R 0421 ~ "'Ii ...~- "'~~~ ,tf~ ,,::'- -' .... , RESOLUTION NO....:...'f~ RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT PROCEEDINGS, HA E BEEN INItIATED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RROYo GRANDE, TQ ANNEX TO SAID CITY, CERTAIN P RCELS OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN, ID PARCELS OF TERRITORY ARE DESIGNATE!!! RESP t:lVELY ,,;,;, AS "FAIR OAKS NO 1.5," "fAlILQAliSJLO~ Atm ~~(~~," AND GIVING NOTICE OF SUCH \ __ P~Ot>OSEDANNE)J,.T i'oN. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of t cny flf Arroyo Grande: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of he Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939," proceedi gs have been initiated by the Council of the City of Arro 0 Grande on its motion, to annex to the City of Arroyo Grand those certain parcels of uninhabited territory situate in he County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, herein fter described, 1 to-wi t: "FAIR OAKS NO. l~' is described as foIl ws: All that land contiguous to the City of Arro G Grande, in the County of San Luis Obispo, State ofCaliforn a, included within the e~terior boundary described as follows: " Beginning at a point at the North.east corner of Tract No. 109, according to the map thereof recorded in Boo 1) of Maps at I page 107, records of said County; thence Sou Ii)' 1.5' west a I dist~nce 760.00 feet along the East.erly line 0f ..ld Tract 109 to the Northwest corner of that property con e,.41 t.O E. B., Wilkins by deed recorded in Volume 706 of Of ictal R8perds at page 53 records of said County; thence Easte lyalonQ t.he ' N~rtherly line of the property so 'copv~yed a d!stanc=e'of 1.53.00 faet:;to the Northeast corner thereof; thence South 3' 22' 30" West a distance of .540.00 feet to the Northe ly line of Grand Avenue; thence South 860 4.5' East along the aU Northerly line of Grand f.venue a distance of 183.00 riet to tb "steriy line' of that pt'operty conveyed to R. N. Lancaster at VJt I>y deed re-. corded in Volume 914 of Official ~cords at pa;e 88 records o.f~ said County; thence along the sa!dEashrl~ rep.rty line and, Its No~therly prolongation North 30 22' 30 uta distance of- 310.00 feet to its intersection with ute Was erly prolot)iatIon of' the Southerly line of that property conveye to Arthur E. MIossi et uxby deed reoci'ded in Volume 77.5 ot Off! lalRecords at, page 186 records of said Co,untYi thence South 860 4" East to and a long the sa id Souther ly property 11 ne ,of At hu.rE. 'MIQlfS I, a dIstance of 336.00 feet to the Westerly pro rtyllne ot fhat property conveyed to William Hock by deed re ot'd,d It! V.ll1me , 4.5 of OfficIal Records ,at page 34 records of sa1~ County; thenc~ South 30 22' 30" West a distance of 310.00 f et tD the said , Northerly line of Grand Avenue; thence alon the said Northerly line of Grand Avenue South 860 4.5' East a di tanu of 323..50 . / feet to the Southwesterly corner of that pre) ei't,y cDnVeyed to. .' L. A. BrIsco by deed recorded In Velum, 248 t OffIc::lal Records \~\2 . , . ,""."'>'". c'Jt \".,,>,.,:,;;.{,;,:->< ' ..,.',!!"".b,Vi 0 l . , .. , . ! I at page 285 records of said County and the C ty Limits of the Ci ty of Arroyo Grande; thence North 30 22' 3 " East a long the ,Westerly line of the property, so conveyed a istance of 13.!?.?k6-0, feet to the southeasterly corner,of the prop rty conveyed ~;,B; Wilkins et ux by deed recorded in Volume 303 of Official Records at page 98 records of said County; thence North 8~0 45! West along , the Southerly line of the property so convey d a distance of 995,50 feet to the southwesterly corner thereof arid a point on the Ea$t- erly line of a 50 foot Road delineated on th map of Tract No. 46 recorded in Book 5 at page 64, records of said CountYi tHence South 30 22' 30" West a distance of 50.00 fe t to the Northeast corner of said Tract No. 109 and the.point 0 beginning. , I ~~/Ci" is described as folIo s: All that land contiguous to the City of Arro 0 Grande, in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of califor ia, included within the exterior boundary line described as foIl wss Beginning at Post S~37 at the most Souther 1 corner of Lot 7 of Steele's Resubdivision of the Rancho Corral e Piedra, Pismo and, Bolsa de Chemisal,according to the map ther of recorded in Book' A of Maps at page 6~, Records of said Count ' said point being on. the City Umi ts of the City of Arroyo Gra~ ; thence along the'. said City Limits the following coursesan~' stances; South 150 30t Wellt 726.00 feet, south 7~0 30' Edt~l 15 fed., south 159 301 West 85.00 feet, North 81 East 45$.86 ct, S8uth 90 East. '450.00 feet to the southerly line of Huasna oad, North 810 East along the said southerly line of Huasna.Road to the most Easterly corner of Lot 15 of said steele' $ Resubdivi ion; thence leaving' the said City Limits North 90 West to the N rtherlj':Une'of said' Huasna Road; thence along the said Northerl 1 i ne of Huasna Road ~assed Lots 14, 10 and 9 of said Steele's R ubdtvisian to its intersection with the Easterly line of said ot 9; thence along' the said Easterly line of Lot 9 North 530 1 west a distance of 2237.40 feet to stake S-22 at the most N therly corner of said Lot 9; thence across a 50 foot road in a di ct line to Post S-35 ' at the most Easterly corner of said Lot V; 8nce along the Easterly line of said Lot 7 to Posts-3' an the point of be- ginning. "FAIR OAKS NO. t~ is described as foIl . . , All that land contiguous to the City of Arr Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, inclu within the exterior boundary lines described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of ,Tract 50~ according to the, map thereof recorded in Book 5 of Maps at p ge 67, records of said, county; thence North along the Easterly Un of said Tract 5Q anci ' its Northerly extension a distance of 6$.9.8 feet to the North ," line of Lot 108 of the Rancho Corral De 'Pie ra, Pismo and Bolsa de Chemisal, surveyed in 1873 by Jas. T. st.r tton !ind filed in the office of the county Recorder of said Count i thence East along the said North line of Lot 108 a distance 0 ~1.55 feet to, , the Northwest corner of that property deed', &.0 Arthur V. Reels:. by deed recorded in Volume 200 IiIf Officiil ecords at page 135,' records of said County; thence south 10 Wes along the westerly line of said property a distance of 660.40 feet 0 the Nlilrth line of that property conveyed to F'red A. Griep et x by deed recorded in Volume 38 of Official Records at page 85, r cords of said County; ,thence West a distance of 2029.67 feet alon the said North line, to the point of beginning That the said City Council of the City f Arroyo Grande desires - 2 - . , .' J '", . ' ) . '-1 , , , I i to ann$xsald parcels of uninhabited to the Ci ty of Arroyo Grande for the following reasons: Said parcels of territory uous to the City of Arroyo Grande and the proposed annexation of ach of said parcels of territory will contribute and facilitate e orderly growth and development of both the City of each of the parcels of territory proposed to be anne fael litate and contribute to the proper and orderly lay ut, design and construction of streets, gutters, sidewalks, and storm water sewers and drainage hin the City of Arroyo Grande and in each of the territories roposed to be annexed; and will provide and facilitate pro er overall planning and zoning of lands, and subdivision of land in said City and In each of said parcels of uninhabited territor, in a manner most conduslve to thB welfare of said City, and 0 eaeh of said parcels i of uninhabited territories. 2. That the County Boundary Commission of the County of san~is Obisp~, californ::, did in session uly assembled on the ~1J. day of ()L_'f!:!!;j: ,1959, approv d the proposed annex- ation boundariesf~each of said parcels of ninhabited territory, 1. .... to-wit: "FAIR OAKS NO 15," "FAIRQAKS NO.1" and +~ ( IY," each as above described and as subrnltte to said Commission by the Council of the City of Arroyo Grande rior to the initiation of said annexation proceedings. 3. That .(]l~~. , , 1959, at the hour of 8 otclock P.M., of said day, in the ouneil Chambers ift the City Hall, in the City of Arroyo Grande, county of San Luis Obispo, State of California, is hereby fixed as the time and place when and where any person owning real roperty wIthin any of the parcels of uninhabited territory abov described and proposed to be annexed to the City of Arroyo Grande, and having any obj'lJetions to the proposed annexation of any parcalof un- inhabited territory, may appear before the C until of the City - 3 - u.__'"___..,._ _ m...~._ I . < . 1 ~ " . . . . . O~~Oyo Grande, and show cause why such pa eel of uninhabited territory should not be so annexed to said C ty of Arroyo Grande. Such protest must be In writIng, ma be filed at any time before the hours set for hearing object ons to thepro- posed annexation and shall state the ~ame or names of the owher or owners of property affected, and the desar ption and area of such property in general terms. 4. The City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, ls here- 'by authorized and directed to cause a copy 0 th['~'''htton te be published at least twice, but not! ofte .rthan once a week in the Arroyo Grande Herald Recorder, a newapaper.of general circulation, printed and Pl1blisMd iaaid City of -_'C ~ i' - \"'<~ ::-""_'~' ,,0'. '--."",,-:-."" ",-. Aili'o'yoGrande", the C1t:yiowht~h it is propo ad to annex the aforesaid territory, and also in the Telegra -Tribune, a news- paper of general circulation published outsi e the City of Arroyo Grande, but in the County of San tuis Obiepo, California, the County in which is located t eterrltory proposed to be annexed to the City of ArrOyo Grande, aid publication to be complete at least twenty (20) days pri.r to the date set for hearing, and the said City Clerk is er authorized and directed to.aa"e written no.tce of " -~ " P"......., .ane.etion '( , to be mai led to each person to whom land wi in any of the ,ar_ eels of territory proposed to be annexed is ssessed in the last equalized County assessment roll available n the date the above proceedin~s were initiated, at the ad resses shown on said assessment roll or known to said Clerk~ and to any person who has filed his name and address and the ~eslgnat on of the land in , which he has an interest,. either legal or e itable, with said i Clerk, suchAot-ice t() be given not twenty. (20) days before the first public hearing on the prop And in the event any land with in the te r itory proposed to be annexed is owned by ~ County, the said City Clerk is directed to cause written notice of such proposed annex tion to be mailed to - 4 - --- - i . ,0,', , , r. . . . .., . " '. - the Board of Supervisors of such County, suc~ notice to be given not less than twenty (20) days before the first public hearing on the proposed annexation. And, in the event there is, upon the la proposed to be annexed a structural ~mprovement owned, bei acquired or ,fG;:J~,a County fir8'~ protection district, the said Clerk .. -~ i~cause written notice of such proposed an xation to be mailed to the governing body of such distri , such notice ! to be sent not less than ten (10) daysbefor the first public hearing upon such proposed i And the said City Clerk is directed to written notice to be given to such other persons as may be legally entitled thereto, in the manner required by law. On motion of Councilman , and seconded by counCilma,n, ~~"':':,."'.. ", .,..,.,.a,n.d.on" '.. following ro,~~ call vote, to-wit: " . , .,~ AYES: ~eJi~kt.~ ~'k,~" , NOES: M<Jf~. . ~r,'" . ABSENT: ~~ ' ! the foregoing Resolution was adopted this day of ~ ' 1959. ATTEST: !J&. .~#t.Rl'pJ!7/__ " --~_.