R 0462 .,....... . - \ A .-.", . . .-' I J. ......".... RBSOLUUOR ~~ ." t~ OF THE CITY' cot8fCIL OP AU9YO ~~ ~ ~ WBEBBAS,' there is presently existing in tbeOity of ~royo Grande a street known and desiqbated as "*~.....t stxeet, which street is approximately 1400 feet ia ~ ed 18 a dead-end street! and said street JIIOstt1early ~ i~f with Bennett"'-" iD;. the City of nroyo Ck~, iII1"~m"" ...-rated therefrom by Halcyon Road! and also there is ~;r stftOt named Walnut Street adjacent to the City .na o. ,-tp:eater length, the existence of which caUSes a qteat_..l 0<< .CM- fusion! and ..-.s, $t appears that very feW' people ~ of . whereabouts or existence of the street in theCJit.y ofAln'OYO Grande known and desiqnated as WalnutlJtree't7 .- WBBUAS, it appears desirable to ch~ _ __ oil Walnut 'Street to Bennett Jilll .1 so as to e~''''J._. ~ be better able to locate said street. BOW, 'l'HIRBFOU, BE IT USOLftD by thrt Ci...,.~:Ll of the City of Arroyo Grande that it propes to..", '11' .. name af Walnut Street from Walnut Btxeet to I) ,.lfJ::t!..... and for this purpose it will h01Q a ~lic .........,.. ~d public hearinq will be held on the~ Qf0l1nltr:r::, 1160, the hQur of 8:00 P.H. in the C~cil cIh"'.....n 1IiI'_ CUy Ball of the City of Arroyo Grande, califer.ia," Wlich U. any persons interested~rein ay appear and_ '-aN for or aqainst the chanqe of the name of said s~t. BB IT FURTHER RB8()LVBD that notice of _ :LD-.tloa to change the name of said street and of the U____eoB shall be qiven by po.1:inq a notice of said ~., i.. at least 3 public places alonq said ..lmat..........iIa14 po.~inq to be completed at least ten "aye :pI!lQ.i;.~. .bPriR9'. ,_.-._._-",~.- ----~.__.- ---.------ --~ .. i ~ " -- " - . i ...,./' ~ On Motion of Councilman . ,~:i;~t ' .....d by CO\U1cilman -t;~~ and upon fC>l1~. ~I Aah ~ ~, ~,~/~ .....,~ UQll'r1 ~-1Y-- . the foregoing resolution was ac;topt.red. A'J."rB6TI i I ~r~..:JIf Iv) /~A-?, (J City, lerk Section 970.5 of the Streets aPdR1~~~.. i I , Section 502.26 of the Streets and R:l~"~. 'I I