R 0371 " -.- -:;.-,.... , ..........,---4 State of CaUfornia FWm LAD 20-55 . i-A" Department of Finance (ll-17-SO) RESOLUTION NO. ~ WithdrawiJlg ,\pplication I1114R ......~. Re.loJution ' (Where allotment bal noi 'beetlmade) waEREAS, the State of California, under Chapter 20, Statutes of 1946 (First Extra Session), as amended, has aPPfoa4'iated 1Urd8 to provide tinaDC4al assistance to local agencies, defined therein I1S counties, citie., or cities and counties of the State of California, ao that they I/IJ.1 eJJpg8 in a l.Ilrge p1bl1c works con- struction program; and WHEflEAS the CUI of ""...,. Grrr; hereiDafter , .. (Looal !tMOr) , called "Local Agency", hall submitted to the D1rectOl' of Firlance, under the afore- said Act and rulea and regulations pI.'fIlcribed thereunder, an app11cation far an allotment in the lUll of 0.. ftou.""~ .... ~~ I'" 1'on.J-ft.. ... h/'.I8O W J... l,&U.OO . t.--) (~ ) as the State'. aMre of the e.tiaW ocet of ooannction for a p1bl1c works project, deaorlbed in 8IUd application III ~ ,..\1_ of 'alleT .... vb10h appU_tiOl'1 i. identi- of Project) , fied under Application No.~; and WHEREAS, the Locnl AgeDtJ7 de.1rea to td.thdrav the l1forea14 application becauae t.bIi tude an too '- ..... tor "- ~ of - ~IT-_ .... ..... 1.1. J NGI 'l'HERE1<JIE IE IT RESOLVED that the Looo.1 Agency herelv' l'eCpIQts the Director of FiDl1DCe to withdraw the afareaaid appl1oo.tion; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Locnl Agency dcea herelv' reaoind its RHOJution No. ~ adopted ~authoris1Jlg the su1a1aeion to the te Dil"ectar of F1nrmoe of the &f_tioJ!8d application; and BE IT FUR'l'IIER RESOLVED that oertified eh1plico.te oopies of this re.o1ntion be forwarded to the Direotar of Finanee, one of whioh will be far the u.e of the State Controller. . ~ I. ~~ ~ht.#t . t~ ~'..-'"-. of --W- , ~ . . Stete of California, do I r .. certif1 the forego1nr to be a full, true and ....,., eta copy of . reeolutioD ecIIDpW I:r the (aoa+'! -'V!I) j RM.o,3"1/ Form LAD 20-55 -2- (11-17-50) Cit~ Council of the City of Arroyo Grnnde Governing Dody) In -dz (LocaJ.~ency ) passed at a meeting held on the day of (].11~""~. 1957 , as the same appears of record in ~ office. IN WI'l'~ES", WHEREOF, I have hereunto se~ hand and affixed the SeaJ. of said City of Arroyo Grande this!tJ _~'- day of~~"WQ,'V- , 1921-. Ii 1l1M.~~. d~ Clerk Sool'~tapy. \f (SEAL) By Deputy