R 0392 (l , ~, ~ ,. .' . .. 1 \\ RBSOLUTIO!J NO. Sq;;2... A. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AB9YO GRUJ)E DECURIliG ITS U1T.UTION TO CALL 4 SPECIAL ELEC. TION I!J CBRTAIN IDABI'l'BD TBII.ITORY COJ'TIGUOUS '1'G WD CITY PROPOSED TO BE A1iNEXED '1'~TO, FOR TIlE PuposB OF SUBXI nuer TO THE QUAUFIBD ElECTORS RESIDING Ii' SAID 'J'RIt'PT TOJrf TIE QUBSTlO!J DBTBD OR .8T WD TBDI. TORY SHALL BE ADIWSU TO TIlE CITY OF ABOYO ~fDil, AID FIXIE A. TIllE .AIJ) PUCE WIlD .AIJ) 1fIIEiE AJ1Y PBlitSO. OWUG REAL PROPERTY tlUBI)I SUCH TEDITORY XAY APPEAR BEFORE 54ID Cl TY ConClL .UTII 511ft CAUSE 1fBY SUCH 'lBIRI TORY SB01JW )lOT BE SO .unnmm. (- FAIR o.us JfAJoa- ADEX). BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of tbe City of Arro,o Grande: Jection 1. That it is the inteotion of t_e City C..acil of the City of Arroyo Granele to call a special electioo to be ~'-~ held, io certain iDhabited territory cootig~o~s to said City, proposed to be aDDexed thereto, for the purpose of su_aitti-c to the qualified electors residiRg iD said territory the q.estioD I , whetber or DOt said territory shall be aaexed to the City of Arroyo GraDde aDd the property in tbe territory subjected to taxatioD after anDexatioD equally witb tbe propert, witbiD tbe City of Arroyo Grande. Said territory is described as follows: '--~"-' \. \ - .c';-, \ , \,/ , " , - . ~ .. , . - DESCRIP'J.'ION OF "FAIR OAKS MAJOR" All that land ~onti...uous to the City of A1'royo G1'and~, in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, included within the exterior bound~ry line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Westerly boundary of the City of Arroyo~rande at the intersection or the Westerly line of Pecan Street with the Northerly line of FarrOll Road, which said road is also known as Farrel Road, thence West along the Northerly line or said Farrol Road to a point on the Easterly line of Lot 25, Pismo Beach Gardens, according to the map thereof recorded in Tol. 5 of Maps at page 45, records or San Luis Obispo County; thence Southerly along the Easterly line of said Lot 23 to the Southeasterly corner thereof; thence Westerly along the Northerly line of said Farl'oll Road and the Southel'ly lines of Lots 23, 20, 17, and 14 of said Pismo Beach Gardens to the South- westerly corner of said Lot 14; thence Northerly al~DB the West- erly line of said lot 14 to the Northwesterly corner thereof; thence Easterly along the Northerly line of said lot 14 to the Southeasterly cornel' of lot 16 of Beckett's Grand Avenue Tract . according to the map thereof recorded in Book B of Maps at page 75, records of San Luis Obispo County; thence Northerly along the Eastel'ly line of said lot 16 to the Northeastel'ly co~er thereof; thence Westerly alon~ the Northerly line of said lot 16 to the Northwesterly corner thereof at a point on,the South- easterly line of the Town of Grover according to the map thereof recorded in Book A of !1aps at page 6~ l'eco1'ds of San Luis Obispo County; thence Northeaste1'ly along tpe Southeaste1'ly line of said I Town of Grover to the point of interseotion with the Easterly I line of Eighteenth street; thence Northerly along the Easterly line of Eighteenth Street to the point of inte1'section with the Southerly line of Lot 0 in the said Town ot Grove1'; thence Westerly along said Southerly line of said Lot C to the South- westerly cornel' of said Lot C of said Town of erover, which said corner is a point on the Easterly line of NOl'th Eighteenth Street; thence NOl'thel'ly and Northeaste1'ly along the Easterly '--.- - 1 N -~ -~._-~_._-- - ___ ...____u________ -- _. . . , . , , '~ ~ line of North Eighteenth Street. and of the porti~~ cf North Eighteenth St1"eet fOl'lnerly known asSierl'a Drive. !J.rc ';: 1', 1\'.,,'~h- ", er1y prolong'~ion thereof to a point on the $outh~esterly ~l~ht of way line of California state Highway; thence Svuthelils,terly along said Southwest.rly ri~ht of way line to the point of inter- section with the Southeasterly line of Brisco Road; thence South- westerly along saicj. SOl4theasterly line of Brisco Ro/.td a dlstanc,e of 576.36 feet to a point; thence South 330 10' East a distance of 32a.73 feet to a point: thence South 560 50' West a distance , of 748.20 ft. to a point; thence North 330 10' West a distance of 328.73 feet to a point on the Southeasterly line of BrIsco Road: thence Southwesterly along said Southeasterl} line ot 3riloo Road a distance of 132.50 feet to a point: thence South 330 10' East a distance of 328.73 ft. to a point; thence South 56050' West a distance of 411.73 feet to a point on the Northerly line of Grand Aven1ie; thence Southeasterly alon~ said Northerly line 'Of Grend Avenue a distance of 297.90 feet to a point: thence North 210 081 East a distance of 263 feet to a pointl thence South 680 55' East a distance of 359 feet to a point on the Easterly line of lot 9 of the Folsom Tract according to the map thereof recorded in Book B of Maps at page 75, records of San Luis Obispo County; thence Northeasterly along the Easterly line of said lot 9 to , ! Post G 10 at the most Northerly corner of lot 7 of said Folsom Tract: thence Southeasterly alonG the No~ther\y line of said lot 7 to Post G 11 at the most Easterly corner the~eor; thence No~th 340 04' East a distance of 197.10 feet; thence South 890 51' East to a point on the Easterly line of Halcyon Road, which said road is also lmown as Cienega Road" which said point !n on ~' the Westerly boundary of the City of A~~oyo Grande: thence Southe~ly along the Easterly line of Halcyon Road to a point which bea~s South 890 5~ East from the most Easte~ly Southeast l,';~ c.orner' tit" Lot 4 '11'1 Blo.~tj2 of THee; 15ft accGt4ing to Mnp l'"c>pded " , b BOok ~, At. page71,ot uap",P&40rd. o~~1~ Co~t'1J t_nab Barth a9-"52'W:tst to 81iu CO~nerof Lot 4; then!)s, North 00 08' Bast along the most1!!asterly line of said 'rract NOt 58 aa1stanee or 125.17 i .. j -. - .-- -- . , - ~ , ' .. , . feet to a point on the Southwesterly line or ,Lot 3 of sild Fclsom I Tract; thence Northw&sterly alonG the Southwesterly line of said lot 3 to a point on the Easterly line of Alder Street; thence Southerly alont said Easterly line of Alder Street to the North- westerly corner of Apsey's Addition to the Chautauqua Assembly Grounds accordinG to the map thereo1' recorded in Book B of Haps at pa~e 5, records of San Luis Obispo County; thence I,est to 2 ?oint on the East line of Lot 3 Bloc~ 5 of the Fair Oaks Tract accordinG to the map thereof recorded in ,Vol. 3 of Maps at pace 82, records of San Luis Obispo County; thence North along the East line of said lot 3 to the Northeast corner thereof; thence West alone the North line 01' said lot 3 to the Northeast corner 01' lot 17 Block, of said Fair Oaks Tract; thence South alonG the East line of said Lot 17 and the South prolonGation thereof to the Northeast oornar of lot 7 Block 2 of said Fair Oaks Tract; thence West along the North line of said lot 7 to the Northwest corner thereot; thenoe South along the West line of said lot 7 to the Southwest corner thereof; thence Bast along the South li~e of said lot 7 to the Southeast corner thereof; thence East alone the South line 01' lot ~ of said Block 2 of the Fair Oaks Tract Ii distance of 30 feet to a point; thence North a distance of 11.8.37 feet to a point on the North line of said lot ~; thence East along the North line of said lot ~ a distance of 13$.20 f~l~ to a point: thence North a distance of lO~.615 feet to a point: , thence East a distance of 165.2 feet to a point on the rlest line of Alder Street; tbence Nortlt along said West 11116 of Alder Street to a point which bears West from the Nortbw0st corner of Apsey's Addition t~ the Chautauqua Assembly Grounds; thence East to said Northwest corner of Apsey's Addition to the Chautauqua Grounds: thence South 890 52' East to a point on tbe Easterly line of Halcyo~ Road. waich said point is on the 1,"est- erly boundary of the City of Arroyo Grande; thence following said City Boundary Southerly alone the Easterly line or Halcyon Road, Westerly alonG the Northerly line of Pair Oaks Avenue, and Southorly alonG the Westerly line of Pecan Street to the point of -------- _.~._-- -~- ---- --- , .' . ' -. - be~inninr" and including all lots and blocks of subdivisions located therein, togeth~r with all public roads, alleys, and ri@hts of way of record. I I I I - 4 - --. .-- - - SECTlOli It. That said territory bere.y is designated and iaden- titied for .ucb election purposes aad for U8e upon tbe ballot. at sucb election as wFAIR OAKS 1AJ0R AIIEX.w SECTION 3. Notice is l1ereby given tut on tbe 17tb da~of June, 1958, at the bour of 8 P..., in tbe eo..oil C~_J'of tiall'City Ball of tbe City of Arroyo Grande, all7 persoa owniag real property witbin said territory so proposed to be a.nexed aad uving a.yob- jectioa to the proposed annexation ..,. appear before 8aid City eouncil and 8110w cau.e wby sllch territory 81101114 .ot be 80 a.aexed. Sucb protest Bllst be in writing aad .ball state ia general terM teae naae or "Bes of tile owner or ow.er. of tbe property affected by- .lIcb annexation and the location and area of 8ucb property. If it is fOUDd tbat protest is Dot macte by OWBers of one.balf of the vallie of tlte territory proposed to be aaaexed as sbown by- tl1ela8t equalized assess. aeat roll, or it no protest is _de by p.blic aact private owaers equal to one.half of the value of the territory, furtber proceedings sball be taken in accordaace 'lfi th tile :law for tile bollling of sucl1 special electioa. SECTION 4. It is tbe iBteation of said Cit,r Council to call , aid election on a day certain following ne hearing provided fer , in Section 3 a.ove but not 800ner tban 54 days not later tbaA 75 days after tbe ternaatien of said beariag. Said election date 'Ifill be selected on the date of tbe last day of tile beariag above aentiomd. SECTION 5. That the Citr Clerk sball certify to the adoptioa of tbis Resolution aad caq.e tbe saae to be published in tae'Saa Lqis Ob18po Te1el1'aB.Tribllne, a newspaper of gtlDeral circulation pabli..ed ia the territory propo8ed to be aDnexed, and in tbe Arroyo Grande Herald~ecorder, a newspaper of general circulation publi.bed ift t.e City of .Arroyo Graade, Couty of San lAtis Obispo, State of CaliforDia, wllicb publication sball eacb be oace a "eek for tile two (2) "eell:s prior to tbe said beariag. flte City Clerk sball also cau.e a written Dotice of sllol1 proposed aaaexatien to be .iled to e.el1 a"nar of aa I I ------..----. -- _.,..--~ ,. equitable or legal interest in land, other tban an easement or right of way, within tbe territory to be annexed who bas filed bis name and address and a general description of sucb land, sufficient to indentify it on tbe last equalized County assessment roll, with said Clerk. Said notices shall be mailed not less than twenty (20) days before the ~irst public hearing on the proposed annexation. On motion of councilman~~ , seconded by CoLtncillllan ~eo _, and on the following roll call vote: AygS:~/~~/~Ja~V~ NOES: ~, ABSENT: ~ the for,egoing Resolution was adopted tbe ~ay of Hay, 1958, at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande. :Kayor ATmST: MM.~!l.d . y erk I , ., . STAT~ OF CA.LIFORNIA ) . . County of San Luis Obispo )ss. . . Ci ty of Arroyo Grande ) It EDNA)1. SCHILLING, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. _q~~ is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted by the City Council of the ~ArroYo Grande, at a regular meeting of said Council on the ay of Hay, 1958. ! ! ! ! ! !!, my hand and the seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this ~ day of Hay, 1958. . City Clerk of the City of Arro Grande