R 0409 .....'^ '...... - . I .._.. " (/ ! , i I LJo Cj i RESOLUrION NO. I RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT PROCEEDINGS HA BEEN INITIATED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Yi) GRANDE TO ANNEX TO SAID CITY CERTAIN UNINHABIT TEJUtlTORY DESCRIBED HEREIN AND DESIGNATED RFAIR a S RO. B,R AND GIVING NOTICE OF SUCH PROPOSED ANN ION. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CIT OF ARIIOYO GRANDEs 1. That pursuant to the provisions of t e RAnnexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939,- proc'udin s haye been initiated by the Council of the City of Arroy Grande, on its own motion, to annex to the City of Arroyo Or nde all that un- inhabited territory situate in the County of an Luis Obispo, S~ate of California, hereby designated as RFA R OAKS NO. B,R and described as follows: In the County of San Luis Obispo, state of Ca ifemia, th... portions of Blocks 10, 11 and 12 and vacated treet. of I.ekett~. Addition to the Town of Oceano, according to he Map "her..r reO' corded February 4, 1908, in Book 1, at Page 1 3 or a..ord. of Surveys of said County and further described I roll.wss Beginning at the North West corner of Tr ct .0. 75 as recorded in Book 5 of Maps at page 89 Re..?ds of said County, thence along the wester 1 Une of said Tract No. 75 and the southerly .exte .hlft thereof S. Oe OU W. a distance of ".30 f..tJ thence" West a distance of 282.60 feetJ thence N rth Oe Olt East a distance of 820.23 feet to the No therly I1n. of Farrell Road; thence East along said orther1y Une of Farrell Road a distance of 282.60 fee Jthenee south O. OU West a distance Itf' 50.00 fut to he point of' beginning, and including all lot. and bl ok. or .~~ divisions therein, together with all all y., p.blic roads and rights of way of record. 2. That the said Council of the City of Arroyo Grande de- sires to annex said uninhabited territory to he City of Arroyo Grande for the following reasonss Said terri ory i. contiguous to the City of Arroyo Grande, and its propo.. annexat.ion will contribute and facilitate the orderly growth nd development of both the City of Arroyo Grande and the ter itory proposed to be annexed; will facilitate and contribute to the proper and orderly layout, design and construction of st eet., gutter., -~-.- r " , . i f sidewalks, sanitary and storm water sewers an drainage facilities, both within the City of Arroyo Gr de and the terr'itory proposed to be annexed; and will pr - ide and facll i- tate proper over-all planning and ~onIng of I and sub- division of lands in said City and said uninh blted territory, in a manner most condusive to the welfare of aid City and said uninhabited territory; and the County So ndary Commission of San Luis Obispo County, California, did in seasion duly assembled on ~t....J~ ,'~'il~ Jf) 1959, approve the proposed annexatio boundaries of s id "F ir Oaks No.8," as above described, and as submi tted to sai.d o_inion by the Council of the City of Arroyo Grande prior to the initiation of said annexation proceedings. 3. That ~,f.~'f: i!:.....~ March 1959, at'the hour of 8 otclock P.M., of said day, in the C uncilChamhers in the City Hall in the CUy of Arroyo ~rande CoulI.ty of san Luis Obispo, California, is hereby fIxed as t e t"','aud place when and where any person owning real propert within the unin- habited territory above described and propose t. hi annexed to the City of Arr,yo Grande and having any obJe tlorts to the proposed annexation may ,.ppear betore tbe Co ell of the City of Arroyo Grande and show cause why such uni ~Hed terrItory should not be so annexed to sald"City of '0 Grande. Such protest must be in writing, may be filed at y time before the hour set for hearing objections to the propo annexation, and shall state the name or names of the owner 0 owners of property affected and the description and area of sue property in general terms. 4. The City Clerk of th" City of Arroy Graude Is hereby authorized and directed to cause a copy of t is Resolution to be pUblished at l.aat twice, but not oftener than onus a week, in the He,rald-Recorder, a ne.w$paper of geneI' 1 circUlation - 2 - " q t . i ; i , published in said City of Arroyo Grande, the ity to which it is p~posed to annex the aforesaid territory, and also in the Telegram-Tribune, a newspaper of general circ lation published outside the City of Arroyo Grande, but in the County of San Luis Obispo, California, the County in which s located the territory proposed to be annexed to the City f Arroyo Grande, said publication to be complete at least twenty (2 ) day. prior to the date Bet for hearing; And the said City Clerk is further autho ized and directed to cause written notice of such proposed anne atio~ to be mailed to each person to whom land within the territ.ory propo..d to be annexed is assessed in the last equali d county assessment roll avaIlable on the date eedings were initat- ed, at the addresses shown on saId assessment roll or known to said Clerk, and to any person who has filed Is name and address and the designation of the lands in which he as an interest, eIther legal or equitable, with said Clerk, ch notice to be given not less than twenty (20) days before e f'i rat public hearing on the proposed annexation; And, In the event any land within rritory proposed to , be annexed is owned by a county, the said Ci Clerk i. directed to cause written notIce of such proposed ann xatIon to be aaIled to the Board of Supervisors of such county, given not less than twenty (20) days before he first. public '. haarlnfl 011 the proposed annexation; t And, ln the event there is, upon the la d proposed to be annexed, a structural improvement owned, bei g acquired or leased by a county fire protectIon district, the said Clerk is directed to causa written notice of such pro osed annexation to be mailed to the governing body of such dist iet, such notice to be sent not less than ten (10) days before t. a first public hear- ing upon such proposed annexation; - 3 - -- --_..~--._~._-- And the said city Clerk is directed to cause written notice to be given to such other persons as may be legally entitled I thereto, in the manner required by law. I I ADOPTED THIS~DAY OF ~k......( , 1959, by the I I I fOllO:~:::U ___ ~A._,;~v ~ i NOES: ~. ABSENT: ~U;v..av. ~, Mayo r ATTEST: ~.&k-hti~ Clty C1er