R 0440 ----1 r .') . --' "-'.. . . . , . . "- RESOLUTION NO. 440 A IlESOLUTION 011 THE. CITY COUNCIL 011 11IE CITY 011 ARROYO GRAHDE DECLARING ITS INTENTION ro CALL A SPECIAL EL.ECTION 1M CIRTAIN INHABITED TERRITORY CONTIGUOUS ro SAID CITY PROPOSED ro BE ANNEXED THE.REro; fOR 11IE PURPOSE 011 SUB- MITrING ro 11IE QUALIIIIED ELECTORS RESIDING IN SAID TERRI- roRY 11IE QUESTION WHETHER OR NOT SAID TERRITORY SHALL BE ANNEXED ro THE CITY Of ARROYO GRANDE AND IIIXING A TIME AND PLACE WHEN AND WHERE ANY PERSON OWNING REAL PROPERTY WI11IIN SUCH TERRITORY MAY APPEAR BEFORE SAID CITY COUNCIL AND SHOW CAUSE WHY SUCH TERRITORY SHOULD NOT BE SO ANNEXED. ("OCEANO-HALCYON ANNEX" allo known as "OCEANO ANNEX"). BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grsnde: Sectioll 1. That it i. the intention of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande to call a special election to be held, in cer- tain inhabited territory contiguous to said City, proposed to be annex- ed thereto, for the purpose of sub.ittin, to the qualified elector. residiD, in said territory the que.tion whether or not said territory .hall be annexed to the City of Arroyo Grande aDd the property in tbe territory sUbjected to taxation after aDnexation equally with the pro- perty within the City of Arroyo Grande. Said territory is described as follows: All that land contiguous to the City of Arroyo Grande, in tbe County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, included within the exterior boun- dary line described as follow.: ~ . ~I . '. . , , . All that land situated in the County of San Luis bispo, State of California, included within the exterior boundari s described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of the Tow of Grover, according to the map thereof recorded March 23, 1 92 in Book A of Maps, at page 6, records of said County; the ce South 690 15' East along the Southerly line of said Town of Grov~r a distance of 2188.18 feet to a point oft ~'e west~r y.l1ae of the SQuthern Pacific aaflroad Company*s fi#hf of way, ..id Westerly line beiAg also the Easterly line of'V1Uift>el Ea ..to, .... . .1 ' Subd!visionNo. 2 according to the aa"thereof re orded JUDe , 6, 1929, in Book 5 of Maps, at page 3; recor'ds of said C_nty; thence Southeasterly along said right).c)f"w~, to a lHtiat wIIich , " bears West from the Northwesterly corner of:Lot 4 of Pi8llO Beach ;Gardens No. 2 according to the 'Map thereof eli:orded November 25, 1924, in Book 3 of Maps,'at pale 49, recorda of said County; thence East across said railtoad rig t of way and . County Road' No. 156 to the Northwesteflf ditner 0 .aid Lot 4 and a point on the Southerly line of ~i pile; th nce East along the Southerly line of-The Pike a'di~tince ,1944.80 feet t'o an angle point" therein; thence So.~b '. ar~w tlle We.~er1i line ofne Pike as shown on map of Pismo :8.~ch'$arde , recorded Septeaber 3, 1924, in Book 3 of Maps,".f paie 45, rROrd. of s..idCoUatY; a diatance of 868.0() feet to' aft .Jllg1 ~t tlterein; thence North 890 45' East along the Southerly li fill TtIe Pike accordin, to the said map, a distance "of 2463.00 to a poiat OA the Southerly prolongation of the i..terly Lot 1:3 of siid Pi.aoBeach Gardens; thence North .cro,. alone t" "sterlY lines of Lots 13 ab8fa .f Pi.., "'c:.J1 hitdeas, and the Northerly prolongatioi1~.f'''id t 12, acro.. Farroll Road adisfaace of 1612.00 fe#!t'i'to. poi tlte Southerly line of Lot 14 of aaid Piuij klU:lI Gar thence.. - 't' . _ 12 ._~ / 0, .,,;1>0..... < J ,- 'J" - i ! i ! South 890 45' West along the Southerly line of sa d Lot 14 a distance of 67.00 feet to the Southwesterly corne thereof; . . . L. thence North a1qng the Westerly line of sddLot 4 a distance of 743.80 feet to the Northwesterly corner thereo ; theDce North - ~ - . - ~ '. '. ...;, ., 890 58' 15" East along the Northerly line of said Lot 14 a distance of 60.92 feet, more or less, to the Sout west corner of , the Fair oaks AdditIon No. 7 to the CHy';6f1Arroy Grande "' . .' ,_ . . ", ,- I ~" . ','. . according to the map thereof recorded3ahuary 21, 1959, in ,J," . . , "I ",J" Voluae.978 of Officia1 Records, at page 324, et sq., records of said County; thence continuing North S9~ 58' 15" ast alon, the . \ ,_ I " _~;.~} i i,:;, said Southerly line of Fair Oaks No. ?a distance of 1697.08 " .. ' . ."'; 'I'" 1 ~ ,,; , 1"; feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 23 of~s.id .i .0 Beach ", . .. :,1" .. _~ _ ~ i ~-'H' Ga_dens, said point also being the Northwest cor r of the :-','\"; '>'"',,, ,. ''. Fair,Qf.ks ,Addition No. 12 to the' City"df Ahoyo , ", ,- ~~. " . . ~ '.~. . according to the map thereof filed August 24; 19 under Re- ," ," ' corder's Series No. 19238, records of sa1d Coutt ; thence along ~ I, ;:', :i:~ the Westerly and Southerly boundaries'of said Pa. Oaks Addition .~ ;t;.- ~ ' No. 12 the following six courses and distanc:es;( fSout'h 00 15' ...' '.., Bast 743.20 feet; (2) North s9A 45' E~stto the rtherly prolong- atioD of the Westerly line of Lot 24 of said Pis Beach Gardens; " .e.., ,':' ' ., ~-; ~ c. ~ _'. . (3) South 00 15' East 806.3 feet; (4) South 890 76.75 feet; I .. ~') , (5) South 00 15' East 725.04 feet; (6) North s9P 598.75 , I \' ~- " '. I~ Of {~" i feet to a point on the Northerly line of,The Pik ; thence con- I.. ,'I . -to ; n L,i~. I tinuing along the Easterly prolongation of the N rtherly line of . _", - f" h\'"i,;', -, The Pike North 890 45~ East to the Westerly line of Block 30 of Beckett.s Addition to the Town of Oceanoaccordi g to the .ap , :-, -(-'- ~ ;~ -,/ thereof recOrd.ed February 4, 1908, in Book '1 of ecord of Surveys, ~" ,_ ,'_, , " . 1_ 'I> .:,:, t,""~'~,,,.~ t, .': , ,; at page 103~' records'of said County; thettce~:Sbut Ob 15' l!aat along , " ;' ,,) ,j' \ l': _~ '~<t,:', '( said Westerly line of Block 30 to the Southweste ly corner thereof; " ',' . .~" If"!. ".; E! ~ J,. \ '" '" theD~e No~th 890 52' East along the Souther~y' Ii e of Blocks ~ \- ",-.,., ',. ... ~ ,.'.", I 30, 19, 18, t~and 6 of Beckett'. AdditI~n', ~.nd t e Easterly ex- i \ tension thereof a distance of 2697.80'felo!t'lIor~ r leas to the I ~aaterly line of Halcyon Road,(alao known as C1e e,a Road), I i l - 3 - _____ I . . -- 1 . '. . . . . --I I i I said line also being the Westerly line of Lot 109 of the Rancho Corral de Piedra, according to the map rec rded in Book A, at page 65, of Maps; thence Southerly along th ..lterly line , of Halcyon Road and the Westerly line of Lots 109 110 and 111 of said Rancho and .the Southerly extension thereo to a point on the Southerly line of California State Route S.L. . 56-:&; thence Westerly along the Southerly line of said Califor ia State Bilkway to its intersection with the Easterly line of Pir t Street (DOW known as 26th Street) in the Town of Oceano as ah map of aaid Town and filed for record in the offi e of the County Recorder in Book A of Maps, at page 147, recorda aaid COUJity; thence South along the Easter!y line of said Pira Street (aow kaown as 26th Street) in said Town of Oceano to ita iat Eaaterly exteAsion of t~e Southerly line of River treet (now known as 15th Street) in said Town; thence West along Soat.erly liie of said River Street (now known as 15th Street) ita illtersection with the Westerly line of Ninth aloa, the Westerly line of Ninth Street to the Southerly line of Nip Street; thence West along the Southerly line of Nipoao Street to h. Westerly line of TeAth Street (now known as 13th Street); thence North aloDI the Westerly line of Tenth Street (now known as 13th S reet) to the Northerly line of Arroyo Grande Avenue; thence Wes erly and North- westerly along the Northerly line of Arroyo Grande A.eDue in said Town of Oceano to the Southeast corner of Block 8 n Lake Sid e Park and the Northerly line of Arroyo Grande Avenue as bOWD on the offi- cial map of said Lake Side Park on file in the off ce of the County Recorder of said County and filed for record in B k 3 of Maps, at page 42, recorda of said County; thence Northweste ly a10111 the North- erly line of said Arroyo Grande Avenue and along t e Northerly line of pord Lane in said Lake Side Park to the Easterl line of Pirst Street (also known as Sunset Lane); thence South a ong the Southerly .".\1< _ 4 - I , . ~- ,. -. . , prolongation of said Pirst Street to the Northwes corner of Block 34 of Oceano Beach Subdivision as shown on the of of said subdivision on file in the office of the County said County; thence Westerly in a direct line across P the Nortbeast corner of Block 35 of said Oceano abdivision; thence Westerly along the Northerly line of aaia along the Southerly line of Brook Avenue and the Wester exte..io. thereof to its intersection with the West Boundary Beach Subdivision No. 1 accordingi""o lIap recorded in Bo A, at pa,e 149 of Maps; thence Northerly along the Westerly of Oceano Beach Subdivisions Nos. 1, 2 and 3, accordin, to p. recorded in Book A, at pages 149, 150 and 151, of Maps to oint of belinniA, and including all Lots and Blocks of Subdivisions Kated therein, ,~ether with the rights of way, alleys and public ro." of record. , i - 5 - -.,-- -.--.- j - -_._--_.--.~. ~--....._,_..._.- I . ~, '. , . , . I I Section 2. That said territory hereby is de igDated and inden- tified for such election purposes and for use upo the ballots at such election as "OCEANO-HALCYON ANNEX" (also known as ~ceano Annex"),. Section 3. Notice is hereby given that on t e i4th day of June, 1960, at the hour of 8 P.M., in the Council Chamb rs of the City Hall of the City'.of. Arroyo Grande, any person oWJJing r al property wi thin said territory so proposed to be annexed g any objection to the proposed annexation may appear before said City C and show cause why such territory should not be so annexed, protest must ~e in writing and shall state in general terms the or nues of the owner or owners of the property affected nDexatioD and the location and area of such property. d that protest is not made by owners of one-half of the value of t territory proposed to be annexed as shown by the last equalized ass saeDt roll, or if no protest is made by public and private owners 1 to one-half of the value of the territory, further proceedings shal be taken in accor- dance with the law for the holding of .uch speci 1 election. Section 4. It is the intention of said Cit COMacil to call said election on a ~ay certain following the hearing rovided for in Section 3 above but not sooner than 54 days not later th n 75 days after the terminatioll of said hearing. Said election date will be selected on tbe;~t~ of the last day of the hearing above me tieaed. '~.i~',,\,;-:::,:~r~ t.cJion 5. That the City Clerk shall certi y to the adoption of this Resolution and cause the same to be pUblish d in the San Luis Obispo Tei.gram-Tribune, a newspaper of general ircalatioD published in the territory proposed to be annexed, and in he Arroyo Grande Herald-Recorder, a newspaper of general circulat OA published in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Qbispo State of California, which publications shall each be once a week for the two (2) weeks prior to the said hearing. The City Clerk shall also cause a written notice of such proposed annexation to be mailed o each owner of an equitable or legal interest in land, other than n e..e.ent or right6f way, within the territory to be annexed who has iled his n..e and - 6 - L - -~_.------_.- ----- I . < ~ -..., .. '..... :I . , -" address and a general description of such land, sufficient to indentify it OD the last equalized County assessment roll with said Clerk, said notices shall be mailed not less than twenty (20) days before the first . pUblic hearing on the proposed annexation. On motion, of Councilman Lee, secoAded by Councilman Jacoba, and on the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Burt, Lee, Pence, Jacobs and Hartwig. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. .- the foregoing Resolution was adopted the 10th day of May, 1960, at a , regular meeting of the City COUAcil of the City of Arroyo Grande. & . tZ.d?~ . ~.y.r ATTEST: City Clerk > . - ~ ...,'......, .; . . - STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) : County of San Luis Obispo ) : City of Arroyo Grande ) I, MARGARET L. WILSON, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution Mo. ~ is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, at a re,.lat ..etiag of said Council on the day of May, 1960. ~!!!! ~ ~.y hand aad the seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this day of May, 1960. tityClerk of the City of Arroyo Grande