R 0365 "If .,3b~ - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE LICENSING THE OPERAUON OF A MERCHAH'l PA.tROL IN SAID CUY AND PROVIDING FOR THE WE OF LICENSE THEREFOR WHEREAS, under the provisions of Seotion 16 of Ordinanoe No. 102 of the Cit.y of Arroyo Grande, the Cit.,. Counoil is given the power t.o set forth or to provide rates for new businesses not ,speoitioal17 set torth in said Ordinanoe, and WHERW, said Ordinanoe does not now oontain a specific provision relating t.o the licensing of the business of oonducting a "merchant Patrol" in the City of Arroyo Grande, and WHEREAS, it appears desireable that such a type of business be licensed in said Cit.y and a lioense rate therefor be provided. NOW,THEREFORE, BE rr RESOLVED by the City Council of the City ot Arroyo Grande that the a license be issued to applicant.s for permission to Jll8intain and operat.e the business of "Herchant Patrol" in said City. BE IX FURTHER RESOLVED that the license fee to be charged for the operation of suoh a business be and the same 18 herewith set. at $5.00 per quarter, payable in the same manner and at the same times as other licenses are required to be paid under the provisions of the aforesaid Ordinance No. 102. BE If FURTHER RESOLVED, that by JIIIIrely conducting and maintaining a "Herchant Patrol" in said Cit1, that the operator thereof shall be eonstrued as having a tixed place of business in said Cit1 as is contemplated under the provisions of Section 17 ot said Odrinanoe, without the necessity ot maintaih1ng an oUice in said Cit,.. On Motion of Councilman i: ~ . seconded by Councilllan ~ Q , , and on Jihe follcwing roll ca! vete ...bt. ~ ~ An'B:~~~/~~/~/~V "(( NOES.~, ABSENt ~, 6 thetoregoing Resolution was adopted this ::.=day of Karch, 1957