R 0387 L~4 ...... t'..O ....... . -- c:; :J> () RF:30LUTION NO. 387 Be it reaolved that the cost of installation of extention mains uncle!! the provisions of Section 1 of Ordinance No. U2 after March U, 1958 be and the same is herewith set at $3.00 per lineal foot. This I increased rate shall not apply to applications pending as of Karch U, I , , 1958, unless any such pending applioation is hereafter turned down by the counoil. Insuch event any re-application j on:'behalt of such property shall thereafter be charged for at the rate required for suoh extension mains at the time of suoh re-application, on JIIOtion of Councilman Lee, and seoonded by Councilman Pence and on the 1'oUowing roll call vote to-wit: AYES: Buzt, Lee, Pence, Jaoobs and Brennan. NOES: None ABSENT: NOne the foregoing Resolution was adopted. - "I ATTEST: 1 CUY CUa< MAYOR