CITV Of ARROVO GRANDE AS fOLLOWS: . I', . An initiativc'petftfon has been submitted to the City " Counei I of the Cfty of Arroyo Grande bearing: signatures of " abOut ..JilL. per cent ~{the' reGfst~r.d voter s of the. City of '. . . Arroyo Gr.n~~ . '. Saf.~ .po,tftfoopropos~s an tnitiattve ordinance titled as folt9WSI' ,. . "Ao Ordt,nanceregulattng the coltection and disposal, of re.fuae, gerbage" wet garbage and r,ubbf sh fn the Cfty Qf Ar,royo Grande, providfl:lg a means of ffxfng , "', . ~; ..r.~,. ~o be (;h~r.g.d; for the granting of busfnttlS ~ I,. 'Huo$e$ top.rsOt'II engaged tn such collection and' · ,,:r:~,:';dhpoq't-..r:v'ce,'fprovfdin9 penaltfes for the vfQ1at1on . ,.;; ,:' ..of. thh'Ordfnanc:e and,repeattng 811 Ordinances t~,t~ .., extent the .eme are in conf1fct therewfth.". S'.tet InHiatNe'Ordinance shal1' be submitted to the . .. .J.. .: ~'. ), . . . " .~ .....~.~...,~~^,.~~"'''II,...,.8"!~,;.~i.,,",,,.''~1'I .", "'fI",,,": f'f "\",!':. """""'''.rj~,;1('i;'" n'~.,~,\"",~>. ....,''Ir.~'. ~.;;" '. '. ,:'. .. '. ' ';:"""''':', '~':.;'.~:~:.'.::, ;". ..~,<;.;>,.:.~,_.,,',;:. . " '. . " . ..._...._~...___.".,.... _ -w-....'._......_........._--o....__.._.. ....~.~........____ .__ __""" ........._......_............. "'1<'~ - .....,.' ......... . voters of the Cfty of Arroyo Grando,at a specfa1 eloctlonto be he1d fn, said Cft~ on the 6th 'd4Iy of 'June, 1961. for the Pllrpose$of safd election, the City Counci 1 IIIItkos . the fol lowing determf,natio'ns and orders, to-wit; '-'Tber. $~11 be o~ voting precfnct at $ilid e1.ction to consht\ of, Gener.'1' E1ection precincu I, 2, 3,' 4 and 5 a110f . Ioo'hfch sha11 be cOmbined .into Special Inftiath'e Precinct No. I. The Votfng place for safd sp~cfal electfon and safd . Spec:fal l"ftfaUw:yprec:1nct'No.. 1 shall be at the'Counc:if Chambers, . fn t~ City HaIJ in the ctt.y of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis ',' '. , , Ob1spo, 'State of c:eHfornia. . , .. .,,"', ' " . . . The dete of safd, .elec:tion sha11 be the 6th day of Ju~, 1961. T,., pOni! shall beepen fervotlr1g at safd spe~fa1 e1ectfon , , , , , fr9m7rOO A.H. to'7:00 P~. on safd6th day of June, 1961. The'~ole proposftfon 'to be voted upon sh.llbe as 'ottows; SHALL THE ORplNANCE ENTITLED 1'AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE'COLLECTION'AND DISPOSAL Of REfUSE, GARBAGE,'WET GARBAGE, . AND RUBBISH IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDEr PROVIDING A:HEAN~ OF FIXING RATES TO BE 'CHARGfDJ,FOR THE GRANTING OF BUSINESS LICENSES TO PERSONS ENGAGED IN SUCH COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL . . SERVICES; PROVrDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES TO THE EXTENT THE'. . " 'SAME, ARE IN CONFLICT HEREWITH" BE ADOPTED? Oppos'i te' the statement of the Ordi nance to be voted on, on ' . . . . . ' '. , ,t.h.be11o~s, and to 'the right thereof, the 'werds'!YES" and "NO'" '. .,-, ,','.' , !.. ' . '" .'" , , ,hi! 1 .. beprfnted on seFlarate Ifnes, with voting sqwsrel. I,f .. VOter " . ,~. " . .-' :' . . , . " . 't"'F.~:erQls (+) t'n the, yoUng square after ,'the pr,int.s word . . ,i~YES'" hti~:vote ,s~U be counted fn favor' or th~ad~tf~ o~ the "'fnft1;at1\te'Qrdfrl8nc:e. If he Itall'fJs a croll C+), in the votfng' . . , ,i... '.:"" . .,.'. . . Iquar..ft,erth. printed ~d "NO", hh vote sha11 be counted . agafnst the ,illCloptfon of the initiative Ordinance.: , " ' . , ", l'. .' '" ,The,e1'ection,ofr.fc:t'a1s to preside at said Specia1'E1ection " '.' "'., ..' . .",. . " t . .' are.' _.~' fot1owa,: ......' INSPECTOR. HAS. HARlE L. COTTLE ,JUDGE;.' MRS. MARY L. FINK CLERK., ~RS,'PHYllIS GESCHEIDER . . ' . CLE~K..a HAS. MARGUER IfE E. OSBORNE ., ~ ' . . ',~ '. " F . " .If ...., t . ; . ,.;::.' c,," .-~: ) . " "~'. ' ~: 'i:~ ' ~ \ I~ , , . ji, i.' . , ., ....""*"'..'"....~................,,..~I)..~~'~~~..'~~~.',v~','. ; ,',. ;l~1 ..",. ~. N"~~.', ',::'"', c,J,;i.' ",""',' \'~ \ 1 "," .';...~' N;""'~';'\o'<";~~ ',"I' ',"",' .' ,....,'.: "'" ,.." .. ", ',"',:,-. ." ,':' " '.., ",~ . ., '.' .. " ' , '., :: : ' " d .':":,i':;':<,~,..':~~/ ' :~~ : ".,:., ..'...: '"":~"H""'__~__' " . ._,_ ~"";'",". .-.... ( .I ';'." " _.. 'i..' , . . .' , : " ".: '" "', t :' ' ""."" '~,": 0.. -~'" ," i" :The,'.C'ty Clerk, Sh~p publish a notice of .the time and p'ac:~ . ,It ~ I" ::-.. .1. " " ""', ..:~,' "'. of '.afd e1A1\ctfon:as requfred by law.. ',~ ,~,f')'~;" ';.', 1 ",~:",~:,,:":,.,''''r,:"., ._~, ",~, . .,:'>1'-.,:, q~:~tJ~ ~f;f.~~f lIMn , P..- t' secOI'Id,.d by ; ':'t"'" ",' ..':,",. ," .:I ," "'"',,,," :(,M',: .... ..' ;', ,," ~ f," . . , ; , , .'" '. ":'~i:":(~9Unc.:I~: ')'''.... ' , and OJI ,t~ fa 11Ow.h~Q ron~ n . ~~ ~'),:':~~\":-:,:'~";." ;{~,'~'~>t:',,"\.,"."':':'" ~, ,,~'. ., ,. " '" . ". "" :,~,,'t' ;~ ;'Vq~e ':tC;t.Pwf4i.)t.""'!' .'" t"H,.",{-. ' . , , '~" ..:....:';,...:'. ;"";;:0"'-',...,.,"." '.. " :',:,"'" .'~~ME$:" I';:, J(qoz: ~,~'-D Lee, hDM, aDd J~ i ,,';: ""1.".~". . ".' '1.',;' ," , . ~ ". ~ <NQE$z",:,, IIGM ",~; ~ ,:':,> " '.r ~ ...:'~~:,.:.,?~:, ,,~:.!),,} . i~':" . .. <c A..SE~Tt:,.~;:~."~,..'\ ~ ' ., ~:':, .:;,~' ,"/.' . '. f~\>,,:~,-,...'... . '.~,~ ""'.;: ': .. -. ~, . . , , .',~~'.f~e'g:c?fngRellolu~fon was adopted this 28~ day of ,Mar~h,t 1'61, 0:::i~: :~~:.'\ <.<~:::.:'.:~~~.: .' :', :"..' ~ .:" . '= \ 1M .1_' ... .../ . ) ,-' ..".. .....,~' '. " , -...,....... - . 1- 0., , .' I . ~ 1,.. . . 'j,. "': ""."~" '.,'. ~' '- f '.j ~.~ .'. ,'''. .'j'. '" .. .. ~ ". ,;, ~.~i:,~ :-:!::~:,(<t' c' :,':: " .~ t~:;' '~, . .AJT~$r., . ,," ..,., ' .' I . .:.t. .'. ,. '..~ '. ',....., .' ..' , _"" . , '" ~ . " ...;.~'..~:~..\'\::!:'.:".I";~,.~;..,;\~.',t'/: ,:J', \ ~"",~"'; J'~ ,.'\-j\~zJ.,~~;,~.J,i.,/..,;...'t'/~<, '.,~':I:,. .," ,.1 :: . .,.'t...,-.,.....~'~.., ....... ~ 'I" ' .....!,e . ;", . . "1' ' .or. -' '/' . ~ '. '" .. . t. " . . , :""" ~""...II." :'.''''''. ",' '. '. . '';,''_ " .. ,.:l~,:'~.:':.~~:.,~..~.~t!~t;g~:>,'. ::'... .', , "', : :,r""L . x. ,," ; \." . 11'\ ,,, .... ",', ~.....~" . , " :>",1' .~'~$~'''' .".,-' {<f~'\ ~~:~~'~"'<~';1 ,', .' ..'.7 '.':",. . '.. ., ''". 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