R 0441 'k .. , .. j . ~.~~ ^ ^~. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION DIRECTING iSCIq( ~ .~'~RD ! WJUTTEN COPIES OF THE MIWTBS .~ AJaL' . ~... CITY COUNCIL, AND paoVlDING ~'r NIt ".,.. .~. '. nil~OII AND FORWARDING OF T.EIE M~ ~'1' .' "~~ SUCH MEETING :RED NOT BE READ ).'1' AJfi: S 'tJ.I 'J!" OF TSE COUNCIL DB IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COt1NCIL OF ~ CITY 0.'1'1 j/~O QlIUftdI! AS FOLLOWS: The City Clerk is herewith direotedto ca ...to'- ...~ written minutes of each meetinq.of i;!I.e City .. of tbe. City of Arroyo Grande. 'ftle City Clerk if further direoted to f4)' , . ,cd, Jill of said ,;!;:' "''.:>~'~t written minutes of each meeting to each CPWU:l y~'....t 48 hours prior to the next meeting of said C1 ty , ........r , ,. possible. Wberever such written minutes bave~en p aa4 fQraried .. ~e directed, the City Clerk noe~ not ro ._ ..__ at ". _tor any subsequent mee.ting of the 1. '...'.~ lIiA_tes ~ be deemed to have been read. under such circumstances, such minutes ... siaple motion of the Council, or may be corrie .. .. ..... . manner. However, nothing herein shall be <<e Councilman from requesting that such m1n\l1;es shall be read in full. Such request however ~'.Ject 'to the approval or refusal of the majority of the C .....nrt at the ti$e any .uch m.otion is made. on Motion of Councilman , . ...... .. by Councilman ~~~ and on the f~l1ow "w...?t7 AYES: ~Jt: ~~~? NOES: ~ AaSENT: ~ the foregoing ~solutaon was 1960. A'l"l'BaT: ~~__'''/~?.//'d. .,./ City: edt ' j;'\~