R 0363 t 155 'I, ,- " RESOLUTION NO. J6J APPLYING ~'OR AN ALLOTMENT UNDER CHAPTER 20, STATUTES OF 1946 1. WHEREAS, ~he Sta~e of California, under Chap~er 20, Statutes of 1946 (First ~xtra ~ession), as amended, has appropriated funds for allotment to provide for financial assistance to Local Agencies, defined therein as counties, cities and counties, or cities, so that they may engage in a large public works I' construction program in order to prevent and alleviate unemployment; and 2. WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande hereinafter designated "Local Agency" I desires to apply for an allotment of ~ta~e aid for the construc~ion of a public works project under said act; and 3. WHEREAS, an application to the ~tate Uirector of Finance for such an allotment has been prepared and prcsented to this Legislative Body for consideration; and 4. WHEREAS, Local Agency has wAde provisions for pa~~ng that portion of the cost of the project not requested as an allotment from the State; 5. NOW, '1'HERP;FORE, IJE IT RESOLVED, that Local Agency submit the aforesaid application for State aid for construction of a public works project to the Director of Finance, requesting an allotment of One Thousand Eight Hundred Forty Five Dollars and No/lOO Dollars ($1845.00) or an allotment of such amount as ~ I may be allotted by the State Allocation Board; 6. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVKD, that Local Agency hereby certifies that the total estimate of cost to be paid for the construction of Huasna Road Water Line for which Local Agency is making application under said Act is and /100 Dollars ($ ); and 7. ilE IT FURTHp;R RESOLVED, that Local Agency herebJ' requeflts the State to pay for the State's share of the total actual cost of construction of the project for which Local Agency is making application for aid; 8. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that for the purpose of this request J. E. Anderson, Jr., Director of Public Works, 214 E. Branch St., Arroyo Grande, be, and he hereby is designated as the authorieed agent of Local Agency, and is hereby authorized and directed to sign the herein mentioned application of r Local Agency and to submit the same to the ~tate lJirector of l'inance, together , with a certified statement of the total estimated cost to be paid for construction I of the project hprein mentioned and such oth~r information as may be rpquired; and said authorized agent is further authorized and directed as representative of Local Agency to conduct all negotiations and conclude all arrangements, with either the State Allocation Board or the.Director of Finance, including requests for payment of the ~tate's share of the cost of the construction of the afore- mentioned public works project. l5jj ~, ~ " ..;..".. ~"...... Resolution No. J6J ~j hge> 2 :r~ On motion of Councilman Pence, seconded ~r Councilman Brennan and C) by the following roll call vote to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Pence, Brennlln and Burt. NOES: None ABSENT: Counci~~n Lee and Jacobs. the foregoing resolution was adopted. - I, Mrs. Edna M. Schilling, Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, State of California do hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true, and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande passed at a meeting held on the 28th day of December, 1956, as the same appears of record in ~ office. IN ~LTNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set ~ hand and affixed the Seal of said City of Arroyo Ursnde this 28th day of December, 1956. CL~ REI>OLUTION NO. 'J64 APPLYING FOR AN ALLOTMENT UNDER CHAPTER 20, Statutes of 19M , WHEREAS, the State of California, under Chapter 20, Statutes of 1946 - 1. (First Extra Session), as amended, has appropriated funds for allotment to provide for financial assistance to Local Agencies, defined therein as counties, cities and counties, or cities, so that they may engage in a large public works construction program in order to prevent and alleviate unemployment; and 2. WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande hereinafter designated "Local Agency" desires to apply for an allotment of ~tatP. aid for the construction of,a public works project under said act; and J. WHEREAS, an application to the ~tate Director of Finance for such an allotment has been prepared and presented to this Legislative Body for consider- ation; and u. WHEREAS, Looal Agency has made provisions for paying that portion of --. I the cost of the project not requested as an allotment from the ~tate; : 5. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Local Agency submit the aforesaid application for ~tate aid for construction of a public works project to the Director of Finance, requesting an allotment of Ont' thousand eight hundred forty five and No/100 Dollars ($1845.00) or an allotment of such al!lOunt as may b~ allotted by the State Allocation Board; , ~ - -" ul.ot.cl of (;ulU'orltlu 10J'1ll 1.I\n 20-102 De)Jllt't."!\cmt (\1: Yinnnne ~ (9-111-,1) /10001ut.l.oo 110. Avplyinll for an J\1lo"'l~ont, unclor \iMplier 20, ~it.ll~lIteCl or 151M l~;lIblU1 \. t,.o Certified Cop1f1') 1. "IiHtJI~;"\3~ t.ho ~Itllto or CoUto!'1I1., undnr Ohlll"1',l!r 20, ~t.atutllll ot 191.6 (1'11'1Jt. r,xtrn SfllJoion), 110 1t>NIlldod, MO IIPProll1'!.lIt.od fundI! tor lI1101',,,",n1', to provido for finrmllhl lIonil!t.ano/l to lA)olll ^af!lMl1elt, dnt!.nud t.hllrdn 8/1 omant.t.lIII, oit.1..11 nnd oounti"!!, or 01. tho. 8/) thllt thu11'1.'Y tlna.U" 1n " larnh publio work. oon8truotlon pronrlUll in ardlll' too prawn" and 1118 te unen;>.lc)'t'mnt.. and . 2. wUsnf:J\S, UUI 1\1\11 a! l:.n01 hur.inanor deelgllatod "J.ooA1 401ley" dll1l1l'itl to IIW1.Y tor IIn 1Il10tmnt or SLate aid fer ttul oOIlIlt.rllot.1on of a publia \lcrko J.tDjent. un(I41' uI11d aot., (lne\ ). iiIlLH!;A:I. IIn appl1!!IIt.l.on too t.hll :It&to Direotor ot f'1MtIOlt J.'or (w.eh IIn nUot.IMII1\o hall boon prepared Gnd prelJented to th1l1 lA,p,ollltlve Uody ter ocmllldnrlllolons alld h. iIJ!l;!Hi.A;I. Loclll ^({.enoy """ _do proY1l1l.onn tor illtJ,"Ln!t t.hAt. port-Soon ot Ule ooat. or tho projllot. not. ruqllut.ed II' an allot.lIII!nt. trom UIII :';uto, 5. 110", 1-tu:"",J'C!U;, 1Il:; It !W.ooLV'<:V, t.hll\ Looal J\f;OraO)/ lubn1t. t.11tO arorllla1d applicat.ion tor !>l:.otG 11111 .f.'u" oon.t.ruetlon of 1\ pubUC wark. J.rojeot. t:.o t.h. 1;11'001:.01' of I'1nanoe, r"quellt.lnll 111\ IIllotMllt. ot .s:~" .. ) "lid 100 . !lara ~~ or an 1I110t.tIll/lt ot' Buell '\IIount. 110 MY b" allot.t.fId by UI :jtbt,n Allonltion Ik)lIrd. 6. ~~ t.illI \.aul 8nt. hcrt. '111',141 0 /'1'0 .ot , ror whloh LoClal Ag'II1C1)' ill IIIDIc1.nK 1,'pl1t!Gt.1on uncleI' add Act 111 . /100 \Jollar, lIl'oU l~ )J Gnd 7. OF. 1:'.1: I'UR'lI!l'li Rr'&OLVI;U, "bat. Looal AiI"IICIY hereby rctquoat.a the ~I.llte t.o pIty the State' II .IUlI'O or t.I\e total ACt.ual Cloltt. ot oon.t.ruot.1orl ot tho pro,111ct for whioh Loonl AgellOY 18 NltinR a!ll'l1ollUon 1'01' &.1.d, tJ. thAt. tor tohe purpo'lI or t.h111 request ., 'ilt. ~1'IC.~i' ,~~~ ItIIII f , bG, alld he hflreby 111 den1t;1U1tfld a. ton. IUthor1sud a"ont. of l.onlll ^ft1tl:o:r. and 1_ heroby lu\.ho1"ll\1\d and d1""CI\;lId to IIlf1J\ t.h" hllT'oLn "(lIIMon"d "flpUI'JIlt.1on or Loc_1 J'!:OMy IInd to I\llmit. the tlllfIIII t;(I the t!t.at.n IHreot.or of 1'1n.nTlc8, t.olteYI!!r !<11th" (u,rtlt1ftd ..tato",,"\. of thtl total IIlItitllttt"d ooot. t.o t)(I TJ<<id (<,I' nnntttnlC!t.lon oJ: \.h" J,rojoot. hl!re1n 1QIt11t.1onod olld IIltch ot.lun. intormat.lon /III r1ll1 be J'IIc/uirud, IIlld add AIIUlorhed "flClllt 111 turth." author111ed and diroctAlrt ClI rl!~rfl"lIlItathll of Locd -^K"MY t.I1 conduat till n"tCCIt.1et.iot1.l al'ld oono1udll dl arran/:6119nt.lI, IIUh tI1.t.hllr t.hft iit.nttt lI11oo/lUol'1 DuIII"d or the Iij,rtlcttor ot 1'1n1ll1nCl, lnolud1n!! rfl<1t1nt1t.1I ,for pt\)'Mllllt. of UIO 1Jt.at.e11 Ihln"O at the !!ClOt. of tll" conDtMlotion ot tit" afore- ITJlnt.loll",d "ubl!!! \lorkl "rojlll!t. ,I. C1I!rk/"'ol'.""ry~or tile , l.I\.6to ot Clllif'crnLu. co,,>" or 11 1906 , Baid {a!i^L} Ii l"rk/,Jocrnt..Pr;r , , , /" J ,-;" j -' ,) ,.... )) ,)," Uy: " t'. ' ,I ",', ,', /} ! .....-..~... . f t '. ". <.." ..' .----- --