R 0465 -, -- I r RESOLUTION NO. {/~6- A RESPLUTION CBANGIIIG THE NAME OF 1fALIIV!1' S~T, IN THE CITY OF A1U\OYO GJtAIII)B, COUJrrY OF au LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALIP0101IA. WBaREAS , on the .1' 741 day of r~~) , 1960, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, at .. reguJ.ar meeting passed a Resolution of Intention to change tbe n.... of Walnut Street in the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS , in conformity with said Resolution, the City Clerk of said City caused to be conspicuously posted along the afore- mentioned street at intervals of not to exceed 300 fee,t in dis- tance apart and at least 3in number, notices of the paseage of said Resolution, which said notices were headed -HOIICB OF IJI'l'BJlTIOJI TO CHANGE NAME OF STRBETS IN TBB CI'rY" 01' -.aIIOYO GRAJUIB, COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF eALI~~ w WHEREAS , a hearing was held on the said ReIlO.l\1tion of In- tention on the 9M,. day of 'n.;'tft..f_~ , 196., ;anG , WHEREAS, no persons objected to the proposed dbange of names of the aforesaid streets in writing or othorwise within the time provided by law, or at all. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the n_ of~1i 'mIl STRUT be and the same is herewith changed to _.~ '!"r AVDUE. on JnQtion of Councilman ~;;1;~1 ' .econded by Councilman '/P~ , and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: '~~ ADS:~~~~~ /~ , ...: ~ ABUIIT: ~~a-rd ~ f?d. the foregoing Resolution was adopted this de,y of jAA.-'l'~APJ , 1960. *yor ATTEST: SY City Clerk I ----..- -"--..-----------'--- ;r~: ,J