R 0423 , , .... -- T ; "" ~ .. .. RESOLUTION NO. 4~~ A RiSOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T ARROYO .GRANDE ADOPTING THE "UWIFOiM BUJ 1'58 EDITION" IN ACCORDAlfCE WITH THE SECTION 6 OF ORDINANCE NO. 105 "IfTI ADOPTION OF CURREHT EDITIO](S OF tu - BUILDING CODES." WHEREAS, under the provisions of Sectio 6 of Oren.ance 105 of the City of Arroyo Grande, the City C unci 1 of the City of Arroyo Grande, California, aay fro. iae to t iae by Resolution adopt later amend.ents or edition of the "Un i- ferm Building Code;" and WHEREAS, the Code presently being used ader the provi.ions of said Ordinance 105 is the "Uniform Buildi 9 Cod.. 1'.52 Edi- tioR;" and WHEREAS, there is now a 1958 Edition of said Vaifor. Building Code in existence; and WHEREAS . it is the desire of the said C ty Co..eil that it adopt the latest Uniform Building Code .0 a. t. k.ep its buUding regulations and other related rlQ1Il tioa. .p t. date. NOW THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED by the Ci y C.uaeil of the City of Arroyo Grande. California as foll0W8 That certain document. three (3) copies of which are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the i ty of Arreye Grande. being marked and designated as "UNIF aM BUILDING CODE. 1958 EDITION" and which copi.s may be identi i.d ~ the S.al of the City of Arroyo Grand.. .p~e~r~~i ~her ea. be aad the saae is hereby adopted as the Building Code of t~., City of Arroyo Grande for regulatiag the erection. . larg...at. alter-' atioas. repair, moving. rem.val, demolition, c...er.i... eccu- paacy. .quip.ent, use. height. area and main .....eQ.f all buildings and/or structures in the City of A royo Grande; providing for issuance of building permits a d collection of f.es therefor; and each and all of the regul tioas. provisions, ~M~~~ u~. --~-- -_.__.~.~--- _....~-_._- .' ,.., - --- .- , c '" penalties, conditions and terms of said "Uniform Building Code, 1958 Edition" are hereby referred to and made a part hereof as if fully set forth ,in this Resolution except such provisions thereof as are modified hereinafter. Be it further resolved that wherein said "Uniform Building Code 1958 Edition" refers to "Building Ofticial," said desig- I nation shall be deemed to mean the Building In.pector of the , City of Arroyo Grande. I Be it further resolved that three (3) copies of this I i ! Resolution shall be kept on file in the office of the City I Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, being marked as "UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, RESOLUTIONS AND REOULATIOJIIS," which said co_tes shall be identified by the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande. , I I Be it further resolved that said -Uniform BUilding Code, 1958, Edition" shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after the passage of this Resolution. On motion of Council.an Lee, seconded by Co..cil". Pence, and on the following roll call vote: AYES: BURT, LEE, PENCE, JACOBS, HARTWIG. NOISS NONE. ABSENT: IfONE. the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 21th day of October, 1959. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk