R 0388 i- ,\ - ,~ i P<sco/2c/ed -SooK.. 9~ /;?ij/e. 1/1/ V' '.- AAr YJ1 v<-,,e 73 ~..6- RESOLUTION NO. 368 A RESOLU:J.'ION Ar'1~!IDINQ 1U::30LUUON NO. 378 OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAIiDE, ENTITLED "A rU:sor.UTION ABANOONlNO AND (;10131110 A PORTION 01? AN UNNMIED ALLI!:I DI TIlE WALNUT GROVE ADDI'l'ION :J.'O 'l'HI> CITY OF ARHOYO GltANDE, COUN1'I OF SAN LUIS OBISPO STA'n; OF CALIF'OIUIIA". WHEREAS, on the 17th day of September, 19,7, the City Council of the City of A:rroyo Grande did adopt Resolution No. 378" which said Resolution was entitled "A Resolution Abandon1ng and Closing a Portion of an Unnamed AUey in the Walnut Grove Addition of the City of Arroyo Granda, County of San Luis Obispo, State of Cal1fornia,nand WHEREAS, the description of the location of said Unnamed Alley was ina.dvert.ent1y and erroneoualy described 8S being between Lots 1 and 2 in Lot 13 in Block 40 of said Addition instead of Block 4 ot said Addition. NOW :J.'HJi2\EFOHE B<: IT RiliOLVlID TriA'!, SAID Resolution be and the same is herowith amended so as to read correctly as foUows to-wit. A RESOLUTION ABANDONING AliD CLOSING A PORTION OF All UN. NAMED A1Ll\.'Y IN 'tHE ~iALNUT GROVE AD;jI'lION TO TilE CITY OF ARROYO GUAlm];;, COU,'iTY OF SliN LUIS OBISPO, S'l'A'l'g OF CALIl"'ORNIA. WH!!R&\S, on the 25th day of March, 1958, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a regular l118eting passed a Resolution of Intention 1;.0 olose a short portion of a certain unnamed aUey located in the Walnut Grove Addition to the ~ity of Arroyo GrandeJ and Wl!iiREA.;;;, in conforJldty with said Resolution, the City Clerk of said i City caused 1;.0 be conspicuously posted along that portion or the said alley at intervals of not 1;.0 exceed 300 feat in distance apart and at least 3 in numb~, notices of tl1e passage of said Resolut.ion, which said notices were headed "!lOnCE OF n~T";Nl'ION TO AilA,;OOU AND CLOSE A l'OR1'ION OF AN ALLE.'Y IN 'lH.!!: WA11~U'!, GROn ADDITION 'l'O THE CI:J.'Y OF ARROYO GRANDE, COUN'l'Y OF JAlI LUIS OUI:JPO. S'l'ATE Ob' CJ\,LD'ORNIAI" and WHJ!1t&\S, the City Clerk did in conformity or said resolution cause a true copy of sud notice to be published at least once in the HmALD- RECOHDElt, a weekly newspaper published and circulated in the City ot ~ '~ ", ,'. ...,. \~ .' . ~. . .- f"'- , ,~o'): ~ \\ \\ ~~ ^' WHEREAS, no persons objected to the proposed vacating, aban~nt. and closing in writing or otherwise within the tiDle provided by law, or a.t. all. NOW T!!l!RJ::FORE Jll;; 11' lU:SOLVED, that a portion of said """'1'~<i alley' in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of Cali- fornia, and here1na.fter lDOre particularly described be, and the same 1.8 vacated, abandoned and closed. Said portion is described as tollows, to-wit, That certa1n umuuned alley 12 feet wide located in the Walnut Gro've Addition to the Ci ~ of Arroyo Grande baing between Lota 1 and 2 and Lot 13 in DJ.ock 4 of said addition and extending !rom a line along said 8'W'eet 100 feet south- eaat to the extension of the south line of said Lot 2. On motion of Councilman Brennan, seconded by Counc:l.lman Lee and on the following roll oall vote. to-wit, AI~, Councilmen .Pence, Lee, Jacobs and Brennan. NOES, None ABSENT. Mayor Burt. 'l'be foregoing Reaolution was adopted this 2Sth day of March, 1958. S'J.AXE Ot' CALIF0HNU ) COUH'J.'Y OF ::wi l.UIS OuI::>!'O ) S8 CITY OF ARROYO GI(I~NDE ) I, EDNA M. SCliILLD~a, Clerk of tbe City of Arroyo Grande, County , of San Luis Obispo, State or Calitornia, do hereby certify that. the foregoing 1& a tull, true and correct copy of liesolution No. 388 paased by the City Council of the City of A=oyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of Cal1.f'ornia, and that upon the pusage of said Resolution the vote waa as followa, to-wit' AYES, ' Counci.J.men Pence, Lee, oTacobs and Erennan. NO~, None AB.SE:IT, !-Jayor Burl; \/LTrlE~,() 1IfI hand and the seal of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, this 2Sth day of }~Ch, 19S8.