R 0327 RESOLUTION NO.ll/.J WHEfl1i',A.'I, for IIIAn;y year. in t.he put the Ullited St&t.e. Cuat.eJu SerT.l.ce bas lI&1J1t.a1ned an office in the Count.y of San Ious Obispo, California; and WII1i!RR4f:, it has come t.o the at.tent.ion ot the City Council ot the City ot lirroyo Grande, Count.y of San Lui. Obispo, State ot Calitornia, that. there is a i I possibility that. t.he services ot the lecal offiee of the United Statea Cuto.. Seme. in said Count.y ot San Luis Obispo -r be curt.ailed in the uar tuture; and WHER.EAS, Port. San Luis Harbor Di.trict hu present plans for de'ftlop_t of harbor fac1l1t1es in said District, ..ng which is the de'ftlep_t. in the uar tuture of a small craft harbor, and WHER.EAS, t.here are present.1Jr under vay large 1Dduatrial de'ft14lp_at., and induat.rial opansion by UD10n 011 COIIpaDT of Calitornia, and ot.her 1JId:ustries, which it is bel1e'ftd will great1Jr increase the entran.e. and elearanc.. ot shipping through Port San Luis h said County, and WHER.EAS, the small craft harbor lIsrein reterr.d to will iacr_ the aaber of IIJIIall craft., larg.1Jr fishing .......ls, 1i!rl.ch will require renewal ot do_at.; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the. CitT C01U1e1l ef the City ot ArrflTO Grande, . r 00_ .r Son _. Obi..., ..... " ColU-.. .... ,. " _'le ODd ..... '1 I public interest., that UD1ted Stat.e. Cuat_ Senie. cont1nu.. to _iatain a full I , ( time DspUt.T Collect.er in the CountT of San Lub Obispo, and that the local otfic. ! \ of the United State. Custou Service coatiDu ia the fut.ure to proT.l.de full ti_ ) \ .erT.l.ce. \. g~-D" On motion of Counc1lMn . s.conded by said COUZICil- an lJ.JJo~ . and on the follcnr1q roll call TOte: AYES: L~ ~~ ~/fL-~1 ~V~ NOES: ~. ABSENT: ~. t.he foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted th1. /6l2t day of ~aAd . 1955. ATTEST: ~,"Ji-. J-.<tJ.J4j ~U~~/ ity Clerk . ' , ~r 0 I?.CU; e 0'10 Gr . ~ ') ."",...._,- ~'~