R 0413 - ~ -i/:-'l-/~ RESOLUTION OF THE CI'lY OF ARROYO G NDE REQUESTING ~FORNU ST.4,TE lEGIS TURE TO INCREASE )I 'roR VEHIClB FUEL TAX ~~S, it is established that the fin ncial resoources of the City of Arroyo Grande are insufficien to provide adequate street facilities, and WBF.RRAS, the City of Arroyo Gran4e rece ve. a_out $6,000.00 of gasoline tax revenue aDnually it. etreet aeeds to the year 1971 are $ (aa rep tM b tlte Federal -210- study), and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande is illiag to auulII8 its full share of the responsibility for co ectiag its city street deficiencies within its financial ab 1ity .. to do,and WHEREiS, a disproportionate share of c ty streeteoosts are borne by the local property owner, now ther fore be it RESOLVED, by the City of Arroyo ~ande Calif....ia, tbat it does hereby urge the State Legislature to i cre..e the state motor vehicle fuel tax by an amount of one ellt p... galloa for allocation to cities and counties tor corre tion of city street and county road deficiencies at a rate comp ra_1e to the correc- tion of dificiencies on the State Highway set... On motion of Councilman Jacobs,seconde by Ceuncilaa lee, and on the following roll call vote: AYES: lEE, JACOBS, PENCE, HARTWIG, and BURT .-: NONE AI_NT: NONE the foregoing resolution was adopted 1hia 2 th day at April, 1959. ATTESTs ---_.- -...---. -._-----,-