R 0445 KWHII; a 11th 7/7/60 ~OL11tIQH NO. '14.6- i I A JUESOLU'lIOB nE'lJWWlIHCf '1'0 ~n 1'URS1WIT TO SPICIAL A8~a~ AID . ACTS J'OR '%'WI: ~IOtI OJ' JlROCD01'RQS tmD1Dt D:tV1SXCI 4 0' Us HIGHWAYS COni UNA """11'1I ~_.tOHj .P.ROJ'.BC'1' 110. 60..1 ' lUSSOLVlCD, '1)1 tho 01t, Counoll of thel eu, or AI"royo I <bemto, Cal1foX'nla. that WlUaUWl. all Qf the own... ot 1101'0 ~ 6oJ' 1n U'M 9t , , the PZ'OpWtV eubJeet to ~t theJ!'UO~ t~. ..1sna4 ..... tUed with tM C.1t:r Cleric of th18 C1107 a ~tten /Petitlon t. UbI.... tlk1.nsp.roceed!np pureuant to SJNtC1al "-f...at end .....~t bond aota" and to au... tbe cQat. ,t!i4INOt /upon the PI"OPtrU.. I bene.t1t~ lrJ Q14 1I8p:rovementa. and Wa1Y~ ,"0..,11.. uMer !)1v1Uon 4 01' the StMota and. ~. CM .' for the tol1o~ aoqui8itions an<! il!IpI'oIJ.....tII s aj .... ..r..... or --~ -_ ... t1VD ut..oM1\)ft ~ :Rena iJu.t t.- 1 _...t nutb- .rl1te2'la1nuD "ut~ 1120 teet ' 01" lMe.. thII\Ce eaeterlj' 400 t_t JaOft 01' lu8. ~o A P1IW 8tJ'Mt Blttena1on. '/;I) "ft.. 1iDp-l'OV.....t of 1'101'1a st 'i;. t1l'Ord QI'U14 Avenue to 1ta,,"Hn' St>\ttbcitrl;r t nM and the ft- t\!m&1Ot'i ot: Rena Str.at .~$ ..o:ri 'Dr 11'*I1 "S, pavins, the CMtlltJouOU_ en4 1M tion of 'onlan4 e~t (1~ CUJ'I>> and ptten# taI7 ....... IIa1na, togetlUtt' with raa.n.h<ll.. With 8 ,"7'1t ... COY"', "IQ b1'iUwt..,." hoUH l.a~ end an4 wateJ' l4a1n8. togethel" Id.thvl!UVU, ,. ~. appurtono.na. . (\ ) ThO. 4t1:i)1g ot aU W'::IJ'k and~" aoq,u1a1 tion or a.u land8 am'! ouement. ......H1&J:7 ~ 8.1:10'1. n"u.aJ"Y to complet4il the..... . WJ:IlOUi;ASI \;11" C<*ta &n4 ~ Of' ~. oont_lated -...... .... -- ... to ... r - an ......- unt <U4Jtl'l<:t, tfi~ b:t;v1(jJ"bou.t~Ue of b10h are tbe oo~ II'dnoua extsr10r 'bo1i11d.iU'1e111 of thfI tt(llllpOa1t, and conao.1.1date4 .vea _holm on trIO map thereat on tile 1.") the ot~1(). of the C1t1 Clerit. I , ---...-------- I I i I I WHIRIAS. the public lotenet an4 com.uGOe w111 be M1"V'ed b:f the ta1c1rJ& of ea14 P1'Oo~J NOW, 'fttZI!tIPORB, :t!l IS 8IIRIIf J'OUII1), "'.' '.' .. '" G4 ORDIIID that eU of tho 0WfteJ'8 of 11IO"' than 60Ji 10 ana of the pope";y IUbJeot to ........ rot' ea$A P"Jo.t4 ~111t1Oml and 1IIpI'OVil!llMnta have fil_ wUh t~ 01.'" Clftk ot th1a C1tv e WJJ'1tten petition tov \he conatl'ucUcm of ~...t. ~.....t to QIU"O- pv1ate epu1&1 ......."', an4 .......ot 'OOn4 acte, w11;hOI1t tv- ther o0!lPl1ance with the pJ'Ov1.1ona ot ])j,v!a1on 4 or the Stnns and R1S~. Code. IT 18 J'UlftHIR J'OUJfD, DB'fGdU.IU~ and .... tbat M14 p:roaH41J1p tor th$ (l(JmttNotlcm ot A14 1IIIpJoov.,nH abaU tie had puft\W1t to thAt auuo.s.pa1 ~y.._t Aot or 1913 and tho bondJI I.\pon tbe u.npa14 ........0 tbeJteOt Pall be 1e"" pur-. auant to tho IA\p1"OY4IIIIIIimt Bond 10t or 1915. rr IS .t\Mtnillt POUD, J)JJ1IJiMmID and ORDIPG tbat the pro- v1e1ona of D1v1lUon 4 ot the .t.... .. ~ Oode be, 8Dd the:/' aN h8"1:I1, 418pcmae4 with. ... .~ i'" () , - I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a resolution duly passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, California, at a meeting thereof held on the /~~, day of f.2~ ' 196~ , by the following vote of the members t4'eof: AYES, and in favor thereof, Councilmen: :::!c=;!:~~ ~ ABSENT, Councilmen: ~~2fg~&(ffiI<' er 0 e , y 0 royo Grande APPROVED: g~fJ IC?/AA:I;- or