R 0460 ~ J., -va..u:Ct; V~,~ ()on '-~~', ,f.~ .' ~"~-' , ,:"'J'I,.;,',,-_J . . . RESOLUT ION NO. ~t"? RESOLUTION ABANDONING AND CLOSING A PORTION OF 19t.h STREET AND RAM:>NA AVENUE IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA WHEREAS, on the t) 3.Ad day of ()"'r"1~::f- , 1960, the City Council of t.he City of Arroyo Grande, at. a regular meet.ing passed a Resolution of intent.ion t.o close a port.lm of 19th Street. and Ramona Avenue, locat.ed in the City of Arroyo Gr.ande; and WHEREAS, In' conformity with said Resolution the City Clerk of said City caused to be conspicuously posted along those portions of said street.s, at Int.ervals of not. to exceed three hundred (300) feet In distance apart and at least three D) in number on each of said streets, not.ices of the passage of said Resolution, which said notices were headed "Notice of Intention to Vacat.e, Abandon and Close a Portion of 19th Street and Ramona Avenue In the Clt.y of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California"; and WHEREAS, the City Clerk did, in conformity with said ResolutIon, cause a true copy of said not.ice to be published at least once in the Herald-Recorder, a weekly newspaper published -" rT, and circulated in the City of Arroyo Grande, as designated by said w ! Counc i 1; and ;',,. - WHEREAS, no persons appeared or objected to the proposed ....s'~ ~- vacating, abandonment and closing of said st.reet.s, wit.hin t.he time provided by law, or at. all: N to NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED t.hat the hereinafter \;j c..., described portions of 19th Street. and Ramona Avenue In the City of . - --- -._-~- .. /~1~82" ~.200 ..: ';".-... .'..~ ~, -'\ .~ ..w.-....,... '...-'" I '~ Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, be, and the same are hereby vacated, abandoned and closed. Said portions of said streets are described as folloh's: That portion of 19th stree~ _ _ _ _ _"_ _ _30 vacated, aban- doned and closed is that portion from th~narther~ line of Grand Avenue to the southerly line of Ramona Avenue, and that portion of Ramona AvenuE: ~_.~.- - -,-~"~ .'acated, abandoned and closed is that portion from the intersection of said street with the easterly 11 nc of 19th Street to and including th" easter'ly 1 I ne of 18th street. On Motion of Councilman ~o / , seconded by , Coune ilman ;;7 , and on the following roll-call vote, 7.l,p4~-<!A to-wit: AYES:~~V ~0 &u~t.~~~/ ~ ~ NOES: (J~ ABSENT: f.MA4~/?'~~ the foregoing Resolution was adopted this ~day of September, 1960. ATTEST: ~~~I?J?I- /7/ If g, A-Y(', ..." rT1 w Clt~ erk I i".. '."::) ("1) "'- N (~ ~ a') .. ," .... .' .-,- 'i~\..""'u" .-..---......- . ~ _'1'1& or CIII t""-U ) c;tRItff or .. 'LUll 08111'0 ) .. crrt or IiPD'fO .,.- ) I, um""...1t"f L. ~ -, CiWc-l.k 01 .~btI Cs.w ., ~~..,. G'-.' C~y.of. loa ..-. ow....' .-<<. of caJJ4"-,, .. __-...-..--... .460 * ,.."'~ a.. ...-, ,.u.'" ....-, lfJOTIIof. ..... Resoi\.utiOJ\ " ' ' ..," -" ...-.. ... ....... ., ... .... ......' .. ....... .. ..- ...... ." . regula.r . ....u.; 01 ..... C.-o11 OlD .. 13th -- - ..yot septeJDber ' 19 60 . - ~ W1"IG8I WI __ _ ....-1 of .. ct." 01 ,....,. 010- ...~ calfs..4 os.- 16th ... ...., .1 september -' 19 60 . - - ~. .. " . ..../ n f' 0 r ' ..;' ,t \. .. ~ a , , ... ."'''''''' ~ ~'-~ ;! "'(. ....... ,......,..J- <;p '. ~ " ).. :/~,,'i'J\\ \' 0 R A r ;"'."'... r-:'~ .{......~ . ,,0' 0 _, J'+,' ' An 01:....' coUl~ U',J ,.' ,:1'1 ". .., LIL,y \0 \')\ " . . ~,...,..:."....,.,.::....../ , 4 ..u.....,... ;.,...... "..' L IrQ~" ",." . , Document No~.....<."..,. :2,936 ~E~"''''''''''''''''- .. ES vOL!l';.r.MI'C'PASTii~ I ~ t!.~{' It- SAN L ~..OIR. P ~ . ..M. ... UIS 01"1'0 COUNT' ..........- . CAL. FEB '1- 1964 l17~e,'Ji~ :~$ ~~~~~u..B~I'''t, ~ :a:.~..u.lnd""" '