R 0324 ~ 124 (,0 ~,'~ .....'... c,""";) :;r:;.. (') HE:>ULUTION #322 RK30LU'1'Il,i~ OF THE CITY COUNCIL 01' THE CITY OF AHROYO GRANDE AU'!HOlUZINJ '11\1!,; PLACIi,G AI,i) jlJJ\II"tENANCE OF 25 HILE ,HUN:> ON GHMD A VENUE tJr;TwEEN 101 HIGlf,iAY AND HALCYON ROAD. On motion of Councilman Brennan and seconded by ,Councilman Kerr, and on the following roll call vote to-wit: - AY!i:::i: Councilmen Burt, Kerr, Pence, c;impson and Brennan NO}~b: None ,rY A!J::;ENT; None I'J~ ( :,..... 1 II,," I, ' the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted. RESr.'LUTION 11323 Rli:::iOLU'l'ION OF THE CITY COUNGIL OF 'HiE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE bE IT RESOLVED 1'IIAT 'niE GARBAGE GON1'RACT AGENCY BE ALLOl'IED TCi COLLEGT GlUWIi.GE !JILL" ONE HONTJI IN ADVANCE. On motion of Gouncilman "impson, and seconded by Councilman Pence and by the following roll call vote to-wit: AYE::;: Councilmen Burt, Kerr, Pence, :>impson and Brennan - NO!i:::i: None Ab"EN'1': None the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted. RESOL!lrrON #324 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande authorizing the cancellaticn of Water Deposit. Fund ~Iarrant #15 for :i>4.no. l,iarrant written in error as wat,er deposit had been credited to closing water bill. On motion of Councilman Pence and seconded by Councilman Simpson and on the following roll call vot", to-~Tit: AYES: Councilmen Burt, Lee, Pence, Simpson and Brennan NOES: None l AESEIIT: None the foregoing resolution W~ adopted this l~t day of Febru~ry, 1955. .