R 0467 J ) , J '" ..,I 1 . I /Va. "I&' 1 , r "'" ;. , i' RESOLUTION OF ARROYO GRANDE REGARDING . . . APPLICATION AND AMENDMENT TO APPLICA-. , TION NUMBERED '42357 TO THE PUBLIC ,0 : UHLIT I ES COMMISSION OF THE SlATE: OF, ' , CALIFORNIA BY THE' PACIFIC TELEPHONE " . AND TELEGRAPH :COHPANY ; . , RESOLVED THAT:", ~...~ . . . ....". I. This Hunt cI pa I Corporat t on hereby approves of the'''< I' .' '....... ellmlnatlci'1 of the message toll telephone ser'vic~ charg~s" .....", , , , and rates between the exch~ngesof Pfsmo'Beachand Arroyo I Grande, Ca.li fornia. " j . This Munfcipal Cprpt>ratfon hereby urges the Public " 2. Utfllties Conmfsslon of the State ofCalffornfa to approve . , of the elfmfnatfon of safd toll charges and rates efther fn the n~nner and form proposed by the Applfcation and the Amend- , . ' ment to the Applf~atfon h~retofore 'ff led by the pacific Tele- , , , 'phone and Telegraph Compan~, Numbered 42357,.or with s~ch " changes, as said Conmfssio'nmay deem to be in' tl)o p~blfc. , interest, inc.ludfng"..wi thout 1fmfta~ion, the reasonableness . " of ,the rate adj.ustments. , .:" 3. . The Hayor of thfs Munfcfpal Corporatfon is hereby "(' '. authcrfzed and directed to send, a copy of this Resolutfon to 'r , , . the Public Utilfties Coainfssfon Qf,the Stilte of Ca1ffornfa 1 I and to the Paclffc Telephone and Telegr.ap1i CCll:\Pany.. *belC'lw . r ~~RTIF~ BY CITY CLERK, \ , ' The foregofng Re~olu~ton.was duly adopted on Jlov.........r .. : '. ' , 0 9 ,'19~, at a duly held and constituted ~ttng of , the City Councfl of Arroyo ~rande on'motton of Counctlmen . . . . . . Pence , seconded by Councl lman' . Bartwiq . ... .... , and on the fo1'1owtng roll-call votes' " , AYES: Bur~" Le., Pence, 'Bartwiq , NOES: MOllIE. ABSE~T : Jacobs " . , Hi~ , ., . '\ Cft'y C ~k , " , .~ and to' select an appropriate person to appear b~fore the 'Public Utili tiel> Commission' hearing to be held; ~n PJ..smo Beach i and urS Je elimination of said toll charges. . -1' .. A.. .. . . ,