Agenda Packet 2002-04-09 -- CITY COUNCIL City of AGENDA jlrroyo qrande Michael A. Lady Mayor Thomas A. Runels Mayor Pro Tem Steven Adams Jim Dickens Council Member City Manager Tony Ferrara Council Member Timothy J. Carmel City Attomey Sandy Lubin Council Member Kelly Wetmore Director, Administrative SelVices NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday April 9. 2002 6:30 P.M. Arrovo Grande Citv Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande AGENDA 1. . ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC COMMENT on Special Meeting Agenda Items. Members of the public wishing to address the Council on any item described in this Notice may do so when recognized by the Presiding Officer. 3. CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION: a. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION: Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b) involving one (1) potential case. 4. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION: Announcement of reportable action from closed session, if any. 5. ADJOURNMENT. c:closedsession.agenda.040902. ~- CITY COUNCIL City of AGENDA . jlrroyo qranae Michael A. Lady Mayor Thomas A. Runels Mayor Pro Tem Jim Dickens Council Member Steven Adams City Manager Tony Ferrara Council Member Timothy J. Carmel City Attomey Sandy Lubin Council Member Kelly Wetmore Director, Administrative Services AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 2002 7:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. I 2. ROLL CALL 3. FLAG SALUTE: KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 4. INVOCATION: PASTOR JERRY NELSON, SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH, ARROYO GRANDE 5. SPECIAL PRESENT A TIONS: 5.a. Proclamation - Recoanizlna Arrovo Grande Hlah School Students Aaron "Ash 1" Hernandez and Madeline "Madi" Peterson 5.b. Proclamation - Recoanizina April 2002 as "California Earthauake Preparedness Month" 6. AGENDA REVIEW: 6a. Move that all resolutions and ordinances presented tonight be read in title only and all further readings be waived. --- AGENDA SUMMARY - APRIL 9, 2002 PAGE 2 7. CITIZENS' INPUT. COMMENTS. AND SUGGESTIONS: Persons in the audience may discuss business not scheduled on this agenda regarding any item of interest within the jurisdiction of the Council. The Council will listen to all communication; however, in compliance with the Brown Act, will not take any action on items that are not on the agenda. Upon completing your comments: . You may be directed to staff for assistance; . A Council Member may indicate an interest in discussing your issue with you subsequent to the Council meeting; . The Council may direct staff to research the issue and subsequently report back to the Council (generally in the form of a memorandum or staff report); or . No action is required or taken. 8. CONSENT AGENDA: The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. a.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Approve the listing of cash disbursements for the period March 16, 2002 through March 31, 2002. a.b. Statement of Investment Deposits (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Receive and file the report of current investment deposits as of March 31, 2002. a.c. Consideration of Cash Flow Analysis/Approval of Interfund Advance from the Water Facilitv Fund (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Receive and file February 2002 Cash Report and approve the interfund advance from the Water Facility Fund to cover cash deficit in other funds at February 28, 2002. a.d. Consideration of Acceptance of Improvements for Tract 2265 (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution accepting improvements for Tract 2265. 8.e. Consideration of Reauest for Authorization to Close City Streets and Use City Property for the Annual Strawberry Festival. May 25 & 26, 2002 (STRONG) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution authorizing the closure of City streets and use of City property. AGENDA SUMMARY - APRIL 9, 2002 PAGE 3 8. CONSENT AGENDA {continued}: B.f. Consideration of Reauest for Authorization to Waive ADDlication Fees and Use City ProDertv for the March of Dimes Walk America (STRONG) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution authorizing the waiver of permit application fees and use of City property for the Annual March of Dimes Walk America to be held on May 4, 2002. B.g. Consideration of an ADDroDriation from the Downtown Parkina Fund for the Scenic Creekside Walk Throuah the Historic Villaae of Arrovo Grande. Phase III Pro(!g (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: Appropriate $2,500.00 from the Downtown Parking Fund to be used for the design to reconfigure the Olohan Parking lot adjacent to the Scenic Creekside Walk through the Historic Village of Arroyo Grande, Phase III project. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 9.a. Consideration of ADDeal of the Plannina Commission's ADDroval of Conditional Use Permit Case No. 02.004 to Allow the ODeration of an Adult Dav Care Facilitv In the Sinale Family Residential District for the Safe Haven Social Rehabilitation Day Proaram: 202 Vernon Street (STRONG) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution Upholding the Decision of the Planning Commission to Approve CUP Case No. 02-004. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: 10.a. Consideration of Authorization to Solicit Bids for Rancho Grande Park: ~ect No. PW 2002-03 (HERNANDEZ) Recommended Action: Approve the plans and specifications for the Rancho Grande Park project. and authorize staff to solicit public construction bids for the Rancho Grande Park project. 11. NEW BUSINESS: 11 .a. Consideration of a Resolution Consenting to the Assignment of the Solid Waste and Green Waste. and Residential Curbside and Commercial Recyclina Collection Franchise Agreements to Waste Connection, Inc. (CARMEL) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution. ---_.~-~_.- AGENDA SUMMARY - APRIL 9, 2002 PAGE 4 11. NEW BUSINESS(continued): 11.b. Consideration of Reauest for Authorization to Contract with RRM Deslan GrouD to Produce a Feasibility ReDOrt for EXDanslon of the Fire Station (FIBICH) Recommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement with RRM Design Group to produce a feasibility analysis and cost estimate for expansion of the Fire Station. 12. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by a Council Member who would like to receive feedback, direct staff to prepare information, and/or request a formal agenda report be prepared and the item placed on a future agenda. No formal action can be taken. a) Request to place on agenda for discussion changes and enforcement of City Council meeting procedures. (FERRARA) . b) Sphere of Influence issues. (FERRARA) 13. CITY MANAGER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the City Manager in order to receive feedback and/or request direction from the Council. No formal action can be taken. a) The City Engineer has received Parcel Map AGAL 00-005, owned by DB&M Properties. The subject parcel is located at 520, 522, and 528 East Branch Street. This Parcel Map is the recording device for Lot Line Adjustment Case 00-005 approved by the Planning Commission on December 5, 2000. The Lot Line Adjustment and subsequent Parcel Map reconfigures 12 existing lots into 10 new lots with a one-way private access road. The name for the access road was approved as Sterling Drive by the Planning Commission on May 18, 2001. Unless appealed, the Final Map will be approved or disapproved by the City Engineer within ten days following the date of this agenda. 14. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Council. 15. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Manager. 16. ADJOURNMENT -------~ AGENDA SUMMARY - APRIL 9, 2002 PAGE 5 * * * * * * * Copies of the staff reports or other written materials relating to each item of business referred to on this agenda are on file with the Director of Administrative Services and are available for public inspection and reproduction at cost. If you have questions regarding any agenda item, please contact the Director of Administrative Services at (805) 473- 5414. * * * * * * * In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting, please contact the Director of Administrative Services at the number listed above at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to ensure that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting. * * * * * * * Note: This agenda is subject to amendment up to 72 hours prior to the date and time set for the meeting. Please refer to the agenda posted at City Hall for any revisions, or call the Director of Administrative Services at (805) 473-5414 for more information. www.arrovoarande.ora 15.a. Honorary Proclamation Recognizing Aaron "Ash 1 "Hernandez and Madeline "Madi" Peterson for Writing and Recording a Winning Song forThe Chief Operator Teen Driver Program WHEREAS, the Chief Operator Teen Driver Program introduced the first statewide song and rap writing contest in April 2001 to encourage teens to write and submit songs about traffic safety; and WHEREAS, the program, funded by the California Office of Traffic Safety, seeks to address the issue of behavior and attitude behind the wheel during one's formative years - the time in life when individuals are prone towards high-risk behavior - the teen and pre-teen years; and WHEREAS, the Arroyo Grande Police Department introduced the program to students of Arroyo Grande High School and encouraged students to participate; and WHEREAS, Aaron "Ash 1" Hernandez from Arroyo Grande High School wrote and submitted a song entitled "We Live Fast", and his song was chosen to be professionally recorded and distributed statewide as part of the contest; and WHEREAS, Aaron was the only participant chosen from San Luis Obispo County, and the only student statewide to personally record his song in both English and Spanish; and WHEREAS, Madeline "Madi" Peterson, a student from Arroyo Grande High School, accompanied Aaron, along with Officers from the Arroyo Grande Police Department, to the Spirit Wind Studio in Hayward, California on July 2, 2001 to help record the song; and WHEREAS, Aaron and Madeline have shown that they are caring teens and citizens of our community and country who accept challenges and responsibilities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Michael A. Lady, Mayor of the City of Arroyo Grande, on behalf of the City Council, do hereby congratulate and commend Aaron Hernandez and Madeline Peterson for accepting the challenge and responsibility to becoming involved in their role as caring citizens, and recognize them for their positive attitudes toward fellow teens and the entire community. Michael A. Lady, Mayor .9T~ ,t7J~ ~9IptH .a:v.e fU S.b. "~~,t7J~ ~ fOld fAg cf~ ~ - "~ 10 !7IwJ, it SuR WHEREAS, during the 1900's, California was struck by more than ten significwlt earthquakes, including the magnitude 7.1 Loma Prieta ami the magnitlUle 6.7 Northridge earthquakes; ami WHEREAS, these earthquakes resulted UI the loss of more than SOO lives ami billions of dollars UI prollerty Ilamage; ami WHEREAS, ulcreasulg awareness about earthquake safety risks UI homes ami worklllaces and practiculg the allpropriate Ilreparelbless measures hellls to reduce the loss oflife, uyuries amlllrollCrty damage; and WHEREAS, the statewille ~ {Q ~ it <9at?" campaign is Ilesigned to edllcate the Imblic about proper Ilrocedures to follow before, liming and after an earthquake; and WHEUEAS, durulg April, the Governor's Office of Emergency Services, city ami comIty emergency services offices, coIDlll1mity organizations, educational ulstitutions ami busulesses will Ilrovide unllortant earthquake safety utformation to Californians. NOW THEUEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Michael A. Lady, Mayor of the City of Arroyo Gramle, on behalf of the City C01mcil, 110 hereby recognize amlllroclaun AIlril, 2002 as ~ ~ .9'rqJ'a~ ~" UI the City of Arroyo Grande. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have heremtto set my haml and caused the Seal of the City of Arroyo Gramle to be affixed this 9'" day of April 2002. \. \ \ , .~<~;~1~-f.:;:~f,,-~,-~- , "' . . ',.. } , 4'" MICHAELA. LADY, MAYOR "' " .,> c> B.a. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES~ BY: JANET M. HUWALDT, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISORqtt' SUBJECT: CASH DISBURSEMENT RA TIFICA TION DATE: APRIL 9, 2002 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council ratify the attached listing of cash disbursements for the period March 16 - March 31, 2002. FUNDING: There is a $550,183.55 fiscal impact. DISCUSSION: The attached listing represents the cash disbursements required of normal and usual operations. It is requested that the City Council approve these payments. ATTACHMENTS: ATTACHMENT 1 - Cash Disbursement Listing ATTACHMENT 2 - March 22, 2002 Accounts Payable Check Register ATTACHMENT 3 - March 22, 2002 Payroll Checks and Benefit Checks ATTACHMENT 4 - March 29, 2002 Accounts Payable Check Register ATIACHMENT 1 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CASH DISBURSEMENTS For the Period of March 16 Through March 31, 2002 April 9, 2002 Presented are the cash disbursements issued by the Department of Financial Services for the period March 16 to March 31, 2002. Shown are cash disbursements by week of occurrence and type of payment. WEEK TYPE OF PAYMENT SCHEDULE AMOUNT March 22, 2002 Accounts Payable Cks 104944-105030 2 $ 64,535.00 Payroll Checks and Benefit Checks 3 272.476.71 337,011.71 March 29, 2002 Accounts Payable Cks 105051-105139 4 418,430.09 Less Payroll Cks included on March 22nd Listing -205,258.25 213,171.84 Two Week Total $ 550.183.55 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE INDEX FOR BUDGET DEPARTMENTS EDEN COMPUTER SYSTEM GENERAL FUND (010) SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS City Government /Fund 010) Park Development Fee Fund (Fund 213) 4001 - City Council 4550 - Park Development Fee 4002 - Administrative Services Traffic Signal Fund (Fund 222) 4003 - City Attorney 4501 - Traffic Fund 4101 - City Manager Transportation Fund (Fund 225) 4102 - Printing/Duplicating 4553 - Public Transit System 4120 - Financial Services Construction Tax Fund (Fund 230) 4121 - Taxes/ Insurance/ Bonds 4556 - Construction Tax 4130 - Community Development Police Grant Funds 4131 - Community Building (CDBG) 4201 - Law Enforcement Equip. (Fd 272) 4140 - Management Information System 4202 - State AB3229 Cops Grant (Fd 271) 4145 - Non Departmental 4203 - Federal Universal Hiring (Fd 274) Public Safety (Fund 010) 4208 - Federal Local Law Enforcmt (FD 279) 4201 - Police Redevelopment Agency ( Fund 284) 4211 - Fire 4103 - Redevelopment Administration 4212 - Building & Safety ENIERPRISE FUNDS Public Works (Fund 010) Sewer Fund (Fund 612) 4301 - Public Works-Admin & Engineering 4610 - Sewer Maintenance 4303 - Street/Bridge Maintenance Water Fund (Fund 640) 4304 - Street Lighting 4710 - Water Administration 4305 - Automotive Shop 4711 - Water Production Parks & Recreation (Fund 010) 4712 - Water Distribution 4420 - Parks Lopez Administration (Fund 641) 4421 - Recreation 4750 - Lopez Administration 4422 - General Recreation CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS (Fund 350) 4423 - Pre-School Program 5501-5599 - Park Projects 4424 - Recreation-Special Programs 5601-5699 - Streets Projects 4425 - Children in Motion 5701-5799 - Drainage Projects 4426 - Five Cities Youth Basketball 5801-5899 - Water/Sewer/Street Projects 4430 - Soto Sport Complex 5901-5999 - Water Projects 4213 - Government Buildings 4460 - Parkway Maintenance Dept. Index foe Council.:ds ATTACHHE"T 2 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PM;E 1 03/20/02 08:29 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 22 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 481 03/19/02 102718 ROB STRONG PLANNING MEETING-STRONG 010.4130.5501 120.00 120.00 104944 03/22/02 100479 A.G.CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2001-02 CHAIRMAN'S CIRCLE INF 284.4103.5505 1,000.00 1,000.00 104945 03/22/02 102868 BRUCE OR JEAN ATKINSON CLOSING BILL-143 S.RENA ST 640.0000.4751 43.86~ 104945 03/22/02 10286B BRUCE OR JEAN ATKINSON REF.O/PAY-143 S.RENA 640.0000.4751 179.18 104945 03/22/02 102868 BRUCE OR JEAN ATKINSON PREVIOUS BAL-143 S. RENA 640.0000.4751 67.66- 67.66 104946 03/22/02 102278 MICAH BENEVEDO B/BALL LGE.SCORER-BENEVEDQ 010.4424.5352 67.50 67.50 104947 03/22/02 102259 CHESS IE BREHM B/BALL LGE.SCORER-BREHM 010.4424.5352 90.00 90.00 104948 03/22/02 101074 JOY BREHM B/BALL LGE.OFFICIAL-J.BREHM 010.4424.5352 48.00 48.00 104949 03/22/02 013026 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER BARB WIRE & TOOLS 220.4303.5613 136.63 104949 03/22/02 013026 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER FENCE TOOL/HOG PLIERS 220.4303.5273 37.42 174.05 104950 03/22/02 013572 BRUMIT DIESEL,INC WIPER CONTROL/CARTRIDGES 010.4211.5601 104.38 104950 03/22/02 013572 BRUMIT DIESEL,INC FREIGHT/NUT COVERS 010.4211.5601 21.28 125.66 104951 03/22/02 101619 ROB BURT B/BALL LGE.OFFICIAL-ROB BURT 010.4424.5352 304.00 104951 03/22/02 101619 ROB BURT GYM SUPERVISION-R.BURT 010.4424.5352 48.00 352.00 104952 03/22/02 101094 CA. REDEVELOPMENT ASSOC CA. REDEVELOPMENT RENWAL DUES 284.4103.5503 870.00 870.00 104953 03/22/02 021918 CENTRAL COAST SUPPLY WET PICK-UP KIT-WET/DRY/VAC 010.4213.5604 203.78 104953 03/22/02 021918 CENTRAL COAST SUPPLY BLOG MAINT.SUPPLIES 010.4213.5604 500.75 704.53 104954 03/22/02 102829 CHLORCO GAS DETECTOR 350.5908.7002 1,421.92 104954 03/22/02 102829 CHLORCO GAS DETECTOR-CHLORINE GAS 350.5908.7002 2,092.38 3,514.30 104955 03/22/02 023946 CLINICAL LAB.OF SAN BER WATER SAMPLES 640.4710.5310 411. DO 411.00 104956 03/22/02 102742 SARA DIAZ CREATIVE MEMORIES CLASS-DIAZ 010.4424.5351 7.00 7.00 104957 03/22/02 101379 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES,IN BUSHING 640.4712.5610 12.87 104957 03/22/02 1013 79 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES,IN VALVES/COUPLER 640.4712.5610 1,863.24 104957 03/22/02 101379 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, IN RUBBER GASKET 640.4712.5610 40.17 1,916.28 104958 03/22/02 033702 TERENCE FIBICH REIMB.FUEL-GAVILAN FIRE 010.4211.5608 43.35 43.35 104959 03/22/02 101924 J.A. FISCHER, INC. UNLEADED GASOLINE 010.0000.1202 10,629.33 10,629.33 104960 03/22/02 036738 GALL'S INC OLYMPIC ZIP SLV JACKET 010.4201.5255 290.06 290.06 104961 03/22/02 101604 BARBIE GARY REIMB.SUPPLIES-GARY 010.4425.5255 127.57 104961 03/22/02 101604 BARBIE GARY SNACK REIMB-GARY 010.4425.5259 186.74 314.31 104962 03/22/02 100583 NANCY HAGLUND AFSS MTG LODGING/SUPPLIES 010 4211.5501 59 90 59.90 104963 03/22/02 102854 STEPHEN D. HAMILTON REF.ROADRUNNER SOCCER-HAMILTON 010.0000.4605 65.00 65.00 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 2 03/20/02 08:29 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 22 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 104964 03/22/02 102280 CHUCK HARE B/BALL LGE.OFFICIAL-HARE 010.4424.5352 96.00 96.00 104965 03/22/02 102867 KILEY HARRIGAN REF:SPRING S/BALL REG-HARRIGAN 010.0000.4608 145.00 145.00 104966 03/22/02 102870 lAIN HAWORTH REF.O/PYMT MED INS-HAWORTH 010.4130.5131 92.07 92.07 104967 03/22/02 100348 JAMIE HEINZE B/BALL LGE.SCORER-HEINZE 010.4424.5352 97.50 97.50 104968 03/22/02 042302 HINDERLITER, DE LLAMAS SALES TAX REPORT 3Q 01/02 010.4120.5303 975.00 104968 03/22/02 042302 HINDERLITER,DE LLAMAS SALES TAX RECOVERED CONTRACT 010.4120.5303 1,282.96 2,257.96 104969 03/22/02 102260 BRYCEN IKEDA B/BALL LGE.SCORER-IKEDA 010.4424.5352 90.00 90.00 104970 03/22/02 102849 SHELBY IKEDA B/BALL LGE.SCORER-lKEDA 010.4424.5352 67.50 67.50 104971 03/22/02 102701 INDOFF, INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4120.5201 49.15 104971 03/22/02 102701 INDOFF,INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4120.5201 129.24 104971 03/22/02 102701 INDOFF, INC. LABELS/BINDERS 010.4211.5201 30.53 208.92 104972 03/22/02 045630 INTERSTATE SALES BA'ITERIES 220.4303.5255 49.77 49.77 104973 03/22/02 046176 J J'S FOOD COMPANY BBQ SUPPLIES 612.4610.5255 32.11 104973 03/22/02 046176 J J'S FOOD COMPANY BLOOD DRIVE SUPPLIES 010.4211.5255 88.61 120.72 104974 03/22/02 046410 J.W.ENTERPRISES TOILET RENTAL 220.4303.5552 91. 73 91.73 104975 03/22/02 102869 ANDY JACOBSON REF: PARK DEP-JACOBSON 010.0000.4354 26.00 26.00 104976 03/22/02 102865 LESLIE DC KASANOFF REF. WATER NEUTRAL-138 W.BRANCH 226.0000.4027 2,200.00 2,200.00 104977 03/22/02 048516 KEYLOCK SECURITY SPECIA AGPD ELECT. STRIKE 010.4213.6401 105.00 105.00 104978 03/22/02 102666 VALERIE KLINE PILATES CLASS-KLINE 010.4424.5351 245.00 245.00 104979 03/22/02 100985 DOUG LINTNER B/BALL LGE.OFFICIAL-LINTNER 010.4424.5352 272.00 272.00 104980 03/22/02 053118 LUCIA MAR UN.SCH.DIST. CUSTODIAL CHARGES-Y.B/BALL 010.4426.5553 475.81 104980 03/22/02 053118 LUCIA MAR UN.SCH.DIST. CUSTODIAL CHARGES-Y.B/BALL 010.4426.5553 301. 73 104980 03/22/02 053118 LUCIA MAR UN.SCH.DIST. GYM USE-FEB 19/26/28 010.4424.5257 351.00 104980 03/22/02 053118 LUCIA MAR UN.SCH.DIST. CUSTODIAL CHARGES-Y.B/BALL 010.4426.5553 777 . 54 104980 03/22/02 053118 LUCIA MAR UN.SCH.DIST. CUSTODIAL CHARGES-Y.B/BALL 010.4426.5553 371.36 104980 03/22/02 053118 LUCIA MAR UN.SCH.DIST. CUSTODIAL CHARGES-Y.B/BALL 010.4426.5553 591.86 2,869.30 104981 03/22/02 053274 LYON &: CARMEL PROF. LEGAL SERVICE 010.4003.5304 12,424.13 12,424.13 104982 03/22/02 054482 MAINTENANCE SUPERINTEND MSA MEETING-1 PERSON 220.4303.5501 15.00 15.00 104983 03/22/02 102261 KIMBERLY MARSALEK B/BALL LGE.SCORER-MARSALEK 010.4424.5352 22 50 22.50 104984 03/22/02 101252 MCI WORLDCOM L/DIST.PHONE 010.4145.5403 207.93 104984 03/22/02 101252 MCI WORLDCOM L/DIST PHONE 010.4145.5403 1.47 209.40 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 3 03/20/02 08:29 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 22 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 104985 03/22/02 102850 JOHNNY MEJIA B/BALL LGE.OFFICIAL-MEJIA 010.4424.5352 96.00 96.00 104987 03/22/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE WD 40 LUBE/COUPLER 010.4430.5605 11.10 104987 03/22/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE FITrING 010.4420.5605 3.74 104987 03/22/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE HARDWARE/HOOK 350.5908.7002 51.31 104987 03/22/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PLUMBING SUPPLIES 640.4712.5610 46.65 104987 03/22/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE TURF TAPE/BULBS 640.4712.5604 8.34 104987 03/22/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE EGG HUNT SUPPLIES 010.4424.5252 70.76 104987 03/22/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE EGG HUNT SUPPLIES 010.4424.5252 4.09 104987 03/22/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE MEASURE TAPE/MISC. HARDWARE 640.4712.5273 16.99 104987 03/22/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE TRASH CANS 010.4211.5325 31.08 104987 03/22/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE MISC.SUPPLIES-TAPE/DISP 010.4211.5201 8.98 104987 03/22/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PAINT REMOVER/SANDPAPER 010.4211. 5603 7.05 104987 03/22/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PVC CAP 010.4420.5605 2.13 104987 03/22/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PLUMBING SUPPLIES/CAP 010.4211.5603 5.96 104987 03/22/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 010.4211.5603 20.67 104987 03/22/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE WALL CLOCK 640.4712.5604 15.99 104987 03/22/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE WALL CLOCK 640.4712.5604 15.99- 104987 03/22/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE SCREW CONNECTOR/ELECT SUPpLIES 010.4211.5603 13.96 104987 03/22/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE HEX KEY/BATrERIES/ELECT.SPLYS 010.4211.5273 94.79 104987 03/22/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PLUMBING SUPPLIES 010.4211.5603 22.15 104987 03/22/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PLUMBING SUPPLIES 010.4211.5603 3.11- 104987 03/22/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE MISC. HARDWARE/ROD 010.4211.5603 4.92 104987 03/22/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PLUMBING SUPPLIES/ELBOW/HANGER 010.4211.5603 7.13 104987 03/22/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE EKECTRICALSUPPLIES 010.4213.5604 5.61 104987 03/22/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE SAW HOLE/FOAM STUFF/HAND RAIL 350.5908.7002 17.34 104987 03/22/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE SIGN 220.4303.5613 48.65 500.29 104988 03/22/02 057174 MISSION OFFICE PLUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 612.4610.5201 10.96 104988 03/22/02 057174 MISSION OFFICE PLUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 220.4303.5201 19.72 104988 03/22/02 057174 MISSION OFFICE PLUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4305.5201 19.18 49.86 104989 03/22/02 057252 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE UNIFORMS/MATS/TOWELS 010.4213.6401 128.80 104989 03/22/02 057252 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE UNIFORMS/MATS/TOWELS 010.4420.5143 82.70 104989 03/22/02 057252 MISSION UNIFdRM SERVICE UNIFORMS/MATS/TOWELS 010.4213.6401 23.68 104989 03/22/02 057252 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE UNIFORMS/MATS/TOWELS 010.4213.6401 28.00 104989 03/22/02 057252 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE UNIFORMS/MATS/TOWELS 010.4213.6401 55.58 104989 03/22/02 057252 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE LINENS-FF AWARDS 010.4211.5255 126.00 444.76 104990 03/22/02 061420 NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS SIGNS 220.4303.5613 4,017.95 4,017.95 104991 03/22/02 102730 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS CELL PHONE-FIRE/ER SVCS DIV 010.4211.5403 102.98 104991 03/22/02 102730 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS CELL PHONE-BLDG/LIFE SAFETY DI 010.4212.5403 33.96 136.94 104992 03/22/02 101750 OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4211. 5201 47.06 104992 03/22/02 101750 OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4120.5201 24.19 104992 03/22/02 101750 OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4120.5201 328.94 400.19 104993 03/22/02 063882 PACIFIC APPAREL & SPORT Y.B/BALL REFEREE SUPPLIES 010.4426.6201 188.58 188.58 104994 03/22/02 063960 PACIFIC BELL ALARM 841-3959 640.4710.5403 22.44 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 4 03/20/02 08:29 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 22 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 104994 03/22/02 063960 PACIFIC BELL RADIO 451-0183 010.4145.5403 131.12 104994 03/22/02 063960 PACIFIC BELL ALARM 841-3953 010.4211.5403 22.44 104994 03/22/02 063960 PACIFIC BELL ALARM 841-3956 220.4303.5403 22 78 104994 03/22/02 063960 PACIFIC BELL ALARM 841-3960 010.4211.5403 22.44 104994 03/22/02 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 489-2345 010.4145.5403 33.18 104994 03/22/02 063960 PACIFIC BELL PAY PHONE 489-3816 010.4145.5403 52.07 306.47 104995 03/22/02 064194 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 010.4304.5402 51.14 51.14 104996 03/22/02 065598 DOUG PERRIN EGG HUNT SUPPLIES 010.4424.5252 800.00 800.00 104997 03/22/02 066322 PHOENIX FOODSERVICES FOOD SUPPLIES-TERBORCH 3/14 010.4201.5501 51.60 51.60 104998 03/22/02 067782 DENNIS PORTE puppy PLAY SCHOOL CLASSES 010.4424.5351 931.00 931.00 104999 03/22/02 102864 PSWRC-NAHRO PSWRC MEMBERSHIP-STRONG 010.4130.5503 69.00 69.00 105000 03/22/02 102719 ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, PROF SVCS - FEB 284.4103.5303 3,912.50 3,912.50 105001 03/22/02 100200 RRM DESIGN GROUP RG.PARK SVCS 350.5512.7301 160.00 160.00 105002 03/22/02 102866 S.BAY REGIONAL PUBLIC S FIELD TRAINING-A. BEATTIE 010.4201.5501 95.00 95.00 105003 03/22/02 072852 SAFETY KLEEN CORP. PART WASHER SERVICE AGREEMENT 010.4305.5303 105 25 105.25 105004 03/22/02 100192 SAN LUIS MAILING SVC WATER BILL MAILING-MARCH 640.4710.5201 876.43 876.43 105005 03/22/02 076830 SANTA MARIA TIRE INC. ALUM. THIMBALS 010.4211.5601 53.63 105005 03/22/02 076830 SANTA MARIA TIRE INC. MOUNT/DISMOUNT TIRES 010.4211.5601 88.00 141.63 105006 03/22/02 078156 SEBASTIAN OIL DISTRIB. OIL/FILTERS 010.4211.5608 149.87 105006 03/22/02 078156 SEBASTIAN OIL DISTRIB. FUEL 010.4211.5608 36.93 186.80 105007 03/22/02 101621 TOM SHIFFRAR B/BALL LGE.OFFICIAL-SHIFFRAR 010.4424.5352 48.00 48.00 105008 03/22/02 074490 SLO CNTY DEPT. HEALTH CROSS CONNECT-JAN/FEB 640.4710.5303 1,345.86 1,345.86 105009 03/22/02 101039 SLO CNTY FIRE DEPARTMEN REGIS-QUINLAN(S-290} 010.4211.5501 50.00 50.00 105010 03/22/02 102004 SLO PLUMBING PLUMBING INSP/HOSE INSPECT 640.4712.5303 75.00 75.00 105011 03/22/02 080340 SNAP-ON TOOLS CORP SOCKET/WRENCH SET 010.4211.5601 258.32 105011 03/22/02 080340 SNAP-ON TOOLS CORP SOCKET 010.4211.5601 38.07 296.39 105012 03/22/02 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY GREASE FITTING 010.4211.5601 4.71 4.71 105013 03/22/02 080964 SOUTHERN CALI FORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 9.86 105013 03/22/02 080964 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 159.41 105013 03/22/02 080964 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 128.71 105013 03/22/02 080964 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 129.30 105013 03/22/02 080964 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 265.13 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 5 03/20/02 08:29 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 22 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 105013 03/22/02 080964 SOtITHERN CALIFORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 105.19 105013 03/22/02 080964 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 67.64 105013 03/22/02 080964 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 45.66 -105013 03/22/02 080964 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 68.89 105013 03/22/02 080964 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 29.75 1,009.54 105014 03/22/02 081432 BOB SPEAR B/BALL LGE.REFEREE-SPEAR 010.4424.5352 32.00 32.00 105015 03/22/02 102807 STATE OFFICE OF EMERGEN REGIS-RICK TERBORCH 010.4201.5501 250.00 250.00 105016 03/22/02 082836 STREATOR PIPE & SUPPLY PVC CUTTING BLADE 640.4712.5273 55.60 55.60 105017 03/22/02 101011 TARVIN & ASSOCIATES,INC APPRAISAL SVCS-R.G.PARK 350.5512.7301 1,250.00 1,250.00 105018 03/22/02 100511 JASON TENYENHUIS REF.FIRE DUES-TENYENHUIS 010.4211.5124 30.00 30.00 105019 03/22/02 085644 TOSTE GRADING & PAVING TACK OIL 220.4303.5613 135.00 135.00 105020 03/22/02 102872 STEPHEN TREAT B/BALL LGE.OFFICIAL-TREAT 010.4424.5352 96.00 96.00 105021 03/22/02 086346 TROESH READY MIX SAND SLURRY 640.4712.5610 230 59 105021 03/22/02 086346 TROESH READY MIX SAND SLURRY 640.4712.5610 518.70 749.29 105022 03/22/02 088062 UNION ASPHALT INC ASPHALT 220.4303.5613 60.89 60.89 105023 03/22/02 088084 UNITED GREEN MARK, INC. SPRINKLER SUPPLIES 010.4420.5605 40.26 40.26 105024 03/22/02 088826 PEGGY VALKO ART CLASSES-VALKO 010.4424.5351 1,084.80 1,084.80 105025 03/22/02 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE-STREETS/EXTRA/PW IN 220.4303.5403 41.12 105025 03/22/02 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE-STREETS/EXTRA/PW IN 010.4301.5403 41.12 105025 03/22/02 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE-STREETS/EXTRA/PW IN 010.4301.5403 41.11 105025 03/22/02 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE 010.4211.5403 16.77 105025 03/22/02 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE-SHEELEY 284.4103.5403 44.10 105025 03/22/02 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE-PKS SUPER 010.4421.5602 15.88 200.10 105026 03/22/02 101866 VERIZON WIRELESS MESSAG PAGERS-FIRE 010.4211.5403 24.92 105026 03/22/02 101866 VERIZON WIRELESS MESSAG PAGERS-BLDG 010.4212.5403 11.20 105026 03/22/02 101866 VERIZON WIRELESS MESSAG PAGERS-MIS 010.4140.5303 11.20 47.32 105027 03/22/02 090480 WAYNE'S TIRE TIRES 220.4303.5603 824.76 105027 03/22/02 090480 WAYNE'S TIRE ROTATE/OIL CHANGE 220.4303.5601 22.27 105027 03/22/02 090480 WAYNE'S TIRE REPR.FLAT/LUBE/OIL/FILTER 640.4712.5601 56.81 903.84 105028 03/22/02 009282 WEST GROUP RENEWAL TITLE 22 HEALTH CODE 640.4710.5303 277.00 277 .00 105029 03/22/02 091338 WESTERN FARM SERVICE, I CAL. HYPOCHLQRIDE 640.4712.5274 366.58 366.58 105030 03/22/02 100347 RON WHARTON B/BALL LGE.SCORER 010.4424.5352 30.00 30.00 TOTAL CHECKS 64,535.00 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 6 03/20/02 08:27 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 22 FUND TITLE AMOUNT 010 GENERAL FUND 39,656.76 220 STREETS FOND 5,523.69 226 WATER NEUTRALIZATION IMPACT 2,200.00 284 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUND 5,826.60 350 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 4,992.95 612 SEWER FUND 43.07 640 WATER FUND 6,291.93 TOTAL 64,535.00 , ATTACH!-lENT 3 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEPARTMENTAL LABOR DISTRIBUTION PAY PERIOD 3/01/02 TO 3/14/02 3/22/02 I , FUND 010 238,860.78 Salaries Full time 158,422.38 FUND 220 13,243.62 Salaries Part-Time 23,881.01 FUND 284 5,213.79 Salaries Over-Time 10,202.82 FUND 612 4,377.41 Holiday Pay 847.68 I FUND 640 10,781.11 Sick Pay 4,165.99 272,476.71 Annual Leave Pay - Vacation Buyback - Sick Leave Buyback - Vacation Pay 7,141.14 Comp Pay 2,883.20 Annual Leave Pay 3,705.48 PERS Retirement 16,245.25 Social Security 15,013.57 PARS Retirement 275.74 State Disability Ins. 722.82 Health Insurance 22,543.82 Dental Insurance 3,584.79 Vision Insurance 795.21 Life Insurance 574.00 Long Term Disability 822.43 Uniform Allowance - Car Allowance 400.00 Council Expense Employee Assistance 149.38 Uniform Allowance - Motor Pay 100.00 Total: 272,476.71 ATT2\.CIDIENT 4 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 1 03/27/02 07:50 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 22 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 482 03/20/02 102873 STEPHEN'S STRICTLY CATE VOLUNTEER DINNER-AGPD 010.4201.5504 800.55 800.55 483 03/20/02 100905 TONY M. FERRARA Loce CONF.PER DIEM-FERRARA 010.4001.5501 64.00 64.00 484 03/21/02 005616 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE G/A REIMB on.OOOO.IOIS 204,854.06 204,854.06 485 03/21/02 1001:133 5LO CNTY ASSESSOR CNTY PREPARED MAILING LABELS 010.4130.5201 100.00 100.00 486 03/22/02 100282 SARA L. DICKENS 2ND AMENDMENT TO GRANT OF TEMP 350.5754.7301 3,000.00 3,,000.00 105051 03/29/02 100479 A.G.CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CHAMBER SHOWCASE MIXER 284.4103.5505 125.00 125.00 IGS052 03/29/02 101110 AGP VIDEO VIDEO PRODUCTION/TAPE DIS. 010.4101.5330 1,960.00 1,960.00 105053 03/29/02 100203 AMER. PLANnING AGSOC. APA MEMBERSHIP-STRONG 010.4130.5503 382.00 382.00 105054 03/29/02 1025C9 API WASTS SERVICES R/O BIN-DUMP/RETURN SVCS. 010.4213.6401 500.CO 105054 03/29/02 102509 API WASTE SERVICES R/O BIN-DUMP/RETURN SVCS. 010.4213.6401 250.00 105054 03/29/02 102509 AFI WASTE SERVICES R/O BIN-DUMP/RETURN SVCS. 010.4213 .6401 2S0.DO 1,000.00 105055 03/29/02 101863 ARC".t! WIRELESS REPL.PAGER 010.4201.5606 ::""12.03 172.03 105056 03/29/02 1.026e3 JOHN ASH3AUGH REF:PARKING CITE#D17616 010.0000.4203 20.00 20.00 105057 03/29/02 102050 AVAYA, INC. MERLIN PHONE AGREEMENT 010.4145.5403 28.16 28.16 105058 03/29/02 009008 BANKCARD CENTER PARMA ~OOM-SAN DIEGO 010.4101.5501 679.86 105058 03/29/02 009008 BANKCARD CENTER ROOM-SAN DIEGO-C/M MEETING 010.410].5501 440.72 105058 03/29/02 009008 BANKCARD CENTER MOTEL-APWA MEETING 010.4301.5501 95.09 105058 03/29/02 009008 BANKCARD CENTER AYERS DIST-EASTER EGGS 010.4424.5252 826.00 105058 03/29/02 009008 BANKCARD CENTER GASOLINE 010.4421.5608 18.50 105058 03/29/02 009008 BANKCARD CENTER MEALS 010.4421.5501 70.JC 105058 03/29/02 009008 BANKCARD CENTER MEETING SUPPLIES 010.4211.5501 48.21 105058 03/29/02 009008 BANKCARD CENTER TELEPHONE STAND 010.4211.5201 23.00 105058 03/29/02 009008 BANKCARD CENTER LUNCH MEETING 010.4211.5504 27.60 105058 03/29/02 009008 BANKCARD CENTER INTERVIEW PANEL LUNCHEON 010.4120.5501 54.45 105058 03/29/02 009008 BANKCARD CENTER OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 19.29 105058 03/29/02 009008 BANKCARD CENTER OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 8.04 105058 03/29/02 009008 BANKCARD CENTER OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 187.95 105058 03/29/02 009008 BANKCARD CENTER MEETING-ROB/CONSULT 010.4130.5316 33.78 105058 03/29/02 009008 BANKCARD CENTER OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 60.24 105058 03/29/02 009008 BANKCARD CENTER OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 26.81 105058 03/29/02 009008 BANKCARD CENTER UCD DAVIS SEMINAR 010.4130.5501 200.00 105058 03/29/02 009008 BANKCARD CENTER WINE CASK LUNCHES 284.4103.5505 132 98 105058 03/29/02 009008 BANKCARD CENTER MAIN ST NAT'L TRUST-BOOK 284.4103.5201 35.00 105058 03/29/02 009008 BANKCARD CENTER SHUTTLE-LAX/ANAHEIM 284.4103.5501 16.00 105058 03/29/02 009008 BANKCARD CENTER CRA TOUR CONF 284.4103.5501 12.00 105058 03/29/02 009008 BANKCARD CENTER DISNEYLAND RESORT DIFF CHG 284.4103.5501 3.45 105058 03/29/02 009008 BANKCARD CENTER CALED ANNUAL MTG 284.4103.5501 35.00 105058 03/29/02 009008 BANKCARD CENTER CALED ANNUAL MTG 284.4103.5501 35.00 3,088.97 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 2 03/27/02 07:50 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 22 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 105059 03/29/02 101810 BASIC CHEMICAL SOLUTION SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 640.4712.5274 375.71 375.71 105060 03/29/02 012168 BOXX EXPRESS UPS SHIPPING CHARGES 010.4201.5201 102.13 102.13 105061 03/29/02 013104 JEFF BROMBY FIELD TRAINING OFFICER W/SHOP 010.4201.5501 50.00 50.00 105062 03/29/02 021940 C.COAST TAXI CAB SERVIC TAXI SVCS TO 3/14 225.4553.5507 1,127.25 1,127.25 105063 03/29/02 101101 C.T.I./VALUELINE 24 X 36 PAPER 010.4301.5255 113.81 113.81 105064 03/29/02 016692 CA.PEACE OFFICER'S ASSN CPOA VOLUNTEER DUES-5 010.4201. 5503 125.00 125.00 105065 03/29/02 018174 CA.ST.DEPT.OF HEALTH SV AB 29959 SYS 401001 TO 12/31 640.4710.5303 195.51 195.51 105066 03/29/02 102365 CALBO CALBO CLASS 1 MEMBER - SCHMIDT 010.4212.5503 215.00 215.00 105067 .:13/29/02 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET LUBE/OIL/FILTER..992 010.4201.5601 45.41 105067 03/29/02 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET REPR.FRONT SEAT-PW27 220.4303.5601 1e7.50 105067 03/29/02 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET REPL.BATTERY/SEAT BELT 010.4201.5601 694.01 926.92 105068 03/29/02 102282 CINGULAR WIRELESS CELL PHONE-CROCKETT 010.4130.5201 32.87 32.87 lC'5069 03/29/02 023634 CLASSIC TEES & SIGNS YOUTH tiRESTLING T-SHIRTS 010.4424.-5257 470.27 ',170.27 105070 03/29/02 025428 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL BROAN FAN MOTOR-ELM ST 010.4213 .5604 55.77 105070 03/29/02 025428 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL 70W HPS MED-LIGHT 010.4213.6401 58.72 114.49 105071 03/29/02 026286 CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LAB WATER SAMPLES 640.4710.5310 15.00 15.00 105072 03/29/02 027534 D.G.REPAIR REPR.COOLANT LEAK-P25 010.4430.5601 178.88 178.88 105073 03/29/02 016'302 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIO CMC CREW-JAN 220.4303.5303 3,845.79 105073 03/29/02 016302 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIO CMC CREW-DEC 220.4303.5303 2,516.48 6,362.27 105074 03/29/02 102879 DEPT.OF GENERAL SVCS STATE SVC FEE-MOTORCYCLE PURCH 010.4201. 6301 175.53 175.53 105075 03/29/02 029484 DIESELRO INC. SAFETY INSP-PW51 612.4610.5601 52.00 105075 03/29/02 029484 DIESELRO INC. SAFETY INSPECT-PW32 640.4712.5601 52.00 104.00 105076 03/29/02 031824 ELECTRIC MOTOR REWINDIN 5 BLADE HUBLESS FAN MOTOR 010.4213.5604 11.23 11.23 105077 03/29/02 101379 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES,IN HEAVY DUTY GLOVES 640.4712.5255 26.80 26.80 105078 03/29/02 102875 MATTHEW P. GALLAGHER REF. PARKING CITE D12313 010.0000.4203 20.00 20.00 105079 03/29/02 101604 BARBIE GARY REIMB.SUPPLIES 010.4425.5255 61.85 61. 85 105080 03/29/02 102885 CHRIS GEARY RENTAL-VOLUNTEER APPREC.BANQ 010.4201. 5504 200.00 200.00 105081 03/29/02 038376 GRAND AUTO PARTS BATTERY CABLE REPAIR END 010.4201.5601 6.01 6.01 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 3 03/27/02 07;50 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 22 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 105082 03/29/02 101881 GREATAMERICAN LEASING C LEASE-PANASONIC COPIER 010.4130.5303 319.07 319.07 i 105083 03/29/02 102877 ROBERT W. HALEY CLOSING BILL-519 DIANA PL 640.0000.4751 35.06- 105083 03/29/02 102877 ROBERT W. HALEY REF.O/PAY-519 DIANA PL 640.0000.4751 161.42 105083 03/29/02 102877 ROBERT W. HALEY PREVIOUS BAL-519 DIANA PL 640.0000.4751 63.18- 63.18 105084 03/29/02 101606 ALLAN HANCOCK COLLEGE REGIS-JEFF BROMBY(F!ELD TRNG) 010.4201.5501 52.00 52.00 105085 03/29/02 101088 HANSON AGGREGATES ASPHALT 220.4303.5613 233.27 105085 03/29/02 101088 HANSON AGGREGATES ASPHALT 220.4303.5613 224.28 457.55 105086 03/29/02 100335 DANIEL HERNANDEZ CPRS-HERNANDEZ 010.4421.5501 160.00 160.00 105087 03/29/02 042862 HONEYWELL,INC. HONEYWELL MAINT 010.4213.6401 7,067.50 105087 03/29/02 042862 HONEYWELL, INC. AGPD ROOFTOP UNIT 010.4213.6401 113.68 7,181.18 105088 03/29/02 102884 HOSPICE OF SLO CNTY IN MEMORY OF PHIL WEYAND 010.4201.5504 50.00 50.00 105089 03/29/02 043914 JOSEPH IANNEO REGIS FES/MEAL-IA...''mEO 010.4201.5501 186.34 186_34 105090 (13/29/02 102701 INDOFF,INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4211. 5201 68.09 105090 03/29/02 102701 INDOFF, INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 175.64 :.05090 03/29/u2 102701 INDOFF, INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 01.0.4130.5201 12.32 105090 03/23/02 102701 INDOFF, INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 17.98- 238.07 105091 03/29/02 044496 INFORMATION SERVICES . DP-ON-LlNE TRANS-FEB 010.4201.5606 63.34 63.34 105092 03/29/02 100409 JUDKINS MIDDLE SCHOOL SCOREBOARD CONTROLLER 1/2 REPL 010.4426.6201 180.00 180.00 105093 03/29/02 100752 KUSTOM SIGNALS, INC. EYE97 STANDALONE OVHD REPR 010.4201.5603 31.50 31.50 105094 03/29/02 102863 LASERLOCK SPECIALTIES, I LASER HOLSTER-LASER 3 BMW 272 .4201. 6101 245.05 245.05 105095 03/29/02 052338 LINSON SIGNS LETTERING-2 CARS/BMW MOTORCY. 010.4201. 6301 1,023.00 105095 03/29/02 052338 LINSON SIGNS LETTERING-4 CARS 010.4201.5601 2,211.00 3,234.00 105096 03/29/02 101173 LONGS DRUG STORE MARCH PHOTO PROCESSING 010.4201.5255 5.62 5.62 105097 03/29/02 101999 MAINLINE UTILITY CO. VIDEO INSPECT-MONTEGO 612.4610.5610 375.00 375.00 105098 03/29/02 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE LUBE/OIL/FILTER/WIPER-P56 010.4420.5601 28.69 105098 03/29/02 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE REPL.BRAKE PADS/ROTORS-981 010.4201.5601 409.29 105098 03/29/02 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE 971 REPR.RUNNING LIGHTS 010.4201.5601 81.43 519.41 105099 03/29/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE FLUSH LEVER 010.4420.5605 4.28 105099 03/29/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE WOOD 640.4712.5610 37.53 105099 03/29/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE MISC. HARDWARE 010.4211.5603 12.15 105099 03/29/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE BEARING/WHEEL 010.4420.5603 14.96 105099 03/29/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE IRRG.SUPPLIES 010.4420.5603 19.67 105099 03/2$1/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE NIPPLES 640.4712.5610 5.14 105099 03/29/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE CRIBBING 640.4712.5604 8.57 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 4 03/27/02 07:50 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 22 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 105099 03/29/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE MISC. HARDWARE 010.4213.6401 11.07 113.37 105100 03/29/02 101566 CAROL MOORE REIMB.EXPENSES-VOL.DINNER 010.4201.5504 132.99 132.99 105101 03/29/02 102874 TERRY NAKANO REF. WATER NEUTRAL-601 VILLAGE 226.0000.4027 2,200.00 2,200.00 105102 03/29/02 060450 NAT'L FIRE PROTECTION A NFPA DUES-FIBICH 010.4211..5503 115.00 115.00 105103 03/29/02 102808 NATIONAL RESOURCE SAFET VIDEO SHIPPING 220.4303.5255 19.35 19.35 105104 03/29/02 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 021-2713 010.4145.5403 296.72 105104 03/29/02 063960 PACIFIC BELL ALARM 473-1935 640.4710.5403 24.17 105104 03/29/02 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 473-2198 010.4145.5403 46.74 105104 03/29/02 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 473-5100 010.4145.5403 1,004.46 105104 03/29/02 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 473-5141 010.4145.5403 200.65 105104 03/29/02 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 473-5400 010.4145.5403 2,307.39 105104 03/29/02 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 481-6944 010.4201. 5403 94.14 105104 03/29/02 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 271-7480 010.4201.5403 45.58 105104 03/29/02 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 267-8633 010.4145.5403 69.03 105104 03/29/02 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 489-2174 010.4201.5403 24.24 105104 03/29/02 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 489-9867 DID .4201. 5403 54.00 4,167.12 105105 03/29/02 102887 R. POLTL & ASSOC,INC. COPY OF AG EIR REPORT-TOWN CI'R 010.0000.2400 40.00 40.00 105106 03/29/02 102673 PULITZER LEGAL 113472(ACCT#107189) 010.4130.5301 33.00 33.00 105107 03/29/02 069148 R & T EMBROIDERY,INC EMBROIDERY-PW SHIRT LOGO 640.4710.5143 5.52 5.52 105108 03/29/02 101461 RUSSCO 4 LAMINATE TOP/4-3 DRAWER FILE 010.4130.6001 2,455.44 105108 03/29/02 101461 RUSSCO HOLDERS/RAILS-FILES 010.4130.6001 197.56 2,653.00 105109 03/29/02 075130 SAN LUIS OBISPO CNTY.NE LEGAL #5612199 DEBLAUW 010.4130.5301 106.92 106.92 105110 03/29/02 078156 SEBASTIAN OIL DISTRIB. GASOLINE 010.4201.5608 1,310.43 1,310.43 105111 03/29/02 101556 DIANE SHEELEY CALED'S ANNUAL MTG-SHEELEY 284.4103.5501 140.00 140.00 105112 03/29/02 073944 SLO CO.ANlMAL REGULATIO ANIMAL SVCS-JAN/MARCH 010.4201.5321 8,951.25 8,951.25 105113 03/29/02 081120 SO CALIF MUNI ATHL FED S/BALL LGE.UMPIRE TRAINING KIT 010.4424.5257 144.00 144. DO 105114 03/29/02 080808 SOUTH SLO COUNTY SANIT SEWER SVC-COLL-2/02 760.0000.2304 56,699.91 105114 03/29/02 080808 SOUTH SLO COUNTY SANIT SEWER HOOKUPS-2/02 760.0000.2305 69,000.00 105114 03/29/02 080808 SOUTH SLO COUNTY SANIT 2/02 SAN DIST-203 N.RENA 010.4145.5401 13.47 105114 03/29/02 080808 SOUTH SLO COUNTY SANIT 2/02 SAN DIST-ASH R/RM 010.4145.5401 13.47 125,726.85 105115 03/29/02 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY SISSOR JACK 010.4211. 5601 35.77 105115 03/29/02 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY FITT!NG/CRIMP/MARKERS 010.4211.5601 49.34 105115 03/29/02 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY ENG.BRITE DEGREASER 010.4211.5601 29.47 105115 03/29/02 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY FLASHER 010.4420.5601 23.44 105115 03/29/02 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY REPR.BATTERY CABLE 010.4201.5601 12.85 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 5 03/27/02 07 :50 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 22 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 105115 03/29/02 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY FLASHER/SEALANT 010.4420.5601 26.84 105115 03/29/02 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY TIRE CLEANER 010.4201.5601 57.79 235.50 105116 03/29/02 073008 ST. PATRICK'S SCHOOL GYM RENTAL-FEB/MARCH 010.4426.5553 1,521.00 1,521.00 105117 03/29/02 082040 STAPLES OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4201.5201 133.56 105117 03/29/02 082040 STAPLES OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4201.5201 278.22 411.78 105118 03/29/02 082134 STATEWIDE SAFETY & SIGN STREET NAME SIGNS 220.4303.5613 532.23 105118 03/29/02 082134 STATEWIDE SAFETY & SIGN SIGN U-CLAMPS 220.4303.5613 431.15 105118 03/29/02 082134 STATEWIDE SAFETY & SIGN SIGNS 220.4303.5613 61.13 1,024.51 105119 03/29/02 102389 MICHELE STEARNS REIMB-VOLUNTEER DRIVER TRNG 010.4201.5504 31. 50 31.50 105120 03/29/02 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS INSTL.STARTAC 010.4201..5606 521. 93 105120 03/29/02 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS BATTERY 010.4211.6201 51.48 105120 03/29/02 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS RADIO SVC AGREEMENT-APRIL 010.4201.5606 974.00 105120 03/29/02 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS MOTORCYCLE CABLE KIT 010.4201. 5601 535.18 105120 03/29/02 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS 021 INSTL.UNITROL MICROPHONE 010.4201.5603 71.86 105120 03/29/02 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS MOBILE RADIO 010.4211.6201 1,394.25 105120 03/29/02 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS STARTAC CELL PHONE 010.4201.5606 41.83 105120 03/29/02 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS REPL.BOLTS/INSTL.VIDEO&PART 010.4201. 5601 133 .00 3,723.53 105121 03/29/02 102876 BRIAN STOTE REF. WATER NEUTRAL-STOTE 226.0000.4027 2,200.00 2,200.00 105122 03/29/02 082640 STRADLING,YOCCA,CARLSON PACIFIC HARBOR HOMES 232.4558.5303 1,712.52 1,712.52 105123 03/29/02 082836 STREATOR PIPE & SUPPLY LAV.HANGERS 010.4420.5605 2.24 2.24 105124 03/29/02 102878 T.K.1. RETIREMENT PATCH PLAQUE-HAMIL 010.4201.5504 37.54 37.54 105125 03/29/02 084084 TAYLOR I S TUNE-UP SHOP DIAGNOSE-PD962 010.4201.5601 65.00 65.0.0 105126 03/29/02 084708 RICK TERBORCH SPECIAL INVEST. FUND 010.4201.5303 500.00 500.00 105127 03/29/02 102244 TITAN INDUSTRIAL PELTOR NYLON VISOR FACE SHIELD 010.4420.5255 19.52 105127 03/29/02 102244 TITAN INDUSTRIAL SIGNAL AIR HORNS 640.4712.5255 25.72 45.24 105128 03/29/02 086346 TROESH READY MIX SLURRY 640.4712.5610 152.83 152.83 105129 03/29/02 102871 U.S.DEPT.OF THE TREASUR REIMB.MEDICARE PYM-S.SYLVESTER 640.4710.5131 93.37 93.37 105130 03/29/02 088084 UNITED GREEN MARK,INC. CR:SPRINKLER SUPPLIES 010.4420.5605 222.94- 105130 03/29/02 088084 UNITED GREEN MARK,INC. SPRINKLER PARTS-OAK PARK 010.4420.5605 98.36 105130 03/29/02 088084 UNITED GREEN MARK, INC. SPRINKLER PARTS-OAK PARK 010.4420.5605 24.76 105130 03/29/02 088084 UNITED GREEN MARK,INC. SPRINKLER PARTS-PARK VIEW 010.4420.5605 35.39 105130 03/29/02 088084 UNITED GREENMARK,INC. SPRINKLER PARTS-PARK VIEW 010.4420.5605 19.31 105130 03/29/02 088084 UNITED GREEN MARK,INC. SPRINKLER PARTS-PARK VIEW 010.4420.5605 62.05 105130 03/29/02 088084 UNITED GREEN MARK, INC. SPRINKLER PARTS-PARK VIEW 010.4420.5605 22.12 105130 03/29/02 088084 UNITED GREEN MARK,INC. VALVE BOXES 010.4420.5605 10.15 49.20 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 6 03/27/02 07:50 VOUCHER/CRECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 22 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 105131 03/29/02 088296 UNITED STATES POSTMASTE POSTAGE BY PHONE 010.oH45.5201 3,000.00 3,000.00 105132 03/29/02 102886 UNITED STATES TREASUR'l PENALTY-DEC 2001 941 PYMT 011.0000.2104 404.19 404.19 105133 03/29/02 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS PATROL CELL PHONES-FEE 010.4201.5403 318 n 03/29/02 . 105133 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONES-PD 010.4201. 5403 225.66 105133 03/29/02 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE-CHAVEZ 010.4430.5605 25 23 105133 03/29/02 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE-P & R & FAC DIR 010.4421. 5602 31 15 600.76 105134 03/29/02 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. GENERAL CONSULTING sves 010.4301.5303 5,195.01 105134 03/29/02 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. CREEKSIDE PATH, PHASE 11 350.5607.7501 1,368.34 105134 03/29/02 090246 JOHN ~ALLACE &. ASSOC. CREEKSIDE PATH, PHASE 11 350.5607.7301 437.50 105134 03/29/02 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. OAK PARK BLVD. WIDENING 350.5609.7301 5,390 21 105134 03/29/02 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. EL CAMPO/ROUTE 101 PSR 350.5616.7301 176.00 105134 03/29/02 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. SPRUCE STREET SIDEWALKS 350.5641.7501 780.00 105134 03/29/02 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. TRAFFIC WAY BRIDGE RAIL REPL 350.5644.7501 367.50 105134 03/29/02 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. MARCH .2002 STORM DAMAGE (RODEO} 350.5649.7301 462 50 105134 03/29/02 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. GRAND AVE, PHASE 111 350.5812.7501 52 50 105134 03/29(02 090246 JOHN ~ALLACE &. ASSOC. RESV.NO 1 DESIGN 350.5903.7501 130.00 105134 03/29/02 090246 JOHN WALLACE &. ASSOC. CEDAR STREET SIDEWALKS 350.5646.7501 816.00 15,175.56 105135 03/29/02 090480 WAYNE'S TIRE LUBE/OIL/FILTER-PD12 010.4201.5601 35.61 105135 03/29/02 090480 WAYNE'S TIRE LUBE/OIL/FILTER-PD11 010.4201.5601 23.61 105135 03/29/02 090480 WAYNE'S TIRE TIRE 640.4712.5603 171.78 231.00 105136 03/29/02 102823 DEANNA WILBANKS REF.O(PAY-261 SPRUCE 640.0000.4751 74 .38 74.38 105137 03(29(02 10043l ~ILLARD PAPER CO PAPER 010.4102.5255 383 47 105137 03/29/02 100431 WILLARD PAPER CO PAPER 010.4102.5255 407 55 791.02 105138 03/29/02 092976 WITMER-TYSON IMPORTS SUPPLIES 010.4201.5322 222.01 222.01 105139 03/29/02 102880 YUKEVICH & SONNETI' REIMB.~ITNESS FEES 010.0000.4807 300.00 300.00 TOTAL CHECKS 418,430.09 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 7 03/27/02 07:50 VOUCHER/CHECK ~EGISTER FOR PERIOD 22 FUND TITLE AMOUNT 010 GENERAL FUND 56,666.74 011 PAYROLL CLEARING FUND 205,258.25 220 STREETS FUND 8,051.18 225 TRANSPORTATION FUND 1,127.25 226 WATER NEUTRALIZATION IMPACT 4,400.00 232 IN-LIEU AFFORDABLE HOUSING 1,712.52 272 CA LAW ENFORCM'I' TCHNLGY EQUI P . 245.05 284 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUND 534.43 350 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 12,980.55 612 SEWER FUND 427.00 640 WATER FUND 1,327.21 760 SANITATION DISTRIBUTION FUND 125,699.91 TOTAL 418,430.09 B.b. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES ~ BY: JANET M. HUWALDT, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR~ SUBJECT: STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT DEPOSITS DATE: APRIL 9, 2002 Attached please find a report listing the current investment deposits of the City of Arroyo Grande, as of March 31,2002, as required by Government Code Section 53646 (b). CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MONTHLY INVESTMENT REPORT As of March 31, 2002 April 9, 2002 This report presents the City's investments as of March 31, 2002. It includes all investments managed by the City, the investment institution, type of investment, maturity date, and rate of interest. As of March 31, 2002, the investment portfolio was in compliance with all State laws and the City's investment policy. Current Investments: The City is currently investing all short-term excess cash in the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) administered by the State Treasurer. This is a very high quality investment in terms of safety, liquidity, and yield. The City may readily transfer the LAIF funds to the City's checking account when funds are needed. At this time, the City does not hold any other investments. The following is a comparison of investments based on book values as of March 31, 2002 compared with the prior month and the prior year. I LAIF INVESTMENT CURRENT P:RJ1QR~QN1I'ff PiRlOR YEAR Date: March 2002 February 2002 March 2001 Amount: $11,550,000 10,850,000 9,050,000 Interest Rate: 2.98% 3.01% 6.16% 8.c. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES rGiJ( SUBJECT: CASH FLOW ANALYSIs/APPROVAL OF INTERFUND ADVANCES FROM THE WATER FACILITY FUND DATE: APRIL 9, 2002 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: . Accept the February 2002 cash report, . Approve the interfund advance of $471,933 from the Water Facility Fund to cover cash deficits in other funds as of February 28,2002. FUNDING: No outside funding is required. Attachment A - Cash Balance/lnterfund Advance Report ATTACHMENT A CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CASH BALANCE I INTERFUND ADVANCE REPORT At Feb1'Wll)' 28, 2002 Balance at Recommended Revised Fund Advances Balance 010 General Fund 1,522,813 1,522,813 210 Fire Protection Impact Fees 98,448 98,448 212 Police Protection Impact Fees 18,246 18,246 213 Park Development 443,247 443,247 214 Parle: Improvement 45,041 45,041 215 Recreation Community Center 2,607 2,607 217 Landscape Maintenance 29,710 29,710 220 Street (Gas Tax) Fund 119,591 119,591 222 Traffic Signa1ization 517,401 517,401 223 Traffic Circulation 470,541 470,541 224 Transportation Facility Impact 1,876,068 1,876,068 225 Transportation 19,316 19,316 226 Water Neutralization Impact 389,814 389,814 230 Construction Tax 219,797 219,797 231 Drainage Facility 17,069 17,069 232 In-Lieu Affordable Housing 480,517 480,517 241 Lopez Facility Fund 783,423 783,423 250 CDBG Fund 0 0 271 State COPS Block Grant Fund 36,154 36,154 272 Calif. Law Enf. Technology Grant 51,404 51,404 274 Federal Universal Hiring Grant 23 23 277 98-99 Fed Local Law Enforcement Grant (105) 105 0 278 99.00 Fed Local Law Enforcement Grant 88 88 279 00.01 Fed Local Law Enforcement Grant 9,094 9,094 284 Redevelopment Agency (115,401) 115,401 0 285 Redevelopment Set Aside 46,215 46,215 350 Capital Projects (339,295) 339,295 0 612 Sewer Fund (17,132) 17,132 0 634 Sewer Facility 94,824 94,824 640 Water Fund 2,723,466 2,723,466 641 Lopez 172,023 172,023 642 Water Facility 1,448,371 (471,933) 976,438 751 Downtown Parking 37,712 37,712 760 Sanitation District Fund 211,283 211,283 Total City Wide Cash 11,412,373 0 11,412,373 TIlE ABOVE LISTING ARE TIlE CASH BALANCES SHOWN IN TIlE GENERAL LEDGER OF TIlE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AS OF FEBRUARY 28, 2002 ~ 8.d. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER ~ SUBJECT; CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 2265 DATE: APRIL 9, 2002 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council adopt the Resolution accepting improvements, offers of dedication. and easements within Tract 2265. FUNDING: There is no immediate fiscal impact. Maintenance of these facilities will be funded from Public Works maintenance funds in future years. DISCUSSION: Tract 2265 is located on the north side of James Way as shown in Exhibit 1. The final map for this tract was approved by the Council on August 8, 2000 and was subsequently recorded on August 23, 2000. The required improvements have been constructed and the developer is required to warranty the improvements for a period of one year. Staff has inspected the improvements and recommends that the Council accept the improvements and the offers of dedication. Lot 41 of Tract 2265 has been graded and prepared for a future elementary school site. The Lucia Mar Unified School District was contacted in regards to the acceptance of the tract improvements. The School District indicated that the current improvements associated with Lot 41 are satisfactory. Erosion control has been a concern during construction of Tract 2265 and will be periodically checked until all landscape vegetation has reached a satisfactory level of maturity to prevent erosion. Staff estimates the costs for the ongoing erosion control ofthe site to be within the 10% warranty bond amount. The roadways for Tract 2265 were subjected to extensive construction traffic resulting in numerous stains, patches, and premature aging. The developer has agreed to place an oil seal coat over all proposed public roads for the tract; however, due to the continued home construction, the oil seal coat will not be applied until the completion of the one year warranty period. -- CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 2265 APRIL 9, 2002 PAGE 2 AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve staffs recommendation; - Do not approve staffs recommendation; - Modify as appropriate and approve staffs recommendation; or - Provide direction to staff. Attachment: Exhibit 1 - Location Map of Tract 2265 .--"- RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING OFFERS OF DEDICATION, OFFERS OF EASEMENTS, AND IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN TRACT 2265 WHEREAS, the City Council approved the final map for Tract 2265 on August 8,2000, and the map was subsequently recorded on August 23, 2000; and, WHEREAS, offers to dedicate right of way and easements to the public were provided on the final map for Tract 2265; and, WHEREAS, the developer has constructed the improvements required by the Tract 2265 conditions of approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby accept the public improvements constructed for Tract 2265 and accepts the following offers of dedication and public easements, as shown on the final map for Tract 2265, recorded August 23, 2000 in Book 19 of maps, at Page 31 in the Office of the Recorder of the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California: 1. Street Right of Ways for Village Glen Way, Hidden Oak Road, and Quail Ridge Court; 2. Open Space Easements; 3. Street Tree Easements; 4. Public Utility Easements. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of 2002. ---..------ ~- RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY W ...J C5 (/) 0 .... t) ! 0 z _ ' , , ~ ---1111f71!!f!-1/l . I \ ~ ~t-.:;:j J -l!lt-1 IJ-- 11 T ., t'~~ ~ D, ! I \-:7, I- ~ ... / ~/ I "1- --- / u D. - N ~f~ . c . IL ~IL L ) - I ~ :-.: ,,' I-- ....... W 31 ~~ '" ~- Z u I ~~ I-- J ... W Z ~- "W '- ... W D. ~""w ~~ :;::: ~~ ~ V :z: c u ~ ... ~'" "" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W ... u \ ;\U ~,~ ?::}:. -:;; ~~ :! C I ~'YN ~0: ~"" ~ ~ > I ~~~~~ ... ~ ~~\ I I ~ I ~ ~ I ! \\ I N-') I ~ I ~J1 1~751 . ~'L ,J~ 8.e. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECT~ BY: RYAN FOSTER, PLANNING INTERN SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO USE CITY PROPERTY AND CLOSE CITY STREETS FOR THE ANNUAL ARROYO GRANDE STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL ON MAY 25-26, 2002; TEMPORARY USE PERMIT NO. 02- 003 DATE: APRIL 9, 2002 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council consider the request from the Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association to use City property and close City streets for the Annual Arroyo Grande Strawberry Festival on May 25-26, 2002 (Attachment 1). FUNDING: There is no direct funding impact as a result of this event. Event organizers are required to reimburse the City for the costs of police, fire, public works and other City services used to conduct this event. DISCUSSION: The Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association has requested the following items for the Annual Arroyo Grande Strawberry Festival on May 25'h & 26'h, 2002: 1. The closure of Branch Street from Traffic Way to Mason Street from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturday, May 25, 2002 and Sunday, May 26, 2002 (this will require the Po/ice Department to apply to CalTrans for street closure authorization). 2. The closure of Short Street from Branch Street to Olohan Alley from 6:00 pm Friday, May 24, 2002 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 26, 2002. 3. The closure of Bridge Street from Branch Street to the driveway at McLintock's parking lot from 6:00 am Saturday, May 25, 2002 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 26, 2002. CITY COUNCIL APRIL 9, 2002 STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL PAGE 2 4. The closure of Bridge Street from McLintock's driveway to Nelson Street from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm, Saturday, May 25, 2002 and Sunday, May 26, 2002. 5. The closure of Bridge Street from Nelson Street to Traffic Way from 6:00 am Saturday, May 25, 2002 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 26, 2002. 6. The closure of Nelson Street from Mason Street to Traffic Way from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturday, May 25, 2002 and Sunday, May 26, 2002. 7. The use of the parking lots along Olohan Alley from Mason Street to Bridge Street from 6:00 pm Friday, May 24, 2002 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 26, 2002. 8. The use of the Car Corral from 6:00 am Saturday, May 25, 2002 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 26, 2002. 9. The use of the lawn on Nelson Street between Mason and Short Streets from 6:00 pm Friday, May 24, 2002 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 26, 2002. 10. The use of Hart-Collett Park between Bridge Street and Traffic Way from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturday, May 25, 2002 and Sunday, May 26, 2002. 11. The use of the five-acre lot next to the Arroyo Grande Woman's Club on West Branch Street for shuttle bus parking on Saturday, May 25, 2002 and Sunday, May 26, 2002. Upon City Council authorization to use City property, the Community Development Department will issue a Temporary Use Permit for the event. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: -Adopt the attached resolution; -Modify as appropriate and adopt the attached resolution; -Deny the attached resolution; or -Provide direction to staff. Attachments: 1. Letter from the Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association, dated January 9, 2002 --_._~--- RESOLUTION NO. - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING THE CLOSURE OF CITY STREETS AND USE OF CITY PROPERTY FOR THE ANNUAL STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL, MAY 25-26, 2002 WHEREAS, the Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association (AGVIA). organizers of the Strawberry Festival, have requested closure of certain City streets and the use of City property as outlined below, for the purpose of craft exhibits, displays, food booths and entertainment, and similar activities; and WHEREAS, members of the AGVIA will be responsible for traffic control, cleanup, and payment of all related fees and costs for use of City property and City employee time related to the event. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande as follows: 1. That the Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association is hereby granted the use of certain City streets and property as follows: Strawberry Festival - Saturday & Sunday, May 25 & 26, 2002 . A. "No Parking/Tow Away Zone" on both sides of Branch Street (Highway 227) from Traffic Way to Mason Street; Bridge Street, from Branch Street to Traffic Way; Nelson Street, from Traffic Way to Mason Street; and Mason Street, from Poole Street to Le Point Street; Poole Street, from Traffic Way to Mason Street, in the City of Arroyo Grande, for the period of 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Saturday, May 25 and Sunday, May 26, 2002. B. That for fire/emergency access, there be a "No Parking/Tow Away Zone" on both sides of Nevada Street, from Branch Street to Le Point Street; and Le Point Street, from Nevada Street easterly through the Tally Ho curve; Crown Terrace, from Crown Hill Road to Le Point Street; and East Branch Street, from Garden Street to Huasna Road, in the City of Arroyo Grande; for the period of 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Saturday, May 25 and Sunday, May 26, 2002. C. The closure of Branch Street from Traffic Way to Mason Street from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturday, May 25, 2002 and Sunday, May 26, 2002 (this will require the Police Department to apply to Ca/Trans for street closure authorization). D. The closure of Short Street from Branch Street to Olohan Alley from 6:00 pm Friday, May 24, 2002 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 26, 2002. -~---_.- RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 E. The closure of Bridge Street from Branch Street to the driveway at McLintock's parking lot from 6:00 am Saturday, May 25, 2002 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 26, 2002. F. The closure of Bridge Street from McLintock's driveway to Nelson Street from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm, Saturday, May 25, 2002 and Sunday, May 26, 2002. G. The closure of Bridge Street from Nelson Street to Traffic Way from 6:00 am Saturday, May 25, 2002 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 26, 2002. H. The closure of Nelson Street from Mason Street to Traffic Way from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturday, May 25, 2002 and Sunday, May 26, 2002, I. The use of the parking lots along Olohan Alley from Mason Street to Bridge Street from 6:00 pm Friday, May 24, 2002 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 26, 2002.- J. The use of the Car Corral from 6:00 am Saturday, May 25, 2002 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 26, 2002. K. The use of the grass area on Nelson Street between Mason and Short Streets from 6:00 pm Friday, May 24, 2002 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 26, 2002. L. The use of Hart-Collett Park between Bridge Street and Traffic Way from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturday, May 25, 2002 and Sunday, May 26, 2002. M. The use of the five-acre lot next to the Arroyo Grande Woman's Club on West Branch Street for shuttle bus parking on Saturday, May 25, 2002 and Sunday, May 26, 2002. 2. That the AGVIA will adhere to all requirements and conditions of approval as set forth n Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference for each of the above events issued by the City. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: The foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this day of ,2002. - "'--'_._~---_._- RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY ------------. _._---._.----~ RESOlUTION NO. PAGE 4 EXHIBIT" A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR TEMPORARY USE PERMIT NO. 02-003 STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL (May 25 & 26, 2002) General Conditions 1. The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all State, County and City requirements as are applicable to this project. 2. The event shall occur in substantial conformance with the application and plans on file in the Community Development Department office. 3. The event organizers shall comply with all the conditions of the City Council Resolution adopted on April 9, 2002 (reference attachment). 4. The applicant shall agree to defend at his/her sole expense any action brought against the City, its agents, officers, or employees because of the issuance of said approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers, or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his/her obligations under this condition. Parks. Recreation and Facilities Decartment Conditions 5. The event organizers shall notify the Parks and Recreation Department of the number and placement of waste containers and barricades prior to May 25, 2002. 6. The AGVIA is responsible for providing trash bags and restroom supplies for the festival. Any supplies the Parks and Recreation Department may need to provide will need to be reimbursed by the AGVIA. 7. The event organizers shall have an individual designated to periodically inspect the restrooms and areas around the food vendors and waste containers. That individual shall be responsible for maintaining these areas in a clean manner and to gather and dispose of all debris. 8. The event organizers shall reimburse the City for electrical costs associated with special events, Specifically, for the outlets by the ga'zebo, Bridge St., and behind City hall. 9, The event organizers shall reimburse the City for the costs of any Parks and Recreation City services required for this event 10. The event organizers shall remove any tape placed on streets and parking areas after the event. Public Works Decartment Conditions 11. Restroom facilities, barricades, signing and detour routes shall be provided as required by applicant. -------.^- RESOI:UTION NO. PAGE 5 12. The event organizers shall place an advertisement in the May 20, 2002 edition of the Five Cities Times-Press Recorder advising residents of street closures. 13. The event organizers shall ptovide a $1,000,000 insurance policy naming the City as additional insured. 14. The event organizers shall reimburse the City for the costs of Public Works and any other City services required for this event. 15. The event organizers shall contact the Public Works Department 72 hours prior to the event to check on the status of street maintenance/construction activities. The Public Works Department may require the event organizers to provide temporary construction (orange plastic) fencing around areas designated as potentially hazardous. BuildinQ and Fire Department Conditions 16. All food booths (cooking) must comply with the Fire Department guidelines, and must have County Health Department approval. AGVIA will inform booth applicants of Fire Department guidelines, and will ensure total compliance of booth operators. AGVIA will not allow non-compliant booths to operate. 17. The project shall comply with the most recent edition of the California State Fire and Building Codes and the Uniform Building and Fire Codes as adopted by the City of Arroyo Grande. Specifically, all temporary-wiring provisions of the N.E.C. must be met. 18. The Building and Fire Department must inspect all food booths, generators and temporary electrical service prior to the opening of the event. In lieu of requiring a building permit for temporary electrical service, AGVIA will collect a fee of $15 per every booth utilizing an electrical connection. This fee will be itemized by booth number and submitted to the Department of Building and Fire within 15 days of the end of the Festival. 19. Emergency access must be maintained to the satisfaction of the Director of the Building and Fire Department. A detailed chart or map will be provided to the Department of Building and Fire for approval prior to the event, showing placement of all booths, to include actual dimensions of access pathways for fire apparatus and emergency vehicles. 20. Per the approval of the Fire Chief, there will be ambulance service dedicated to the event. 21. The use of generators must be reviewed and approved by the Director of the Building and Fire Department. 22. All fire lanes must be posted and enforced in accordance with Police and Fire Department guidelines. Fire lanes and access must be approved by the Fire Chief. 23. The applicant shall identify an individual to act as liaison with the Fire Department for the purpose of maintaining proper life and safety. 24. Prior to opening the event, the fire access road shall be posted. The applicant shall provide continuous enforcement of the fire access road during the event. --~---_..__..- RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 6 25. AGVIA will coordinate, and be responsible for costs associated with Five Cities Ambulance, to provide standby personnel and equipment for Bike Medic and golf cart transport for entire duration of Festival. 26. AGVIA shall pay. Department of Building and Fire costs for members and equil>ment assigned to the event. Police Department Conditions 27. The event organizers shall pay Police Department costs for officers assigned to the event. 28. All temporary "no parking" signs shall be posted a minimum of 24 hours prior to event setup (by 6:00 a.m., Friday, May 24, 2002). 29. A minimum of four (4) private "licensed" security will be provided by AGVIA. The AGVIA will present to the Arroyo Grande Police Department two (2) weeks prior to the event: a. The name of the security agency b. A schedule of security coverage c. Location and hours of security assignments d. Minimal security locations will be one (1) officer stationed at Nelson & Bridge Sreet, Two (2) officers assigned to the swinging bridge. One (1) officer for patrol throughout the nighttime hours on Saturday, May 25, 2002. 30.. Failure to provide private licensed security will result in AGPD Officers being assigned with billing made to t.he AGVIA. Special Conditions 31. All streets subject to closure must be posted a minimum of 24 hours prior to closure, stating the dates and times of closures. 32. The AGVIA shall distribute to all vendors State Board of Equalization forms to report the sales tax collected during the festival, and notify the vendors that a listing of vendors will be supplied to the City to verify payment of sales tax. 33. The AGVIA shall provide to the City's Financial Services Department a listing of all vendors participating in the festival. The listing will be used to verify that sales tax was collected and reported as earned in Arroyo Grande. ~._-~-- . ....._-,~- I ATTACHMENT 1 (" P.O. Box J 526 . ^rroyo Grande. C^ 9342 J Phone:~05)473~250 . Fax: (805) 473-0345 III g Village Improvement Association January 9,2002 Steve Adams, City Manager City of AIroyo Grande . P.O.Box 550 AIroyo Grande, CA 93421 Dear Steve: I am submitting the items below for departmental scrutiny. Please send me the necessary fc;>nns to apply for the use permits and have the meetings scheduled that are necessary with the involved departments. A. Easter in the Village - Sunday, March 31, 2002 ~ 1. The use of the lawns between Mason St. and Short St. on Nelson St. for Easter Egg Hunt. B. Arroyo Grande Strawberry Festival- Saturday and Sunday, May 25 & 26, 2002 Item # 1 will require a resolution ITom the City Council. Also, the Police Department will have to apply to CaI Trans for authorization. 1. The closure of Branch St. ITom Traffic Way to Mason St. from 6 am - 6 pm on Saturday, May 25 and Sunday, May 26. 2. The closure of Short St. ITom Branch St. to Olohan Alley ITom 6 pm Friday, May 25 to 6 . pm, Sunday, May 26. 3. The closure of Bridge St. from Branch St. to the driveway at McLintock's parking lot ITom 6 am on Saturday, May 25 until 6 pm on Sunday, May 26. 4. The closure of Bridge St. ITom McLintock's driveway to Nelson.St. ITom 6 am to 6 pm, Saturday and Sunday, May 25 and 26. 5. The closure of Bridge St. ITom Nelson St. to Traffic Way ITom 6 am Saturday, May 26 to 6 pm on Sunday, May 27. 6. The closure of Nelson St. ITom Mason St. to Traffic Way on Saturday and Sunday, May 25 and 26 ITom 6 am to 6 pm. -----.-. --~.- .~ . . 7. The use of the parking lots along Olohan Alley from Mason St. to Bridge St. from 6 pm Friday, May 24 through 6 pm Sunday, May 26. 8. The use of the Car Corral from 6 am, Saturday, May 25 to 6 pm, Sunday, May 26. 9. The use of the lawns between Short St. and Mason St. on Nelson St. from 6 pm Friday, May 24 until 6 pm Sunday, May 26. 10. The use of the Collette Park between Bridge St. and Traffic Way from 6 am to 6 pm Saturday, May 25 through Sunday May 26. 11. The use of the five-acre lot next to the Woman's Club on West Branch St. for shuttle bus parking on Saturday, May 25 and Sunday, May 26. The Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association will provide the proper insurance policy to the City by April 1, as our current policy is good through then. The AG.Y.I.A will compensate the City for any extra expenses incurred as agreed upon. The AG.V.I.A will provide private police for all areas that need monitoring. The AG.Y.I.A will abide by all rules and regulations that will be discussed and agreed upon. The A.G.V.I.A will provide all barricades and signs, an arrow board, as we have done in the past. The AG.Y.I.A will provide all "No Parking" delineators and the proper "No Parking" signs. "- The AG.V.I.A. will install all deli'neateors as we have done in the past. They will be installed on Thursday, May 23 on all streets as outlined by the Police Dept. on Branch St., Bridge St., Nelson St. between Traffic Way and Mason St.; Mason St. from Nelson St. to Poole St.; Poole St. ITom Mason St. to Traffic Way; Nevada St.; a portion of LePoint St. as outlined by the Police Dept.; Crown Terrace between LePoint St. and Crown Hill; a portion of Highway 227 as outlined by the Police Departme~i; the corner of Allen St. and Mason St., two parking spaces in from the corner in all directions. Also, the off ramp exit to North HWY. 101 from Branch Street should have four delin- eators. The A G. Y.I.A will maintain a private patrol to replace delineators that are stolen misplaced, or vandalized. The AG.Y.I.A will provide Swinging Bridge security as needed. The AG.V.I.A. will provide and place all barricades. Thank you for your consideration. I would appreciate a response as soon as possible. ,--. pJ==>/ Bob Lund, Executive Director Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association : , . - 8.f. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTO~S BY: RYAN FOSTER, PLANNING INTERN PI SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO WAIVE APPLICATION FEES AND USE CITY PROPERTY FOR THE MARCH OF DIMES WALK AMERICA ON SATURDAY, MAY 4,2002 DATE: APRIL 9, 2002 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council consider the request from the March of Dimes to waive permit application fees and adopt the attached resolution approving the use of City property for the Annual March of Dimes Walk America on Saturday, May 4, 2002 (Attachments 1 & 2). FUNDING: The applicant is requesting a fee waiver in the amount of $105 for the Temporary Use Permit, which meets the criteria established by the City Council for fee waivers. DISCUSSION: The City has hosted the March of Dimes fund raising event for the past nineteen years. The March of Dimes has requested use of the grass area on Nelson Street between Short and Mason Streets for use in the 19th Annual March of Dimes Walk America. The area will be used for event registration, entertainment and lunch. The site will serve as the start and finish of the event, from 6:30 am to 3:00 pm. The project application was reviewed by the Staff Advisory Committee on February 19, 2002. Upon City Council authorization to use City property, the Community Development Department will issue a Temporary Use Permit for the event. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve the fee waiver request and adopt the attached resolution; - Authorize the use of City property for the Annual March of Dimes Walk America and deny the request to waive permit application fees; --_.-..... -.._~---- CITY COUNCIL APRIL 9, 2002 MARCH OF DIMES PAGE 2 -Modify the fee waiver request and the attached resolution; -Deny the fee waiver request and the attached resolution; -Provide direction to staff. Attachments: 1. Letter from March of Dimes regarding waiver of application fees, dated February 5, 2002 2. Letter from March of Dimes and maps regarding use of City property, dated February 5, 2002 CITY COUNCIL APRIL 9, 2002 MARCH OF DIMES PAGE 2 Attachments: 1. Letter from March of Dimes regarding waiver of application fees, dated February 5, 2002 2. Letter from March of Dimes and maps regarding use of City property, dated February 5, 2002 RESOLUTION NO. - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING THE WAIVER OF PERMIT APPLICATION FEES AND USE OF CITY PROPERTY FOR THE 19TH ANNUAL MARCH OF DIMES WALK AMERICA TO BE HELD SA TURDA Y, MAY 4, 2002 WHEREAS, organizers of the March of Dimes Walk America have requested the use of the grass area fronting Nelson Street between Short and Mason Streets for their annual Walk America fund raising event to be held May 4, 2002; and WHEREAS, organizers of the March of Dimes Walk America have requested a waiver of the $105.00 fee for the Temporary Use Permit application and meet the City's Policy Guidelines for Fee Waivers; and WHEREAS, members of the March of Dimes Walk America will be responsible for traffic control and cleanup. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande as follows: 1. That the grass area located on Nelson Street between Short and Mason Streets may be used from 6:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 4, 2002 for the purpose of holding the registration, barbecue lunch and live or recorded musical entertainment for the March of Dimes Walk America fund raising event; and 2. That the March of Dimes Walk America will adhere to certain requirements and conditions regarding security and traffic control and all other applicable conditions of a Temporary Use Permit to be issued by the City, as set forth.in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 3. That fees for the Temporary Use Permit application for the March of Dimes Walk America to be held on Saturday May 4, 2002, are waived. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: - -~---,-_._- RESOLUTION NO. - PAGE 2 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: The foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 9th day of April 2002. --,--~----- ---.-'''--'''- RESOLUTION NO. - PAGE 3 MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES! DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY ---------- RESOLUTION NO. - PAGE 4 EXHIBIT "A" - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL General Conditions 1. The applicant shall ascertain and comply with All State, County and City requirements as are applicable to this project. 2. The event shall occur in substantial conformance with the application and plans on file in the Community Development Department. 3. The applicant shall agree to defend at his/her sole expense any action brought against the City, its agents, officers, or employees because of the issuance of said approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his/her obligations under this condition. Building and Fire Department Conditions 4. The event organizers shall provide handicapped accessible portable toilets. 5. The event organizers shall provide a 2A 1086 fire extinguisher at the barbecue area. 6. Emergency access must be maintained to the satisfaction of the Director of Building and Fire. 7. The Director of Building and Fire must approve any electrical hookups. Parks and Recreation Department Conditions 8. The City Parks and Recreation Department will provide waste receptacles to be placed on Friday, May 3, 2002. The event organizers shall coordinate the number and location of receptacles with the Director of Parks and Recreation at least five (5) days prior to the event. 9. The event organizers shall coordinate the location and movement of the barbecue, stage and other equipment with the Director of Parks and Recreation. Sprinklers shall be marked with paint, flags, or flour to prevent damage. 10. March of Dimes Volunteers shall pick up the area and leave trashcans empty. --.-. -~----- _____...m - RESOLUTION NO. - PAGE 5 11. Portable toilets must be picked up no later than 24 hours after the end of the event. 12. The event organizers shall clean up the City property and walk route of all litter. 13. No private vehicles are to be parked on the grass area except for loading and unloading activities. Police Department Conditions 14. The applicant shall contact the Police Commander prior to the event to confirm traffic control requirements and the need for barricades. Please note that some of the above conditions must be met prior to start of the event. Failure to adhere to all the above conditions invalidates the tempora-ry use permit. ^----~-- __m.__.._,___ ~.~- March ATTACHMENT 1 o/Dimes WalkAmericae Los Angeles, CA 90010 Telephone (213) 637.5050 Fax (213) 637.5055 February 5th, 2002 RECEIVED Honorable Mayor & City Council FEB 0 5 2002 City of Arroyo Grande 215 Branch St. CITY 0:: ARROYO GRANDE Arroyo Grande, CA. 93420 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT .. Gentlemen; For the past 19 years the City of Arroyo Grande has hosted the fund raising event Walk America. We raise money for research of the over 3000 birth defects that prevent babies from being born healthy. For most of these years we have started and finished our walk at the green space on Nelson & Short Streets. Our event starts with assembly at about 6:30AM and we conclude with a BBQ lunch from about 11:30AM to 2:PM. Over the years our event has grown to a point where we will walk nearly 600 people. These people come from businesses such as MidState Bank, K Mart, Ralph's, to name a few. Large or small they are the ones who make up our community. In teams of employees, family members and friends, they walk 10 miles and have raised close to $400,000. . Our City receives National prominence in the publications the March of Dimes provides. We are about 95% volunteer driven and return over 75% of every dollar to the cause. In the past a temporary use permit was $20.00. We recognize and appreciate the contribution the City makes in allowing us to conduct our event. We are afforded many 'extras' and are sure that $20.00 does not cover them. But on behalf of our goal, to insure that every baby born is born healthy, we are requesting a waiver of the new fee of $105.00. T~d:Ad,mti= A.K. Pete DOUg~ Community Direc or Pete Dougall, Community Dittctor 801 Mesa Dr., luToyo Grande, CA. 93420 Phone 805.481.2934 { Fex 805.481.2911 { email mayol1'ete@>juno.com .._-~---- . March ATTACHMENT 2 o/Dimes WalkAmericae Los Angeles, CA 90010 Telephone (213) 637-5050 Fax (213) 637-5055 RECEIVED February 5th, 2002 FEB 0 5 2002 Re: Temporary Use Permit CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. Applicant: March of Dimes The March of Dimes requests the use of the City owned lawn area on Nelson Street between Short Street and Mason for our 19th annual Walk America fund raising event. The date will be Saturday May 4th, 2002, from 6:30 AM to 3:00 PM. Set - up will include tables for registration, balloon arch, banners, straw bales for seating, tables for food serving, tubs for ice, portable barbecue for cooking, and portable toilets. A service organization will provide a barbecue lunch for all the walkers and volunteers. Walkers will begin aniving around 7:00AM for Team Photos. At 8:00 AM, appro?dmately 600 walkers will leave the area, proceed up Mason Street to East Branch. Walkers turn left on East Branch, proceed to West . Branch, turn right and go to Oak Park Blvd. They move into Pismo Beach and eventually return to the Arroyo Grande start site through Grover Beach on Grand Ave. We will have live or recorded entertainment for the Walkers from 11:00 AM to about 1:30 PM. March of Dimes volunteers will clean up the site and the route of all paper, litter, etc., that is left behind by the Walkers. Pete Dougall, Community Director 80 1 Mesa Dr. Arroyo Grande, CA. 93420 Phone 805.481.2934 { Fax 805.481.2911 { email mayorpete@>juno.com -~-----~--_._.- 1 --."'- .-- . -....- ..-1----..- ! . --- - - , .... '.. . :1 ,'., .- , .' , 1 . '. ~ ~ ., ~ I g -- ;; .! ,': .:.i ~i a . .,. ~ i ,". :] '" ~ ~ \. , , , " .' J \ . - .' ..-; '.1. -~. ...~ . "j , , , STARTIFINISH , M:1Son & Nelson Streets Behind the Old Village of Arroyo Grutde ~ !i I~~.\ ........ ~ . . '~" \ -..-"- - aC'HAl1C2\th(.an: f1\. K ClD' ~ ......!iI>- \ 'rI,rl!!-J .!fi.rl95J. ~~.... -- .. --.------- .,. .. ' ,.... . I ," " " ~ . . .- ~. . ~ .- . ~,'/" ..... :...~ . . / . .... w'. --' .~. ::':-:. -- '. ;..: \ L \ J "../ "'...- /VJ A50i j ) {Lee I ~,,".' C \~~ ~ . '-0 ("'--.. ~ ~. .Q ~. ~{\ "- ~. ~ ~ U~ ~ J: ''''- ~ '-\ . u;} 't'"' .. , , ~ .' .J!" ,,' ~I' ~iILt; td \ ---------_..------ ---- 8.g. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER ttr SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF AN APPROPRIATION FROM THE DOWNTOWN PARKING FUND FOR THE SCENIC CREEKSIDE WALK THROUGH THE HISTORIC VILLAGE OF ARROYO GRANDE, PHASE III PROJECT DATE: APRIL 9, 2002 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council appropriate $2,500 from the Downtown Parking Fund to be used for the design to reconfigure the Olohan Alley parking lot adjacent to the proposed Scenic Creekside Walk Through the Historic Village of Arroyo Grande, Phase III project. FUNDING: The FY 2001/02 projected year-end fund balance of the Downtown Park Fund is approximately $44,200. This $2,500 allocation will bring the year-end fund balance to $41,700. DISCUSSION: Phase III of the Scenic Creekside Walk Through the Historic Village of Arroyo Grande will consist of improving the bluff top walkway along the north bank of Arroyo Grande Creek between Bridge Street and Short Street. As part of the scoping process for the project, it was determined that there is an opportunity to expand the creek area adjacent to the proposed walk. In order to accomplish this, the Olohan Alley parking lot will need to be reconfigured. Staff has developed a preliminary layout of the parking lot accommodating the expanded creek area and it appears that there will be no loss of parking space. In fact, there may be an opportunity to add spaces. However, to fully determine the number of parking spaces within the parking lot, a preliminary design needs to be prepared. This $2,500 appropriation will be used for this effort. If it is determined that the proposed reconfiguration of the parking lot is desirable, additional Downtown Parking Funds may be requested to accomplish the parking lot redesign. The Creekside Walk project is being funded through a grant from the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments. These grants are earmarked for non-motorized enhancements and cannot be used for improvements to the parking lot. Therefore, in order to expand the creek area, other funds would need to be added to the project that can be used for improvements to the parking lot. ------,,-------. CONSIDERATION OF AN APPROPRIATION FROM THE DOWNTOWN PARKING FUND APRIL 9, 2002 PAGE 2 The Downtown Parking Advisory Committee considered the proposed parking lot reconfiguration at their March 26, 2002 meeting and approved an expenditure of an amount not to exceed $2,500 for a preliminary engineering layout. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: . Approve staff's recommendation; . Do not approve staff's recommendation; . Modify as appropriate and approve staff's recommendation; or . Provide direction to staff. jep:232.5607\Phase IIllCorrespondencelCity of AGIDowntown Park Fund Appropriation.wpd ---,--~-_.._-- 9.a. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande will hold a Public Hearing on the following item: CASE NO.: Conditional Use Permit Case No. 02-004 Transitions Mental Health Association LOCATION: 202 Vernon Street REPRESENTATIVE: Barry Johnson APPELLANTS: Linda DeBlauw Valley View Adventist Academy ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: Negative Declaration The City Council will consider an appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of Conditional Use Permit Case No. 02-004 to allow the operation of an adult day care facility in the Single Family Residential district, for the Safe Haven Social Rehabilitation Day Program. In compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the Community Development Department prepared a Negative Declaration in accordance with CEQA Guidelines. Any person affected or concerned by this issue may submit written comments to the Director of Administrative Services before the City Council hearing, or appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the project. Any person interested in the proposal can contact the Community Development Department at 214 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, California, during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) Copies of the appeal applications and related documents are available for public inspection at the above address. 'If you challenge an item in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the Public Hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council, at or prior to, the Public Hearing. Failure of any person to receive the notice shall not constitute grounds for any court to invalidate the action of the legislative body for which the notice was given. Date and Time of Hearing: Tuesday, April 9, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. Place of Hearing: Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, California 93420 Publish 1 Time on March 29, 2002 MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ~S , BY: TERESA MCCLISH, ASSOCIATE PLANNER SUBJECT: APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION'S APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 02-004, TRANSITIONS MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION; 202 VERNON STREET DATE: APRIL 9, 2002 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Council adopt the attached resolution upholding the decision of the Planning Commission of February 19, 2002 to approve Conditional Use Permit 02-004 for the operation of an adult day care facility in the Single Family Residential District. FUNDING: No fiscal impact. DISCUSSION: The Planning Commission considered this item after public hearing on February 19, 2002 and approved the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) based on the fact that all the findings could be made in an affirmative manner (reference Attachment 1 for Planning Commission meeting minutes and staff report). On March 1, 2002, the Principal of the Valley View Adventist Academy and a group of residential neighbors filed appeals stating that they are in opposition to a day care facility for mentally disabled adults being located in a residential neighborhood and near a school (Attachment 2). Specifically, the appellants believe that such an adult day care facility should be located within a commercial or office district similar to medical and related health services. Transitions Mental Health Association applied for a permit to continue to operate their Safe Haven Social Rehabilitation Day Program for disabled, mentally ill adults. Transitions operates eight different programs throughout the County. The Safe Haven program has operated in Arroyo Grande since 1980 in residential neighborhoods within the Village Commercial and Office Districts. Several neighbors of the previous location indicated that the facility had no adverse impact on the neighborhood. The purpose of the Safe Haven program is to provide a non-institutional environment conducive to social rehabilitation and community integration. ---~------,.,--~ CITY COUNCIL APPEAL OF TRANSITIONS CUP 02-004 APRIL 9, 2002 PAGE 2 Since the Planning Commission hearing, the City has received approximately thirty letters in support of the appeal (Attachment 3). Below are responses to concerns raised by the public. . The CUP allows the operation of the Safe Haven program only, and if a change were requested, the applicant would have to amend their CUP. Transitions clientele are not violent criminals or sex offenders. . The program runs from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM four days a week and from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM on Wednesdays. Transitions staff are present at all times. . A van transports Transitions clientele to and from the project site. According to the City's traffic guidelines, there is no traffic impact to the neighborhood. . Properties within a 300-foot radius were sent three notices regarding the project. Please refer to Attachment 4. . There are two types of Adult Day Care facilities specified by the California Health and Safety Code; adult day health care and adult day care. Adult day health care facilites provide limited medical and nursing services and psychiatric and psychological counseling in addition to social rehabilitation. Each are treated differently in terms of zoning requirements and provisions by various cities in the County and in California. Development Code section 16.32.04A lists "Large Family Daycare (seven or more children)", subject to specific use development standards and permit requirements outlined in sections 16.52.120 and 16.16.190. Despite these special provisions, some interpretation is required due to references to childcare and children versus other types of day care for adults or elderly. The Community Development Director is authorized to approve large family day care permits, subject to appeal, without a public hearing, but in this case required a Conditional Use Permit involving a Planning Commission public hearing. The Planning Commission's approval of this use permit has been appealed to the City Council. If the Council wishes to address public concerns regarding constant supervision of clients by Transitions staff, the following modification can be made to Condition of Approval No.4: 4. Hours of operation are restricted to Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10:00AM to 2:00PM and on Wednesdays from 4:00PM to 8:00PM unless otherwise approved by the Community Development Director. Transitions staff shall supervise clientele on and off-site at all times during the hours of oDeration. No outdoor activities may take place before 8:00AM or after 6:00PM. Additionally, to further ensure that the proposed use will not impair the integrity and character of the Single Family Residential District, the Council may wish to amend Condition of Approval No.3 as Follows: 3. The Planning Commission shall review the Conditional Use Permit in one year from the approval date (Februarv 19, 2002) to determine compliance with Conditions of Approval and to ensure that the use has not impaired the integrity and character of the CITY COUNCIL APPEAL OF TRANSITIONS CUP 02.Q04 APRIL 9, 2002 PAGE 3 surroundinQ residential district. If after review, the Commission deems there is sufficient evidence to warrant a full examination. a public hearinQ date shall be set. At such public hearinQ, the Commission may modify or revoke the permit pursuant to the provisions of Arroyo Grande MuniciDal Code 16.16.220. Tt-Jis al'lplication shall automatically eXf'lir-e en February 19, 2903 uRless it can be St-JO'lJR tt-Jat all conditioRs of al'll'lr9\<al ar:e satisfied upon the The proiect is subiect to required annual inspections to be conducted by the City's Building and Fire Department pursuant to the California Health and Safety Code. The two suggested modifications are included in Exhibit A of the attached Resolution. The Council may not wish to make the suggested modifications or may choose to make further modifications, in which case staff will strike or change the resolution as directed. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are presented for Council consideration: - Deny the appeal and uphold the Planning Commission decision; - Include the modified conditions identified by staff and approve the Conditiohal Use Permit; - Make other modifications and approve the Conditional Use Permit; - Do not approve staffs recommendation and direct staff to prepare a resolution with the appropriate findings of fact based upon substantial evidence in the record upholding the appeal and return for adoption at the Council meeting of April 23, 2002; and direct staff to work with the applicant to find a non- residentially zoned location for the proposed facility; - Continue the appeal to the City Council meeting of April 23, 2002 and direct staff to work with the applicant to find a non-residentially zoned location for the proposed facility; or - Provide other direction to staff. Attachments: 1. Minutes from the February 19, 2002 Planning Commission Meeting and Staff Report (less attachments) and Resolution 02-1825 2. Appeal statements from appellants 3. Letters received regarding the appeal 4. Notices to surrounding properties prior to the Planning Commission hearing on February 19, 2002 5. Packet of information from Transitions Mental Health Association RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE UPHOLDING THE ACTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 02-004, APPLIED FOR BY TRANSITIONS MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 202 VERNON STREET WHEREAS, on February 19, 2002 the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande held a duly noticed public hearing to consider Conditional Use Permit Case No. 02-004 filed by Transitions Mental Health Association to operate an adult day care facility in a residential neighborhood; and WHEREAS, as part of its consideration of the application, the Planning Commission reviewed and considered the information and public testimony presented at the public hearing, the staff report and other information and documents that were part of the public record; and WHEREAS, after due study, the Planning Commission approved the Conditional Use Permit application with Conditions of Approval as shown on the attached Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, Linda De Blauw and ten (10) residents neighboring the proposed project site and the Valley View Adventist Academy, filed timely appeals of the Planning Commission's decision to approve the Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on April 9, 2002 in accordance with the Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed and considered the information and public testimony presented at the public hearing, the staff report and other information and documents that are part of the public record; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circumstance exists: The use falls within the classification of a Large Family Day Care Facility which is an allowable use in the Single Family Residential District pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.16.050 of the Development Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby upholds the decision of the Planning Commission to approve the Conditional Use Permit with Conditions of Approval as shown in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, with the modifications set forth herein below. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby amends Condition of Approval No. 3 and No.4 of Planning Commission Resolution No. 02-1825 as attached in Exhibit 'A" as follows (added language is underlined): 3. The Plannino Commission shall review the Conditional Use Permit in one year from the approval date (February 19, 2002) to determine compliance with Conditions of Approval and to ensure that the use has not impaired the inteority and character of the surroundino residential district. If after review, the Commission deems there is sufficient evidence to warrant a full examination, a public hearino date shall be set. At such public hearino, the Commission may modify or revoke the permit pursuant to the provisions of Arroyo Grande Municipal Code 16.16.220. Tt-lis applicatien shall awtornatically ex~ire SA Feeruary 19, 2003 wnless it can ee st-lo'lln tt-lat all conaitiens of a~~roval are satisfied WpOA the The proiect is subiect to required annual inspections to be conducted by the City's Building and Fire Department pursuant to the California Health and Safety CGde. 4. Hours of operation are restricted to Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 1 0:00AM to 2:00PM and on Wednesdays from 4:00PM to 8:00PM unless otherwise approved by the Community Development Director. Transitions staff shall supervise clientele on and off-site at all times durino the hours of operation. No outdoor activities may take place before 8:00AM or after 6:00PM. On motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 9th day of April 2002. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 4 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 02-004 TRANSITIONS MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION 202 VERNON STREET COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT GENERAL CONDITIONS This approval authorizes the operation of an Adult Day Car Facility at 202 Vernon Street. The applicant shall comply with the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all Federal, State, County and City requirements as are applicable to this project. - 2. The applicant shall comply with all conditions of approval for Conditional Use Permit Case No. 02-004. 3. The Planning Commission shall review the Conditional Use Permit in one year from the approval date (February 19, 2002) to determine compliance with Conditions of Approval and to ensure that the use has not impaired the integrity and character of the surrounding residential district. If after review, the Commission deems there is sufficient evidence to warrant a full examination, a public hearing date shall be set. At such public hearing, the Commission may modify or revoke the permit pursuant to the provisions of Arroyo Grande Municipal Code 16.16.220. The project is subject to required annual inspections to be conducted by the City's Building and Fire Department pursuant to the California Health and Safety Code. 4. Hours of operation are restricted to Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM and on Wednesdays from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM unless otherwise approved by the Community Development Director. Transitions staff shall supervise clientele on and off-site at all times during the hours of operation. No outdoor activities may take place before 8:00 AM or after 6:00 PM. 5. Hours of operation are restricted to Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM and on Wednesdays from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM unless otherwise approved by the Community Development Director. No outdoor activities may take place befor 8:00 AM or after 6:00 PM. 6. The project shall comply with state requirements for licensing, occupancy limits and accessibility issues. 7. A six foot fence shall be installed on the side and rear property lines and a three foot fence shall be installed on the Vernon Street frontage. Fencing materials shall be compatible with the residential neighborhood. Landscaping shall be installed along RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 5 fence lines. 8. Lighting shall be stationary, directed away from adjacent properties and public right of way except passenger loading areas, and of an intensity compatible with the residential neighborhood, and additional requirements pursuant to Development Code Section 16.48.090. 9. The applicant shall agree to defend at his/her sole expense any action brought against the City, its present or former agents, officers, or employees because of the issuance of said approval, or in anyway relating to the implementation thereof, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any court costs and attorney's fee's which the City, its agents, officers or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his/her obligations under this condition. PARKS. RECREATION AND FACILITIES DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS 10. Prior to issuance of occupancy, the applicant shall record an agreement with the City to use three parking spaces for Transitions Staff members at the Community Women's Center, during weekdays only; provide the city with evidence of insurance; name the City as additionally insured; and provide the City 'with a signed liability release form for each Transitions staff member. BUILDING AND FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS 11. The project shall comply with the most recent editions of the California State Fire and Building Codes and the Uniform Building and Fire Codes as adopted by the City of Arroyo Grande. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS GENERAL IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS The following conditions apply continuously throughout the project: 12. Fees - The applicant shall pay all applicable City fees at the time they are due. 13. Site Maintenance. The developer shall be responsible during construction for cleaning city streets, curbs, gutters and sidewalks of dirt tracked from the project site. The flushing of dirt or debris to storm drain or sanitary sewer facilities shall not be permitted. The cleaning shall be done after each day's work or as directed by the Director of Public Works or the Community Development Director. 14. Encroachment permits - The applicant shall be responsible for obtaining an encroachment permit for all work within a public right of way. MINUTES ATTACHMENT 1 ?8 PLANNING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 19,2002 THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF EAST GRAND AND COURTLAND STREET, APPLIED FOR BY LARRY PE AYES: Commissioner's Brown, Fowler, Guthrie and C NOES: Commissioner Keen ABSENT: None The foregoing resolution was adopted this 19th y of February, 2002. Commissioner Guthrie made a motion, se nded by Commissioner Brown, adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration, and ap oving Conditional Use Permit Case No. 01- 014, with the addition of the followin conditions and mitigation measure: 1. Residents in the developme shall be restricted to 55 years and over; 2. One hundred percent ( 0%) of the units shall be reserved for low and moderate-income resid ts; 3. The oak tree on Cou land Street shall be removed and replaced with four (4), 48n box specimen es on the project site, adopting: RESOLUTION NO. 02-1824 i A RES UTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARRO 0 GRANDE ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DEC ARATION, INSTRUCTING THE COMMISSION SECRETARY TO FI A NOTICE OF DETERMINATION AND APPROVING NDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO, 01-014, LOCATED ON THE ORTHWEST CORNER OF EAST GRAND AVENUE AND COURTLAND STREET, APPLIED FOR BY LARRY PERSONS Commissioner's Brown, Fowler, Guthrie and Chair Costello. Commissioner Keen None The foregoing resolution was adopted this 19th day of February, 2002. PUBLIC HEARING - Conditional Use Permit Case No. 02-004; Applicant - Transitions, Mental Health Association; Location - 202 Vernon Street. Staff Report by Teresa McClish. Ms. McClish said the applicant is requesting approval of the conditional use permit to allow an adult day care to provide social rehabilitation services to disabled mentally ill adults in a residential neighborhood. The applicant proposes to serve nine clients on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays and has amended the application to have a maximum of 14, not 17 clients, on Wednesday evenings from 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. Transitions has operated in Arroyo Grande for over 15 years on both LePoint Street and ----.- MINUTES Page 9 PLANNING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 19, 2002 subsequently on Mason Street. Daycare facilities are an allowable use in residential Districts however the Development Code does not have specific requirements for adult day care facilities and this is why the applicant is required to apply for a Conditional Use Permit. Ms. McClish highlighted the conditions of approval including improvements and parking requirements. She said the applicant is requesting an exception to the undergrounding utilities and curb, gutter and sidewalk requirements. Public Comment Barry Johnson, Program Director spoke saying they had been operating in Arroyo Grande for 20 years. He further described the type of clients that would be visiting the facility, saying they are community members and the program provides social support and provides an outlet for the participants to do self advocacy, learn independent living skills, volunteer in the community and allows them to reintegrate into the community and graduate back into society to attend school and work, A van provides transportation to the program and they will be providing the parking required. There would not be a lot of traffic, only one or two trips a day to the facility. The average number of clients on any given day would be approximately eight or nine. He asked that people who were at the meeting in support of the program stand up. Twenty people stood to show support. He then read a letter from Patricia Price, 138 Whitely, a neighbor from their former location in support of the project and in addition he presented a petition from others who were in support, but had left earlier because it was so late. Planning Commission concerns: 1. Was a Conditional Use Permit required for the other facilities in Arroyo Grande. 2. How are clients screened. 3. Was there much police activity at the other facilities. 4. Will the facility be leased or bought, 5. Where would the van to transport clients normally be stored. 6. Would there be any other kinds of activities at the site to cause more trips. 7, Besides the "Rehabilitation Day Program" are they proposing to have any other programs at the residence. Mr. Johnson replied- 1. A Conditional Use Permit was not required previously at the other sites. 2. The referral process involves diagnosis, past history. Persons with sexually violent history are not allowed into the residential programs. 3. There was no police activity at the previous facilities and no complaints. 4. The facility is to be leased. 5. The van is normally stored at their main office in San Luis Obispo. 6. Once a year they may have open house or a guest speaker to provide instruction now and again. MINUTES Page 10 PLANNING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 19, 2002 7. No other program would be utilized at this time and they would have to come back to the City to request a change if they wanted to add any other programs. Rae Belle Gambs, President, National Alliance for Mentallv III, said she lived in San Luis Obispo for 17 years, directly behind the Transitions Mental Health group home and there was never a problem with them. Linda DeBlauw, 275 Larchmont Drive. Arrovo Grande, said she lives right next door to the proposed project and was strongly opposed to it. She said she was afraid of the mentally ill because they do things completely out of character. In addition, she said there was a school close by and she had a concern about children being around mentally ill people, and the potential increase in traffic; other people in the neighborhood are also concerned about this. Michele Cochran, 200 S. Mason Street. Arrovo Grande, said she lived directly across the street from the former Transitions residence. At first, she had been concerned because she had an 11-year-old daughter, but there was never a single problem with them in the six years they were there. She said she wished all her neighbors were as good as they were and she thought the community could do with more programs like this to reach out to people. She and her husband were in full support of this program. Claire Clark. 562 Crown Hill. Arrovo Grande, said she lives right next door to Paulding School and she believes Transitions would be a similar neighbor in their predictability. Over the years, she kept her eye on the Mason Street property (former residence of Transitions); it was always kept in good condition, and looked just like any other neighbor from the outside. Jason Cox. member of Safe Haven program, stated how important the program has been to him and that it really does work. Sam DeTraglia, member of Safe Haven DrOgram, said he had been attending the program since 1988 and it has been very helpful to him in many areas of his life. He said since October 2001 they have not had a permanent place to attend. Jennifer Rose 801 S. Halcvon #20. Arrovo Grande, member of Safe Haven, said she had learned independent living skills and social support in a non-judgmental safe environment. She said they had prepared meals for Growing Grounds, People's Kitchen and Prado Day-Care center. Rebecca DeLa Rosa Crist, 215 Garden Street, Arrovo Grande, property owner of 202 Vernon, said there is an empty lot between the DeBlauw's house and this property. She further stated that she has a sister who was diagnosed with a mental illness and because of this program, has come a long way. She said it is a wonderful program, and the clients give to the neighborhood and we should give something back to them. J.T. Haas, 9360 Carmel Road, Atascadero, President of the Board of Transitions Mental Health Assoc., said he works for PG&E and Transitions approached the company to start a Transitions-run garden on some land next to a substation (Growing Grounds Farm). At first PG&E had some concern, but he had been involved with this program since 1984 and said they are wonderful folk and there is nothing to be fearful of. Jill Bolster-White, 3111 Los Osos Vallev Road, Executive Director of Transitions. said she could assure the neighbors that they have a very good history of being good MINUTES Page 11 PLANNING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 19,2002 neighbors and plan to keep that up. We would like to overcome the stigma and we make an extra effort to do this. End of Public Comment The Planning Commission said they had no further concerns and believed this program would be beneficial to the community and would not significantly increase traffic or parking and it would not be harmful to the neighborhood. They further stated that Transitions has had a good track record for the past 20 years and they could support this program. Commissioner Brown made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Fowler to adopt the Resolution approving Conditional Use Permit Case No. 02-004, deleting Conditions 13, 15, 16, and 17, pertaining to undergrounding utilities, improvements of curb, gutter and sidewalk and adopt: RESOLUTION NO. 02-1825 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION, INSTRUCTING THE SECRETARY TO FILE A NOTICE OF DETERMINATION, AND APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 02-004, LOCATED AT 202 VERNON STREET, APPLIED FOR BY TRANSITIONS MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION. AYES: Commissioners Brown, Fowler, Guthrie, Keen and Chair Costello NOES: None ABSENT: None The foregoing resolution was adopted this 19th day of February, 2002. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE - Lot Line Adjust Case No. 01-006; Applicant - Berry Gardens; Location - 1592 Raspberry 1591 Loganberry. Staff Report by Teresa McClish, Associate Planner Ms. McClish said staff has n oncerns as other lots meet the minimum requirements of the Development C and the Berry Gardens specific plan and there are no easements being ef ed. There was no ic comment. The f owing action was taken: Hearing Date: 02/29/02 Agenda Item No. II.C. PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING TO BE HELD IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 215 EAST BRANCH STREET - APPLICANT: Transitions Mental Health Association FILE/lNDEX: Conditional Use Permit Case Number 02-004 -- PROPOSAL: Operate a Adult Day Care Facility to provide social support for disabled adults LOCATION: 202 Vernon Street REPRESENT A TIVE: Barry Johnson 26 Hearing Notices sent on 2/8/02, Staff Report Prepared by Teresa McClish.\'J'^iL.- Site inspection by Teresa McClish on 1/22/02. Site was adequately posted. Parcel Size: 6,250 square feet Terrain: slopes downward to the south Vegetation: grasses, shrubs, oak tree Existing Land Use: Residence General Plan Designation: Single Family Residential - Medium Density (MD) Existing Zoning:. Single Family Residential (SF) Surrounding Land Use/Zoning/General Plan Designation: North: Residence, Church, School/PF/PF East: Residences/SF/MD South: Residences/SF/MD West: Women's Center/PF/PF Planning Commission Conditional Use Permit Case Number 02-004 202 Vernon Street February 19, 2002 Page 2 BACKGROUND: The applicant is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow an Adult Day Care to provide social rehabilitation services to disabled, mentally ill adults in a residential neighborhood. For a detailed description of the "Safe Haven" program, please refer to the applicant's letter in Attachment 1. Staff Advisorv Committee The SAC reviewed the project on January 22, 2002 and discussed issues of parking, undergrounding of utilities, curb gutter and sidewalk and how the California Health and Safety Code pertains to the application (reference Attachment 2 for meeting notes). The applicant is requesting an exception to the City's undergrounding and curb, gutter and sidewalk requirements (reference Attachment 1 pg. 2 of the applicant's letter). DISCUSSION: Development Code The application is for an Adult Day Care, which is similar in use to a Large Family Day Care facility, an allowable use in residential districts. Large Family Day Care facilities are allowed subject to a minor use permit.. Initially, staff processed Transition's application with a minor use permit and noticed neighbors of the project site accordingly. After receiving many letters in opposition to the project, and after reviewing a survey of other cities in California and finding that the majority address Adult Day Care facilities through the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) process, a CUP was required for the subject application. The applicant proposes to serve nine clients on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays and has amended his application to have a Maximum of 14 clients on Wednesdays from 4-8 pm. Transitions has operated in Arroyo Grande for over 1 5 years on LePoint Street and subsequently on Mason Street. The applicant has submitted photos of the Mason Street building to show that the residence was maintained in good condition while occupied by Transitions (Attachment 3). "-,,_.- Planning Commission Conditional Use Permit Case Number 02-004 202 Vernon Street February 19, 2002 Page 2 The Development Code Section16,52.120 requires performance standards for Large Family Day Care Homes. The table below lists how these standards pertain to the proposed project. Performance Standard Project 1 . Structures must meet property Meets property development standards. development standards The site is subject to inspections by the Building and Fire Department according to Health and Safety Code Section 1597.46 (see Attachment 4 for the floor plan). 2. Outdoor play Area N/A -. 3. Fences and walls - 6' fence required, Required per Condition of Approval No.6 compatible with on-site development and adjacent properties. 4, Landscaping consistent with Additional landscaping along fence required neighborhood per Condition of Approval No.6 5. On-site parking for each staff in Clients transported by 14 passenger van. addition to required residential parking - 2 spaces on-site: 1-car garage, 1 space in five spaces required. driveway, 3 spaces off-site for staff only at the Women's Center per Condition of Approval No. 9 6. Passenger loading - required plan Van parking is in driveway directly in front approved by City Engineer of building entrance. 7, Lighting required per Development Lighting required to be stationary, directed Code Section 16.48.110 compatible away from adjacent properties per with residential use. Condition of Approval No.7 8. Hours of Operation M-F 6AM - 7PM MTRF 10AM - 2PM Wed. 4PM - 8PM 9. Outdoor Activity only between 8AM Restricted hours per Condition of Approval and 7PM No.4 10. No Large Family Day Cares within No permitted facilities are within 150 ft. 150 ft. 11. State lise. Required per Condition of Approval No.5 Purpose A CUP is intended to allow the establishment of those uses which have some special impact or uniqueness such that their effect on the surrounding environment cannot be determined in advance of the use being proposed for a particular location. The CUP application process allows for the review of the location and the design of the proposed use, configuration of improvements, and potential impacts on the surrounding area from the proposed use. The review shall determine whether the proposed use should be permitted by weighing the public need for and Planning Commission Conditional Use Permit Case Number 02-004 202 Vernon Street February 19, 2002 Page 3 benefit to be derived from the use against any adverse impact it may cause. Authoritv The Planning Commission has the authority to approve CUPs, subject to conditions - of approval (contained in the Resolution), and findings that the project is consistent with City policies and standards. The Planning Commission may deny a CUP application if the findings cannot be made (e.g., the project would be detrimental to the public, health, safety and welfare). - If issues arise at a public hearing that were unforeseen, the Planning Commission has the discretion to add conditions that are not included in the draft resolution of approval. Conversely, the Planning Commission has the authority to strike conditions contained in the draft resolution of approval, if in the Commission's judgement they are not required. FindinQs The Planning Commission may approve a CUP application, in whole or in part, only if all of the findings of fact can be made in an affirmative matter (reference the first page of the Resolution). PUBLIC COMMENTS: A public notice was sent to all property owners within 300 feet of the proposed project, and a public notice was placed in the Times-Press-Recorder. Staff has received 17 written comments to date, seven in opposition and ten in support of the project (Attachment 5). The Pastor of the Seventh Day Adventist Church adjacent to the project site spoke to the Community Development Director in support of the project. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Staff has reviewed this project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the CEQA Guidelines and the City of Arroyo Grande Rules and Procedures for Implementation of CEQA. An initial study was prepared and based on this analysis, a Draft Negative Declaration was prepared and noticed for public review. RECOMMENDATION: The Staff Advisory Committee recommend that the Planning Commission adopt the attached resolutions approving Conditional Use Permit Case No. 02-004 subject to the conditions of approval contained therein. Attachments: Planning Commission Conditional Use Permit Case Number 02-004 202 Vernon Street February 19. 2002 Page 4 Resolution Approving Conditional Use Permit Case No. 02-004 Exhibit "A": Conditions of Approval 1. Applicant's Letter Dated February 14, 2002, brochure and newspaper article 2. January 22, 2002 SAC Meeting Notes 3. Photo of Mason St. facility 4. Floor Plan of Residence 5. 17 letters concerning the project 6. Negative Declaration and Initial Study - RESOLUTION NO. 02-1825 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF A~ROYO GRANDE ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION, INSTRUCTING THE SECRETARY TO FILE A NOTICE OF DETERMINATION, . AND APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 02-004, LOCATED AT 202 VERNON STREET, APPLIED FOR BY TRANSITIONS MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Gr~mde has considered Conditional Use Permit Case No. 02-004, filed by Transitions Mental Health Association, to operate Adult Day Care facility to provide social rehabilitation to disabled, mentally ill adults; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has held a public hearing on this application in accordance with the City Code; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has found that this project is consistent with the General Plan, Development Code and the environmental documents associated therewith; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed this project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines, and the Arroyo Grande Rules and Procedur~s for Implementation of CEQA and has determined that a. Negative Declaration can be adopted; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circumstances exist: FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL Conditional Use Permit Findings: 1. The proposed use is permitted within the Single Family Residential district pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.16.050 of the Development Code, and complies with all applicable provisions of the Development Code, the goals and objectives of the Arroyo Grande General Plan, and the development policies and standards of the City. 2. As conditioned, the proposed use will not impair the in~egrity and character of the district in which it is to be established or located. 3. The site is suitable for the type and intensity of use that is proposed because according to Health and Safety Code Section 1597.40, day care facilities are intended to be situated in residential surroundings to provide a home environment, and parking and fencing would be provided. 4. There are adequate provisions for water, sanitation, and public utilities and services to ensure the public health and safety. RESOLUTION NO. 02-1825 CUP 02-004 PAGE 2 5. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties and improvements in the vicinity because the proposed project would not create any adverse environmental impacts. Department of Fish and Game Required Findings of Exemption: 1. The City of Arroyo Grande has prepared an initial study pursuant to Section 15063 of the Guidelines of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), for Conditional Use Permit Case No. 02-004. 2. Based on the initial study, a Negative Declaration was prepared for public review. 3. After holding a public hearing pursuant to State and City Codes, and considering the record as a whole, the Planning Commission adopted the negative declaration and found that there is no substantia! evidence of any significant adverse effect, either individually or cumulatively on wildlife resources as defined by Section 711.2 of the Fish and Game Code or on the habitat upon which the wildlife depends as a result of development of this project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby adopts a Negative Declaration, instructs the Secretary to file a Notice of Determination, and approves Conditional Use Permit No.. 02-004, with the above findings, and to the conditions set forth in Exhibit nAn, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. On motion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Fowler, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioner's Brown, Fowler, Guthrie, Keen and Chair Costello NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 19th day of February, 2002. ATTEST: 4" ~~'l)~bul+- k ~' Lyn Reardon-Smith, Commission Clerk Joseph M. Costello, Chair I . g, Commumty De elopment Director RESO!-UTION NO. 02-10_-' CUP 02-004 PAGE 3 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 02-004 TRANSITIONS MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION 202 VERNON STREET COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT GENERAL CONDITIONS This approval authorizes the operation of an Adult Day Car Facility at 202 Vernon Street. The applicant shall comply with the following Gonditions: 1. The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all Federal, State, County ana City requirements as are applicable to this project. 2. The applicant shall comply with all conditions of approval for Conditional Use Permit Case No. 02-004. 3. This application shall automatically expire on February 19, 2003 unless it can be shown that all conditions of approval are satisfied upon the required annual . inspection to be conducted by the City's Building and Fire Qepartment. 4. Hours of operation are restricted to Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10:00AM to 2:00PM and on Wednesdays from 4:00PM to 8:00PM unless othelWise approved by the Community Development Director. No outdoor activities may take place befor 8:00AM or after 6:00PM. 5. The project shall comply with state requirements for licensing, occupancy limits and accessibility issues. 6. A six foot fence shall be installed on the side and rear property lines and a three foot fence shall be installed on the Vernon Street frontage. Fencing materials shall be compatible with the residential neighborhood. Landscaping shall be installed along fence lines. 7. Lighting shall be stationary, directed away from adjacent properties and public right of way except passenger loading areas, and of an intensity compatible with the residential neighborhood, and additional requirements pursuant to Development Code Section 16.48.090. 8. The applicant shall agree to defend at his/her sole expense any action brought against the City, its present or former"agents, officers, or employees because of the issuance of said approval, or in anyway relating to the implementation thereof, RESOLUTION NO. 02.1825 CUP 02-004 PAGE 4 or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any court costs and attorney's fee's which the City, its agents, officers or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his/her obligations under this condition. PARKS, RECREATION AND FACILITIES DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS " 9. . Prior to issuance of occupancy, the applicant shall record an agreement with the City to use three parking spaces for Transitions Staff members at the Community Women's Center, during weekdays only; provide the city with evidence of insurance; name the City as additionally insured; and provide the CitYY>'ith a signed liability release form for each Transitions staff member. BUILDING AND FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS 10. The project shall comply with the most recent editions of the California State Fire and Building Codes and the Uniform Building and Fire Codes as adopted by the City of Arroyo Grande. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS GENERAL IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS The following conditions apply continuously throughout the project: 11. Fees - The applicant shall pay all applicable City fees at the time they are due. 12. Site Maintenance - The developer shall be responsible during construction for cleaning city streets, curbs, gutters and sidewalks of dirt tracked from the project site. The flushing of dirt or debris to storm drain or sanitary sewer facilities shall not be permitted. The cleaning shall be done after each day's work or as directed by the Director of Public Works or the Community Development Director. 13. Improvement agreement TRG dovGlel3er Ghall cAter inte GA Improvement Agr-cement for the eOfRpletion ane! g!:lar-aAtoe of ifRprovofROntG rcq!:lirce!. Tho IfRprovomont l\gr-ceA'leAt sl'lall bo OA G form aGooptaele to tRo City. 14. Encroachment permits - The applicant shall be responsible for obtaining an encroachment permit for all work within a public right of way. 15. Unaer-gre!:lAdiAg ,".11 oxiGting puelic over-heae! utilities whiGR arc onGito, aAd tl'lOGO within six foot of the side GAd roar let lines, and tRooe along the fr-ontage (as ohmYn in Figure ,^<) shall be placed IlAaCFgr-aI:lAd. ~..~ . < . RESOLUTiON NO. 02-'\v5 CUP 02-004 PAGE 5 . , . . . , . . ~ ......~ < .' -~- --.. .. . . . < ~ , . . . 0 , . .' ~Je.ff\'aflt&: 0 , . .. ;,<1 " ,,', ~t:(>~"_;:J;"; -. ~ . ATTACHMENT 2 . ~ . . . '. .... APPEAL nj THFiCITYCOUNCIL OFtJ!t~Of'ARRGYO .G~ \;i8E .' . .. 'CITYQFARRdYO(3~NDE,ogMAR~IPH.~ ~9 . . . . Date-fr)~/JoZoo.;J.- <.... ..... . ....... '.. .... ..... .... '. . '. Name andAd~r7ss of.APpelta"t..~ t :,.~. . f<-~.c ,,- ~..j ,.. ~ ...~. ". .... . .' ..... ...., . ... . '. . '~7~ ,,~...._...-..A . .:,....:. "..._,.'.,,_....,.._.',',,_:._"..-.-.;,.'-,.-".'::_.'.::l.'~_: -~"'.l..J,/{ ~~,~J1~/~./J~'~...,... /)~.. ...........-M4?nz (lA' Appealof~i.zw.,~I~~7~&.... ,ijpFO~~"O~ t.fa~o . Case No. Approved/R~ ''':lbY)A^f~.'....... ...."...:?Lk..n0 ..........on. #~/f, ..2.(I(J 01- . '. .. . . " "'.' ., . .' '.' '. Date .' ..'. ~""~. .. .' . ",' Reason for Appeal _~L- "~'''.A''I ~~.' , . '. .~" \,.-". .,~4'-,~~W~~ ~ ~Ignature." /~~ ~~~h~o~ "MaHirigAddress.,;J(?S".~tA~Av~ ~~ Telepho~e YO j- ~?'7 - -< tf'~~, ,;#/rtL- ~ Fee-'$190:00 'Receipt No. 0/-0/'/<//00 (Y~~CVJ., .. Date ....J_ .,.i!,./o.,::;;..o:'i-~ t:E.~...........,...,..g.'..."..~..'..' ..... .'. ..' . :," ....... .'/!, ~ -,- .. . . ...~ . ......... ........ ........f:J,.....,.. " ,-- .. ..,' .. .. - .... .. .,.... .. 'Q .' . .' .~. hJ.....,. .~....J..'.. .....o/ectorof'td~jJ1istr ive Servi~es/D~guty City Clerk ~ .. .' _\\ , J\(\,' II ~ ~'0~ ' . .:.~~. .'\.\~At:J~ ..m_ ..~~ 0" ___,__ _.~_"_.._,.._. ___ . . EXHIBIT "A" GROUNDS FOR APPEAL 1. Staff initially informed the public that applicant was "Transitions", and the project was a "Large Day Care 01-001 to allow for the operation of a social support groups facility for disabled adults", and processed the application as a minor use pennit. (See Exhibit A-I attached hereto.) Due to strong opposition from the neighbors, this process was aborted. 2. The applicant is actually "Transitions Mental Health Association", and the project now applied for is a "Conditional Use Permit . to allow an Adult Day Care to provide social rehabilitation services to disabled, mentally ill adults. in a residential neighborhood." (See Staff Report to Planning Commission dated February 19, 2002.) 3. Prior to the processing of the applicant's current application, staff surveyed other cities in California and found that they all address Adult Day Care facilities through the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) process. However, none of the cities surveyed allow such use in a Single Family Residential (SF) zone. (See Exhibit A-2 attached hereto, which evidences that the City of Cerritos only allows such use in a Light Industrial Zone; the City of Gardena only allows such use in Multiple Dwelling, Public and Semipublic Facilities. and Local Servicing Commercial Districts; and the City of Garden Grove only allows such use in Commercial Zones (Cl, C2, and C3).) 4. Health and Safety Code Section 1597.40 has absolutely no application to the subject project. That section only applies to 'family day 1 -_._.-..._.._".._-_...._~.__..- care homes for children." Such facilities "should be situated in normal residential surroundings so as to give children the home environment which is conducive to healthy and safe development." (See Exhibit A-3 attached hereto.) 5. Section 16.52.120 of the Arroyo Grande Development Code likewise has absolutely no application to the subject project. That section is merely the local ordinance which implements the State law dealing with day care homes for children. Accordingly, the development standards contained therein are inapposite to the proposed project which contemplates a facility for disabled adults. 6. The proposed project is in the Single Family Residential zone. Table 9-06.040-A of the Arroyo Grande Development Code prohibits use comparable to the proposed project in that Boarding/Rooming Houses (A9.). Senior Independent Living Uses (AI0.). Congregate Care, Assisted Living (A 11.), and Convalescent Care (AI2.) uses are not permitted in uses in the Single Family Residential zone. 7. Consistent therewith it is appellants' understanding that the two previous locations of Transitions Mental Health Association within the City of Arroyo Grande were not in a Single Family Residential zone, but were both in a Commercial Office zone. 8. The proposed project should be located within the Commercial Office zone as a permitted use in either General Commercial. Village Commercial or Office Professional. as a medical and related heath services for humans as authorized in section A.6. of Table 9-07.030-A of the Arroyo Grande Development Code. 9. It is the appellants' further understanding that the City of Arroyo 2 ------------.------- ----_."----- Grande Planning Commission and Staff have plans to conduct a workshop to discuss the need to amend the zoning ordinance to accommodate locations for such businesses as the applicant. Transitions Mental Health Association. 3 -----.---- ---.- ----------,.--..'-" -..- . . 1/ NOTICE OF PROPOSAL I~~ OF A LARGE DAY CARE . DATE: November 30, 2001 APPLICANT: Transitions PROJECT: Large Day Care 01-001 to allow for the operation of a social support group facility for disabled adults. LOCATION: 202 Vernon Street REPRESENTATIVE: Barry Johnson Dear Property Owner, The above applicant has requested a Large Day Car Permit for the above referenced operation. As part of the Large Day Care Permit process, property owners within 300 feet must be notified of said application. The application is available for review at the Community Development Department office in City Hall, at 214 E. Branch Street. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Please submit any comments and/or concerns you may have in writinq regarding this project no later than 5:00p.m. Thursday, December 13, 2001 to: CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 550 ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93421 Please refer to Large Day Care No. 01-001 in your correspondence. Please include your telephone number so we may contact you if it is necessary to discuss your comments and/or concerns in more detail. If no adverse comments are received during the ten day review period, the Community Development Director may approve the Large Day Care Permit. Conditions are made as part of the approval to protect the surrounding neighborhood from impacts relating to noise, traffic, parking, spacing and concentration. The Community Development Director must make the following findings in order to approve the application: 1. The proposed large family day care home complies with the standards, restrictions, and requirements contained in Section 9-11.110 of the Development EXHiBIT ~'A"- I MEMORANDUM . TO: ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR FROM: TERESA MCCLISH, ASSOCIATE PLANNER DATE: DECEMBER 18, 2001 RE: LARGE DA YCARE PERMIT FOR ADULT DAY CARE - VERNON ST. We noticed residences in the neighborhood of a proposed adult day care at 202 Vernon St. (The last requested application was withdrawn due to pressure on the proposed landlord from neighbors.) We received several letters (not as many as before) opposing the use. We have been processing this as a Large Day Care facility (allowable in residential districts) because our code doesn't have a specific permit requirement for adult day care. However, I just found a League of CA cities summary from last summer with many cities indicating they require CUP's. "'"'-'1"''>"> f,,,,V\ v\"o we.: <: CJ.,,~ For the subject site, parking is an issu.!'l\although they use a van to transport clients and staff. According to our parking requirements (for daycares/schools) we would require 5 off street spaces, they propose one. Otherwise, for a residential area, the site is well located, being adjacent to a school, and across from the Community Center. I'm not sure if we should kick this application up to a CUP. I'll call in Wed. to discuss. EXHIBIT ~"A""'2. _.------ --~-_. ,'-' ,'. Tere$a McClish'- ~equesrtorlnformat" via ListSerVe . ~".,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~~,=-~,,,~,--,. - ..,',., ... "-,--"--,,-."-".'.'.'" .......",.~'=m...,..,-..-..---" -"-'--"".- '" Page 1 I From: <Luis _Estevez@ci.cerritos.ca.us> . To: <JMesserlian@ci.gardena.ca.us> Date: -.17/17101 2:24PM Subject: Request for Information via ListServe Dear Jack: Before the City of Cerritos adopted our Adult Day Health Care Ordinance, staff had requested and imposed a nearly 12-month moratorium while we studied the issue. We decided the best place for this type of facility would be in our / Area Development Plan-One zone (Light Industrial Zone). Attached to this e-mail is the actual staff report presented to Council along with the change to the ordinance. Hope this helps. Luis Estevez, Management Analyst ------------- "______,___w_ . . .3 CITY OF CERRITOS . ORDINANCE NO. - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CERRITOS AMENDING AREA DEVElOPMENT PLAN-ONE (ADP-1) OF THE CERRITOS MUNICIPAL CODE TO PERMIT THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ADULT DAY HEALTH CARE FACILITIES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CERRITOS DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOlLOWS: SECTION 1. Chapter 22.11 of Title 22 of the Cerritos Municipal Code is hereby amended by amending Section 22.11.210 to read as follows: 22.11.210 Manufacturing-office - Conditional uses. The following conditional uses may be permitted subject to provisions set forth in sections 22.11.210 through 22.11.230. (a) Adult day health care facilities subject to the following criteria and limitations: (i) Approval of any and all adult day health care facilities shall not result in an over concentration of such facilities within the area where the facility is to be operated. A minimum of 1,000 lineal feet shall be maintain between adult day health care facilities; * (ij) Buildings occupied by adult day health care facilities shall have a minimum distance requirement of one hundred fifty (150) lineal feet from residential land uses provided that a physical barrier such as an arterial street, freeway or flood control channel exists. If no such barrier exist, the minimum distance requirement shall be no less than three hundred (300) lineal feet from adult day health care facilities establishing a buffer from residential land uses; (iii) Adult day health care facilities shall be limited to daytime business hours and no person or persons shall be allowed to use the facility as a living quarter at any time. (b) Financial institutions such as banks, savings and loan associations, and credit unions; (c) Trade or professional schools; (d) Office uses of a business, administrative, service, consulting or professional type including sale of services, equipment, supplies and goods to commercial accounts, including limited retail sales and service to the public in conjunction with a permitted use (limited equipment storage and servicing may be permitted if such facilities do not exceed the floor space allocated to office use); (e) Restaurants, excluding drive-ins and carry-outs; (f) Government or public utility facilities; (g) Medical, dental or completely enclosed veterinary clinics. Development Code Amendment 2001-1 . April 26, 2001 Page 4 Declaration. Any adverse impact can be reduced to a level of insignificance through the standards of development included in the Development Code, the City's precise plan and design review process and other Municipal Code requirements. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends the following to the City Council: 1. Certify, receive, file and approve the Negative Declaration for Development Code Amendment 2001-1, which has been completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the State guidelines and the guidelines adopted by the City Council/Redevelopment Agency; and reviewed and considered in accordance with findings contained in the Negative Declaration. 2. Direct staff to file Notice of Determination in accordance with Section 3.5 of the Environmental Impact Report Guidelines of the City of Cerritos and the Cerritos City Council/Redevelopment Agency. 3. Waive reading of and introduce an ordinance amending Chapter 22.11 of the Cerritos Municipal Code, as set forth in Development Code Amendment 2001-1 captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF CERRITOS AMENDING AREA DEVElOPMENT PLAN-ONE (ADP-l) OF THE CERRITOS MUNICIPAL CODE TO PERMIT THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ADULT DAY HEALTH CARE FACILITIES mc Attachments 1. Planning Commission Minute Excerpts 2. location Map 3. Negative Declaration 4. Existing Area Development Plan-One Regulations 'f Development Code Amendment 2001-1 . April 26, 2001 Page 6 SECTION 2. Chapter 22.11 of Title 22 of the Cerritos Municipal Code is hereby amended by adding Section 22.11.230(13) to read as follows: 22.11.230 Manufacturing-office - Intensity standards. In addition to the development standards established by and under Chapters 22.70 to 22.79 of this code, the following standards shall apply to the development area: (13) Adult day health care facilities shall be required to provide a minimum of one (1) space for evelY one thousand (1,000) square feet of gross floor area; and, one (1) additional space for each vehicle used in the day-to-day operation of the facility; (a) Adult day health care facilities shall only be permitted to park vehicles on-site that are used in the day-to-day operation of the facility. SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause same to be posted as required. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this day of ,2001. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY ClERK - RE: Adult Day Healtt .re Centers Page f . From: Virginia Boone <vboone@cLcorte-madera.ca.us> To: 'Jack Messerlian' <JMesserlian@cLgardena.ca.us> Date: V7I17/012:54PM Subject: RE: Adult Day ,fIealth Care Centers Privately owned Adult day care ctrs are currently allowed with an approved ./ Conditional Use Permit, in Multiple Dwelling districts, Public & Semipublic Facilities, and Local Serving Commercial districts. The standards & parking are those used for Day Cares and/or Schools. -----Original Message----- From: Jack Messerlian [SMTP:JMesserlian@cLgardena.ca.us] Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 12:15 PM To: 'HCED@lists.cacities.org' Subject: Adult Day Health Care Centers Recently we've been receiving an increased number of requests for adult day health care centers which, under our current zoning regulations, are not provided for. What zones do you permit them? What are your zoning regulations, Le. .development standards, including parking, etc. Any help you can render ASAP will be much appreciated. Jack Messerlian 4 Planning Administrator City of Gardena T (310) 217-9524 F (310) 217-9698 ********************.********************** This message was sent to you as a subscriber to the League of California Cities' HCED listserve. If you have any questions, please contact Aly Zimmermann at zimmera@cacities.org. The League is not responsible for the content posted to this listserve and encourages users to conduct their own evaluations. Access to this listserve may be denied at the League's sole discretion. Teresa McClish - RE: Adult Day Healtt re Centers -- Page From: Chris Schaefer <CSchaefer@cUos-alamitos.ca.us> . To: Jack Messerlian <JMesserlian@cLgardena.ca.us> Date: .; 7/17/01 1:55PM Subject: RE: Adult Day Health Care Centers Jack. we've been addressing them through the CUP process only in the CoO zone ~(commercial office). I know what you mean though, there are a slew of new proposed adult day care facilities being proposed. Hope this helps. Chris Schaefer Assistant Planner -Original Message- From: Jack Messerlian [mailto:JMesserlian@ci.gardena.ca.us) Sent: Monday, July 16,2001 12:15 PM To: 'HCED@lists.cacities.org' Subject: Adult Day Health Care Centers RecenUy we've been receiving an increased number of requests for adult day ./health care centers which, under our current zoning regulations, are noL Vprovided for. What zones do you permit them? What are your zoning regulations, i.e. development standards, including parking, etc. Any help you can render ASAP will be much appreciated. Jack Messerlian Planning Administrator Cily of Gardena T (310) 217-9524 F (310) 217-9698 ........................................... This message was sent to you as a subscriber to the League of California Cities' HCED listserve. If you have any questions, please contact foJy Zimmermann at zimmera@cacities.org. The League is not responsible for the content posted to this listserve and encourages users to conduct their own evaluations. Access to this listserve may be denied at the League's sole discretion. ITer~_S~~CClish:- R~: Adult Day Healt' ]re Centers -~ :=:-= -=:-= =:=-=_:=~aie-~I - - ~~'M _M From: <georges@ci.garden-grove.ca.us> . To: <J Messerlian@ci.gardena.ca.us> Date: 7/19/01 8:04AM Subject: RE: Adult Day Health Care Centers Adult Day Care facilities require a CUP in Garden Grove. Small v;acilities (6 or fewer patients) are only allowed in residential zones (R1, R2 and R3), while larger facilities (7 or more) are only allowed in commercial zones (C1, C2 and C3). They are required to meet the setback, landscaping, height, and lot coverage of the applicable zone. The parking requirements are 1 space for every 2 patients. --George A. Skelton Assistant to the City Manager City of Garden Grove ~ 1597.36 LICENSING PROVISIONS Dlv. 2 ~ 1597.36. Loan guarantee application request; need for repairs, renova. tions, or additions; documentation The department shall provide written documentation to providers of the need for repairs, renovations, or additions when requested for an application for a loan guarantee pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 8277.6 of the Education Code whenever the repairs, renovations, or additions are required by the department in order for the licensee to maintain or obtain a license for more than six children. ~ (Added by Stats.1997, c. 270 (A.B.1542), 920, eff. Aug. II, 1997, operative Jan. I, 1998.) " Historical and Statutory Notes Title of Act. operative effect, authority of 270 (A.B.1542), see Historical and Statutof) county, implementation of provisions, and Notes under Education Code ~ 8208. adoption of regulations relating to Stats.1997, c. Library References Asylums \p3. C.J.S. Asylums and Institutif)nal Care Fadh. WESTLA W Topic No. 43. ties ~ 5 to 8. ~ 1597.40. Public policy to provide home environment; restrictions gov. ernlng real property (a) It is the intent of the Legislature that family day care homes for children should be situated in normal residential surroundings so as to give children the . ~ home environment which is conducive to healthy and safe development. IIi. the public policy of this state to provide children in a family day care home the- same home environment as provided in a traditional home setting. The Legislature declares this, policy to be of statewide concern "IV> ::K purpose of occupying the field t6 the exclusion of municipal zoning. bw!.:.:., and fire codes and regulations governing the use or occupancy of famal} wJ care homes for children, except as specifically provided for in this chapler. .....s to prohibit an)' restrictions relating to the use of single-family residen," IIA ~ family day care homes for children except as provided by this chapter, '.,' (b) Every provision in a written instrument entered into relatinG 10 rc.al property which purports to forbid or restrict the conveyance, encumbr.m.... leasing, or mortgaging of the real property for use or occupancy as a famil} WI ." care home for children, is void and every restriction or prohibition in an} ....b written instrument as to the use or occupancy of the property as a family w~ care home for children is void. (c) Except as provided in subdivision (d), every restriction or prohibn_ entered into, whether by way of covenant, condition upon use or occupan9, .- upon transfer of title to real property, which restricts or prohibits direetl,. '" indirectly limits, the acquisition, use, or occupancy of such propert). (0( a family day care home for children is void. (d)(1) A prospective family day care home provider, who resides in a now property, shall provide 30 days' written notice to the landlord or owner 01 a.c rental property prior to the commencement of operation of the family ILl)' un home. 616 ~HJaIT "A"~ .8 . " fAMILY DAY CARE HOMES ~ 1597.40 J 'J. Ch.3.6 .. (2) For family day care home providers who have relocated an existing licensed family day care home program to a rental property on or after January ,I " I. 1997, less than 30 days' written notice may be provided in cases where the II department approves the operation of the new location of the family day care ~ home in less than 30 days, or the home is licensed in less than 30 days, in order ~ that service to the children served in the former location not be interrupted. ~ (3) A family day care home provider in operation on rental or leased property as of January 1, 1997, shall notify the landlord or property owner in , writing at the time of the annual license fee renewal, or by March 31, 1997, whichever occurs later. (4) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, upon commencement of, or , knowledge of, the operation of a family day care home on his or her property, the landlord or property owner may require the family day care home provider to pay an increased security deposit for operation of the family day care home. The increase in deposit may be required notwithstanding that a lesser amount is required of tenants who do not operate family day care homes. In no event, however, shall the total security deposit charged exceed the maximum allow- able under existing law. (5) Section 1596.890 shall not apply to this subdivision. (Formerly !i 1597.<;01, added by Stats.1981, c. 1162, p.. 4647, !i 3. Renumbered g 1597.40 and amended by Stats.1983, c. 1233, !i 3. Amended by Stats.1996, c. 449 (5.B. 1 695), !i 2.) HIstorIcal and Statutory Notes The 1983 amendment in subd. (a) in the first sians "on or after the effective date of this paragraph in the second sentence inserted section" following "entered into"; and deleted "family". and rewrote the second paragraph the fonner last paragraph which prior thereto which prior thereto rC3d: read: . . "The Legislature declares this policy to be of "This section shall remain in effect only until statewide concern with the purpose to occupy January I, 1987, and as or that date is repealed. the field to the exclusion of municipal zoning unless a later enacted statute, which is chap~ regulations regulating the use or occupancy of tered before January 1, 1987, deletes or extends family day care homes for children as other such date." \ than residential use or occupancy and to pro- Section 1 of Sta15.1996. c. 449 (S.B.1695). hibit any restrictions relating to the use of prop- ~ erty for family day care homes for children provides: . under this chapter."; deleted the former subd, "It is the intent of the Legislature that, except ~; (b) which read: for the requirement of notice and the authoriza- f "(b) Family day care homes for children un- tion for. an increased security provided for in der this chapter shall be considered a residen- subdivision (d) of Section J597.40, nothing in tial use of property fOT purposes of zoning and this act shall alter or amend existing law forbid- shall be a permitted use in all zones in which ding restrictions or prohibitions as to the use or , residential uses are permitted, including, but occupancy of rea] property as a family day care not limited to, zones for single-family dwellings. home. It is further the intent of the LegisJature No conditional use permit or special exception that this act shall only apply to family day care may be required for such residences,"; redesig- fOT which a license is required, and shan not nated former subds. (c) and (d) as subds. (b) and apply to any child day care facility that is ex- (c) respectively and deleted from both subdivi- empt from licensure under Section 1596.792," Law Review and Journal Commentaries Family day-care homes: Local barriers dem- onstrate needed change. 25 Santa Clara L.Rev. 481 (1985). 617 . " Feb. 27,2002 l\rroyo Grande, 93420 To Arroyo Grande City Council From Travis and Katherine Evans 270 Larchmont Drive, A. G. 93420 Dear Council Members: We believe the wishes of the residents of our neighborhood are being ignored, or worse yet, the neighbors and the public are being decieved by the actions of the City Planning Commission. When we were first notified in Dec. 2001 of a proposed project at 2002 Vernon it was labelled as a large day care facility. The entire neighborhood objected to the proposal for several valid reasons'. A public hearing was held, which was in realality a sham, for the neighbors concern was barely considered since there were only seven opposing letters recieved and there were at least ten in favor. After some research, we find there are only two letters in favor on file at City Hall. And those are not from nearby residents. And now, at the eleventh hour, we find that this is to be a mental health care facility, not just a large day care facility as originally posted. We cannot believe our City fathers would betray us by allowinga business in a residential area, where other businesses have been denied. And a business for mentally handicapped at that! On the only street leading to a school only two hundred feet distance! A school with children from kindergarten age to teen . agers! What are we thinking of? Must we risk another Polly Klass or Danielle Van Damme tragedy? We are respectfully asking the Council to hear the voices of the affected citizens, and deny the proposal at 202 Vernon. And wouldn't it be nice to get the whole truth from the City Planning group at the very beginning of a proposal. Thank you for hearing our concerns. ~ . ~ fIatJw f? ~ T~avis and Katherine Evans \1.MJ.t4. ,'I/kz...<. ~ ;t-J(J;.' , . ~c.-~~~_ ~(,_t.P~~AGJ a..... '13Y~ yi."1:'~L:;t:-PLt2LvLo~, ~..r~~ ~A~A~d,^-_J___~t.2-.xy2-., , ~~;JSk_~<N:~~~_ , ~~_ _2I'~_ ;!~). 8"'-._ ~ ---- .. ~.a'L_ )'~~<-~'l ~7j'" L~ ~.. ,1. 6- ,_ ~-_.- --' _~._.. _____ 0..- - , . . . DUPLICATE RECEIPT DUPLICATE RECEIPT ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE 214 E BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE. CA. 93420 CITY HALL (805) 473-5438 ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- OFFICE HOURS 8:00 - 5:00 P.M. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- REG-RECEIPT:01-0144100 C:MAR 01 2002 CASHIER ID:002 4:50 pm A:MAR 01 2002 ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 5000 APPEALS $190.00 APPEALS = DEBLAUW, LINDA 010-0000-4504 ----------------- TOm DUE $190,00 RECEIVED FROM: DE8LAU~J, LINOA CHECK: $190,00 ----------------- TOTAL TENDERED $190.00 ----------------- CHANGE DUE $0.00 ___ ____ ___________________ ___~_.___ ____ __0. -------~-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- HAVE A NICE DAY ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- DUPLICATE RECEIPT .DUPLICATE RECEIPT . -' , c_ . !)i.CE\'JED ".,:- Q::-I'ARRJYQ f_n '~.,:-,"- 1'\i\R - \ PH I.t: 55 GVci.IleyGVieW' <:.Adven~ 3/1/0:1. Z; ~ :;lL,.' ~) W-L~~r-~~ 1-~j~~F ~~ . . D.J...-OO4-; ftt,~~<, W<-~. ""- /JvK.f'U'P ~L,{ :fl.J ~ ,j.... ~#.~ ~ aJJj- ck; &~~ ~ ~.~~h ~;tt~~d-. fLq /. P1~ , . P"f4C.<f""! 230 Vernon Avenue . Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 . (805) 489-2687 . FAX (805) 489-2704 ~ ~ ~~.- r.<'.n'iEI) ,., 'F';:' ,-\.~. r.:' ,.......'. '.' ,., .'. .' . '. '. 'Vi ()'i i\\\" APPE~L TOTI-iI;CITYCc:>ln~.ICILOF T~t.R- \ ~~. 4' 55 . '..,CITYOFARROYO GRANDE ..\) .' Date Narchl; 2002 , . . . . . -, . Name and Address of Appellant.. Valley view .2Idvehlist. JIro.;,n"""'Y... ;no V"'1"T1cm . " . , . '. ' , Avenoo, Arroyo Grande,CA 93420 Appeal of Conditional UsePerroit~eN:>. 02:004 ., Case No. ApprovedlDeRied by Arrovo GrandE! Plarinincr cbnnrl.ssion on FP.hrl1;1~ 19 , 2_00? Date ReasonJor. Appeal . -. .. See . EXHIBIT "A" attached', hereto ~ignature -4i~ ;/ fJJ/:Zf'- ...... ... .... . . Mailing Address .' ~30 V4'""V\Av~. )Ano'ltJ6,..j.",J~jCA. "1342.0 . Telephone ((os) 4-M - ;}./" fi 7 , . , .- , " . Fee - .,$190.00 Receipt No.n {-of t{L{ , o?- . ,:.,' ',. pate i'3/l/o 2- r2 nistr'ativeSeiyicesfDeputy City<:;le~k ',. . . .'- . . ;- ....... ,:., .-.,.",. ' ,"," ~ .. . . . -. .. , . . - .. ---~_.- --,-.-.- ....---. , ' . ' , . March 1,2002 . GVcilleyGVievV"" c.AdventiStAcademY Dear Arroyo Grande City Council Members,. The proposal to bring an adult day care facility into close proximity to Valley View Adventist Jr. Academy was looked at with strong disfavor by our school board last night, February 28, 2002. We understand the need for adult care in our Arroyo Grande community is important. However, the concerns that were shared by our Valley View Adventist Academy School Board were: 1. Parent and faculty concern for the safety of Valley View Adventist Academy students. 2. Concern for additional traffic congestion on an already busy avenue, with .traffic to the Valley View Children's Center, Valley View Adveritist Jr. Academy, and the Women's Center. 3. Recognition of our neighbors' concerns for an adult care facility for mentally challenged with possible risks for neighborhood children as well students of Valley View Children's Centerand Valley View Adventist . Academy. 4. We urge the city council to follow city-zoning codes for commercial and , residential property. Since this area is residential, the VV AA Board believes the integrity of the zoning codes should be followed. We do not believe this is a good location for this adult care center for the above stated reasons. Thank you for keeping our concerns in mind ,as you take action on this proposed adult day care center. Sincerely yours, , idl1c/ If+ ' L. Meidinger VV AA Principal Arpad Soo, . VV AA School Board Chair '. , ~- .. ~~ , . .~' . ~HIBIT "A" 230 Vernon Avenue . Arroyo Grande, CA 93420. (805) 489,2687 . FAX (805) 489,2704 . . . . DUPLICATE RECEIPT DUPLICATE RECEIPT ---- --------------------- ---...------------- ---------------------------------------- CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE 214 E BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CA. 93420 CITY HALL (805) 473-5438 ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- OFFICE HOURS 8:00 - 5:00 P.M, ------------------.------------- --------- ---------------------------------------- REG-RECEIPT:Ol-0144102 C:MAR 01 2002 CASHIER 10:002 4:55 pm A:MAR 01 2002 ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 5000 APPEALS $190.00 APPEALS, VALLEY VIEW CUP02-00~ 010-0000-4504 ----..------------ TOTAL DUE $190,00 RECEIVED FRot1: VALLEY VIEW DVENTIST ACADEMY CHECK: $190.00 ----------------- TOTAL TENDERED $190.00 ----------------- CHANGE DUE $0.00 ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -- ---- ------------- ---------------------- ---------------------------------------- HAVE A NICE DAY ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ""ATE RECEIPT DUPLICATE RECEIPT \ ~.,..,.~Ct\tJ\E~'" 3 --------------/- RECEIVED MAR 0 5 2002 263 Larchmont Drive CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. February 28, 2002 City of Arroyo Grande Community Development Dept. P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 Attn: Teresa McClish Re: Conditional Use Permit Case #02-004 at 202 Vernon St. Being new homeowners in your fair city of Arroyo Grande, we were somewhat surprised when we moved in that the home at 202 Vernon St. has been approved for it to inhabit up to 14 mentally impaired people. We cannot understand how such a small house with very little parking can accommodate so many people. Personally we don't think this establish- ment is right for what it has been approved. Please reconsider your decision on this matter. The purchase of our house was based on the neighborhood being family oriented. Thank you for your time and consideration on this matter. ~- -...-.. tl' / . ~JO'" ; rr [\RV" U) J J ((J?--- . \ v ".' t,:) . \}~ ,,\~~\ 7... \ ~s:J~:3'-C1 ~ 14 ~ ~J:t~'- li c<-R: o[34a-O GA;\..,~-~I() f\.)}-A\..C' .. c('i\X-,~ ~UJ ~U . Jj t:;G cu?<D d-- c9() 1- . ~ .~'1J~ ~ ~ ~ Afi'-. ;at: ~~ o-V\ 8-0~~~ oJ<'& k-~ ft~ ~ j -tj- lY-- ~~~~F ~cJLCI. .~ JL~ ~;jv puA J( ~ ~ ~~ ,du0' ~ ,,\.J.Q.C cc ~ . ~.;d . . ~VJcc\.;LQ.)f'V;Jv"-' ~ ~ ~ \AI;. I'f>~ ~~ J~I .,f. 0.. ^~Q~ 'c0 ~ v,'-'. ~ w.\k NJJ <b"-""~. ~ svf~ ck IR. ~~u.t"'W'-~ ~~ oJVJ ~6.tJ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ d-1\:;'- ~ .JU-'-"~' . ~'~~ . . 0(vv."V- ~~ . ~\..v{ ~~Jiv\AiV ;J\~ 9-&\ ~~~ ~~~ ..' .~. T ...... ..' . . '" '3 :>:IIV' . ~o j)fUM , '{'I\ ~\IL~, \ ~ d-(f)~~ C\\~ Q)~ ~Q.~~ GQ~~ :~~,::C~!\'c~G ~;T'/ ~::' j' DY,::: :-~ ~'. :-.-"": 02'''0 21 ~"..., 05 ~\L~~ <::5\ _ 'nH~\ rii J: d.\l\ c.. ~QQ.tR() GQJ\},J~ Q~- q~,-\')f) \ Q: ~9~\.. ()'\:" <:..u ~ },X). Dd-OOI..i. .. ~~Q 'M'?~c::lL \..~\')Q ")\}.J\J <:..\\ ~~ <:..CJ\.:)~1. \M.~w...~Q.8 , \.D~ ~Q'C.. ()9\)C:)'S~D \CJ \Q~\0S\.\\.(j~ 'M.'=-\..J\:1\L W:.~C\\\ ~~G.~\\(j~ D~~ (:)~ d..D~ \)~Q}()a~ ~\. Cb~O\\J":&.. \.D~\)a)-.:f\ ~~ \C) SG:: \ ~ \YQ~~\:)\?::..~\ ~Q. 6--n\~'2- ~Cb\~ '\C) e..Qc...~~ \...~s.'S" ...... \\'\S:;;\GQ\C' 8.:)Q Q()\)~\)\~ \A..:)''\:\\C\\.\\\~ ~~~ \~ L.ak.:J~~, "'?I\.<::D\\\\~ <SW~\ \~ ~\ Q~~S\\L\~~ ~\2..\~}"')\:J\..~ oQ \\:) ~D~ ~\-\.\\~ ~(:)Q.. 0'\Q~ \~)>.,~\C- V'--Gc~Sc. ~"--~ \\\.\S, \ )-S\() c..D~s.\~QB\()~ . - -- \ ~\-J\{.. y()U --- \o}.::>\ -\:, m~'Y-~ ~L\...G\~~ ~I.\'). l'?\\k-~\{\AOD\ ~G:, e: C"t-., ~cJJ Ci~ VL~ C;~ ~ < ~lXil~ -' ....0.. >,"'. ....:-.::",. .\ ........ 3[.>1 oy''' F:EC:.1~/;::D '''TY . ~. ,\:;,F;O\(O .~'~ '..:~ ~ 02",',rr,.) r.i; 9: 52 .",,\ c..:... March 18, 2002 city of Arroyo Grande 214 East Branch street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 RE: APPEAL TO CUP No. 02-004 Dear Mayor Mike Lady, Council Members Thomas Runels, Jim Dickens, Tony M. Ferrara, Sandy Lubin and City Manager, Steven Adams I am opposed to Transitions Mental Health Association's use of 202 Vernon Street because that is a R1 Single Family zone. This type of project belongs in a commercial zone where it would be compatible with other uses. We live in a R1 zone. Sincerely, ~' .LL /J<,4uLLA 1:J3 ed M- t2v~o4z~&. -j.~ -L ,-,,~,' '-t< ,/>'"J <-.L-J.. j ..., l! I?Y ~ ..c", "'"l ,- . - A IVL-6--;,1' /j~l./...c, 01 ();2(/ <' ';i~/.;J(j C,\ 0-~~ ros~ ~~~ , ~~'-- ;~:.;\rEJ ";1'( ~,:" iJ':"-' _.~ ., ......'. O? ~',1C' r,? i': (1. "2 ~ I ,,'.., ~.. n.1 _...... March 18, 2002 Cit:YiOf Arroyo Grande 214 East Branch street Arroyo Grande, CA. 93420 RE: APPEAL OF CUP No. 02-004 Dear Mayor Mike Lady, Rob strong, Council Members Thomas Runnels, Jim Dickinens, Tony M. Ferrara, Sandy Lubin and City Manager, Steven Adams We are opposed to Transitions Mental Health Association's use of 202 Vernon Street because that is a Single Family zone. This project would take much away from the families that have lived ~ there for so many years. Respectfully, George and Christine Kraft . q/S- /3ucA:: ;;?/c6'1e L"2-oLe.. A- /1"'~'lYC/ 6;r?-r/.- C?""c, 9'><;20 c,~~ M.ti.~ ~~ . a/~())/ I~" ":""""~ ~! 'r- -, :.~:!'ry :::-:j>~'~~.-b\;[:' . '.' -~ -. 0') /"" ~,- P" ~ March 19, 2002 ' "f,1, 10 ~fi .:: 00 I... ..",,\ t,." City of Arroyo Grande 214 E. Branch Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Attn: Mike lady Re: Large Day Care No. 02-(J()4 permit for operating of a social support group facility for disabled adults at 202 Vernon, AG It has come to our attention that an application to locate the above in a Rl zoned area of Arroyo Grande is once again an issue. Why this is even a consideration is beyond us. When you buy a home in an Rl zoning you should have the confidence that the city in which you live will comply with that zoning. This should not even be an issue. The above is a business! It is not a Single Family Residence. Why do we have zoning??? The Vernon St. area of AG has a constant flow of traffic with no sidewalks. Unless the people participating were completely confined to that residence in a fenced environment as is a Child Day Care Center it could be very dangerous. I (Judy) /ileand work in the Village of AG and have seen persons from the group walking alone in the Village on a daily bosis when they were located on Mason Street. They were certainly unsupervised as they were alone and more than a block from the residence. This practice would seem to be extremely dangerous at the Vernon St. locotion. Given that this is also a very hilly area. It is not right that any neighbor should be responsible for one of the Disabled Adults falling on their property with the patential of being seriously hurt. We realize that it has been stated many times that these residence do not wonder unsupervised. That is just not the case!! This issue and the fact that it is a single-family residential area should be in itself enough to deny the permit. We are strongly opposed to the location of a large Day Care/Disabled Adults Facility in any single-family/RI zoned neighborhood in Arroyo Grande. "~r 3- ~O-()~ ~ ~ JJ/lCM1dv 'TY c/.f:E~~{FF::,.,' d.1'f ~,&tcJfvJJ .Jdt. G21\!\!\ 22 ~,"i '}: 52 ~O l::JIlOJ'1c1.v.) l!..4. 9$,/;;),0 f&u: CV~ % GUr "# Or') -- 00,/- ~LaJ>J 'llJT ~~ <M1.d ~ ~~ ~/ () GlIm/ ~ ~~ k T/lCJ/r1"Q.J::u.:'->'t~ /'fl?~~ HJU:J!1Ju ~u~ pCV>'\A.I !J cJV Q.(AU Qr:kJJ;:; of ~ ~ ~ rJ::- OI~~ ru~ \<1JJf.e.J:.,. ~b do-<A-/ ~ 4JLQflv ~ ~~ ~cJ..; ~ ~d..- ~ CXA-v o.r~cJi...J ~c - ~ r ~ a..cLuJ):; ~C<..J0 &vwf~'. ~--hC0U ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~--&-c:JcL A~ ~ cvu ~ ~---u /JUnDt cJ:-;)::" ~e.l ~ ~~~~C<.-~j~~~ (UA.l.~~ ffLU~--J..; ~ ~ ~d. L<... jcvJ ~ ~rvu-'rJ:ru eund ~ ~ ~ ~OJ -G.h~ ~~~ AAv ~ o-u.J:iv H ~ o-z.. ~cvv ~oJ ~~ ~ ~ q;-no{ .Ai.JfJv ;..a;{~ ~ .I~- . J c-: o:s~ 06! IJI.frv (})I (YV ~~ Q'-f5 O\~ ~1lJ. cC5'~~ lf73-33'-f9 &~JXP.1)tr~ 3/p..~").- March 20, 2002 r'''''';:-f''/E'' APPEAL OF CUP NO. 02-004 ' L._ ,~. _.,. \". - .., .:- i.; ~ i ~,;- ;J;;<~~)YD ,-', , 02 "'''I ~, P" ,., 00 M~ Tom Rune1s ni-U LO r; .:;: P. O. Box 550 Anoyo Grande, CA 93421 Attencion: Mr. Tom Rune1s and All City Council Members Dear Mayor Mike Lady, Rob Strong and all Council Members: We are opposed to Transicions Mental Health Associacion's use of 202 Vernon Street .because of safety concerns of the location. There are no sidewalks on West Branch Street from 202 Vernon St. to Bank of America if on occasion the clients should want to walk to the Village of Anoyo Grande. The area was not designed for pedestrian traffic. The streets are to narrow for cat's and Pedestrians. If the residents park their cars in front of their homes, there is not room for two cars to pass and a pedestrian. There are stop sing> on West Branch and Vernon but no crosswalk, there is a stop sign on West Branch and Grand Ave. but no Cross Walk. On Larchmont Dr. the street is narrow, if cars are parked in front of the homes on both sides of the street there isn't room for two cars to pass in opposite direccions. This happens during the Strawberry Fescival and Harvest Festival or when the neighbors have company and they park on the street and there are no sidewalks except behind the Bank of America. . The traffic has tripled sense the K-mart and Wall-Mart shopping centers have opened adding to the dangers to pedestrian traffic. Traffic would also increase for people dropping off or picking up. WHAT IF A pacient gets away from an attendant and bothers a neighbor, what will happen? This change will also de-value the property of the neighborhood. The area is zoned R-l for a reason and it should stay that way. We own a business that we could fit into our garage nicely. With the zoning change, we can now plan to move to our garage, sense traffic and safety DOES NOT seem to be a concern. On the other hand, I may start a day care center in my home. Does this mean any neighbor can do this? There are other neighborhoods in Anoya Grande that are more suitable for this type of business. Sincerely, ~~vYU- ay~ y~ Charles C. and Kay E. Thome c: ~~ ~M~~ 238 LARCH MONT DR. ARROYO GRANDE, CA 9H20 ~~l""'<" ,.,:H(.:J.~l'-Y--~" r:j2/' ()-~ A-~e.Aj , Valley View ChQdren's Cent. 240 VerROl1 AvefttJe , Arroyo Grande, CA 934~ ReCEIVED 481'-7534 ' MAR 2 8 2002 ,CITY OFARROfOGfIANDE .~ICIHItY~DEPT. March ::!D, 2001 . .I'~ De-rAJro)'Q ~Cittc":~?~,,~~~" , ' , , The propossIto bril)gaa~t~~f~'i'Y!ot~~~~' H~tI1 ~" ~cJb!!IIprwlfliiti;~~~~v~:"w~~4's:q.,~~h~~)is looked at~th _ifiaver: ' it,' '," . There is stongCOlWm1for~~ety ot'~~'~~~Y~.Vif!w~'sc.er, Val1ey View Ad~~~Y';"iI\i~~III~~...,:..1IO!Id foradultoare thialOOalionisD&.1t "',**tQt,"II!i!'iif" ~I!!~"~pci' "".,. "".> '. /,'" ;,' '."'C'J,\',,~ ....<.4.'.... ,.,..'.'....~,. ...~:.;,' --"". .c"..",.,.",_.'.".... ',., adults on medicalwo ot~;"~~..f,i:'~~."'~I~~,~(\Qllt~1I not only amona~ t~of~~'S'ryIMlt;"~.~UWeB' - i ,:: ;~;, ~~",", '-:::,:~ .... . As Directorof.~Chi~'s~~,t....thecj~~to~~~~~ codes forcomin~ ~~eJ!I,illl~)'.taO'_~~.iaa'~or ' appropriate ~tQr.s,,e4pIt~i_r. ','. ' , Thapk you for keeping01lf !:ODefInI&l!1p 118 ~ .~GIt dIiIPfIIIIIo'Irel,aluJ.t day care 00I)ter. " . , ., . ',' Sin<:el'!'ly, , ~V-~-t-~+S- I Jamie Sanbonmatsu ~,.~ I , Dim:tor, Valley VieW CbUdI'en's CeD- I ~~ ,,' -,- '. " .', .... ',". " .. , .. ..,.,," , tor Jefty NeIsQn , '~~.'" '. I Paswr'of sPA Churdl ' vv:~~.~ I I .- I .,~. I I i ! I I I i , I\\t. I .-." /X\~~~;{(i:~.~'. .",_4 . , ,.."... .... -. r :- [)j II: 17 ui Ll~l\ L J March 21, 2002 214 East Branch street Arroyo Grande, Ca. 93420 RE: APPEAL FO CUP NO. 02-004 Dear Mayor Mike Lady, Bob strong and All Council Members: I am opposed to Gransi tions ~1ental Heal th Association' s use of 202 Vernon. My reasons are: It is too close to the Women's Club and Seventh Day Adventist Church and School. There are no side walks or curbs so cars park anyway with little or no room to walk on the street, or enough room for a two way traffic. Traffic which normally go down Branch Street to Grand now turn on Vernon to Larchmont to Welsley to the Signal. They whiz up and down the street with little regard whether you are out of your driveway or not. No matter 'how much security and care is given to the people who will live in the home, I have heard too many incidents where they are found wandering the streets. Therefore, I don't think this area is wise. I hope you will reconsider okaying this project. Thank you. Sincerely, , J '-.<k...<,c<.<_ Shizuwa Ikeda 230 Larchmont Dr. Arroyo Grande, Ca. 93420 ~: ~t-~~ ,- M~(.Y ~j)W rq~ 3/" DY ()~ AihY1\4 -- --.-- !~.~~C::::\VC~.1 City of Arroyo Grande ' . ~-' r\Ff-:OYD :~.~~ . . ~_.. March 22,2002 ' . 214 East Branch Street 02 1':::\:: 29 Pi; 3: 08 Arroyo Grande, Ca 93420 RE: Appeal of Cup No. 02-004 Dear Mayor and all Council Members' I am building a house at 283 Larchmont and sold the house at 202 Vernon to the Crests. I would not have sold the house to the Crests if I had known there intent to make it a Transition house. I am building my dream home where I will be raising my (amily. I don't feel conferrable with mental patients next store. I bought the house and lot because it was a safe neighborhood. I would not feel that way with adult mental patients staying in the neighborhood. I am strongly opposed to the Transitions Mental Health Association's use of202 Vermon. ~~) Robert Lamb 1820 Circle Lane Cayucos Ca, 93430 (805) 995-2870 t ~G,wJ- Ci /Ac,.,W5U 0~~~ ~~( "3 ~v --- P':"(,':-/\f:;-:i March 22, 2002 ...-'.,...., . :..-.. ;":\." \~j- .,\F.r'~G'\/C ."". O? ". r-?- r...., 0 ,_ r,""(' 0 ,'., ': 0 ... - ....... City of Arroyo Grande 214 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 RE: APPEAL OF CUP No. 02-004 Dear Mayor Mike Lady, Rob Strong and all Council Members, - I am a parent of a student at Valley View Adventist Academy. I am also a resident of Arroyo Grande. As a parent I have chosen Valley View Adventist Academy because of the outstanding quality of education, the high standards and Christian values and because I believe it is a very safe environment in an excellent location. I am opposed to Transitions Mental Health Association's use of 202 Vernon St. because of the safety issues it could pose for my child. As a nurse who has worked in mental health units, I understand the potential for instability with some mental health patients. I understand and support the need for a home for these individuals but do not support locating one so close to an elementary school. Please consider our concerns and support us in providing a safe, healthy environment for our kids. I would appreciate a return call. (I will be out of town until 4/2) Sincerely, 'fak'.~ f!-AJ Vicki Specht, R.N. 2869 Northview Ave. Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 481-9280 ~ C, . C!: ~. ~~j)&evfrv " , 3. (~ Ct~ M\~M'1 March 22, 2002 F:::C::!VE~J !:':TY C;- {-,l\HO"{(; .-- " . .~- ,- 02 "'n ~7 roo 2 "7 fir,!\ t. (ri : J City of Arroyo Grande 214 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 RE: Appeal of Cup No. 02-004 Dear Mayor Mike Lady, Rob Strong and all Council Members, I am a member of the Board for Valley View Adventist Academy and a parent of a child who goes to this school. It is an important part of my responsibilities to not only look after the well fare of my child but of all children who attend that school. I am opposed to Transitions Mental Health Association's use of 202 Vernon Street because of the safety factor it could pose to our students. I certainly understand the need for a home where our mentally challenged neighbors can receive care, but am concerned about this specific location being close to a school with all the related activities. Thank you for hearing my concerns regarding this issue. Sincerely, Bo~",,~oIL.LP, Board Member Valley View Adventist School Parent Registered Nurse Home: 465 Tejas Place Nipomo, CA 93444 929-4095 c: ~ ~(kuL~' ~r0~~ -~'W ,-,,' ~"l ."..-- '-- _.,,,---- . dj,12/cJ L _~_'; ~ Y :~~r..~ ~~~{ifOJ :', - .:\. ~ ~:, ~ kaYl 6/'&4t~ :/ ~gbtP;; r P" 2 -9 021\::320 ,II :::J ~/ -z- C;f i 4Y~tJ rf/?Znrk c: ~ ~i d/1l:j;Jyl-tJYcZ# ell J&ed- ~~( M(4U~:l~ IJypYtJ M-tU/~ C/l f3f20 t~~)': '31u:, ()~ /fE: /J;:?f?ect/ l' LV jJ I)ItJ- Od-001- j),~tlf J1Irnl Mil; ~Ix IJj.Ik:f ~./ a/I UtZ# 0/" ~PJ1b8K{' :- I CVJff Sfr-cn;l~ tp,#t1J~cllo 7f4#J'/~ffl-I' IJ/mM lleaI#t &J(JC/~~;- d/~ tI( c?tld' ~/nm [}reel- iJeaut-s-e r j/U/t' /~(tj--n~ cd auf 7'?(;,re Ii- no &,4rdJ?1~d ttl U7T~/WH) ,0'1 ~ ~ar ctlfT' )?,.J'/r/~ 10~~ a-n ..fh?/;K-t?~/e dyc/Jna-u-c'0 UI/rA Pnt//f/;;'oS' tf;r- p/;/I pendh';J;tvne! 4 tb$YJ1~~ed-rJl7 ~ J9ar-~ (Kvif;-; . ;01O///d1' /err &?1At/c07t2-nI; de )",,~.J'/~d l1ejpCJyJ;t!".; fr8~tf tJf j."r~u/:4; J'~4 _ ct:nd PeCCLY/!:Y?€II(/ .6't' ..j:er/duY/y &>>;~rM1/lt/~ 4d/N?/r !/dae; WI/;' ) e ctd~f?''C'/Y ~del, CV/1/J _'_'_~___'" n.' .?/zYoc ~2-- C'~ ?*~/cI{6PP1 a~nd;~d ~tJ/cP? #e ~ 6/p'c/ w/II ~t rf'wb;''rf!vllo cp<<&J'lz&fz~ ~y ~Cce/~Mc O/nc! ;YrJJ'J/t/y Lbnl~~)'f yeJ'/C/c?~ %eye wre <fu?llt' my;4ztVIJ', Lr?n &2."" n6l/p,ybc&1 IJ1yeZttrtfy up<d /1)5'1" ~ ;;& prc'Jt3tJ YeJldeh/& /1 f1&:t (/;/ )1rm;t . !~ {{/~/'c:/t/t'cI. J),~c~?4 ~.~ Paul 'l3ro6erg 251 Larcfimont !Dr. JlLrrogo (jranae, CJiI. 93420 (goS-)~OJr-D9-f? . --.. 111..t^-lL :2 G )..-N';,\- . &tk,J ~ ;:.:C~:1V:J :l rt' ~../lA'~ IJ,~ ,~:.C'/ C.F i\E;-:O\'[ ;:~:'. '.':~ ~ a.'VL-Oyc ~, ('..It?/ 3 '!- J-.D. C>2H?J 25 P;; 2:59 e: G..*j~ f J.'1 0 tl 'V"~r _4-t~ ~ /v\A-NtPy eJlf }1~~-u-- ~ ~~.- :2t ~ E~ &H''<--'~ k-....uL ,?/u ;;-/ t1.1Lpp ~.., CIl t;)t/-J..~) /0-: t. L-l P () J.- - t'J() <I .. III wv<- 71~r- )1Llk-l- YJ'1 ..,t IlLI {I-H~J }'1~...j~-Lx- f),.- 7J['! /U {)T tu-f<.1. it ;j-vuj~~ }1Le,.j;J ~'-- d.uu.L~-:t~ ;if {4..U'M ;J.t'J- , I..uuLl'>'- Q~ r -11<-t- ~/~ ~U/>LY! I] JALt~ ~ (L 1c.R~ AA~~t A-l..:rl..- /JMu,J'1 .Au;_A_~-.~ IVU^-.-, Jtu _ ,--fpd-~ --L~~.- ~M::tVJ_ ~.Jd' 'Y1Ald ,21,-,- )~ fr6 U.v At.uJ.~ .A~ )~r. L.' c:.. : .. tU\...-l-U_ ~. It.O Ad(A.~ - dA~ d~ IlA..e IUM.I-l.u ~ U ~~ d, ;Lt.,A-<-e-tu-ur 'f ----<-j~~ i4 f.NtA.-- -- J,l~ A:ru-t;6 {~~ M~L ~;.r~ v-t:L,. II-(~ . d-- \ (11Ld' -l~t-(-:l~ i~'L-- :i~~ tU-l~1 tJN-l----Jj t~--<,;t kLi.- ~~k4~. /e-., ~ - .vv~ ~" ('J~7' A.- /vU'/c- -1~-ellAvJ J-f_ ~ tL-LL ;b, <-U~ (! -h.tA>w-t'Jl-( t-lAju.- -+ IA..rI-w.dJ- 4.dw-l ' - . (I)!~-e.-L -...xi~ ~...c. lu~ ~A-'LJ '?f tt-r..,- ~ ~_:i J',!-- €L.LtLl I X!LtA-l tt.-v fk"'-' ~LiJ,.I M<- !7.:t:/... hJL~ ~ ~/~,;t ,4;{uJ.. - ...d~:'- d 7: +0 - ~: 1-iJ M"'--' ~ d /J.vIy l{hv>~ . CYt, jl ~--tA~ :dx{u::! d-VJ Io...vl:<! Ad<ff< Ivf-j-<-<-' a) ~H4-iT~ ~lt.,J,Jl 4~,- (~<.dz"":"" ~ Ie- !.~~, (/.A...) ~~<LI )W !t.( ~ L~ tA---- ~~/~ j"-t~(~ Iw--I. . 4- ) .Q. k# ')<f -1-1 A<. J (!htl ~AAl.L--' (rrv j I~ <;;',11- FE TV ~ f../. LA tA.1LUM...-- . - ~ At) ~ k-JI.ULI Lv.-Pd ftrP-e Ij . du.J<-fi!.,t , "~L<--h.tA/ ---d:l tt.l.lJ:tv tLV' , tL<J Lu-<1.R. !--e I dt&c)u'i, JeLL b~ ~LAL - . - .Q. ttD )~. kALt..a.- J./cA.~ t:-u....t.1'j '0 A..l-YU-i"L~-J<-L;'~ JevY Lu-U.f Iv f-LM.-LjJA, - .4~t:tl w~ "'Lh.J.~",-, lL.L-, tuL- F.e~~ J Lt-J.-t'-u,- .......e,I~u.'lL Lu!-~<-> J'~.-ll1 tlu..<.. c..1J)-a..~ +- L_;ULt_~ ~'1' /filA- J-4, /Ii 1= S A---t LL-U-~ ) !<-e J~ e+>J'1 ,L p - S- ;A- FEll/!- Vi:..--,u , tP-U.L }1..l..~ft.t'-L/~. ~.,--, .9:. (L-IL~/ t1--<<.."_UA~ ..j-tc.J vte~ tL.u. f--t-.,h~.... y f.~..<- r- --1,t;4.LI-V L........ fdl-A..L ;tb -r~~ (~ A...L,....dbdJ A..-u....<-<-- . ! J -e.. -'*'+/ /1lM-L-f ..16 'if Jt..I-c<..- ~ J!ua /1...--U~ /'-<?-l~ t~ , ~.. ~ . ~VI. ..Utuu L':" Jlv.. /4L'!w-hl.'r: +tv..::t" J.-iL~ IVU t'-ff:-<-0-4./ ...It'-(L/<AA~ t<f2u... f!..l.L-L- ...(...-(.ct~ fJ.A-... ~I...~..:tft. R_..e.e-t<-~ llha{AUA..p. /to ~ M. /It...;,,uu..l'1' ID~\A/ ~u-' ,"}..rlJ ~..t......."'-?7Cl bLL~ l1.AAf<-r ~t I Cft 13 ,/-J.-D Y{) r- 1/7 f- u (t 7" 263 Larchmont Drive i::.~C~I\iE~.: ,'~" . ,..,. . - ,-~, ~ Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 ' , ~, ! .' ,- ...:. :c, : O? [CJ;:J -I D'C'" 12 _ LI 1\ Iii J: March 25, 2002 City of Arroyo Grande 214 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 RE: APPEAL OF CUP No. ~ ().;J. - tJo i- Mike Lady, Mayor Steven Adams, City Manager All Council Members Rob Strong, Director of Community Development We are opposed to Transitions Mental Health Association's use of202 Vernon Street. Having children staying at our residence from time to time gives us reason for concern. As much as we empathize with these special needs individuals, we just don't feel that it would be safe for our neighborhood. They seem to be temperamental and one never knows when they will explode. Every day there are articles in the newspaper about people like this and some ofthe harm they have done. Ironically, we recently attended Mass at a local church in Arroyo Grande. During the Homily, a Down Syndrome Man walked up and clobbered the priest on the face. We recently purchased our home in this area. Had the realtor told us about this project, we never would .have purchased this house. Also, please be aware that many motorists are using Larchmont Drive as a short cut. Some of them drive very fast and someone needs to do something about this situation. Thank you for your t ~ c;~ C&~." J..., C.i~ I.;\~u Q.,'kl t\1tti(~::i ~rNI^-~ fa ,#w It I 0)",--" .. .. ..., .'- 0, .'- --.. Sandra & Richmond Mitchell 1'; . 38882 Lobelia ~ .., ''1 . Pii 3: \ 3 02 f"i' - i Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 200-1746 March 25, 2002 - Mayor Michael A. Lady And City Council Members City of Arroyo Grande 214 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 RE: CUP No. 02-004 Dear Mayor Lady and Council Members: I am writing this letter to express my opposition to.the Conditional Use Permit that was granted to the residence located at 202 Vernon Street in Arroyo Grande, California. My husband and I bought the property located at 256 Larchmont a number of years ago. We intend this property to become our future retirement residence, and therefore would like to see the neighborhood remain a stable one, for residential purposes only. We are concerned because now a precedent has been set, a precedent that we do not want to be continued in our neighborhood. Please put a stop to this practice now. Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter. Sincerely, d~.u ~~ Sandra Mitchell ". SM:cn " C-~ ti+'ICvl.V\ci I eJhl M~W U41 Mton1Uf Co r'MII t'wDtY(L.ftrr~ '-tldo~ i~~ :~:::Cr:.IV~.J 'te ! '/ C,- ;\~.::>~YC; C;'-" .'._,- Narlene Carter REALTOR-ASSOCIATE. (I) Af'p - i Pii 3: II - ,... (;i/iJ(! March 26, 2002 City of Arroyo Grande 214 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA. 93420 RE: Appeal of Cup No.02-004 Dear Mayor Mike Lady, City Manager, Steven Adams, all Council Members, Rob Strong, Director of Community Development: I am opposed to Transitions Mental Health Association's use of202 Vernon Street. I do not live in the immediate area of the proposed dwelling, but my children are often in the very near vicinity of the proposed house. Having mental health patients near my small children or anyone else's is very unsettling. I would hate to have something hapPen to either one of my children. Furthermore, having a group like this in an established residential neighborhood is sure to lower the property values. When people purchase their homes in a residential zoned neighborhood they expect it to stay as such. Should an institution such as the one proposed come into the neighborhood the current homeowners would have to disclose this to any prospective buyer. In my opinion this would discourage any potential buyers and lower property values. I live in a residential area of Arroyo Grande and I would not be in favor of an Association such as this coming into my neighborhood. I have been a full time real estate agent since 1987 in the Five Cities area. It is my professional opinion that an establishment, such as the one proposed should, be in an area where the usage is compatible to the zoning. Sincerely; ~~&L c., C.;~CD\JJ'IC.:I Narlene Carter R6"Mtt< c..i4M~u Ocean West ~"-'1 A1\t-m . 1566 Grand Ave. Co/'t..IYI tMlffi;@L' Grover Beach, California 93433 ~F D2::: Office: (805) 481-3699 Fax: (808) 481-6200 E-mail: narcarter@cs.com Each Office Independently Owned and Operated rEC~iVE.j ~:TJ" C? !~F.f(=\"C .~- ,.:,:-: ~ <'t f0wuUjo h1 CLncLw .? r''') 2'- 'CoO "'. 00 o~ .I-,t\ .J r \ I ,j- ~ / If CQQt ~ jJ1:... ~o )jJUt.rd.~__ GL 931~O f . &: G..ppw.L iIf eLl P A./o. 60? -- O(JI! -- ~ mWjdu ~ J:...~, Rob jJ6\on:J CUlec G..u-. ~ f'0e-ff)b-u,.~ I -J.- Om jJ1:1~ ~(J.u^- c:b) JM.nAt<.(.~ 'tY)~~ ~ ~ci.t1t<..~ LVA-t- (~ ;!o~ UV/ I1./TfV /itAI..I..L, '7'ru-t C1..tw-~ O:I::k.nrL~ UCL/..1J..if' ULtu.J 4ct0~ Urd 0v ~ t/u..; ~ct.~..... ~ to fL~ (1.- '-U(l., Ci-. ,/JeJi/---c1.p ~ dm tftv . . ('-~'U4\.- CQ . U~ U~r- ~~ ~ I:tuv ~~ '-007;/~ ~ /khd1K.- '--U0 ctO tr"v lfJtsp6kO<.CC JIV fwrl'1.-<-- F~, jc1 t~ fYLt~ Ch().}J..w1cy-d. . ~hCut-k- -IJ(JU ~ J:.Dr'-AJ..u1~j ~ 'Po~ 04 (L VmCf1>1.~~ ~, /J/{\(~ I . Aj../.vitJJ ~ d 1-f.5 1OcT1K CL. .~J.J (': u-~ U, ~o ~eLL) Cll. Q31J.J-O CJSM~,z{ \Xr~ ~~"I< 174 -- fJ7G;(p , <' 3j2v a/ c;~~1 f:=C:-[V~:J .', ,-;..... .~ - .' .'(::; :"" ~ : t ! t.,. ," ~ 02 APR - I " . ":/. 13 r fi "j. March 27, 2002 City of Arroyo Grande City Managers Office 214 East Branch street - Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 RE: Conditional Use Permit 02-004 Dear Mayor Mike Lady, City Manager steve Adams, and all- City Council Members I am opposed to the Transitions Mental Health Association locating at 202 Vernon street. I am concerned about the safety of the school children at the Adventist Schools and our neighborhood. I have had many years of first hand experience with mentally ill people, as my ex-wife has paranoid schizophrenia. I lived with her for 12 years and has 2 sons. The last 4 years of my life with her was a nightmare. With her medication she was better, but there are times that she still would have bizarre uncontrollable behavior. I have experienced so many instances of this, too many to mention in this letter. I had to raise my two sons alone. Respectfully, ~ IV ~ / . J7r .,.. :;L. 1.j 1 LC<. 1"<:' h.. 1V\ QW! (;rq;dj?4 13 R 1( bY () Lf 4 cg] ".- 1. 0 1/ c ~ C\.::lsCou-~ Gl~ k~ef Ci~ M\om:1 ~ fM;'-~ fyec.-foy-- , . 4--, 0......... f;:.~C~~!Vt:-) March 28, 2002 ~.i'l'';'' c:-:: /\;~{!,'~"J\'i_: " 02 p,?R - I Pi; 3: 12 City of Arroyo Grande City Manager Re: CUP 02-004 Dear City Council Members: This letter is in regards to the group called Transitions, they want to move into ANOTHER single family neighborhood with R-I zoning. They recently tried and failed to get a pennit for a house on Garden Street. This group is using the words day care to get their pennit. We can tell you that these are NOT children they are adults. Are they trying to get in with false information? They previously were at the corner of Nelson and Mason. We live 2 blocks ITom that location. Since they were our neighbors for many years we can assure each of you their facility was not an asset to the neighborhood. - There were many cars ITom staff members who came and went during the day. County cars seemed to be there often, including vans. This group of people did a lot of walking during the day. Transitions applied for and was granted by your city staff a pennit for a day care facility in a single family home, zoned R-I at Larchmont and Vernon streets. Which is now being appealed. Since the development of the Wal-Mart shopping center the traffic on these streets has increased by hundreds of cars who now use these streets to avoid the stop sign at West Branch and Grand Ave. at the Shell Station. There are NO sidewalks along these streets. When we have traveled Larchmont and there are cars parked on both sides ofthe street only one car can pass at a time. Frankly we are surprised that Transitions would even consider this location due to the safety issues. The amount of vehicle traffic on these streets makes it too dangerous for walking. I bet the City of Arroyo Grande will be the first mentioned in a lawsuit when one of their people gets hit by a car. It won't be if but when someone gets hit. This group is taking care of mentally challenged people who may make a misstep since there are no sidewalks for their safety. If our city council doesn't vote against this, you will be starting a president that will ruin our single family neighborhoods. Zoning is in place so that it is clear what kind of property we are buying. When we choose an R-I property we assume that our city is going to follow the rules. With an R-I we should be able to assume that we will have neighbors who are family orientated. Not a facility with a large group of adults who need to be taken care of. I am sure there are other pieces of property in our city or surrounding cities that are zoned for their needs. Thank you, Rod and Delia Hogan c, C;4~LUld \ The Hogan Family rtJJ ~ cl~~er 247 Cross Street U+::1'~V-J Arroyo Grande, Ca. 93420 "---- .----- r;'r''''''''?/ RECEIVED \....)c ..... ; './ ""1"..1- '/::l'~\"; ="..,.~~:~.:' L:. MAR 2 9 2002 ~- Filer Realtors", Inc. ~ 604 Grand Avenue CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE , Arroyo Grande, California 93420 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. H Business (805) 489-2100 Fax (805) 489-6753 -" - tc" March 29,2002 Office 1996-2001 City Council ( ..' City of Arroyo Grande c " 215 E. Branch St Pinnacle Arroyo Grande, Ca 93420 1999.21101 Re: CUP Case# 02-004 Greetings, I have just recently been made aware of the proposal to locate an adult day care facility on Vernon St. in the single family residential zone and I wish to state my strong opposition to this plan, There are many reasons not to locate such a facility in a single family neighborhood but I cannot think of one good reason in favor of such a plan. The staff report for this proposal seems to make a comparison between the proposed use and a child day care facility. This is quite a stretch because the typical child care facility is li- censed for 6 children as opposed to the proposed facility which would house 14 adults. Children in a day care facility are confined to the home and yard however from personal experience I know this is not the case with adult care facilities. Several years ago I operated a business which was located in an industrial zone next door to such a facility and the patients were con- tinually leaving the home and wandering into neighboring businesses. Consider the impact on the neighbors of the extra traffic from transporting patients to and from the facility and from friends and relatives visiting the patients, not to mention emergency vehicle trips to the facility, The major impact is of course the lowering of values and marketability of the neighboring residential properties. Just for a moment, put yourself in the shoes of a prospective home buyer; if you were considering purchasing two similar homes and one was in a conforming sin- gle family residential neighborhood and the other was situated next to a facility such as the one proposed here, which would you choose? There is a need for such facilities in our community but there is also a place for them and surely it is not in a sinale family residential neighborhood. The PC zone or another commercial zone would be much more suitable for this facility. Pjease consider the detrimental impact to the neighbors if this use is approved. .j . R~q$, .! wi- t / it/II ....0 - William Awalt Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated March 29, 2002 RECEIVED Director of Community Development APR 0 1 2002 City of Arroyo Grande 214 East Branch Street CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. RE: APPEAL OF CUP No. 02-004 Dear Mr. Strong, - We are opposed to Transitions Mental Health Association's use of202 Vernon Street because this type of use does not belong in a R-I neighborhood. There is a need for the service this organization provides, however the location for this use should be an office or industrial type of setting. R-1 zoning is the backbone of Arroyo Grande's quality oflife and we count on the city council to protect us nom incompatible uses. Would you like this type of commercial use across the street nom your home? R-1 zoning should be sacred and we trust you will do the right thing and protect us by saying no to this incompetence use. There are alternatives that would allow this business to operate in Arroyo Grande in other appropriate zoning. Thank you in advance for your consideration in this matter and we hope that you will see the wisdom in protecting R-1 zoning for the citizens of Arroyo Grande. ti1L- ~a~ Dwayne K. Chisam Cynthia A. Chisam Owners: 268,270,270 Y. West Branch Street 805-929-5230 r~:;~~!V;-~: Bill Ringbom . .--.... -~ '. "'", - - .. ,i I ~', ;"-,: \" 221 Garden Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Q? V'" - I PiI 3: I 2 (805) 489-0855 '- ", " March 30, 2002 Arroyo Grande City Counsel 214 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Re: Appeal of CUP02-004 - Dear Sirs: I am asking you to overturn the planning commission's decision regarding CUP02-004. This is a single-family residence located at 202 Vernon here in the village. The planning commission has many duties including amending the city plan; however, to ignore all previous decisions and capriciously set new precedent should not be one ofthem. Day-care centers are a needed and necessary part of our society. My children, (when they were young), and now my grandchildren need these services, and some of these "Daycare" providers do work out of their R-l zoned homes. The difference in this case is that the petitioners are asking for "Large Daycare" designation, which will allow them to have an unlimited number of unrelated individuals populating an R-l zoned'residence. . Throughout the state all "Large Daycare" have always been located in commercial zones only. There is plenty of commercial property readily available in Arroyo Grande. Let them operate there like all of the other "Large Daycare" providers in the state. Let's not set a new precedent here. Sincerely, ~~l,_ Bill Ringbom C: ~~&wL~ c-;~ ~~ (')4 ~""I c.cru'^Dv.J[)\~ ' 4- H)V- -_.__._--~._-_..- ________.__._u_" March 31, 2002 ! ;- '_ .'~~i{~\:f.".'~, ". - O?tf?i:_!, f':.:.'I'i. - t.. II -r I j., i~. 0 I City of Arroyo Grande 214 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, Ca 93420 RE: APPEAL OF CUP No. 02-004 Dear Mayor Mike Lady, Rob Strong and all Council Members, 1 am writing this letter to you as a concerned parent of two elementary aged children who attend Valley View Adventist Academy. ---.. I am opposed to the use of the residential house on 202 Vernon St. for a Mental Health Facility. I personally have talked to Barry Johnson a couple oftimes and from my questions this is the information I obtained from him. The diagnoses of the patients enrolled in their program range from Manic-Depressive to Schizophrenia. According to Barry, "95% (if not all) of the patients are on medication for mental health treatment." If their medication is not monitored correctly some of their patients could have an increased potential to have delusions or hallucinations. These patients come voluntarily to their program, and in the same respect they can not be held against their will if they desire to leave. With this information, the thought of placing a Mental Health Facility like this near an elementary and preschool brings to mind a huge red flag. It is hard for me to believe that this would even be considered. I have worked as a Registered Nurse for 10 years prior to having my children. The reason for mentioning this is because like Barry and his group I also have compassion for people who are ill. I want you to know I am very supportive of the work he is doing, and it is a wonderful service he is providing; however, this service obviously could be provided in a different location and not in such close proximity to an elementary and pre-school. The house at 202 Vernon St is not the only place that will work for this facility. If the patients come from the Five Cities area then why not look at all Five Cities as potential sites. Something eventually would come up that would meet all of the requirements for their facility; It might be inconvenient for them to wait a little while longer, but in the long run that seems a better option than taking the risk of placing a Mental Health Facility so close to an elementary school setting. Thank-you for listening to my concerns. I hope you will consider some of them as you make your decision on this appeal. Sincerely, ~W/orz 8~ C; Cl~ ~c.&-. Sharon Beall ID55 CltaA.1 ~ Cl~ MtUWj<< Ci14~~~~ . C1Moro 0A~ J (] fl (U,~ \)e.JDlr~(.A'v '!3"1;l() (8D5\ If 73 -/3?J.I./ '-1 /--1 /0-"- r.:=':CEi'/E:J "',''''.1 n" ','F1\''-' , ' 'w , '12 2 ' , -. .h". "Apn ,200 02 APR - 2 PH 3: 12 Dear City Council Members, I've been with Transitions "Safe Haven" program for 3 years. It's a safe place for people with mental illness to come and socialize among friends with similar struggles. We learn independent living skills, such as cooking, baking, gardening and maintaining a home. We have social support in a non-judgmental, safe environment. The staff is great; we have hope here and a family. - I was very shocked when we appeared in front of the City Planning Commission and heard how the neighbors that appealed our Conditional Use Permit assumed we were criminals and sexual predators! This could not be further from the truth and was offensive to everyone affiliated with the Transitions program. I've never met more wonderful people than those at Safe Haven. They are so sweet and gentle. I've worked all my life up to my breakdown several years ago, and have been on both sides of the fence. This group of people is so precious and gentle--much better than most people I've met in the work force. I think it's regrettable that this level of stigma and ignorance still exists in today's "enlightened" society. It saddens us that you fear us. We are no different than you, other than our particular challenges. I wish you knew us ail-- then you would understand. ~nrere~, k 11~ o~ Jenny se . c:~~~ C.t.~ ~d ~.~~ I ~+-/o';::" . .'. ---~ ---.---- RICHARD & PEGGY GAINER 248 \1 BRANCH ST ARROYO GRANDE CA 93420 APRIL 2. 2002 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. CA :: j'Y :/')~~E!;(f.~; .... ,... -, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES P.O, BOX 550 02 !\PR -2 Pi! 3: 13 ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93421 RE: CONDITIONALUSE PERMIT #02-004 AnN: KELL Y ~IETMORE DIRECTOR OF ADMIN. SERVICES: Ms WETMORE: WE ARE QUITE CONCERNED ABOUT THE REFERENCED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR 202 VERNON ST. WHICH WOULD ALLOW IT TO. BE USED AS A SAFE HAVEN SOCIAL REHABILITA- TION FACILITY FOR ADULT DAY CARE. IT IS OUR UNDERSTANDING THAT IT IS NOT LEGAL TO HAVE ADULT DAY CARE IN A RESI- DENT! AL ZONE, (R-l) . --- THE LOCATION FOR THE FACILITY IS VERY CLOSE (@ ONE BLOCK) TO VALLEY VIEW ADVENTIST ACADEMY. THERE ARE 80 STUDENTS, PRE-SCHOOL THROUGH 10TH GRADES, ENROLLED THERE. WE WERE LED TO BELIEVE THAT THE CLIENTS WOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO LEAVE THE PREMISES, THAT THEY WOULD REMAIN THERE FOR COUNCELING AND SOCIAL INTER- ACTION. (NOTE: THERE WILL BE TWO COUNCELORS FOR NINE CLIENTS FOUR DAYS PER WEEK AND THREE COUNCELORS ON WEDNESDAYS FOR FOURTEEN CLIENTS.) IF A CLIENT HAS TO BE TAKEN HOME BECAUSE HE/SHE FAILED TO TAKE MEDICATION. THIS REDUCES THE STAFF BY ONE PERSON. THIS HOUSE ONLY HAS ONE BATHROOM, IS ^60UT 3 - 4 FEET FROM THE REAR PROPERTY LINE AND HAS ALMOST NO YARD. THERE ARE NO SIDEWALKS IN THIS AREA. fF ANY OF THE CLIENTS ARE ALLOVIED TO LEAVE THE PROPERTY THEY WOULD HAVE TO WALK AROUND PARKED CARS, DODGING HEAVY TRAFFIC ON EITHER VERNON, BRAN~OR LARCHMONT STREETS. WE UNDERSTAND THE NEED FOR A FACILITY OF THIS TYPE BUT NOT IN A SINGLE FAMIk~ RESIDENTIAL ZONE! IN OTHER CA CITIES THESE FACILITIES ARE ONLY ALLOWED IN COMMERCIAL OR COMMERCIAL/OFFICE ZONES. THIS IS WHERE TRANSITONS MENTAL HEALTH HAS BEEN PREVIQlSL:,Y III ARROYO GRANDE AND WE FEEL THAT IS THE ZONE \vHICH WOULD BE BEST FOR EVERYONE CONCERNED. . WHEN WE PURCHASED OUR HOME WE CHOSE THIS R-l LOCATION WITH THE UNDERSTANDING NO BUSINESSES WOULD BE ALLOWED. /~&i: ~A.--I {."' bt"~~ /-:> ~ . --7:e1!"ij- $.m?--:U?-t/ '~ICHAto ( & PEGGY S. GAINER CC: MAYOR MIKE LADY COUNC I LMAl-I: LUE IN, FERRARA, RUNNELS AND DI CKENS C' 6'~ L~~JJ Cj~Iv\~U &ts ~-.t:1 ~1)tU~ <.1-)).-101..- ...~- -.--..-.-'-- I March 28, 200~ ;:~CF.I'/EJ APPEAL OF CUP 02~004 ,-- . ':,7 .-"J;?,.~y~:; ("~,'."--- C'; \I":Q ......9 Pil 3: 19 City of Arroyo Grande :;: I'li"d', t.. City Managers Office Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Dear Council Members, Planning Commission, Steve Adams, City Manager, Rob Strong, Director of Community Development, and Teresa McClish, Associate Planner At the public hearing before the Planning Commission on Feb. 19, 2002, Mr. Barry Johnson, Applicant for Transitions Mental Health Association stated that the two previous locations were both located in a Commercial/Office zone. Commissioner Costello asked Mr. Johnson if he would be buying or leasing 202 Vernon Street. Mr. Johnson stated that they would b~ leasing the house. At the Neighborhood Meeting set by Mr. Johnson on March 14, 2002 he told us that his Association plans to buy the house at 202 Vernon Street. Below is a list of some of the properties available on March 24, 2002 located in Commercial/Ofice Zones. I did not look in pismo or Oceano, .there are. possibly some in those areas as well. FOR LEASE ~~ 336 Halcyon, A.G 712 13th Street, G.B. 1435 A 13th Street, G.B. 1054 A Grand Ave, A.G. 1587 El Camino Real, A.G. 200 13th Street, G.B. FOR SALE 224 Halcyon, A.G. house between 1126 and 1140 Grand Ave, A.G. C: t;~ Co-w~cJL 413 Rockaway, G.B. C;~ MCU'l.~if 151 3rd Street, G.B. (jj -U) A~rn~) Co'.. ~ij~'-' 270 Front Street, G.B. ~""'" ..3 2.'1 02-- -~ ____n________....____..._ '.- d:1 ..~;f y ,6U:U .,,2 , ,=0' ~x...J _.;,<.,,/,-#--,<4./ CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ~/..... "" ~,. /1'--..." ~..._., ~: '>6.o-,<~.. j,~ J AP.PLlCATION CHECKLIST -tJO(1. ,...- L!-,... ~,<-",-I' FOR ILM@~ IF ~OIL W (Q)~ W ~M~ ~~IR!IMJ01J'~ The following list includes all of the items you must submit for a complete application. Some specific types of information may not apply to your particular project and, as noted, some items may only be . required in certain circumstances. If you are not sure if a specific requirement applies to your project, please ask the community development staff. A copy of this list will be used to check your application for completeness after it is submitted. If your application is not complete, .a copy of the list will be returned to you with additional requirements noted. - ... .. i%t'\Wf%tm."%~WWl'_$ittfi.,;m.~QJ'!t$.1'A~.ffitq$E1P:NPX"'~~'tvt~~WtttmWiiJ :i1Wi$1.ttW~?9j~.~:t(~A:m~~(i\Wff1t1tln nlW:-4.p~.~J~;t$.9~to.!.<<~~;1m_% :BttCfj~G~~:~;~~yr.~.541.~~ti~~%\~ift) €tM@;A111tifi'RB%W&ti&WfifW *1.I~~_'AY4*W}itlA~ ,W<<iWt@_Wlitt~}'i&}W@W ADDlications for a LarQe Familv Dav Care Permit shall contain the followina: [] 1. Completed application form. [] 2. Payment in full of applicable fees for processing'the application. [] 3. Two (2) sets of typed, gummed labels on 8~112. X 11. sheets listing the names, addresses, and assessor's parcel number of all property owners within a radius of 100 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property, along with copies of the applicable assessor's parcel map book pages. [] 4. Five (5) copies of a plot plan drawn to a standard engineer's scale (1 :30 minimum allowed without approval) and with a north arrow showing: c a. Location, exterior boundaries, and dimensions of the entire property that is the subject of the application, and location and dimensions of all buildings .and structures on the property. c b. . Location and dimensions of passenger loading/unloading areas. c c. Location and dimensions of existing or proposed on-site parking facilities. c d. Location, height, materials and colors of all existing and proposed walls. , C e. Location and description of any outdoor play areas. C 5. Copies of. all applicable state licenses for operation of the facility. large Family Day .Care Permits are reviewed for compliance with the performance standards listed in Section 9-11.110 of the Development Code ._..u 3~ ARROYO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT COOE Chapter 9-11 Performance Standards for Commercial and Noncommercial Kennels . B. 1. All kennels shall comply with the provisions of Trtle 6, Chapter 1 of the Municipal Code. 2. The kennel area shall be sound attenuated so that the noise level measured at the property line does not exceed standards set for the adjacent use. 3. No animaJ runs, exercise areas, or keeping of the kenneled animals for commerciaJ or noncommerciaJ purposes shall be located within a required setback area. - Section 9-11.110 larqe Familv Dav Care A. Purpose and Intent .; The purpose of these standards is to ensure that large family day care homes providing child cal'!! in Residential Districts do not adversely impact the adjacent neighborhood. While large"Ta'mily day care homes are needed by Arroyo Grande residents in close proximity to their homes, potential traffic, noise and safety impacts of this use need to be regulated in the interest of nearby residents and the children in the day care facility. It is also the intent of this Section. to allow family day care homes in residentiaJ surroundings to give children a home environment that is cOQducive to healthy and safe development B. Permit Required A Large Family Day Care Permit (see Section 9-03.170) shaJl be required for any large family day care facility. Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 1597.46 (b), large family day care homes shall not be subject to California Environmental QuaJity Act review. c. Performance .Standards for Large Family Day Care Homes 1. Structures Large family day care homes shaJl conform to all property development standards of the District in which it is located unless otherwise provided in this Section and all requirements of Section 1597.46 of the Califomia Health and Safety Code. 2, Outdoor Play Area The outdoor play area shaJl comply with the provisions of Califomia Health and Safety Code governing child day care facilities~ Stationary play equipment shall not be located in required front or side yard setbacks. 3. Fences and Walls For purposes of noise abatement, a six foot high solid fence or wall shall be constructed on all property lines, except that, in the front yard, a fence or wall shall not exceed three (3) feet in height on interior parcels. Materials, textures, colors, and design of the fence or wall shall be compatible with on-site development and adjacent properties. All fences or walls shall provide for safety with controlled points of entry. -.. .. ...- ........... ~.^ . . .tf ARROYO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT CODe Chapter &-11 4. Landscaping . On-sit~ landscaping shall be consistent with that prevailing in the neighborhood. . 5. On-Site Parking One on-site parking space for each staff person other than the homeowner shall be required in addition to the required .parking for the residential puilding. 6. Passenger Loading - The City Engineer shall approve a passenger loading/unloading plan. 7. Ughting All fighting shall comply with the provisions of Section 9-10.100. If provided on the parcel, lighting shall be stationary, directed away from adjacent properties and public right-of-way except passenger loading areas, and of an intensity compatible with the residential neighborhood. 8. Hours of Operation For the purposes of noise abatement, large family day care homes in Residential Districts may operate Monday thr~1> Friday, between the hours of 6:00 A.M, and 7:00P.M. ~ ~ F7"<<' 9. Outdoor Activity For the purposes of noise abatement, outdoor activities for large family day care homes In Residential Districts may only be conducted between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. 10. Concentration of Uses No Large Family Day Care Home shall be located within 150 feet of another such use. 11. State and Other Ucensing . All large family day care- homes shall be State licensed and shall be operated . according to all applicable State and local regulations. Section 9-".'20 Outdoor Recreational Facilities The purpose of these standards is to ensure that outdoor recreation facilities within or adjacent to a Residential District do not adversely Impact adjacent residential parcels of the surrounding neighborhood, and are utilized in a manner that protects the Integrity of the District, while allowing for the enjoyment of a healthful, recreational activity. ___^_m_ "~ 5.' ~ 1597.36 LICENSING PROVISIO~S Dlv.2 ~ 1597.36. Loan guarantee application request: need for repairs, renova. tions, or additions; documentation The department shall provide written documentation to providers of the need for repairs, renovations, or additions when requested for an application for a loan guarantee pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 8277.6 of the Education Code whenever the repairs, renovations, or additions are required by the department in order for the licensee to maintain or obtain a license for more ! than six children. (Added by Stats.1997, c. 270 (A.B. 1542), 920, eff. Aug. II, 1997, operative Jan. I, 1998.) Historical and Statutory Notes Title of Act. operative effect, authority of 270 (A.B.1542). see Historical and Statu",1)' county, implementation of provisions. and Notes under Education Code ~ 8208. adoption of regulations relating to Stats.199.7. c. Library References Asylums ""'3. C.J~S. Asylums and Institutional Care FatUi. WESTLAW Topic No. 43. ties ~ 5 to 8. ~ 1597.40. Public policy to provide home environment: restrictions gov. erning real property (a) It is the intent of the Legislature that family day care homes for children should be situated in normal residential surroundings so as to give children the home environment which is conducive to healthy and safe development. 11i5 the public policy of this state to provide children in a family day care home the same home environment as provided in a traditional home setting. . The Legislature declares this policy to be .of statewide concern with the ~ purpose of cccupying the field to the exclusion of municip",1 zoning, building and nre codes and regulations governing the use or occupancy of family day care homes for children, except as specifically provided for in this chapter, and to prohibit any restrictions relating to the use of single-family residences for family day care homes for children except as provided by this chapter. (b) Every provisi~n in a written instrument entered into relating to real property which purports to forbid or restrict the conveyance, encumbrance, leasing, or mortgaging of the real property for use or occupancy as a family day care home for children, is void and every restriction or prohibition in any such written instrument as to the use or occupancy of the property as a family day care home for children is void. (c) Except as provided in subdivision (d), every restriction or prohibition entered into. whether by way of covenant, condition upon use or occupancy, or upon transfer of tide to real property, which restricts or prohibits directly, or indirecdy limits, the acquisition, use, or occupancy of such property for a family day care home for children is void. (d)(1) A prospective family day care home provider, who resides in a rental property, shall provide 30 days' written notice to the landlord or owner of the rental property prior to the commencement of operation of the family day care home. 616 FAMILY DAY CARE HOMES ~ 1597.40 Ch.3.6 (2) For family day care home providers who have relocated an existing licensed family day care home program to a rental property on or after January J, 1997, less than 30 days' written notice may be proviced in cases where the department approves the operation of the new location of the family day care home in less than 30 days, or the home is licensed in less than 30 days, in order that service to the children served in the former location not be interrupted. (3) A family day care home provider in operation on rental or leased property as of January I, 1997, shall notify the landlord or property owner in writing at the time of the annual license fee renewal, or by March 31, 1997, whichever occurs later. (4) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, upon commencement of, or knowledge of, the operation of a family day care home on his or her property, the landJord or property owner may require the family day care home provider to pay an increased security deposit for operation of the family day care home. The increase in deposit may be required notwithstanding that a lesser amount is required of tenants who do not operate family day care hbmes. In no event, however, shall the total security deposit charged exceed the maximum allow- able under existing law. (5) Section 1596.890 shall not apply to this subdivision. (Formerly ~ 1597.501, added by Stats.1981. c. 1162. p. 4647. !i 3. . Renumbered 9 1591.40 and amended by Stats.1983, c. 1233, !i 3. Amended by Stats..J996. c. 449 (S.B. I 695). !i 2.) Hlstorlca} and Statutory Notes The 1983 amendment in 5ubd. (a) in the first sions "on or arter the effective date of this paragraph in the second sentence inserted section" roHowing "entered into"; and de1eted "famity", and rewrote the second paragraph the former last paragraph which prior thereto which prior therelo read: read: "The legislature declares this policy to be of "This section shaH remain in effect only until statewide concern with the purpose to occupy January I, 1987. and as of that dale is repealed, the field tQ the exclusion of municipal zoning unless a later enacted statute. whith is chap- regulations-regulating the use or occupancy of lered before January J. 1981, deJdes or extends : family day care homes for children as other such date." than ~identiaJ use or occupancy and to pro- Section 1 of Stats.1996. c. 449 '(S.B.1695), hibil any restrictions relating to the use of prop'" i crty for (amil)' day care homes for children provides: under this chapter,"; deleted the former 5ubd. "It is the intent of the legislature that, t'xcept I (h) which read: (or the requirement o~ notice and the authoriza' ~ "(b) Family day care homes for children un- tion for an increased security provided for in -; der this chapter shan be considered a residen. subdivision (d) of Section 1597.40. nothing in ,,;. tialust' of property for purposc$. of zoning and this act shan aher or amend txisling law ('Jrbjd~ ;: shan be a pennhti:d use in aU zones in which ding restrictions or prohibitions as to,the use or residential uses are permitted. including. but occupancy of real property as a family day tare not limited to. zones for sjngJe.family dwellings, home. It is further Ute intent of the Legislature No conditional use permit or special exception that this act shall only apply to family day care may be required for such residences. "; redesig. for which a license is required. and shan not i nated former subds. (c) and (d) as subds. (b) and apply to any child day care facUity that is ex:- (c) respectively and deleted from both subdivi. empt from licensure under Section 1596.792:' ~ Law Review and Journal Commentaries Family day~re h~mes: Lo<;al barriers dem. t oostrate needed change. 25 Santa Clara L.R.ev. , 481 (1985). 611 : I I t I .J.....~U...h. 11;~';.HI'1 Hf-f< I, J Gi<AtI(E CIT'"! NQ.883 P.2....S ': J :='~ -.- T" in. \ .' :. i \... .,..... j ." , '_ .. "', I_..~' '. ,~ .J-, CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE 1'. i 1 q ^'1 . MINO~ ~ttOJIECTS ...J., .~ tVil : ~ .. I' " . ~ , CiT,' LT.:'. .' .. COMMUNIIYDEVELOPMENT APPUCATlON FOR~~\ 'C~J:.'.'!::I':i:Y L..Y;:'.c"',. ....:):;::r: ., .., I. The ptJrpO$e d this form Is to edvise the City of the basic compOl1ents of the proposed project so that the Cry may Eivaluate the proposal for compliance wkl) IIppllC8!je ordinances IInd policies. Providing IIccurate and complete InformaUon wll aSSll'e prompt procesSln~ of thl& appllca\Jon. Use add~lonal sl1eets wherever nece&~ry. ADcl/carIoTlS thar are InconsIstenr wiIh the City's GMeral P all or Oeve/ocment Code wiU not be 8cceoted as comolata. .. o Check her. II thll " an appflCation for a dllvelopmant penniL -"....~..'...~...........~-::--..~. ,'......' ;......;:..:. ..:.:~. .', ~~ ~ ..~ ~ . h...." . ~fJ."""""'''' ";~.,:,,,~,,~ W".".'" .....,.t.__ 'i.:," ':<o'~..:.::.:.:.."i..:, :.... .,., .., .' ." ,informalJ(m,!o,!Ie.',sUbmftted:.W!t . thInr rCJi IOri:'....\.~," .......... ~'>'>' t.~.)...._,.. .',"J' ..-.":: . .~'.~':.' 'I'.~':......';'.:..:,.):!,~-::~~...:,~;'U':.,', A RBler 10 the project checldlst (available from the 6, Inc!u:le allY other information that w~1 help to explain Community Development Pepartmenl) for "those Items your propose! or better clarify your particular 8~uatlon. re . to be submitted for each e of ro eel C. 0 Check here" Architectural Review is required for ~our project (aee Section 9-03.190 01 the DeveloFtment Code 10 determine It ArchltectUraJ Review 1& required). so. see the checklist of Items required for Arch tectural lIevlew a oval. \. G~~~RAL INFORMATION ~L- /1..-I-'C ~1-t" 7'1', ~ w-<:cAJ~ A icant: Transi tions Da Phone{805)541-5144 A fcant'sAddroos: P.O. Box 15408, San Luis ObiSpo, CA 93406 x1l1 Re mentallve: Re n!aenralll'e's Addr~': Same as above P Owner ~ other than a lleant: Oimers Address: P.O. Box 1360 Arro Arm1ect Ineer an : Da Phone: Archllectj!!nglnaer's Address: .. ~~~. oo"'d b '~f',,'.'.i,"" "."., ;'.1":":' ""':""." I IJ .. . .0.,.. ....:':~ t.." :.~.:'" ~:'.' :r.'.'..' OA Owner o Architect o En ins r t;:\tq"II"..cd:n~tapp,"11-3"7 .mtf 1 . ,f . . CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPLICATION CHECKLIST FOR I!.M@~ W:Mfil!. W \Q)ffiW ~M~ [?)~IRl~fi'iJ'~ The following list includes all of the items you must submit for a complete application. Some specific types of information may not apply to your particular project and, as noted, some items may only be required in certain circumstances. If you are not sure if a specific requirement applies to your project, please ask the community development staff. A copy of this list will be used to check your application for completeness after it is submitted. If your application is not complete, a c'opy of the list will be returned to you with additional requirements noted. . .. :$m.\~t:_~r$~~i~%tl~%)W~.~QJ1f~I~.~.€IQ..~~tQ:~J~Y~~*_Jilt~WMmf#1i$lt~mV0r~tirr4M i9~&\~f9l~:c.f~~~fii~reri\~ttn~~1*\N t<<#f.4tmWEQ.at~tS.u~.ro.i.~~e~;WZA9fi'it: &1NWn.Ch~~:c~e(f;:::Bylalf~::.p.if.te;;WrWKP :~~4:1it1$f._~itf:j{~:~rWWfJt11[&I1.flt1M~~i~1/~.J%.{J}*Vij#t %(t-jfim~*fW$$N~i:Mtltwtifi}K$ftin~f.ttW Aoolications for a Laroe Familv Dav Care Permit shall contain the followino: '[J 1. Completed application form. [J 2. Payment in full of applicable fees for processing the application. [J 3. Two (2) sets of typed, gummed labels on 8-1/2" X 11" sheets listing the names. addresses, and assessor's parcel number of all property owners within a radius of 100 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property, along with copies of the applicable assessor's parcel map book pages. [J 4. Five (5) copies of a plot plan drawn to a standard engineer's scale (1 :30 minimum allowed without approval) and with a north arrow showing: [J a. Location. exterior boundaries, and dimensions of the entire property that is the subject of the application, and location and dimensions of all buildings .and . structures on the property. [J b. Location and dimensions of passenger loading/unloading areas. [J c. Location and dimensions of existing or proposed on-site parking facilities. [J d. Location, height, materials and colors of all existing and proposed walls. . [J e. Location and description of any outdoor play areas, [J 5. Copies of all applicable state licenses for operation of the facility. Large Family Day Care Permits are reviewed for compliance with the performance standards listed in Section 9-11.110 of the Development Code " i <I . 20,,1'1 . 11 : 55A~1 Af;r -,vO GRANDE C!TY 1'10.663 P.3/5. 9' I. / cribe the propos6d prollct (ultimate use) In de1a~: Social support group for disabled adults of South San Luis Obispo County, I providing group counseling, education, light recreation, social skills building, and cOl!lllUl1ity volunteerism. TranspOrtation is provided for staff and clientele. These services have been provided to the community since 1980, and have been located for the past five years at 143 Nason St. . ~ , r~ ~ I - II. PROPERTY'DESCRIPTION General Plan ~ Use DesIgnation: Mn Zoning: ~F Assessor Parcel No.; Paree' Size: 50' x 125' Strut Address: 202 ~treet Legal DescrIption of Ex\sUng Lot: N/A Bulding Sizes In Square Feet: E)(l1;tlng . . Proposed MIA III. COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR LARGE FAMILY DAY CARE, PRE.ApPLlCATION REVIEW, AND TEMPORARY USE PERMITS ONLY ~~.I.Ii~r~~f~~i'~r9fiO~II~ l1C!iur~ .o{~p8ristf~n: .... Nonday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 10 a.m.~2 p.m.; Wednesday: 4 p.m.-8 p.m. t~\~~!I~\t~')i!"l'!iiii\be'r of .emp!9yi.ill '.' " . . . Total: 3 ./ MaxImum Sh1ll: 3 I Time of Maximum Shift: 7-8 hours :~~:.!~!rt~!~;~f.\,j~~~~er of patron;, i;lii'"t~...chlldren. eU~q1ners, ele. enticlp~led: Average per day: 9 I Peak /-loUt: 17 . :~~~rr.~,~~iWIf~r~etp.~'rklii'~.'~R~C~s'fO'.~~"~roVlc!~:' . .. ., Total: 4 I Garage (enclosed): 1 I Covered: N/A I Open: 4. . c:\fCf'ITI..c<<PItuI1'Oo &;Ip.~:Jn7.flMl 2 ---- I. 14.20e1 11 : 56AM AF.f , GRANDE CITY f'D.8S3 P.4/S . .0-:: /0 l , / :5'...;'~ij:c:i;\~.~:n!g.lj!llii'Je il~tJ\jri~ \I1.t'willli~:provfdet;l. Inciui!ing th~ typuolllghllng tei baif!stelled;:: .~. :, ' Standard residential lighting ~s currently provided in front and rear of site. IV. COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR LOT MERGERS OR REVERSION TO ACREAGE,ONLY: Number of 81I!S~ng lot~: Size of existing lots ~n 'square feet]: - Number of pro~ lols: Size 01 proposed lots Of! square feel); V. COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR ALL PROJECTS: . . pue to'recehl Interpretation arjd legal amendments to the Poli~ca! Flelorm act 01 1974, the city rj9edS to be aware 01 all entities (I,e, corporations, lendIng Institutions, etc.) or Individualslhal rT)ay have a flnancla! Io:erest In the proposed project. Please complete the loUa.'/tng C9rtHlcatlon IInd provide your signature. , :~~~YQjrQ~r,lg;;~iI\iO~~) '''~~Ip..'ln~i:.1duali'~a~ e 'fina,l1ciallnl~r~~I(~) In 1111, p'ro~t: .' N/A , ~~~p.fil/~~~~~tft~'I:J~}I~t'l/l'(q/lflil,p.n'-"Yor . ..,. l'RPPEflTY QWNER/AUTHQRI~ED AG~NT: r~nify '~m' . "':~ii ~'~Ii"Oiii}~;.~~,f\jwjIl1 h"~n ",~.,.,d ~nd., p.nalty 01 PO~lIIYlhet I am !h' own",,'al I~~ ptoplt\y Ih~I,11 "ij(;l!f.iIt, rll.i~ Glrf'o f\{1!..,i!t hf{~~l>mI!I~~ *1-1/>" ~. ' !/I' ,u~J,r;\ at 1n1, 'Pp\iOOl~QI1""'dIhJt ~hJ"t.t"d tI1IJ t6mpllad . itf~\. ',~~i'Iif.;tiJt.fcrI.\ofI.dg~ J/1~ b'IIII, \I~' 'lid eqrr-ct. I . appllc:anDn ~d ccn,"'1\ \D' I.. flROQ. (If ~IQQ.~,~y.IM ~~r1"ct . ,'ilrt!'~I~J1?\IjiI. Cit;IP3:'!'otor '~I" In!DfII1~~O~.il .~.~,. allno' from tit. p',o",1ti cwn'rmultl>~ prO\lld.ld. <iIClltnQ. "G.~Y~~f : ~ . ..:~ ~Pli'a qn "1np!".~n'u~~/!rInIOI\lQn or. : lIi~rJ/l' "g.nl II aulhorlz.W II: ~ CI}'h'-1h.r bf~'II.) . ' . '~~', ,;, ..,,~'!!'i'i!'. .~1h', .~f~IQ,~n.npp(OV'o'IM~'llpl11 '. . . . . ~~ ~{tg~'Y.:~:.n'IlOht J)! l/II"IIcllt(an, qt'l'I'""",.I.., , . . '. ." .' ~.." ,,~"'l-', \ ;;":1'" :. . ~j). rJ&f'I-l'~~' . ~~)-.'. -'H1~.i L ,~.'~'.. . CaUl 51 n . pat~ ..., ..,. '''0 . . . . . <=\lOIn ~cd4 ,njoonpp.~....3,Q7 ,'''' 3 - ---~--- / . . . /1 ~ ,-~ , . ;' /Y)/~ NOTICE OF PROPOSAL OF A LARGE DAY CARE , DATE: November 30, 2001 APPLICANT: Transitions --- ~.L-' ~ U"??1~ PROJECT: Large Day Care 01-001 to allow for the operation of a social support group facility for disabled adults. . LOCATION: 202 Vernon Street ~~ REPRESENTATIVE: Barry Johnson Dear Property Owner, The above applicant has requested a Large Day- Car Permit for the above referenced operation. As part of the Large Day Care Permit process, property owners within 300 feet must be notified of said application. The application is availaqle for review at the Community Development Department office in City Hall, at 214 E. Branch Street. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a,m. - 5:00 p.m. Please submit any comments and/or concerns you may have in writinQ regarding this project no later than 5:00p.m. Thursday, December 13, 2001 to: CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 550 ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93421 Please refer to Large Day Care No. 01-001 in your correspondence, Please include your telephone number so we may contact you if it is necessary to discuss your comments and/or concerns in more detail. If no adverse comments are received during the ten day review period, the Community Development Director may approve the Large Day Care Permit. Conditions are made as part of the approval to protect the surrounding neighborhood from impacts relating to noise, traffic, parking, spacing and concentration. The Community Development Director must make the following findings in order to approve the application: 1. The proposed large family day care home complies with the standards, restrictions, and requirements contained in Section 9-11 .110 of the Development . /~ . . nansrtlons Large Day Care 01-001 November 30, 2001 Page 2 of 2 . Code. 2. The proposed large family care home complies with all applicable provisions of state law. If you have any questions, please call Teresa McClish, Project Planner, at 473-5420. Sincerely, - ~. -... Rob Strong, AICP Community Development Director { ~_... Dec. 12, 2001 Arroyo Grande, Ca. /~~, -..,..' . .,'.~'--::~'~':"'_.~'1 ..', City .o~ Arroyo Grande ~),~ :";:..-".."'-'~ '. ...... Commun~ty Development D';!pt. /1"-/1 II' . lJEC" 3 ~'f)p.; ''1J~ Attn: Nr Rob Strong, D~rector . 7 I!Y - ' I ~ J. .-,. ~ . _LI. .JJ 4'A . . , If . .. .' .... .' _.' . TT~<-<..~~,...",..-. ,......~ Ite: Large Day Care No 01-001t<.J..L ~ ~:~~~-':~'.:. .C~tI~n Dear Sir; /---!/ __~ ~ We are Travis and Katherine Evans and we reside at 270 Larchmont Drive, just across the street, north of the proposed project. We are 79 and 75 years old respectfully, and recognize the need for such faciliies. However we are strongly opposed to a day care center at this location .for the following reasons. First, everything e~st of the Community Building, (Women's Club) is residential. We believe it should remain that way. Second, because of the Womens Club, the Valley View School, and Adventist Church at the top of Vernon Ave., the streets are already heavily travelled. Many times the Community parking lot and both streets are parked full on both sides of the intersection. At times we offer free parking in our yard. Thirdly,. We believe elderly ahd handicapped people should have easy acess in and out of buildings, bathrooms, parking lots, etc. There is no way this hillside property could offer that. If this area is to be kept residential, as it presently is, we simply cannot allow the doors to be opened for commercial enterprise. I believe the majority of the area residents will agree. Therefore, we' respectfully request that the Large Day Care permit 01-001 be denied. Sincerely; _ . t.. J /l.;/ ~t.-CZ~(] b', '(:1.,0:1~/'J.- - . .I? j Tra~is O. And Katherinp. R.. ;';vans VJlJ_^""'''---'L/)'[' h~~ 9.f. :D~",)( 'f'ZL f: tL0""-", ~<L .i; L8nN7Pi/j'T ~~ ;Ziti/.. .~~t;../2.r- ~'Zit.,,--- j C~( , /3 MEMORANDUM . TO: ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR FROM: TERESA MCCLISH, ASSOCIATE PLANNER - DATE: DECEMBER 18,2001 RE: LARGE DAYCARE PERMIT FOR ADULT DAY CARE - VERNON ST. We noticed residences in the neighborhood of a proposed adult day care at 202 Vernon St. (The last requested application was withdrawn due to pressure on the proposed landlord from neighbors.) We received several letters (not as many as before) opposing the use. We have been processing this as a Large Day Care facility (allowable in residential districts) because our code doesn't have a specific permit requirement for adult day care. However, I just found a League of CA cities summary from last summer with many cities indicating they require CUP's. ~s..:. ~v-..~. \/""s~...::,: 0;.. c..L~ For the subject site, parking is an issu~although they use a van to transport clients and staff. According to our parking requirements (for daycares/schools) we would require 5 off street spaces, they propose one. Otherwise, for a residential area, the site is well located, being adjacent to a school, and across from the Community Center. J'm not sure if we should kick this application up to a CUP. I'll call in Wed. to discuss. ~ " ( I RECEiVED Nov. 5, 2001 ;..!UV 0 5 2001 City of Arroyo Grande Cc:~ ~.:r~.~t:~ .~ <.' 1,:.:~~ > ~'~',~:t;'~'~:'5 ~PT. Community Development Dept. P.O. Box'S50 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 / 3 ~ ~ 6J ' :3 /1. -' ~ J, ~2.-, Attn: Mr. Rob Strong ~ HA fh~ ~/'l'd/~..7,~ ~ - Re: Application for Large Day CarelTransitions a.:i'- ~ 'd I ~ #, Dear Mr. Strong, Thank you for the above referenced notification and the opportunity to provide you with our comments. We as residents in the Village are mainly concerned with the safety ..-.. hazards such a facility would present in our neighborhood. The Village atmosphere is one that promotes family lifestyles with residents who enjoy walking, jogging and bike riding throughout our safe streets, Not only would the available parking on the streets be affected, but the traffic would increase. The property at 207 Garden St. is located at a curve that joins Garden SI. and Ide St. with existing visibility and speeding concerns. The increased parking would heighten this hazard, As property owners we are' not only concemed with the safety of our family and , . neighbors but with the effect such a facility might impose on our property value and resale opportunities. The Village of Arroyo Grande is in itself a unique location, offering the pleasures of a hometown, close knit community. That is the reason so many of us have chosen it as our home and would be disheartened to see a business of any kind placed within its' core. We strongly believe that approval of this permit would introduce an element that is not conducive to the family environment that this area is designed for and has maintained for many years. This, or any other business such as this, would be inappropriate for this area and we would suggest that the city investigate alternative locations for such a facility. This is a business and it is our belief that there are more appropriate locations in our community in which this business could be placed that would be more suitable and would cost the taxpayers less money. Sincerely, ~d / ~e:dh(){/A/d~ Paul and Cathy Tho Idsen 538 Ide St. Arroyo Grande, Ca. 93420 (805)489-6305 tiht&r-,-&~ 1-/ e',.,.....pv"t.v.- 7> tt,A,J.... . ----- /f- Teresa McClish - RE: Adult Day Hea.., re Centers Rase i From: Chris Schaefer <CSchaefer@cUos-alamitos.ca.us> . To: Jack Messertian <JMesserlian@cLgardena.ca.us> Date: -.I 7/17/011:55PM Subject: RE: Adult Day Health Care Centers Jack, we've been addressing them through the CUP process onlv in the CoO zone v"(commercialoffice). I know what you mean though, there are a slew of new proposed adult day care facilities being proposed. Hope this helps. Chris Schaefer Assislant Planner -Original Message-- From: Jack Messertian [mailto:JMessertian@cLgardena.ca.us] Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 12:15 PM To: 'HCED@lists.cacities.org' Subject: Adult Day Health Care Centers Recently we've been receiving an increased number of requests for adult day vf1ealth care centers which, under our current zoning regulations, are noL V erovided .!Qr. What zones do you permit them? What are your zoning regulations, i.e. development standards, including parking, etc. Any help you can render ASM> will be much appreciated. Jack Messertian Planning Administrator City of Gardena T (310) 217-9524 F (310) 217-9698 *~......................................... This message was sent to you as a subscriber to the League of Califomia Cities' HCED listserve. If you have any questions, please contact l>Jy Zimmermann at zimmera@cacilies.org. The League is not responsible for the content posted to this listserve and encourages users to conduct their own evaluations. Access to this listserve may be denied at the League's sole discretion. u____ /:f' Teresa.McClish - RE: Adult Day Healt' Jre Centers P;Jge 1- . - - . From: <georges@ci.garden-grove.ca.us> . To: <JMesserlian@ci.gardena.ca.us> Date: 7/19/01 8:04AM Subject: RE: Adult Day Health Care Centers Adult Day Care facilities require a CUP in Garden Grove. Small ~acili!ies (6 or fewer patients) are only allowed in residential zones (R1, R2 and R3). while larger facilities (7 or more) are only allowed in commercial zones (C1. C2 and C3). They are required to meet the setback, landscaping, height, and lot coverage of the applicable zone. The parking requirements are 1 space for every 2 patients. -George A. Skelton Assistant to the City Manager City of Garden Grove '- ; Teresa ~1cC~ish - RE: Adult Day Heam - fro h... "':enters Page' , . From: Virginia Boone <vboone@cLcorte-madera.ca.us> To: 'Jack Messerlian' <JMesserlian@cLgardena.ca.us> Date: V7117101 2:54PM . Subject: RE: Adult Day Health Care Centers Privately owned Adult day care ctrs are currently allowed with an approved ~ Conditional Use Permit, In Multiple Dwelling districts, Public & Semipublic Facilities, and Local Serving Commercial districts. The standards & parking are those used for Day Cares and/or Schools. ---Original Message-- From: Jack Messerlian [SMTP:JMesserlian@cLgardena.ca.us] - Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 12:15 PM To: 'HCED@lists.cacities.org' Subject: Adult Day Health Care Centers Recently we've been receiving an increased number of requests for adult day health care centers which, under our current zoning regulations, are not provided for. What zones do you permit them? What are your zoning regulations, I.e. development standards, including parking, etc. Any help you can render ASAP will be much appreciated. Jack Messerlian Planning Administrator City of Gardena T (310) 217-9524 F (310) 217-9698 ........................................... This message was sent to you as a subscriber to the League of California Cities' HCED listserve. If you have any questions, please contact Ny Zimmermann al zimmera@cacities.org. The League is not responsible for the content posted to this listserve and encourages users to conduct their own evaluations. Access to this listserve may be denied at the League's sole discretion. .. ..--.......,..... ."., " , '\ From: <Lui" "'stevez@CLcerritos.ca.us> . .To: <JM Jrlian@d.gardena.ca.us> \ Date: \~"17I01 2:24PM , Subject: Request for Infonnation via ListServe Dear Jack: Before the City of Cerritos adopted our Adult Day Health Care Ordinance, staff had requested and imposed a nearly 12-month moratorium while we studied the issue. 'We decided the best place for this type of facility would be in our I Area Development Plan-One zone (Ught Industrial Zone). Attached to this e-mail is the actual staff report presented to Council along with the change to the ordinance. Hope this helps. Luis Estevez, Management Analyst ...... ..... $/f CITY OF CERRITOS . ORDINANCE NO. - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CERRITOS AMENDING AREA DEVElOPMENT PLAN-ONE (ADP-1) OF THE CERRITOS MUNICIPAL CODE TO PERMIT THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ADULT DAY HEALTH CARE FACILITIES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CERRITOS DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: - SEal ON 1. Chapter 22.11 of Title 22 of the Cerritos Municipal Code is hereby amended by amending Section 22.11.210 to read as follows: 22.11.210 Manufaduring-office - Conditional uses. The following conditional uses may be permitted subject toprovisions set forth in sections 22.11.210 through 22.11.230. (a) Adult day health care facilities subject to the following criteria and limitations: (i) Approval of any and all adult day health care facilities shall not result in an over concentration of such facilities within the area where the facility is to be . operated. A minimum 01.1,000 lineal fe~t shall be maintain between ~dult day nealth care facilities; * (ii) Buildings occupied by adult day health care facilities shall have a minimum distance requirement of one hundred fifty (150) lineal feet from residential land uses provided that a physical barrier such as an arterial street, freeway or flood control channel exists. If no such barrier exist, the minimum distance requirement shall be no less than three hundred (300) lineal feet from adult day health care facilities establishing a buffer from residential land uses; (iii) Adult day health care facilities shall be limited to daytime business hours and no person or persons shall be allowed to use the facility as a living quarter at any time. (b) Financial institutions such as banks, savings and loan associations, and credit unions; (c) Trade or professional schools; (d) Office uses of a business, administrative, service, consulting or professrQnal type including sale of services, equipment, supplies and goods to commercial accounts, including limited retail sales and service to the public in conjunction with a permitted use (limited equipment storage and servicing may be permitted if such :acilities do not exceed the floor space allocated to office use); (e) . Restaurants, excluding drive-ins and carry-outs; (f) .Government or public utility facilities; (g) Medical, dental or completely enclosed veterinary clinics. S:.1SP~\ A~RJ'(O G"ANI:E CITY N~.328----P.2/1~. Jj . ce::.2\J. N0~ CITY OF ARROYO GRANDI /'1 MAJOR PROJECTS . . COll1j\fiJNITY DEVELOPMEro..'T APPLICATIO~ . M'"D ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION FOR."I1 "The pUIpOS: oft!>Js form is to advise the City o"fthc basic comp=ts of the proP~ proje~t so that me City may r:vi~w the p:cj<Ct and c!e1mnine me leve1 of environrnenta1 revie.... required by th& California Savironmental Qlality Act of 1970, Vld compliance wit)! applicabJe ordU:!ances and policiC5. Providing #-ccurate aud complete !nform~tiQD will assure prompt processing of ibis application, Use additional sheets waerever ~es;ary. Application; thai au ~anslJtent with the City's GelIeal Plan or Development CoM will not be ace ted CIS complete. .' . I'ORST/lFFUS&OIiLV.';' ",:.. '.':: .., .' Date AppUt1Ition &u1Imitw1: Da~ APp1it1ltlon Accepted as Complete: I . . Cu. Number: : .. I - 'D~,-OOlf- . I '",. . , .' . . Go~f\'lmOi'lOl'mlS I1ORI1I !S litCI;SSJ,R\' paR Tlluolt.O\V!!'!G 'rYnS OJ' APPUC....TtONS. n't,t.sE INt>ICA'tt: 'IYlE OF' , AJ'fLIct.TJO,'f(S) YOU AItt RtQutSU"iG; .-.- " (1' Condfli4nal Vae 1'0l11li1 ' . ", 'Q :Amel\dmen~ .. P Planned Unit Deyelopment P~tnit. 0 Arile~dTl1~rlt I C. 'Devel.ol'mea"t A&mment t:I kntndm.nt t:1l!pec:lfie 1'uu; . .' " 'I:J Amenilm.cnt. I I a 'Dntloi'JI1enf Code AmcIIdP1cut (ladudes Rezoning, o S~rfau MirJng 1'erni! , ' ',' . l'tnoa1ng and !'I""'u~ n~n\optnent RUtIn.) . o Tenta*lveParc:dMap : '0 VcilipiMap I .. ..I:J Crne~J'I.nAlnendmellt' . t:1 AnjeQ<\lnent ',' . : ',[::I pltnne4 ~.topn\tut.ADl~dl!1e)1f PTeotat!v.~etMap .,': [j VcstiniMap " .. i .' [) Sp~fjc ~vtlopment;Plan ' , P Aa1eudrnellt . . . ::.:;' [) ~ern1D.ve1op~tl'b.n . 0 . V~rlallte , .,' '. ,. . [J Choc)( tlore If this Is aD upp1l<:ation Cor a development permit. ':. ".' InfOntllltioll b be ,\jbmltl~ wllblbls appUcalion; ,.... .' I ",'.. . A. R:fC:Q <he eheckli61 (s"'Ii'able &om tpeCornr.tlltlity OeveIo?m'M B, A\lal:b colorpnotogt>p),; ...lides ofu., ,ite 0t1d afth< >;cr';C)'. ! i P<l>=tni) for :hose il= !",!uired fO I:e submi.'t..-d forexh I)"e Indicat: :heloadcn o! ...h pha'~snFh ar.d C!:C &:e tlkm !<.>iJ1~ ot'ptojcc:. she pboto!:",pbs '0 W! si:e p1ar. is h.:pN!. c. tJ C,"" horc i! Ar.1)i;.ctllr;! !le,.;...." required for yo"" pqject I D, 0 o-eck h",e iflhis i> on .pp1ico~on fer . CoMomin'u-n or Mob'!, (sce Section 9-03.190 of"'. Ocve!op:t1<r.1 Code t') dc:tl:tlnine if HomePuk Ccn~&:oo. If SCI, ate 'Ci:e d:eckjist or ittms r=Gl.!ir:<i for i Mhhoct,nl !le,;ow Is '''Ioired). Ifso,... I.'" q,<ekliSl ofu.ms Ccf\4omini\.JZiIMobi!e Ho:ne Pc.lc COI1\oers1on, , reqwre<! for Nthi,,"tu"! Reylow AP9roTO!, : , IJ~ /U-tJ ~....I.7L L GDo"IRAL I"fFORlrlATION ~ F Applicanl: Transitions-Mental Health Association I DaYl'hone: (805)541-5144 Appli<:Ull's ....ddrw: 277 South St., Ste. Y, San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 fvh ~U I, 9~&D Rq:rcse1ll2!ivc: Barry D'. Johnson I Day ?!!ane: (805)541-5144 ext 11 ~tiv"'Address: P.O. Box 1 ~!.nH, San LUJ.S utusPO,CA . PropcrtyOw:1cr. Brian and Rebecca Crist I Day PhOllc:. ( 805 ) 481-4626 Cw='sAddtc.n: P.O. Box 1360, Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 i Att;~t(ifany): n/a rD>y Phone: , ~sAd<!roa.\: Engioca (sf any): n/a I Day Pho:lC: . I Address: 1 MAlORAPPnM ~IOO ,~.'- OCC.2e.2001 5: 45Pr: r YO G'<Ao'WE CITY --r-+::L32e--P.3/1c- " .-. . ": . ~ . . Please p,dl~t. if aU C?ij~ond'eiite shoUld be s'entto: .': '. '.: '. - . . " ..: . ". [] Applicant ro Rei>""enI>.tivc I2j Propcny OW1\er [] Arc~~ct [J E<>Iir.c<:t I Dcscn"oe the Proposed Project in Detail: ~ ~ c..-M ~ ~ Social support group for . abled' adults. bf South San Luis COlU1ty, I providing group counseling, education, light recreation, social skills building, and community vollU1teerism. Transportation is provided for I staff and clientele. These services have been provided to the corrrnunity since 1980, and have been locate~ for the past five years at 143 Mason Street. I - n. :PROPERTY DESCRIPTION G:ncr.ol I'~n LaIId U$e Pesignatiotli Zociz:i: . SF ---. A3seSSOI PIUCt\ No.: Pi:tc! Size: 50' X 125' StrettAdd:<II: 202 Vernoq Street LeP D...c:ri;>lioa oi Exisling Lot I n/a BuiJdin6 Si:t.. it. Squ"'c Feet E.xistU:g 1194' Proposed n/a i III, EC'I"VIRONMENTAL Il't"FORMA110N , A. COMPLETE TIDS SECTION FOR-ALL PROJECT TYPES: 1. Ulbeproject involves 11;', divWoo ofl~nd or Ibemera:;cr oflu,d, P!~ase~.,. tl;efolIowing ~U~ON; n/ a a. Type of Subdivision: o Agrlcu1tunJ [J Resieeolio! (] Co"""",c:ia! (] lndus:r'..J b. TOI1I tlUl:>Oet of Acres: Agri<:uItwol_ R..-.ideoti:l! Co"""",,,ial !:1dus~t_ c; ~=ber of Lot!: Agri.-cltural . Resid:oli.1l Co=d.1 Icdustrial - d Av=ge Size of Lots (in square re.t): Agrlc:ulaxol R.e,i&olio! Co=ciol Indust::W I - , 2. Describe the present and psstu,ses of this site. Indic:.lte ((any st:uctures curreutly exists 011 the site IUId if they I mu reaain. . . . Single family residence. Existent structures to remain. 2 MAJoRA!'? .FF-',! 4100 ,(0 G'<A~ICe: CIT~' -N~.3Z8-.p.4/1Z- .- ,-. Ce:c.2C.~001 5: 45PC'1 A. , . 3.. D~crlbe tb'e present and. IlIses of !tdJacent sites: " . Arroyo Grande Women 1 s Club, 211 Vernon (directly across the street f:r;,om site). All other adjacent properties are known to be single family residences. The ' lot to the east, the only property that borders 202 Vernon, is vacant without a structure. 4. De,scn"be the sIte and !ldj~cent areas. ~c1uae topo~l\phy, I!.nim~l;lj\d plant life, blstoric structllr~ e~e(Qen\S. ' . roads/tre\)J, etc. . .'. '. : '.. '. :, ',;' - Hillside site. Typical residential, animal and plant life. No known historic structures, easement issues, roads/trails, etc. \ I I I . 5. Describ.e'any past prQblenu au the ~ite Includlni earthquake 1ault,s, flooding. erosion, .ete. :. . . . 'r ! None to our knowledge. 6, Describe tbe existing road s~'SteJn on Ule .!ite and IIIIY II1ajor acces.! t'outes into tpe site, Describe ~I'QPosed ' . I cl!.mgesto t!leroa;d 1)'steW. I Major access routes to the site include West Branch Street to the south qnd Larchmont Drive to the north, all city-owned/main.tained roads. No .changes to the road system are proposed. I 3 MAlORAP~.,P,M 4~O - ..:;.....IC'"II ,.,1"\"....,..... o..:-''''''U...c.. .....6 I I .I..-..:.....-=- .-....-'.....:.. -- ....c....4.~C..::...-'........ dCJ B. COMPLETE TInS I ;nON FORRESIDENTkU PRaffi( ONLY ..... '.1 .". . .... . - . .' .... ." ~':;:...' .... :. r:" - :<. 1. D=rlbo \he n\W;lbe,(and t,..~ orJll1I~ in the propoSed project: .i:~' {J ::. ,.:.: . '. ::, -'::-' A TIACHED UNITS Tot&!1'ium:.er; . Number for S1.\.: 2';\ltII':Ier far R\w: DBTACHED umrs Tot&! NUlIlber: Number ~or Sole': . . Numb<r for Reo!: NlIIIlber oClots to be buil! by applicant or developer. Number o(L>ts t\1 be sold: . . . .' ,..".. "'... I .. 2. Descr!!)e any reci'eatiolla1 or othq- ~~ared coi;mnuu1ty !ac~ liic1udeii'\n the.,,':qpGs~d P~~J~. 'Ui'dupe'any"; . proposed dedlcntioll on~d for pllbUc p:trks. (Attach additional sheet!; ifn'~ed.) ':>'. . .,' ":'..:' ;.:::.:.;: ....:i/.... .... J , ! - I I C. COMPLETE TInS SECTION FOR COMMERCIAL OR/N])USTRlAL PROJECIS O!'iLY: .. 1. Describe the type oewe(s) and mnjor functions ofcoIDlDercia! or iadnstrial projects: ~~ " ,.:..-;~.,,% Sod support group for disabled adults of South San Luis Obispo County, I providing group counseling, education, light recreation, social skills I building, and co!lJlIUIlity volunteerism. Transportation is provided for staff and clientele. These services have been provid~d' to the co!Cl!l1.IDi.tysince'. I 1980, and have been located for the past five years at 143 Mason Street. I 2. Give the building sizes CUI squ2\re feet) for: . , Existing structutes: 1194 I Proposed Struc:u:es: n/a I AdditiQns to Exist'.nj! Struct.uc" n/a 3: .lJJdicate the proposed holU'S of operation: ! Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 10 a.m.- 2 p.m.; Wednesday:4 p.m. - 8 p.m. 4. Ertimate the number of.elIlployecs: ! 'Tot.!: 3 ! Ms...Unwn Shift: 3 'Tim< ofMs:<i:num Shift: I \ I 7 - 8 hours 5.. Indic:lte the number or Plltrons, cUents, c\lstomus, etc. anticipated: Aversgc perd4y; 9 I Pm HDut$: Ii IH ilIA(< 4 .:-.---: :..--- MAJORAPP.FIL\14/00 S"V">'W" u_ , "\ d/ d-~ fi1~ . .' . . . CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY DRAFT NEGATIVE DECLARATION . i I PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Conditional Use Permit 02-004 to operate an Adult Day Care facility. PROJECT LOCATION: 202 Vernon Street APPLICANT: Transitions- Mental Health Association REPRESENTATIVE: Barry Johnson COTVIMENT PERIOD: Comments on the Draft Negative Declaration may be either: 11 } mailed to the Community Development Department, P.O. Box 550, Arroyo Grande, CA 93421, (2) delivered in person to the Community Development Department at 214 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, CA. or (3) provided in person at the public hearing scheduled for February 19, 2002. The public review period closes on at the conclusion of the appeal period on March " 2002. DOCUMENT. AVAILABILITY: Copies of the Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration may be reviewed at City Hall, located 214 East Branch Street. Arroyo Grande, CA. ff you have any questions, ~Iease contact the Community Development Department at 473- 5420. .' ,;).~ . CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTIC~ IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public HearinQ will be held by the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande on the following item: CASE NO, Conditional Use Perm;t Case No. 02-004 APPLICANT: Transitions - Mental Health Association LOCATION: 202 Vernon Street PROPOSAL: To operate an Adult Day Care Fa911lty. .. . ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: Negative Declaration REPRESENT A TIVE: Barry Johnson The Planning Commission wit! consider a proposal to operate adult day care for a social support group facility for disabled adults in a Single Family residential area. In compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the Community Development Department has prepared a Negative Declaration on the above project. The Miti9ated Negative Declaration is available for review at the Community Development Department, City of Arroyo Grande. If the Planning Commission does not feel that a Mitigated Negative Declaration is appropriate, project approval VIIi!! not be considered. . Any person affected or concerned by this application may submit written comments to the Community Development Department before the Planning Commission hearing, or appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the project and the environmental impacts at the time of hearing. Any person interested in the proposel can contact the Community Development Department at 214 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, California, during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 ;00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m,). The project application is available for public inspection at the above address. IF YOU CHALLENGE AN ITEM IN COURT, YOU MAY BE LIMITED TO RAISING ONLY THOSE ISSUES YOU OR SOMEONE ELSE RAISED AT THE PUBLIC HEARING DESCRIBED IN THIS NOTICE, OR IN WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE DELIVERED TO THE PLANNING COMMiSsioN AT, OR PRIOR TO, THE PUBLIC HEARING. FAILURE OF ANY PERSON TO RECEIVE THE NOTICE SHALL NOT CONSTITUTE GROUNDS FOR ANY COURT TO INVALIDATE THE ACTION OF THE LEGISLATIVE BODY FOR WHICH THE NOTICE WAS GIVEN. Date and Time of Hearing: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. Place of Hearing: Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 E. Branch Street 4n f?~-~ - Arroyo Grande, California 93420 Lyn Reardon, Planning Commission Secretary ------ ~ .=23 Hearing Date: 02/29/02 Agenda Item No. /I.C. PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING TO BE HELD IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 215 EAST BRANCH STREET - APPLICANT: Transitions Mental Health Association FILE/lNDEX: Conditional Use Permit Case Number 02-004 PROPOSAL: Operate a Adult Day Care Facility to provide social support for disabled adults , LOCATION: 202 Vernon Street REPRESENT A TIVE: Barry Johnson 26 Hearing Notices sent on 2/8/02, Staff Report Prepared by Teresa McClish.",,^,L.. Site inspection by Teresa McClish on 1 /22/02. Site was adequately posted. Parcel Size: 6,250 square feet Terrain: slopes downward to the south Vegetation: grasses, shrubs, oak tree Existing Land Use: Residence General Plan Designation: Single Family Residential - Medium Density (MD) Existing Zoning: Single Family Residential (SF) Surrounding Land Use/Zoning/General Plan Designation: North: Residence, Church, School/PF/PF . East: Residences/SF/MD South: Residences/SF/MD West: Women's Center/PF/PF -- Planning Commission Conditional Use Permit Case Number 02.004 ~.~~ ~~~.' 202 Vernon Street February 19, 2002 Page 2 BACKGROUND: The applicant is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow an Adult Day Care to provide social rehabilitation services to disabled, mentally ill adults in a residential neighborhood. For a detailed description of the "Safe Haven" program, please refer to the applicant's letter in Attachment 1. ~~~~:~... Staff Advisorv Committee The SAC reviewed the project on January 22, 2002 and discussed issues of parking, undergrounding of utilities, curb gutter and sidewalk and how the California Health and Safety Code pertains to the application (reference Attachment 2 for meeting notes). The applicant is requesting an exception to the City's undergrounding and curb, gutter and sidewalk requirements (reference Attachment 1 pg. 2 of the applicant's letter). . . DISCUSSION: Development Code The application is for an Adult Day Care, which is similar in use to a Large Family Day Care facility, an allowable use in residential qistricts. Large Family Day Care facilities are allowed subject to a minor use permit. Initially, staff processed Transition's application' with a minor use permit and noticed neighbors of the project site accordingly. After receiving many letters in opposition to the project, and after reviewing a survey of other cities in California and finding that the majority address Adult Day Care facilities through the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) process, a CUP was required for the subject application. The applicant proposes to serve nine clients on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays and. has amended his application to have a Maximum of 14. clients on Wednesdays from 4-8 pm. Transitions has operated in Arroyo Grande for over 1 5 years on LePoint Street and subsequently on Mason Street. The applicant has submitted photos of the Mason Street building to show that the residence was maintained in good condition while occupied by Transitions (Attachment 3). ~ --_.._-.- --~ ~ - .;2(- Planning Commission Conditional Use Permit Case Number 02-004 202 Vernon Street February 19, 2002 Page 2 The Development Code Section16.52.120 requires perfermance standards fer Large Family Day Care Homes. The table below lists how these standards pertain to the proposed project. Performance Standard Project 1 . Structures must meet property Meets property development standards. development standards The site is subject to inspections by the Building and Fire Department according to Health and Safety Code Section 1597.46 (see Attachment 4 for the floor plan). 2. Outdoor play Area N/A - 3. Fences and walls - 6' fence required, Required per Condition of Approval No.6 compatible with on-site development and adjacent properties. 4. Landscaping censistent with Additional landscaping along fence required neighborhoed per Condition of Approval No.6 5. On-site parking for each staff in . Clients transported by 14 passenger van. addition to required residential p~rking":' 2 spaces on-site: 1-car garage, 1 spape in five spaces required. driveway. 3 s'paces off-site for staff only at the Wemen's Center per Cendition of Appreval No.9 6. Passenger loading - required plan Van parking is in driveway directly in front approved by City Engineer of building entrance. 7. Lighting required per Development Lighting required to be stationary, directed Code Section 16.48,110 compatible away from adjacent properties per with residential use. Condition of Approval No.7 8. Hours of Operation M-F 6AM - 7PM MTRF 10AM - 2PM Wed. 4PM - 8PM 9. Outdoor Activity only between 8AM Restricted hours per Condition of Approval and 7PM No.4 10. No Large Family Day Cares within No permitted facilities are within 150 ft. 150 ft. 11. State lisc. Required per Condition of Approval No.5 Purpose A CUP is intended to allow the establishment of those uses which have. some special impact or uniqueness such that their effect on the surrounding environment cannot be determined in advance of the use being proposed for a particular location. The CUP application process allows fer the review of the lecation and the design of the proposed use, configuration of improvements, and potential impacts on the surrounding area from the proposed use. The review shall determine whether the proposed use sheuld be permitted by weighing the public need for and --------.-_.-.- Planning Commission Conditional Use Permit Case Number 02~004 202 Vernon Street February 19, 2002 Page 3 benefit to be derived from the use against any adverse impact it may cause. Authoritv The Planning Commission has the authority to approve CUPs, subject to conditions - of approval (contained in the Resolution), and findings that the project is consistent with City policies and standards. The Planning Commission may deny a CUP application if the findings cannot be made (e.g., the project would be detrimental to the public, health, safety and welfare). - If issues arise at a public hearing that were unforeseen, the Planning Commission has the discretion to add conditions that are not included in the draft resolution of approval. Conversely, the Planning Commission has the authority to-strike conditions contained in the draft resolution of approval, if in the Commission's judgement they are not required. FindinQs The Planning Commission may approve a CUP application, in whole or in part, only if all of the findings of fact can be made in an affirmative matter (reference the first page of the Resolutio~). PUBLIC COMMENTS: A public notice was sent to all property owners within 300 feet of the proposed project, and a public notice was placed in the Times-Press-Recorder. Staff has received 17 written comments to date, seven in opposition and ten in support of the project (Attachment 5). The Pastor of the Seventh Day Adventist Church adjacent to the project site spoke to the Community Development Director in support of the project. 'ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: , Staff has reviewed this project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the CEOA Guidelines and the City of Arroyo Grande Rules and Procedures for Implementation of CEQA. An'initial study was prepared and based on this analysis, a Draft Negative Declaration was prepared and noticed for public review. RECOMMENDATION: The Staff Advisory Committee recommend that the Planning Commission adopt the attached resolutions approving Conditional Use Permit Case No. 02-004 subject to the conditions of approval contained therein. ., Attachments: ---..-------,. ~1- Planning Commission Conditional Use Permit Case Number 02-004 202 Vernon Street February 19, 2002 Page 4 Resolution Approving Conditional Use Permit Case No. 02-004 Exhibit uA": Conditions of Approval 1. Applicant's Letter Dated February 14, 2002, brochure and newspaper article 2. January 22, 2002 SAC Meeting Notes 3. Photo of Mason St, facility 4. Floor Plan of Residence -:; M / ~ ?J 5. 17 letters concerning the project - .- ~(f g--V-. 6. Negative Declaration and Initial Study - , ~~ / F~~ -i;; ~ 'bn;!T_ .~. ~"7- 7 /tit /f ~'M-J tf>1 fr;; .- . -- / 70f-'-u-. ~ "/,AfHA ~IU-, 'f . ' .~ . 1 rtU~ aJ!- Nd ~'/'<'-c/ .- ~L nll->>~ C3~ ~;-u- ~~,,-) !i:~~ 1~~ (I~~A~ ~ :. ~k-r> ~ ~~~ ~~ .~. (/1 /' ..;J-/'; RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE: CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION, INSTRUCTING THE SECRETARY TO FILE A NOTICE OF .. DETERMINATION, AND APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 02-004, LOCATED AT 202 VERNON STREET , APPLIED FOR BY TRANSITIONS MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION - WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered Conditional Use Permit Case No. 02-004, filed by Transitions Mental Health Association, to operate Adult Day Care facility to provide social rehabilitation to disabled, mentally ill adults; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has held a public hearing on this application in accordance with the City Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has found that this project is consistent with the General Plan, Development Code and the environmental documents associated therewith; and WH~REAS, the Planning Commission has revi.ewed this project in compliance with the California E:nvironmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines, and the Arroyo Grande Rules and Procedures for Implementation of CEQA and has determined that a Negative Declaration can be adopted; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circumstances exist: ..FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL Conditional Use Permit Findings: 1. The proposed use is permitted within the Single Family Residential district pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.16.050 of the Development Code, and complies with all applicable provisions of the Development Code, the goals and objectives of the Arroyo Grande General Plan, and the developrflent policies and standards of the City. 2. As conditioned, the proposed use will not impair the integrity and character of the district in which it is to be established or located. 3. The site is suitable for the type and intensity of use that is proposed because according to Health and Safety Code Section 1597.40, day care facilities are intended to be situated in residential surroundings to provide a home environment, and parking and fencing would be provided. 4. There are adequate provisions for water, sanitation, and public utilities and services to ensure the public health and safety. --. .. .;:1..7 Resolution No. CUP 02-004 Page 2 of 6 5. The 'proposed use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties and improvements in the vicinity because the proposed project would not create any adverse environmental impacts. Department of Fish and Game Required Findings of Exemption: - 1. The City of Arroyo Grande has prepared an initial study pursuant to Section 15063 of the Guidelines of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). for Conditional Use Permit Case No. 02-004. 2. Based on the initial study, a Negative Declaration was prepared for public review. 3. After holding a public hearing pursuant to State and City Codes, and considering the record as a whole, the Planning Commission adopted the negative declaration and found that there is no substantial evidence of any significant adverse effect, either individually or cumulatively on wildlife resources as defined 'bySection 711.2 of the Fish and Game Code or on. the habitat upon which the wildlife depends as a result of development of this project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby adopts a Negative Declaration, instructs the Secretary to file a 'Notice of Determination, and approves Conditional Use Permit No. 02-004, with the above findings, and to the conditions set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. On motion by Commissioner , seconded by Commissioner , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: -. the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 19th day of February, 2002. - ---------.---- ..;<If Resolution No. CUP 02-004 Page 3 of 6 ATTEST: Lyn Reardon-Smith, Commission Clerk Joseph M. Costello, Chair. AS TO CONTENT: .- Rob Strong, Community Development Director ------ . .:-2.-9" -.....:.........-.. ~ '" APPEAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Date TYJ ~ I, c2ZJo~ Name and Address of Appellant 41 ~/,- )'.,-bt..... J' ~ J I ~ ~ ~~ . ~ . ' 6l75'L~~4-t /1. / , .~ <;t, ~L:a,,"Z, tJ . /}A~-o .H.n.A.-< .-.?ol' (lA' Appealof ~~t~ ,/_~ /~ & J. Ah.-. tJ-?-tJtJ.J 9atj.x~ Case No. APproved/e-,;,,"lbyAA"1 ~t,I..t';M0 . on "l'~ /'1. ~g~,;z.. ~.,.;~ Date Reason for Appeal . ~ c.~'x: "54'" ~~. , . , ~- ~~~~~~~ 'Signature ~ /---~ UJ. J ~~.::b ~ t:J~ MailingAddress~7S-~tA~Av~ ~.~~ Telephon~ . J6r ~f"7~-<?-"- r.".' /I/~ ev.-,cC Fee - $190.00 Receipt No. (lc'):'d~~ Date ~ - ...<. 7- 0..;1... ~$~ ~'R~ ~€J,~ ~\rector of Administrative ServiceslDeputy City Clerk :~.~\C ~.~~:u- Y?;~ ' _ ~f~ do EXHIBIT "A" GROUNDS FOR APPEAL 1. Staff initially informed the public that applicant was "Transitions", and the project was a "Large Day Care 0 1-00 1 to allow for the operation of a f'ocial support groups facility for disabled adults", and processed the application as a minor use permit. (See Exhibit A-I attached --.-.. hereto.) 'Due to strong opposition from the neighbors. this process was aborted. 2. The applicant is actually "Transitions Mental Health Association", and the project now applied for is a "Conditional Use Permit to allow an Adult. Day Care "to. provide social rehabilitation services to disabled, mentally ill adults in a residential neighborhood." (See Staff Report to Planning Commission dated February 19, 2002.) 3. Prior to the processing of the applicant's current application. staff surveyed other cities in California and found that they all address Adult . Day Care facilities through the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) process. However, none of the cities surveyed allow such use in a Single Family Residential (SF) zone. (See Exhibit A-2 attached hereto, which evidences that the City of Cerritos only allows such use in a Light Industrial Zone; the City of Gardena only allows such use in Multiple Dwelling, Public ~nd Semipublic Facilities, and Local Servicing Commercial Districts; and the City of Garden Grove only allows such use in Commercial Zones (CI, C2, and C3).) 4. Health and Safety Code Section 1597.40 has absolutely no application to the subject project. That section only applies to 1amily day I 3/ care homes for children." Such facilities "should be situated in normal residential surroundings so as to give children the home environment which is conducive to healthy and safe development." (See Exhibit A-3 attached hereto.) . 5. Section 16.52.120 of the Arroyo Grande Development Code likewise has absolutely no application to the subject project. That section is merely the local ordinance which implements the State law dealing With day care homes for children. Accordingly. the development standards contained therein are inapposite to the proposed project which contemplates a facility for disabled adults. 6. The proposed project is in the Single Family Residential zone. Table 9-06.040-A of the Arroyo Grande Development Code prohibits use comparable to the proposed project in that Boarding/Rooming Houses (A.9.). Senior Independent Living Uses (A. 1 0.), Congregate Care.. Assisted Living . . . (A.l!.), and Convalescent Care (A:12.) uses are not permitted in uses in the Single Family Residential zone. . 7. Consistent therewith it is appellants' understanding that the two previous locations of Transitions Mental Health Association within the City of Arroyo Grande were not in a Single Family Residential zone. but were both in a Commercial Office zone. 8. The proposed project should be located within the Commercial Office zone as a permitted use in either General Commercial, Village Commercial or Office Professional, as a medical and related heath services for humans as authorized in section A.6. of Table 9-07.030-A of the Arroyo Grande Development Code. 9. It is the appellants' further understanding that the City of Arroyo 2 d~ Grande Planning Commission and Staff have plans to conduct a workshop to discuss the need to amend the zoning ordinance to accommodate locations for such businesses as the applicant. Transitions Mental Health Association. - 3 -----..,,- ;,rc<"\\J'C.U.. \"".0: .~'"- ..~...,!" r.t~:-'"...~.. . -., (yr :'..1.....- ,'.. .'. C'\ \ \ 55 APPEA.L TO' TIi.E.crry C~tjNCIL OFTH~, 'R _ \ ~\\ 4' , , :,,' ,CITY OFARROYOGRANDE: ' Q flP: . , " ' .. -' . ' . ' ,bate' Narch-l; 2002' , "Na'meand Address of Appel~ant ',' Valle'; view MvEm:t.ist Acade.my.;. 210 ~=n , , 'Avenue, Arroyo Grande, ,CA 93420 - 'Appeal of '. Cbndftio;w. Use' Permi.d:ase NO. 02-004 Case No. " . '.. .. - . '. , ' Approved/geftiee by Arroyo Grand"e plcurinq cbrmiissi~n on. ' Fpnrl1r1"Y' 19 r ,::>002 ',. ' .Date ' , Reason for Appeal , See, EXHIBIT "An attached hereto , '~'r,gnature-h~ ./ J1jf:}P1'^' . , Mailing Address ,;1.30 V~N'" Ave.. I Arro'ld 6rA"J.ej'CA ,'I31/2.0 , Telephone ({05) 4-8'1- :J.. t, ~ 7 . .- , . . Fee - $190.00 Rec~ipt No. "0 I - of t.{ L{ I iJ?- Qate '3/1/02. . - .' .' . . . .... , - . '" '. . 'f" : .... " .. .. . . ~ . . -.- "'. ,'",... . . . , ' . " " - " . . .. '. . . . . .. . ' , . n .... _. . .._ ".__ _.._ _... ..- , , , . .' ----..--...-. , " <''', ::~..-; .. //':/~::':.~-~.-" .:.~~ ........... ! .; _.: . . J' ..'...... . ~~4' ..~,.'. ~; , ,-". . ".... "\. " ,"... _,............,~J...'-:..'-,.'r.... '>" . March 1,2002 . . ~eyGView'" c.fidve:riDStAcademy- Dear Arroyo Grande City Council Members, The propo~l to bring an adult daycate facility into close proximity to Valley View Adventist Jr. Academy was looked atV(ith strong disfavor by our school board last night, February 28, 2002. We understand the need for adult care in our Arroyo Grande community is important. However, the concerns that were shared by our Valley View Adventist Academy ~chool Board were: . 1. Parent and faculty con~ein for the safety of Valley View Adventist Academy students. 2. Concern for additiorial traffic congestion on an already busy avenue, with traffic to the Valley View Children's Center, Valley View Adventist Jr. Academy, and the Women's Center. 3. Recognition of our neighbors' concerns for an adult care facility for mentally challenged with possible risks for neighborhood children as well 'students of Valley View Chil9ren's Center and Valley View Adventist Academy. 4. We urge the city council to folJow city-zoning codes for commercial and residential property. Since this area is residential, the VV AA Board believes the integrity of the zoning codes should be followed. We do not believe this is a good location for this adult care center for the above stated reasons. Thank you for keeping our concerns in mind as you take action on this proposed adult .. day care center. Sincerely yours, i~1ci/!+ VV AA Principal ArpadSoo VV AA School Board Chair " , .. .. ~/~ ,. . L;XH(81T "AI! ......." .,_ . _ __ A..__ ,,--- - -L- ,..... -- __n ....;......... . - - .. -....-- ----...o-.o.-.,"'-.-.....-..-~ .__ .___' . ....31t.J- frJ ~ 33 .' 5' ~~ ~jJ~_ Neighborhood Meeting . March' 14th, 2002 . - ----- 6:00 ~ 7:30 pm. 202'V-ernon Street . . .' ..... "," _-:r~'.~ "/-/{':i:.' ~". --:. .;.... . . . .' . 7'~~'''':;'~;' ;:~):" .:.\tt.lJ:tl1t~f!.f::L~:_~{~i::.:,.:: Transitions - Mental Health Association (TMItA.:) itiyi~~:'u . the neighborhood 10 learn more ab9udh~.'~$[;r~~:!~'.:. - ..~7- Safe Haven 'Social "Rehabilitation :Day"-Pi~gt:aili:' ... -, .. .-.:. . -: ::-~~:~'- ..~.~~~- .-- _.- .. ,. . .--- , Jill Bolster-\Vhite/rMB.AExecutiv~Di!-ectOt.-aiid~',::,:';, Barry J ohnson~ TMIiAProgram~' Director wiUbe~~vailab1e to answer questions, discuss concerns, and p;rovide . background information regarding the Arroyo~de Safe Haven program, our agency's. mission and the peop\e'w~.:. serve, as well as to provide educational material' and information regarding mental illn~ss...:_. '. . . . '':'.'' 0:-.. ':.......: 1 '.~ ~. ;, ", ':".'\' We. look forwardto.seeing:yoii'tlier-ef%' ." >j .;f-:.' "f, .~.. , ~"l . . ,.~ . . If you have questions before thIs meeting orYou'wilfnoflie able to attend and would like moreiilforiniitiori oil tHe: Safe .. Have program., please .call . . Barry Johnson at541'-5144 xlII. ~ tUL ~;tLU~ ~ ~-.&...-.kn'~~ 1-f-cV--~' /lk~T~rJA- ~~;tJ~.Z:-- - - ~ iJ) . , '- ARROYO (;RANDE DEVELOPMENT CODE CHAPTER 9-06 .. \. ~;/;}~:;;,':::\,W(~\ r;<.::; .,):': .;'..RE:' -FIH". 'fRf{; .:~t~S"~) .....-.;;...-: :-VR'. :-MF '~R'.' "" .":' ;..SF..;.. MFA MHP ~ . . . t 13. Residential Care P P P P P P P P P P Facility (6 or fewer persons) 14. Bed and Breakfast NP C C C C C C C NP NP Inns 15. Second Residential NP C C C C C NP NP NP NP Dwellin9 Unit 16: - Small Family Day P P P P P P P P P P Care (6 or fewer children) - B. Public/Quasi-Public 1. Large Family Day P P P P P P NP NP NP- NP . Care (7 or more children) (Large Family Day Care Permit Required) 2. Commercial Day NP C C C C C C C C NP Nurseries, Nursery Schools, Child Care Facilities 3. Churches . C C C C C C C C NP NP ( 4. Clubs, Lodges, NP C C C C C C C C NP Fraternities, or Sororities 5. Educational C C C C C C C C NP NP Institutions 6. Fire and Police NP C C C C C C C C C Stations 7. Public Libraries and NP NP NP NP NP C C C C NP Museums 8. Public Parks and NP P P P P P P P P P Recreation 9. Public Utility and C C C C C C .C C C .c Public Service Substations, Reservoirs, Pumping Plants and similar installations not including Public Utility Offices i EffectiveJune 13, 1991 Amended February 28, 1992 138 - --- .--- -------.- .... ....;"' 3?- ARROYO GRANOE DEVB.OPMENT CODE CHAPTER 9-07 ,._ Table g-07.030-A n l .. Uses Permitted Within Commercial Districts Legend P/PP/CThese uses may be permitted {P}, permitted with plot plan review {PP}, or require a conditional use permit IC). t::>ee Section 8-U~.ObO andlor ::>ectlon 9-0 1.0bO for additional information). P Permitted PP Permitted Subject to Plot Plan Review NP Not Permitted GC General Commercial VC Village Commercial U- OffIce ProfessIOnal RC Highway Commercial USE GC VC . 0 HC- A. Professional Office and Related Uses 1. Administrative and executive offices PIP PIC PIP PIC P/PP/C P/PP/C 2. Artist and photographic studios, not P/PP/C P/PP/C PIP PIC NP including the sale of equipment or supplies ~. - Artist and photographic studios, including P/PP/C PIP PIC NP NP ... the sale of equipment or supplies . 4. Clerical and professional offices P/PP/C P/PP/C PIP PIC P/PP/C 5. Financial services and institutions PIP PIC P/PP/C PIPPIC P/PP/C 6. Medical, dental, and related health services P/PP/C PIP PIC P/PP/C NP for humans, including laboratories, clinics, and the sa!e of articles clearly incidental to the services provided 7. 'Political or philanthropic organization P/PP/C P/PP/C P/PP/C P/PP/C - headquarters 8. Prescription pharmacies, when located P/PP/C P/PPIC P/PP/C NP within a building containing the offices of medical practitioners 9. Travel agencies P/PP/C P/PP/C P/PP/C"'" P/PP/C 10. Telegraph and telegram offices P/PP/C PIPP/C P/PP/C NP '- B. Industrial/Research and Development Uses 1. Materials Dealers P/PP/C NP NP NP 2. Newsp.aper printing and publishing P/PP/C NP NP NP 3. Recyclin9 facilities, includin9 reverse PP NP NP PP v:nding machines and small collection facilities 4. Sign painting shops within a completely P/PP/C 'NP NP NP enclosed building - ._-~ AmF>nrled Januarv1.:3. 1994 - . March 19, 2002 City of Arroyo Grande 214 E. Bronch Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Attn: Mike Lady - Re: l..arge Doy Care No. 02-004 permit for operating of a social support group foc:ility for disabled adults at 202 Vernon, AG It has come to o~ attention that an application to locate the above in a R1 zoned area of Arrayo Grande is once again an issue. Why this is even a consideration is beyond us. When you buy a home in an R1 zoning you should have the confidence that the city in which you live will comply with that zoning. This should not even be an issue.. The above is a business! It is not a Single Family Residence. Why do we have zoning??? The Vernon St. area of AG has a constant flow of traffic with no sidewalks. Unless the people participating were completely confined to that residence.in a fenced environment as is a Child Doy Care Center it could be very dangerous. I (Judy) live011d work in the Village of AG and have seen persons from the groLp walking alone in the Village on a doily bosis when they were located on Mason Street. They were certoinly unsupervised as they were alone and more than 0 block from the residence. This practice would seem to be extremely dangerous at the Vernon St. location. GiYen that this is also a very hilly area. It is not right that arry neighbor should be responsible for one of the Disabled Adults falling on their property with the potential of being seriously hurt. We realize that it has been stated many times that these residence do not wonder unsupervised. That is just not the coseJ! This issue and the fact that it is a single-family residential area should be in itself enough to deny the permit. We are strongly opposed to the location of a Large Doy Care/Disabled Adults Facility in any single-falnily/R1 zoned neighborhood in Arroyo Grande. Sincerely, Joe and Judy Callahan 203 Garden Street Arrayo Gronde, CA 93420 805-489-3812 - ------ . "!lI!f,f.:r'.'''' , ,.' .:.. . -',' . /;: ~ Valley View Children', Center 240 Vernon Avenue Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 481..7534 March 20, 2001 Dear Arroyo Grande City Council M~tnben, .. :~ "~'!";;H~'.. ~. .;.~. .' The proposal to brina an adult day em flcility for "Transitions Mental Health Association" into close proximity to Valley View Children', Center ~lChooI) is looked al with strong disfavor. There is stona concern for Ih~ safety 0( youna children at Valloy View Children'. Center, Valley View AdvenwtAc::a.demy, and the neipborhood. Althouah (undenund the need for adult care, this location is not the best suitable for their needs, MOIItally clWlenaed &dults on medk:a.tion or DOt, who are not superviJed at all times, will poee a areal COIICem not oaly amona the uachen of the Children's Center, but the pareots u wet\. As Director of the Children's Center, I urae the city council to fOu~ tho city-zon1na cedes for commmial and residential property. I do not believe thia is a sood or appropriale location for this adult care center. Thank you for kCt'pina our concerns in mind u you take action on this proposed adult day care cenl2r. Sincerely, .' ., .."::". ~u-a:,....~ Jamie Sanbonmalsu ~~ Director, Valley View Children's Center flvv~ ~~ "Pastor Jerry Nelson DonCale Pastor of SDA Church VVCC Board Ch&i.nnan ---.----...---.- \'Y\~~~< \~ ":}0{~ ?O r--- - O~ a~ '\\<L~~ GQm~ .~:~:!\';::~' ~ i" . .:-.\ :."; '/. " -...", '.,- .. . I.. _'". _....,- .,",. C~ ,.. -, ~ I ~...., 0 \SQ'M~ ~, '- ii,,",, <. t'",): 5 (.. ~() GQm~ c.,~_ q~,-\':l() \ \\ "?~\.. c:;'f ~U\.) ~. O~-~ Q 'M~~oQ \...')>,50Q ~~\:) ~\:\~~ Qr)\.)~\... Yv\..~\""-'Qf..QS etiu \ \D~ ~Q~ ()\)\X::fS~~ \() \Q'M~\\\CJ~ 'M.~'\.:J\1\L ;t; \\\ "?\~c...\)\\\CJ}Ss D~E:. 6\=" ').D~ \)~\h:Ja)0 c:s\. ~ "'.\:J"&. ~~ '\)()}0'"\ ~~ \C) ~\ ~ \XLK~<0~~\ c.L 6~~.9- ~~,~~ "() Q..Qc;;..~"" \...E;,Ss,. ...... \\..\S\GQ\C' Qa\)~\J\~ \A.J\\\.~\\. ~~ ~~~. \~' LG~~, - y '?\\...':::0, \\\~ ~W(&.\ \~ }0::)\ \>~\:X-.S\"-\~G ~\l\.~\0\,)\..\ t \\:) ~~q <;::,\-\'iJ>-,\k. ~t)Q... 0\ Q~ \~'?--,~\t.. VLG:.~SC. ~'<(cc \\\.\~ \ ).S\ () c..()\..::f::,.\ ~ Q~CJ'(:J . - ) - \ \.1....~\....J'C You -" ~ -\, '\'-J\"i'-.Y-'l ~1.\..(\\~{J,-- dL\'d- l~Qc.~\J'^-D}.2)\ .. ~G:, A"~ ~dJ ~IU. j~M~ ~~~. , 1\. . \ T\1 H,{;lj;(j ~.. On!u1Y2lJ -- ;-- " . .0 Filer Realtors", Inc. ~ 604 Grand Avenue Arroyo Grande, California 93420 Business (805) 489-2100 ,. Fax (805) 489-6753 r . ~, March 29,2002 D<a 15-2001 City Council G) City of Arroyo Grande ~ 215 E. Branch St "'"'" Arroyo Grande, Ca 93420 i~2OO1 Re: CUP Case# 02-004 Greetings, I have just recently been made aware of the proposal to locate an adult day care facility on Vernon St. in the single family residential zone and I wish to state my strong opposition to this plan. There are many reasons not to locate such a facility in a single family neighborhood but I cannot think of one good reason in favor of such a plan. The staff report for this proposal seems to make a comparison between the proposed use and a child day care facility. This is quite a stretch because the typical, child care facility is Ii~. censed for 6 children as opposed to the proposed facility which would house 14 adults. Children in a day care facility are confined to the home and yard however from personal experience I know this is not the case with adult care facilities. Several years ago I operated a business which was located in an industrial zone next door to such a facility and the patients were con- tinually leaving the home and wandering into neighboring businesses. Consider the impact on the neighbors of the extra traffic from transporting patients to and from the facility and from friends and relatives visiting the patients, not to mention emergency vehicle trips to the facility. The major impact is of course the lowering of values and marketability of the neighboring residential properties_Just for a moment, put yourself in the shoes' of a prospective home buyer; if you were considering purchasing two similar homes and one was in a conforming sin- gle family residential neighborhood and the other was situated next to a facility such ~s the one proposed here, which would you choose? There is a need for such facilities in our community but there is also a place for them and surely it is not in a sinQle familv residential neighborhood. The PC zone or another commercial zone would be much more suitable for this facility. PI~ase consider the detrimental impact to the neighbors if this use is approved. ''1 R1rds, ; . . . I z;t:- L- ~/ (/'if; i;;:~ William Awalt ATTACHMENT 4 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held by the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande on the following item: CASE NO. Conditional Use Permit Case No. 02-004 APPLICANT: Transitions - Mental Health Association LOCATION: 202 Vernon Street PROPOSAL: To operate an Adult Day Care Facility. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: Negative Declaration REPRESENTATIVE: Barry Johnson ~-~ The Planning Commission will consider a proposal to operate adult day care for a social support group facility for disabled adults in a Single Family residential area. In compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the Community Development Department has prepared a Negative Declaration on the above project. The Mitigated Negative Declaration is available for review at the Community Development Department, City of Arroyo Grande. If the Planning Commission does not feel that a Mitigated Negative Declaration is appropriate, project approval \l\(iIf not be considered. ~ Any person affected or concerned by this application may submit written comments to the Community Development Department before the Planning Commission hearing, or appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the project and the environmental impacts at the time of hearing. Any person interested in the proposal can contact the Community Development Department at 214 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, California, during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 :00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.l. The project application is available for public inspection at the above address. IF YOU CHALLENGE AN ITEM IN COURT, YOU MAYBE LIMITED TO RAISING ONLY THOSE ISSUES YOU OR SOMEONE ELSE RAISED AT THE PUBLIC HEARING DESCRIBED IN THIS NOTICE, OR IN WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE DELIVERED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION AT, OR PRIOR TO, THE PUBLIC HEARING. FAILURE OF ANY PERSON TO RECEIVE THE NOTICE SHALL NOT CONSTITUTE GROUNDS FOR ANY COURT TO INVALIDATE THE ACTION OF THE LEGISLATIVE BODY FOR WHICH THE NOTICE WAS GIVEN. Date and Time of Hearing: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. Place of Hearing: Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 E. Branch Street 4n R~-~0J - Arroyo Grande, California 93420 Lyn Reardon, Planning Commission Secretary _n__ CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY DRAFT NEGATIVE DECLARATION PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Conditional Use Permit 02-004 to operate an Adult Day Care facility. PROJECT LOCATION: 202 Vernon Street APPLICANT: Transitions- Mental Health Association REPRESENTATIVE: Barry Johnson COMMENT PERIOD: Comments on the Draft Negative Declaration may be either: (1 ) mailed to the Community Development Department, P.O. Box 550, Arroyo Grande, CA 93421, (2) delivered in person to the Community Development Department at 214 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, CA, or (3) provided in person at the public hearing scheduled for February 19, 2002. The public review period closes on at the conclusion of the appeal period on March 1, 2002. DOCUMENT. A V AILABIUTY: Copies of the Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration may be reviewed at City Hall, located 214 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, CA. If you have any questions, please contact the Community Development Department at 473- 5420. -- -----.-- NOTICE OF PROPOSAL OF A LARGE DAY CARE DATE: November 30, 2001 APPLICANT: Transitions PROJECT: Large Day Care 01-001 to allow for the operation of a social support group facility for disabled adults. LOCATION: 202 Vernon Street REPRESENTATIVE: Barry Johnson Dear Property Owner, The above applicant has requested a Large Day Car Permit for the above referenced operation. As part of the Large Day Care Permit process, property owners within 300 feet must be notified of said application. The application is available for review at the Community Development Department office in City Hall, at 214 E. Branch Street. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Please submit any comments and/or concerns you may have in ~ritinQ regarding this project no later than 5:00p.m. Thursday, December 13, 2001 to: CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 550 ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93421 Please refer to Large Day Care No, 01-001 in your correspondence. Please include your telephone number so we may contact you if it is necessary to discuss your comments and/or concerns in more detail. If no adverse comments are received during the ten day review period, the Community Development Director may approve the Large Day Care Permit. Conditions are made as part of the approval to protect the surrounding neighborhood from impacts relating to noise, traffic, parking, spacing and concentration. The Community Development Director must make the following findings in order to approve the application: 1. The proposed large family day care home complies with the standards, restrictions, and requirements contained in Section 9-11 .110 of the Development Transitions Large Day Cdre 01 -001 November 30, 2001 Page 2 of 2 Code. 2. The proposed large family care home complies with all applicable provisions of state law. If you have any questions, please call Teresa McClish, Project Planner, at 473-5420. Rob Strong, AICP Community Development Director ----------- ---..-"- ATTACHMENT 5 R:='TfIVEJ March 29,2002 Y :,:-: t~?,~;':iYO :'~.' \ ...,~ O?VJ?-? (" Q. ~8 City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande '-11 1\ ...J ill J'L 214 E. Grande St. . .TRANSITIONS. Arroyo Grande, CA 93422 Hdrmg du!.lre.tl and adults to 11'>'-', v.urk Ind ~rUW!1l lHlf Re: TMHA "Safe Haven" Conditional Use Permit; 202 Vernon Street share.J 1.:ommunny Dear Council Members, The purpose of this letter and the attached packet is to provide additional information regarding Transitions - Mental Health Association (TMHA) and our request for a Conditional Use Permit to provide social rehabilitation services to disabled, mentally ill adults at 202 Vernon St. in the City of Arroyo Grande. The "Safe Haven" program has been operating in the City of Arroyo Grande since 1980, providing therapeutic and social support for mentally ill community members of southern San Luis Obispo County - the -- largest percentage (40%) of program participants live in Arroyo Grande; the other participants come fi-om Grover Beach, Nipomo, Oceano, and Pismo Beach. The program was originally located on 166 LePointe St. in the Village, and remained there for 15 years before moving to a larger site at 143 Mason St. In October of2001, the program was given notice to leave Mason St. due to a pending sale of the property. Since the first of November, our program has been temporarily located in two different one-room office sites without kitchen facilities, office space for staff, or additional group rooms for clients. The program has operated as a good neighbor throughout its time in Arroyo Grande, developing positive relations with neighbors and actively participating in the community through social and recreational interaction, and by volunteering at local service agencies such as the Arroyo Grande Historical Society, Animal Rescue Coalition, Land Conservancy and the People's Kitchen. Clients who participate in the program learn social skills, provide peer support, create healthy relationships, develop work skills, and learn how to better manage their disability through educational workshops on medication, stress reduction, symptom management, and wellness and recovery. Through participation in the program, we have seen many clients develop meaningful roles in the community by attending college, volunteer at local service agencies, and move onto steady employment. The people who attend the "Safe Haven" program come fi-om all walks oflife. They are not violent criminals or sex offenders; they are the children, spouses, parents, grandparents and friends of many local residents. Our other Socialization Centers in Atascadero, San Luis Obispo, and Santa Maria operate out of homes within the community, allowing a natural, non-institutional environment for clients to develop the skills needed to live healthy, happy lives. The property at 202 Vernon Street provides just that: a kitchen, a large yard, sufficient space to operate groups and provide offices for staff, and a "homey" environment that is conducive towards rehabilitation, growth, and community integration. Post Office Box 15408. San Luis Obispo, CA 93406. phone 805.541.5144. fax 805.541.9480. web www.t.mha.org --~~..-----'--- --~--~ We understand that there are neighbors of the Vernon Street site that have expressed concerns regarding the program we provide and the clientele we serve. In response to this, on March fh, 2002, we notified the Vernon Street neighbors that we would be available to meet in order to discuss any concerns and clarify some possible misconceptions. We met with five neighbors on March 14th for over two hours. During that time we developed a dialogue with these neighbors, allowing us to respond to concerns directly, honestly and in depth. We answered questions about the program and our clients, we shared that we had looked without success for a house in a commercial zone, and we discussed the concern about traffic problems on the street and what our program would need to do to address that issue. At the end of the meeting, most of the neighbors seemed to feel more relieved due to the infonnation they had received; two neighbors expressly stated that they supported our program moving into the neighborhood. We have attempted to set up a similar meeting with the parents of the Valley View Academy but have not heard back ITom the principal regarding that meeting's status; the school has been provided a packet of information regarding our '-. agency and programs, as well as wlth phone numbers to discuss any concerns. Throughout this process we have done our utmost to remain accessible to the community. Besides the five neighbors who attended the meeting, only one person, a concerned parent ITom Valley View, has attempted to contact us. We would like to share with those that have concerns the following: * Our agency has operated this program in Arroyo Grande for over 20 years without any incidents involving law enforcement or neighbor problems. We were located in the mIddle of family neighborhoods at 166 Le Point St. for over fourteen years and at 143 Mason St. for six years. * The neighbors at Mason St., particularly Shelly and Mike Cochran stood up at the Planning Commission meeting and talked about their initial apprehension about our moving into the neighborhood and their developed belief that we are an "excellent" neighbor and have improved the neighborhood in many ways, such as planting flowers in the park across ITom the house and a lovely garden at the house. * Our program operates ITom 10:00-2:00 Monday through Friday and ITom 4:00-8:00 pm on Wednesday. There is no one at the house on weekends and most evenings, and never anyone there after 9:00 pm. * The clients we serve are referred to us by San Luis Obispo County Mental Health Services and all live in Arroyo Grande, Grover Beach, Pismo Beach or Nipomo. Nearly half of our clients live in Arroyo Grande. Most of them live with families or independently in their own homes. Again, nearly all ofthem graduated ITom local schools and have long-standing connections in the community. * Clients served are receiving treatment for their mental illness; the program requestiqg the permit is part, of rehabilitation and recovery ITom mental illness. Our staff maintains close professional relationships with the clients and work very hafd to ensure that they are staying connected to their family, their therapist and, when appropriate, their medications. The participants of this program are quite stable and rely on our progranl to -----~--- maintain a support system that is a critical component to maintaining their overall health and well being. This program is a good community asset that everyone involved with is ,proud to be a part of and that truly enhances any neighborhood it resides within. Our fonner neighbors will attest to that. Please cOntact us if you have any questions about our program anq our request for a pennie We can be reached at 541-5144. Thank you for your time and consideration. ~li~ ~ \~~> Ister- te cutive Director Program Director Transitions --'- Mental Health Association Transitions - Mental Health Association --- ----~-,-_.._- (Y..-LD' /6) 6JD{)~ f dJjlJK it 71(1 (dy~ of anu aYlL f ~ ~r~ 1i; ~ ,z:Mw((rM~. d0f 0dAJi~--I'oMzja: t/)V ~ {, 7J/aJo?iX)'f ~ m ORe( 2M '11 iJ cI .f' ~ aT /3R ttJk<tiI.fL:/t r-dJ :n --fcJc4aJ aeM ..bkVKd ddl~. d-t ;(cuu ~ ~CVJLUt..V Ju:u; , th 'dt/uL: il0r tveuL do ~ ~ ~ ocf!<.. / (Uytd- d( c ~ ~ ~ cvv c1 anu _0 a.JcU.Q: J ~ dJ{ ~ hd Chz~ tA-Ou.R/J WL~ ~ ~ uJd.4-/ /JJU1 ~ AJ2-L- ~ /J'YIdV{: . efT. d Oe<v -fl<J kcU. SMd2 ---It, A-=-;W~ hf/;'1j 0 duz " p8~ do Vuz..&:o-c '-tit. ~ - uJ.v ~ ~ d; fi a~Cflf7 Vxa .koc.0 d~ ~ QC' di~~, . .R&~ c~ ~ ~i ~d2u o)~ to a UJ c- LUWJ de- VJ Jy)1 t:I2v . 4oc/CJ~f](~ Co. 605 1~'1 39iJ3 Phone # Phone# t ?-1-~'{~~' 550 1098 Fex# .- -"--- AS . SLO Cou'?ty Gazette, Week of February 14-20. 2001 animals after seeing how well her ~ -:;;..II! ~ clients responded to her own dog's vis- fJ7t Jf7!J C\.11 ~ f!Qf ,<, '~ its to the program. It was only after one of the clients became afraid of her ~. dog's bark that she had to stop bring- ing him. But repercussions resulted y , fi.om his absence. "We had clients' !:,'/" s- grief issues to deal with," Danielle said. T ' ~ :j' by Jonah Mead "We felt it important to apply some '" ' """ kind of pet therapy." Transitions Foster Program 50 it came that Danielle responded and for the members of the social to an ad announcing ARC's Heed for RECENTLY, I MET SOME PHETl'Y NEAT I'EOI'LI': reh~b'pro.gram',The members learn foster caretakers. S~e m~de th~ _ people who probably aren't credited ,0cmhzatlOn skills that they can ~Iso arr~ngements to bnng kittens mto often enough for the good that they pass .on to the kit,tens. Also. tl~e kittens tl~elf program, and ~lI1ce then the do. Like in the role these people play p:ovlde a sort of pet therapy and chents h~ve shown ltl~:.eased levels of in fosteriri homeless animals. This make the members feel gO?~ because compaSSIOn and care. . fher, not ?nly group is ft8filling a big need in our they ~re ab.le to care for a hvmg crea-. learn to}espect the anuual, Damelle. community. And for this, they deserve ture. fhe kit~er:s benefit because once shares, they lear~ to be resI?e.ctful of 't' they HIe socialIzed they have a better each other. The cbents are glvmg to recogm 1011. They are clients of Transitions, a social enrichment group that opens doors of opportunity for those challenged by mental ill- ness. Mind you, I didn't say "mental deficit." Too often the tcrlll "mental illness" evokes an undeserved stigma. The people in this group are conversational, intellectual, concerned, compas- siOliate, friendly. You get the pic- : hue. People. Like you and me. Inlhe recent past, members of the Arroyo Grande group'wrote all article for the sOllth county based Animal Hesclle Coalition's (AHG) newsletter, titled "Transitions Helps Kittens in Trallsilioll." Unfortunately, Program Supervisor DanieHe Conn, was mistakenly listed as the author. Danielle asked me if I would consider including the members' work in this article, giving credit where credit is due. In the members own words: "'[' . , M t I H allh The Transitions family, members of the adult social rehab program at the Transitions ranSltIolls en a e , , ., . . . . Association is a community Me,ntaJ Health ASSociation, takes In kltt~ns from the Animal Re~~ue Coalition. The rnter- based privale non. profit agency action between the humans and the antmals has pr~)Ven beneficia! to both, that provides quality services to individuals with mental illnesses. chance of getting a home. In this the kittens what they're receiving from Social rehabilitation programs arc way, members learn not only how to the program." offered for youths and adults in 5LO help themselves, but also how to help The kittens have achieved what peo- Coull,ty. others." pIe have been ullable to: breaking "The focus of the adult program is Danielle provided me with even fur~ down debilitating barriers built by iso- on group interactions and discussions lher details about this innovative pro- lation and withdrawal. Before the ani- regarding independent living gram. "Transitions and the Mental mals were introduced to the program skills,symptom and medication man- Health Association were separate enti~ some members fOllnd it difficult to agement, self-esteem, money managc~ lies up until two years ago," she said. even speak with others. Those who ment, Hving healthy and many more "Transitions provided housing for at- found it hard to smile, now find it dift1~ topics. Clients also participate in a risk adults and adults with niental iU- cult to not. variety of activities including vocation~ ness. The Mental Health Association "When the animals came into the al work and a weekly evening meal was a social rehab program contracted room," Danielle said, making refer~ together in which clients help prepare by tlw county to provide services for cuce to a particular member, "she'd and clean up. The purpose of the pro~ rehabilitating people back into the light up. She becamE.' not onJ)' morc gram i~ to socialize individuals so that community." happy, but more interactive." they will be able to function success- Michael Jones, Assistant Program It's a 'feel good' program which ben- fully in the community. Supervisor added, "The way people efits all. 'i\nyone who receives Jove "Each week, the adult social rehab relate to others affects the way that from another is going to feel loved. program at Transitions Mental Health they develop and grow in their rela- They're giving love to the kittens aad Association takes in two or three kit- lionships. A lot, of folks just need a getting it back. They're feeling good tens from our local AIlC South County hand in terms of develoI_)ing their day- ab()utyvhat they're doing_~Jld it makes .TRANSITI01'S. HcIpi:=1g dllidt""-!l 3:1Jd 3dclts to live. work and;;row in. our shared community. December 18. 1001 Cit~ of Arroyo Grande 100 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande. CA 93420 To Whom It May Concern: Transitions - Mental Health Association is a local non-profit agency that has been serving the community for 22 years. We currently have programs throughout the county of San Luis Obispo and also in Northern Santa Barbara County. In order to offer these services, we currently rent approximately 28 homes and own 4 homes throughout the 2 counties. Many of these homes we have occupied for several years. The following is a list of private residents who have neighbored our programs and are willing to be contacted regarding our presence in their community. Barbara Wolcott Ken Silva Verina -,vita 543-5240 489-6766 489-2411 663 Pismo Street 136 Whiteley 317 Nelson Street San Luis Obispo Arroyo Grande Arroyo Grande Neighbor for 10 years Neighbor for 7 years Neighbor for 7 years Michelle Cochran Courtney Vanderlindon Joyce Hathaway 489.8191 489-0914 Home# 546.7595 200 South Mason Street 208 Nelson Street Work# 543-1013 .Arroyo Grande Arroyo Grande 458 Y, Higuera Neighbor for 7 years Neighbor for 7 years San Luis Obispo Neighbor for 3 years Virginia Howells Charlotte Pearl 489.7198 489.3727 306 Nelson Street 206 Mason Street Arroyo Grande Arroyo Grande Neighbor for 7 years Neighbor for 7 years If you have any further questions regarding these references please contact Barry D Johnson, Division Director at Transitions - Mental Health Association. at 541.5144 ext. 111. Sincerelv. bi2~ - Barry Jo on Division Director ---- - -...-.-.--" ~ Febrnary 12, 2002 Barry Johnson Jill Bolster White Transitions Mental Health Association Po Box 15408 San Luis Obispo, Ca 93401 Dear Barry and Jill, Per your request, I am writing this letter as landlord for the rental at 143 Mason Arroyo Grande. This property was recently sold "as is" to a Doctor for his office and he is - completely renovating the site and structure. Your organization was very prompt on rental payments over the years. I do not recall the length of your tenancy and I do not remember any complaints from the city or neighbors. Please do not hesitate to call for a personal reference. Sincerely;,,-:::::~, \D~/ Tony e 1125 Gran~ Ave. Suite A Grover Beach, Ca 93433 805481-8166 I -----"--- ---- t ~- ~--~/ --- .. ., ,--..,~... .....- \Ii ~ - ,0,,:- ,; VI , - - J - -' ;. '~-""""~ - - - _.- " ~.. . .' . ....'......:: - - . -- --~'-' Atro~ Cit~nde City Cound 214 E. Branch Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Februal)' 6, 2002 De<lr City Council Members, My name is JenniFer and J've been with Transitions' "SaFe Haven" Forthree Ye4rs. saFe Haven is a saFe place For people with mentql illness to come and socialize among Friends with similar illnesses. We learn independent living skills, such as cooking, baking, gardening, and maintqining a home. We have the opportunity to develop__ symptom management and most of all social support in a non-iudgmentaL saFe environment. The starr is compassionate and caring. We have hope here and a F.1mily. For many months now we've been meeting in a vel)' tiny, cold office space on Folding metal chairs. When someone isn't Feeling well there is no couch to lay on or rel<lx_ There is no indoor bathroom and inste4d we have to get a key ~nd go next door to a bathroom we' share with several other businesses. Many of our members don't attend the program anymore because the building is so cold and uncomFort<lble. Instead, they stay home and isolatethemselves_ We especially miss having a kitchen, as we used to cook dinner as a group once a week. We enjoyed preparing me4ls For People's Kitchen and Prado Day Center. it was a good Feeling to be able to give back to the community like that. Now we all miss Feeling like part of the community. Getting this house would mean so much to so many people! Thank you_ Sincerely, JenniFer -- ---..--..,,- , . i. ii' l~fS-(/-Z- -----~- --- - ,,' D~VV c:,~ Lo~ ----- i,': _ d ~)'(.- ~ ~ &- r (/VVL- ". ----- '" {l,,~ :Y" ~ ^~ ~' -p~-_. :~; ~~t ~ d. ,~v.~ ~-~._-- i~'; (yV~ S"O~ frclJ/I~/ J~ --- '.~i )~~l ~ ~~ 6--r~' ~ ---- :'i . in l;-t~ ~tv ~p ~ ~'L__-zj-~~ O'l i'/ I ~ fr, /,0 ~ .- ~ . ( , _' " v.->-( >1AR-!.,A~' (rrdV?1 ~~_J~ , /-1,d.A 'V"1u ~, fA/t?~ ~ 'tJ/1/17 rf-rkl~ jN~--IL /iJ~~ , / - _~____:-' 1.17/1',-' _ ~_ ~ ~ ../.U~d/77~ ~"'-= ____ t7' I ~-- --.---- _ ' tL", J v..-t: jI~J f- /./ ,(~ .0" ---/' ~ J. <.t7 ?:.-;---- ~_. 4.- Ju~~ t'c" ~-~ ;/'-~ !:: """V'L" ~-~~ " ~ ~a In ,r;/'_ ~ ".;; --- ,,~ [1- ' j~":~:' I.~r .... Ii. 2// r~yf<- ;hd O. /d~f< f tI-f-<-. -:','i~~~ ~~ 1 iJuO k ~~ .,' / ~ :\\ u'" i#.e 1a.,2M/. ;.)e ~t7.f t-'-'=k. .~~ v.-/li> ~ _ /4~ a. 1 fk //UL< _~ ,I, h"'- h------.fe -1 "A . '1,/{f r;, A' ~- --- _- __\!. r"'~1y i/~ ~ !uf. ~ . r: (~bL._Wf-. .ffd'. ...J..-.->,*- ..d~- .---- ~_ -72J~_ ~- ---.------ - ---- _.~-_.._- . Dear City Council Members, . I would like to take a minute to address a very serious and important matter, which effects a lot of us. Its called Safe Haven (a local socialization program), which helps people with mental illness, it has been such an important part of all of our lives. We do things that help us back to the mainstream of society. We do a lot of different things to help ourselves as well as the society. We do volunteer community work and help support each other. In my opinion the program has ch~nged all of us in a . positive way. I urge you to keep an open mind because I feel the program really does work. We are all really good people and all we ask is to be given the chance to prove that we can be good neighbors. Thank You so much for listening to what I had to say S i NCbP..8 \'t :J.:o:.<2ION -- ------- Dear City Council Members, Hi. . My name is Sam; I am a member of the Safe Haven program. I have been attending since 1988. I find it very rewarding and it has been helpful in many areas of my life. It has helped me to manage my anxiety and depression so that I am able to better function in my daily life. We have not had a permanent place to meet since Oct. Please help us-in our effort to recover from this illness. This decision is in your hands and hearts, so help us to help ourselves. sam Detragha ---...,"--- --~- ~ . , ~ ,.. i~~ ,t'; H' i'.., ~ '! 01 : J ' I'; Uf 4)~.;,;;r ~ ~..J ____ !!! ~ ~~ tfr- t:4 Lj~y- ~. '<;-0. /~---, _~_" JL_ -dL / ~ .:,~ . . ----~;....--~ - - - -_._~ \'~ n, ~. - -- -" -" ;;: ~-.L~~ /~~~ L~~~2'-<~___ , ~ " // _" !H tW-- _1 I" MA.MA~ ~ ~~, , ttE t f ~-~~. .. m ~ ~.~ ~'~R/~ A.\$ ii!~ !' ,~ Ii:..' h.u-1A,. Ii _~__.___~,_~...._.i!:l _" _ ~,'_...__'.m iH ~i' II -- --- i;' ~ .H B;~ _" PF 1H H~ II! ,_.J ~ 1,' _ ___._~..__..__ ...._M_..~ I' 1 ~ [ 1{.; _.~_._-----"~-----~.,."_......._.- ~~--~---~-~..,.,'---,,_._-".~-~--- H~ -------ir --- .--~-.-..,~.~..~.'~--. - -~-.-.-~--~. _4 ----.--~----............<iO'~..;:____-.. --.-~~..~ -~--- ~h '1:iE W - " -.-,---------- H~ lii"i-- -- - - '1" '1') ! ~ ~ l~!-.-..-. ----~----.,..''''',...~- ..'-~'--.~~-."'" -,-.~--.---~~.. _.......'~" 1'1 t ~; __,~_... .,,'".,._.....><<,~.~..,._ -~"" -- I" u --.- ,i~ .,,-------.-...-.-. - --- ii! Iii _ ['"i " II *,>; ~- -"~",,,,~~--'''-''''----- - ~""""""- ,,-,_,,","--'~~-'-~'- II ~ _.-...-""''''''- __~.,~..__,~,,,.~.~..,.,,,~.,,",_-.o~,.~'_"'" II In Yj - iI, I,," i" i!; ~- ..--------- --- .----' iJ' ;: i -..----'----..-~._,~------'-- ,_...- -- ,~~ --.. ., " . ~; ------ 10.a. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DANIEL C. HERNANDEZ, DIRECTOR OF PARKS, RECREATION &'#' FACILITIES SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATION TO SOLICIT BIDS FOR THE RANCHO GRANDE PARK PROJECT, PW.2002-o3 DATE: APRIL 9, 2002 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council: A. approve the plans and specifications for the Rancho Grande Park project, and B. authorize the Public Works Department to solicit public construction bids for the Rancho Grande Park project. FUNDING: The FY 2001/02 Capital Improvement Program budget includes funds from Proposition 12 ($149,000), Sales of Land ($525,000), Private Donations ($27,000), Park Development ($340,500), and Park Development / Trees ($89,000). Funding for the project also includes a construction contingency of 10% for unforeseen construction items for a total budget of $1,130,500. The Engineer's Estimate for the base bid is $974,374. DISCUSSION: The plans and specifications for the Rancho Grande Park project have been completed and staff is ready to solicit construction bids. The bid schedule is organized to adjust the scope of the project to fit within the limits of the available funding. The base bid includes: demolition and earthwork, installation of utilities, a paved access road off James Way with parking area, pedestrian walkways, retaining walls, sand filled play area, and various site furnishings such as park benches, barbeques, picnic tables and drinking fountains. The bid schedule includes three additive alternates which may be systematically added to the base bid price to fit within the available project funding. The additive alternates, CITY COUNCIL SOLICIT BIDS FOR THE RANCHO GRANDE PARK PROJECT APRIL 9, 2002 PAGE 2 ranked in terms of their relative priority, are a pre-fabricated restroom building, playground equipment, and a basketball court. The preparation work for each of the alternates is included within the base. bid to facilitate the future construction of the alternates as additional funding becomes available. The plans and specifications are available for review at the Public Works Department. Staff will return to Council with recommendations for contract award following the receipt and analysis of the bids received. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: . Approve staffs recommendations; . Direct staff to modify project design; . Delay project to obtain additional information regarding land swap proposal from Castlerock; or . Provide direction to staff. Attachments: 1. Project Schedule Attachment 1 reityol~w~ Tentative Project Schedule for Rancho Grande Park (Project No. PW-2002-03) Authorization to Solicit Bids. ... '" ... '" .... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... '" ..' ........ ... ..... ..... ." .... April 9, 2002 1st Notice to Bidders..................................................................................ApriI13, 2002 2nd Notice to Bidders............................................................................ApriI20, 2002 Pre-Bid Job Walk (Thursday, 3:00 p.m. at City Council Chambers)............ApriI18, 2002 3rd Notice to Bidders..............................................................................ApriI27, 2002 Bid Opening (Tuesday, 2:00 p.m. City Council Chambers).........................ApriI30, 2002 Award of Bid............................................................................................... June 11,2002 Notice of Award ......................................................................................... June 12, 2002 Notice to Proceed....................................................................................... June 26,2002 Contract Completion (275 calendar days)............................................... March 28,2003 .------ ---- -.._-,--_...--~..,-- "".,-- 11.a. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEv;e.- SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF AN ASSIGNMENT OF THE SOLID WASTE AND GREEN WASTE, AND RESIDENTIAL CURBSIDE AND COMMERCIAL RECYCLING COLLECTION FRANCHISES TO WASTE CONNECTIONS, INC. DATE: APRIL 9, 2002 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Council adopt a Resolution Consenting to the Assignment of the Solid Waste and Green Waste, and the Residential Curbside and Commercial Recycling Franchise Agreements to Waste Connections, Inc. FUNDING: All reasonable expenses related to the assignment process are the responsibility of South County Sanitary Service, Inc. and have been billed accordingly. Additionally, per Section 13.5D. of the Recycling Services Franchise Agreement, if the City Council consents to the proposed assignment, the Franchisee must immediately pay the City an assignment fee equal to the current annual payment multiplied by four percent (4%) for each full year remaining on the Agreement; that total amount is estimated to be approximately $36,000. DISCUSSION: Backaround On January 16, 2002, the City received written notification from South County Sanitary Service, Inc. (SCSSI) requesting that the City approve the assignment of the Franchise Agreement for Collection, Diversion, and Disposal of Solid Waste and the Recycling Services Franchise Agreement (collectively "Franchise Agreements") to Waste Connections, Inc. (WCI). It should be noted that the proposed assignment is in the form of a sale of stock and that SCSSI will continue to provide the services specified in the Franchise Agreements. According to information obtained by staff, WCI was founded in 1997 by a group of industry professionals with over 50 years of industry experience through the purchase of five operations in Washington and Idaho from Browning-Ferris Industries. The company expanded into the California market with the addition of Madera Disposal Systems in early 1998. As of December 31,2001, WCI serves -- -- CITY COUNCIL ASSIGNMENT OF SOLID WASTE AND GREEN WASTE, AND RESIDENTIAL CURBSIDE AND COMMERCIAL RECYCLING COLLECTION FRANCHISES APRIL 9, 2002 PAGE 2 more than 700,000 commercial, industrial and residential customers in fifteen states. WCI became a publicly owned company in May of 1998 and is traded on the NASDAQ exchange under the symbol WCNX. The City's Franchise Agreements stipulate that the City must first consent to a proposed assignment and that the franchisee must pay for any reasonable expenses to investigate any proposed assignee. Since the sale of stock in SCSSI and its affiliated companies has regional implications, the San Luis Obispo County Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA) agreed to assist in the review process. Because of the complexity of the investigation to evaluate WCI operational experience and fiscal stability as stipulated in the Franchise Agreements, the IWMA recommended hiring Hilary Theisen Consulting to assist in the assessment. The City of San Luis Obispo acted as the lead agency for the region (with IWMA assistance), and San Luis Garbage Company was responsible for any cost incurred in hiring the consultant. Franchise Assignment Criteria The City's Franchise Agreements set minimum requirements that must be met in order for the City to consider the assignment of the contracts. The requirements and the consultant's (Hilary Theisen) scope of work in evaluating WCI ability to satisfy the condition are as follows: Financial Stabilitv. Review the audited financial statements of WCI operations for the immediately preceding three operating years, and provide an opinion regarding Waste Connections financial stability. Manaaement EXDerience. Based on a review of WCI solid waste management experience and the solid waste experience of the key personnel, provide an opinion regarding WCI having 10 years of experience on a scale equal to or exceeding the scale of operations conducted by the existing franchise. Sianificant citations or other censure. Provide an opinion regarding WCI having suffered in the last five years any significant citations or other censure for any federal, state or local agency having jurisdiction over its waste management operation due to any significant failure to comply with ~- CITY COUNCIL ASSIGNMENT OF SOLID WASTE AND GREEN WASTE, AND RESIDENTIAL CURBSIDE AND COMMERCIAL RECYCLING COLLECTION FRANCHISES APRIL 9, 2002 PAGE 3 state, federal or local environmental laws, and that WCI has provided a complete list of such citations and censures. Operations. Provide an opinion regarding WCI's ability to conduct its operations at all times in an environmentally safe and conscientious fashion. Solid waste manaaement practices. Provide an opinion regarding WCI's ability to conduct its solid waste management practices in accordance with sound waste management practices in full compliance with all federal, state and local laws regulating the collection and disposal of solid waste, including hazardous waste. Aareement. Provide an opinion regarding WCl's ability to fulfill the terms of the franchise agreement in a timely, safe and effective manner. The charge given to the consultant was to investigate these points and render a professional opinion regarding WCI ability to perform in each area. Attachment 1 is the report issued from the consultant which contains the results of the investigation. Overall, the consultant provided a favorable opinion of WCI ability to satisfy the franchise assignment criteria. The following is a summary of the consultant's opinions based on the information reviewed in regards to the previously listed assignment criteria. This information is also found in the Executive Summary of the report. Opinion - Financial Stability The Current Ratio, Long Term Debt/Equity Ratio, Return on Assets, Return on Equity and the information published by Multex Investor (www.multexinvestor.com) for the immediately preceding three operating years indicated for WCI (and the average for the Waste Management Services Industry as a whole) do not disclose any indication of financial instability. Assuming that WCI management effectiveness continues, there is no reason to conclude that WCI is not now financially stable and would not continue to be stable with the passage of time. .-- CITY COUNCIL ASSIGNMENT OF SOLID WASTE AND GREEN WASTE, AND RESIDENTIAL CURBSIDE AND COMMERCIAL RECYCLING COLLECTION FRANCHISES APRIL 9, 2002 PAGE 4 Opinion. Management Experience WCI has the management experience necessary to perform the services defined in the City franchise agreements. A management support structure is in place that is suitable for providing the level of service established in the Franchise Agreements. Opinion - Significant Citations or Other Censure The record of environmental citations and other censures does not indicate any significant problems at WCI landfills and transfer stations. The absence of any record of default events or assessment of liquidated damages under collection franchise agreements indicates there are no significant citations or censures in collection operations. Opinion - Operations Assuming that WCI continues to implement a corporate culture of conducting operations in an environmentally sound and conscientious fashion, the assignment will result in environmentally sound and conscientious operations. The WCI Safety Manual is comprehensive in content and conforms to industry standards for training and measuring performance of operations staff. Opinion - Solid Waste Management Practices Assuming WCI continues a commitment to sound waste management practices by allowing the managers of subsidiaries to continue practices used in the community for many years before acquisition, the assignment will result in sound practices. Also, many members of WCI senior management had the opportunity to develop sound practices during years of previous employment with other large waste management companies. Opinion. Ability to Fulfill Terms of the Agreement Based on the data and statements provided by WCI and the previous opinions, WCI has the ability to fulfill the terms of the franchise agreements in a timely, safe and effective manner. -~-_.~- -- CITY COUNCIL ASSIGNMENT OF SOLID WASTE AND GREEN WASTE, AND RESIDENTIAL CURBSIDE AND COMMERCIAL RECYCLING COLLECTION FRANCHISES APRIL 9, 2002 PAGE 5 Overview of the Evaluation Process In order to facilitate a regional approach and involvement from the other jurisdictions in the assignment process, the following is a summary of activities that took place: Kick-off meeting with all jurisdictions invited to explain the assignment process and give them an opportunity for input. Formation of a technical work group and a financial work group made up of staff from participating jurisdictions to review information provided by WCI and other sources. Consultant selected and given the direction to evaluate WCI based on the criteria previously discussed. Draft report issued and reviewed by work groups. Revised final draft of the report released. Work group meeting held with the consultant to answer questions or clarify points in the report. Work group met with WCI to interview management representatives from the company. Wrap-up meeting held with participating jurisdictions to discuss final direction and consensus on the issue of assigning contracts to WCI. Concurrences The IWMA and all the other participating jurisdictions concur with the recommendation at the staff level and will be recommending assignment of their respective franchise agreements to WCI to their Boards or Councils. The other participating jurisdictions are the County of San Luis Obispo, the City of San Luis Obispo, the City of Pismo Beach, the City of Morro Bay, the Los Osos CSD, the Oceano CSD, the Nipomo CSD, Cayucos Sanitation District, and the Cambria CSD. -------------- --..-- -------- ~- CITY COUNCIL ASSIGNMENT OF SOLID WASTE AND GREEN WASTE, AND RESIDENTIAL CURBSIDE AND COMMERCIAL RECYCLING COLLECTION FRANCHISES APRIL 9, 2002 PAGE 6 AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve staffs recommendation; - Do not approve staffs recommendation; - Modify as appropriate and approve staffs recommendation; or - Provide direction to staff. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Evaluation and Opinion Regarding Assignment of Franchises to Waste Connections, Inc. ---~..._- -------- . "....-. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CONSENTING TO THE ASSIGNMENT OF THE SOLID WASTE AND GREEN WASTE, AND THE RESIDENTIAL CURBSIDE AND COMMERCIAL RECYLlNG COLLECTION FRANCHISE AGREEMENTS TO WASTE CONNECTIONS, INC. WHEREAS, public health and safety demand the orderly and periogic collection and disposal of solid waste from properties within the City of Arroyo Grande ("City"); and WHEREAS, South County Sanitary Service, Inc. ("SCSSI") is the holder of two exclusive franchise agreements ("Franchise Agreements") with the City, the first dated November 12,1997, as amended, to provide collection, transportation and disposal services for solid waste and green waste, and the second dated August 24, 1999, for the collection, processing and marketing of residential and commercial recycling materials; and WHEREAS, by a letter dated January 16, 2002, SCSSI notified the City that SCSSI had entered into a stock purchase agreement with Waste Connections, Inc. ("WCI"); and WHEREAS, the sale of common stock of SCSSI which may result in a change of control of SCSSI constitutes an assignment within the meaning of Article 13 of the Franchise Agreements; and WHEREAS, Article 13 of the Franchise Agreements requires the prior written consent of the City as a condition precedent to the effectiveness of a proposed assignment of the Franchise Agreements to WCI; and WHEREAS, SCSSI and WCI have requested that City consent to the assignment; and WHEREAS, the Integrated Waste Management Authority contracted Hilary Theisen Consulting ("Consultant") to review the business practices of WCI; and WHEREAS, upon review of WCI's operational experience and financial stability, the Consultant concluded that WCI satisfies the franchise assignment criteria. -.--.- RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby consent to the assignment of the Franchise Agreements, subject to the following conditions: 1. WCI shall agree to be bound by the requirements of Chapter 8.32 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code. 2. Upon the consummation ofthe transaction between SCSSI and WCI, WCI shall unconditionally accept, on behalf of SCSSI, the duties and obligations contained in the Franchise Agreements. 3. The assignment of the Franchise Agreements shall not become effective until WCI accepts in writing the conditions of this Resolution. Such acceptance shall be filed with the Director of Administrative Services within thirty (30) days after the date of the approval of this Resolution. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of , 2002. --~..- RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: - KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY Attachment 1 Hilary Theisen, P.E. CoDSUhant 2451 Palmira Place San Ramon, CA 94583 February 22, 2002 Mr. RonMunds Utilities Conservation Coordinator City of San Luis Obispo 879 MOITO Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Subject: Report of Evaluation and Opinion Regarding Assignment ofFrancbises to Waste Connections, Inc Dear Mr. Munds: This letter report is submitted as the final report of work done under the PersonallProfessional Services Contract dated January 22, 2002. The evaluation and rendering of a professional opinion in regards to the assigJImP.l1t of the solid waste contracts to Waste Connections~. is provided in the following sections of this letter report. Executive Snmmary/Opinions 1.0 Introduction and Scope of Work 2.0 Existing Franchises and City Solid Waste System Characteristics 3.0 Characteristics of Waste Connections 4.0 Financial Stability 5.0 Management Experience 6.0 Significant Citations or Other Censure 7.0 Operations Conducted in an Environmentally Safe and Conscientious Fashion 8.0 Solid Waste Management Practices (sonl1(1Pf'!S." and comp1iance with all reguJatory laws, inCluding hazardous waste Appendix A City of San Luis Obispo Solid Waste System Characteristics Appendix B Characteristics of Waste Connections, Inc Appendix C Waste Connections Senior Management Resumes The work was done under my direction and with the assistance of a subcontractor, Bill Davis, P.E. I appreciate the opportunity to provide professional services to the City. Sincerely, ~:J~ Hilary Theisen _."- .....---.--.---- J Executive SummaI}' 10piaioal Waste Connections, Inc. (WC) appears to satisfY the a"-"igI1l,""'t requirements contained in the City of San Luis Obispo Fnmcbise Agreements and other similar fi'anchise agreements with other jurisdictions. This opinion is based on information provided by the local garbage companies (San Luis Garbage Company, Morro Bay Garbage, Mission Country Disposal and South County Sanitary Services, collectively referred to lIS the Companies), Waste CotmeCtions, Inc. and independent research. OJ)inion - Financial Stability Referring to Appendix B tables and figures, the Current Ratio, Long Term. DebtlEquity Ratio, Return on Assets, Return on Equity and the information .published by Multex IJrvestor (www.multexinvestor.com) for the periods indicated for WC and the average for the Waste Management Services Industry lIS a whole do not disclose any indntion of financial instability. Asswning that WC ""'''''gement effectiveness continues, there is no reason to conclude that WC is not now financially stable and would not continue to be stable with the passage of time. OJ)inion -lvf"""g""""'t Experieace WC has the management experience nec~sa'Y to perform the services defined in the City of San Luis Obispo Franchise Agreements. A ""'''''gement support structure is in place that is suitable to providing the level of service in the ftanchise agreements. OJ)inion - Simificant Citations or Other Censure The record of environment.q! citations and other censures does not indicate any signifir.ant problems at WC \orvffin" and transfer stations. The absence of any record of detault events or asscs~.,""nt ofliq\'id3ted d"rTUlges under collection ftanchise agreemCnts indiWes there are no significant citations or censures in collection operations. OJ)inion - Operations Asswning that WC continues to implement a corporate culture of conducting operations in an environmentally sound and conscientious 1Bsbion, the assignment will result in environmentally sound and conscientious operations. The Safety Manual is comprehensive in content and conforms to industry standards for training and measuring performance of operations staff. ES-I --------..--- Qpinion - Solid Waste M..nagl'!11V'!nt Practices Assuming we continues a commitment to sound waste management practices by allowing the mAnagers of subsidiaries to continue practices used in the community for many years before acquisition, the assignment will resuh in sound practices. Also, many members of we senior mAnagement bad the opportunity to dtvelop sound practices during years of previous employment with other large waste ~gement companies. Qpinion - Ability to Fulfill the APreen lent Based on the data and statements provided by WC and the previous opinions, we has the ability to fulfill the terms of the City of San Luis Obispo Franchise Agreemei1ts in a timely, safe and effectiVe manner. The opinions given here are based on data and statements provided by the Companies and we. Hilary Theisen has 110 way to accurately predict future conditions which would affect the opinions. In reaching the opinions, assumptions have beenrnade based on the information provided. There is no assurance that these assumptions will accurately ret1ect the resuhs of future operations or financial consequences. - ES-2 ------. 1.0 Iatroductioa aad Scope oCWork San. Luis Garbage Company (SLG) provides certain solid waste management services to the eity of San l'lis Obispo (City) The services ared...fined inIranc~ 1Igreements.. At.. .. '. ....... this time, the City is considering the RS'ligJ1mP.1lt of the SLG ftancbises to W~ Connections, Inc. (We), a private company service provider that is in the process of acquiring SLG. The conditions fur assignment of a ftanchise are defined in the Franchise Agreements. The eity has retained independent profussional services to evaluate the WC assignment. The scope of work for the evaluation includes the fullowing elements. 'Consultant will review and eva1uate information provided by we and others. Based on this review and evaluation the Consuhant will prepare a report whiCh summarizes the findings and provides a professional opinion addressing the following six areas: 1. Financial Stability. Review the audited financial statements ofWC operations for the immPJJiately p~irtg three operating years, and provide and opinion . regarding we financial stability. 2. Manalrement ~. Based on a review ofWC solid waste lI13118gement experience and the solid waste experience of the key personne~ provide and opinion regarding we baYing 10 years of experience on a scale equal to or ex('.l"P1ling the scale of operations conducted by the existing ftanchise. 3. SigroiflNmt citations or other censure. Provide an opinion regarding WC baYing suffered in the last 5 (five) years any sigroifir-8nt citations or other censure for any federal, state or local agency baYing jurisdiction oVer it waste lI13118gement . operation due to any significant fiillure to comply with state, fede1:a1 or local environmental laws, and that we has provided a complete list of such citations and censures. 4. Qperations. Provide an opinion regarding we ability to at all times conduct its operations in an environmentally safe and conscientious fashion. 5. Solid waste mIIl1R!7ement practices. Provide an opinion regarding we ability to conduct its solid waste mIIMgement practices in accordance with souod waste lI13118gement practices in full compliance with all federal, state and local laws regulating the conection and disposal of solid waste, including hazardous waste. 6. Agreement. Provide an opinion regarding we ability to fulfill the terms of the ftanchise agreement in a timely, safe and effective manner.' I-I -- --- -- 1.0 Existing Franchises and City Solid Waste System Characteristics SLG has separate fi'attChise agreements for each of solid waste, recycling and green waste collection and disposal services. Appendix A. Table A-I, coiltaios a 1isting of municipalities/agencies that have agreements with the Companies. .The 1isting was provided by SLG as a part of Due Diligence Information dated January 7, 2002. The Companies include: San Luis Garbage Company Morro Bay Garbage (MBG) Mission Country Disposal (MCD) South County Sanitary Service (SCSS) While this evaluation and report is for the City of San Luis Obispo and covers the A$-"igJ1111"'"lt of their ftanchise agreements with SLG, the ftanchise agreements between the Companies and the other municipalities are similar and thus this report can also be used by the other municipalities. The City solid waste management system is administered by the Utilities Depcu.~nt. The system is operated under three franchise agreements with SLG. The characteristics of the fi'anchises are given in Appendix. A, Table A-I. A variety of equipment and personnel are used in operations. Table A-2 cOiItaios a listing of mobile equipment as provided by SLG. The City monitors SLG performance and sets the rates to be charged for service by SLG in accordance with a Rate Setting Process and Methodology Manual for Integrated Solid Waste ManagemCnt Rates dated June 1994. 2-1 ----- --"...--..-- 3.0 Cha...eteristlcs of Waste CODneetlons, Inc. Waste Connections, Inc. (''WCj is a regional non-hazardous solid waste services company that provides solid waste collection, transrer and recycling services in the Central and Western United States. As ofDecernber 31, 2001, WC served more than 800,000 conunercial, industrial and residential customers in 17 states. WC was incorporated in the State of Delaware on September 9, 1997 and commenced operations on October 1, 1997 through purchase of certain solid waste operations in the State ofWasbington. WC corporate offices are located at 620 Coolidge Drive, Suite 350, Folsom, CA 95630 where it leases approximately 14,800 square feet of space. Information and data regarding we is presented in Appendix B. A snmmary of that information is presented in this section. 3.1 Organization & Management The we Orgllni?afion is shown as a c:ba11 in Figure 1. Management" of the company is completed in a matrix format whereby ma""gm; of operating units have support provided by corporate. arlmini!<!rative department sta1I Operations are grouped into three regions- Pacific Northwest, Western and CentraL Each region bas a Regional Vice President who reports directly to corporate manAgement, is responsible for operations in the region, and who supervises a regional controller and regional business development sta1I Wrthin. each region, District Managers have autonomous service and decision-ma1cirtg authority for their districts. Djstrict Managers are responsible for mainmni"lr~;protnoting safety in operations, implementing marketing program'!, overseeing day-to-dayoperations, helping to identify acquisition candidates, inte8ratlon of acquired operations into we operations, and for achievement of budget. we reports that senior ma"'lgement establishes policy guidance for preparation of annual budgets. District Managers are respoIlSl"le for preparing annual budgets based upon their respective service contract requirements and corporate policy guidance. Senior malVlgement visit each District Manager to review proposed budgets and establish agreement regarding each budget. 3.2 Fmancial Please see Appendix B for detailed information about the financial aspects ofWC. WC is a publicly held company required to file financial information in accordance with Securities and Exchange Commission rules. Financial information has been obtained from review of the 10-K reports filed by WC with the Securities and Exchange Comrni"-.ion for the years ended December 31,1999, and December 31, 2000 and the draftBa1ance Sheet, IniCome Statement and Cash Flow Statement for the year ended December 31, 2001 as provided by we. we reports that Ernst & Young, UJ>, the independent auditor, has not and is not engaged to perform any work for we or any subsidiary or affiliate other than as independent auditor. 3-1 --~~_._- ~.~-- r-- l"- F- ~ e I '" .5 :!2 f/) !Ie ~.. '- c ~g 0 0 10'" Il.c ts ~'- e ~~ e ii: "'0 - 0 8.~ 'O~ 't:I- oe ~'" 8. ! '-'" jo eO oe Il.~ ts- ... 't:I g~ ~ rn c J1 j 0 L...,- - 1.-..- i......................................... ~ ............ r-- : .........., ! r-- r-- .-- r- ; e : - -: . - . co "': !g : c' c" .. ~~'c 0 ~; . c ~ ; 't:I "'e - C' ~ c : ii-c ~G 2' ~~! = i -ef oj II: ~.5! ~ 8 ~ 311 Z Il._ mC E 0:0... : 8go "" B o;.!! c U ...; 0 UI 't:I~ II..,' - lj 0 ~. --- ~ s: G) ., cow: 0 .. : _ . c:" b... It _: II. ==1 0; i C ~ !!:E u., ... '" :coJJ 0 ~' c 10 i@~ !! U .i Z - ~g. -!~I ~ T T T 001 0( ~ o"i C ..O,,! Wi ..2 !!: is 31! ,[ ,..L ,-L ~i .0 ~~ i' Il.... ,0,," 2", : .... ell: _C eC/' :"'~mc ~' w(l) 00; co Q , . u .. .. : ~1;5 "'i > :! C/ Q a:z eII~ -:!2 ,. .' C/ ::)0 c:IE ~ ! ~ ~ ~ : 1 i f ~ ~ .~ C)r::: "" Il.t:: Il.~ 0 : ; 0 C/ III 8 :J e.... U:fd -:2 BO B U :: .. 0 ...J "'''' 5 ~ 5 tJ ~i I .3 ~ ~ ! Z .cc: 00 Z II: '9 ': c ~.. 0 0. ': - : 0 - ... (Q .. - .! ; . . . ~ ~ ! - "'- "'- i . : (J) '.................................. : ~ - .........._................: :IE 11 rn .., 't:I :E 0;0; _ ~~ '- ii: ~ 1l.::E i ~~ 8 - elf 5 0 e. : 8 ! , - . r-- . c ! 8 ..L- r--- ~ ... '- c: 1;5'- E 0; l5 .!! 0 c !i :0 ~. ~.~ 0 ~~ I!:!. ~'- Il.o ~ 0::= .!! E~ 11:- 8..: 0 -~ ~8 "':0 0 II - 50 @ '" i8 ~o <>:5 "'ell e ~o !fi- ~ <( e. ~ IIIi' . 8 ~ - Il.a; Q) 0 T 5 en :c 0 T T 0 '--- --,-- 3.3 Operations Froman initial public offering of stock in May 1998 to December 31, 2001, we nationwide acquisitions have consisted of 103 collection operations, 20 Subtitle D I8ni1fill" that are operated by we, 30 transfer stations owned or operated by WC and 16 recycling filcilities Eauipment. Most recently, WC reports that it operates a fleet of approximately 2,250 collection and support vehicles in 18 states and 200 pieces of heavy equipment at 26 lanilfil"i owned or operated by we. Collection vehicles are reported to consist of approximately 900 rear loading trucks, 350 ftont end loader (FEL) trucks, 650 roll offtmcks, 100 automated service trucks with the balance consisting of a variety of other types of collection vehicles and support vehicles. Emplovees. As of December 31, 2001, WC employed approximately 2,010 full time employees including approximately 211 persons class/fied as professionals or ITIA"'Igers. approximately 1,526 persons involved in collection, transfer, disposal and recycling operations and appro)limAtely 273 sales. clerical, data processing and other administrative employees. Collection seryice. we provides services to commercial, industrial and residential customers generally under either (a) governmental certificates. (b) exclusive ftanchise agreements, (c) exclusive municipal contracts. (d) commercial and industrial service agreements, (e) residential subscription and (f) residential contracts. Services other than those provided under gove.........mta1 certificates. :franchise agreements or municipal contracts are provided under agreements t'Anging ftom 1 to 7 years. Appendix B, Table B-1 lists the California communities reported by WC as being seiviced by we as of January 2002. Analysis of the information provided by we shows that commnnitks within California account for about 15% of all the customers served by we in California, Oregon and Washington. The largest commnnities served are Olympia, W A (39,700 total customets receiving solid waste collection service), elark County, WA (51,700 customers reeeiving residential curbside recycling service) and Vancouver, W A (19,600 customers receiving solid waste collection service . in eastern part of eity and 36,400 customers receiving residential curbside recycling service). we reports that the approximately 35,000 accounts served by the Companies constitutes about 3.5% of the total number of~unts serviced by we. Other Service: we also operates transfer stations, landfill" and recyclable materials proce.s~ing filcilities ("MRF') in Madeia County and the Town of~"rnmnth and a transfer station in Mono County, all in California. we also operates landfill!:, transfer stations and in Oregon and transfer stations and a MRF in Washington. 3.4 Proposed organization for eity 'I$S1grun<:nt: Figure 1 is a summary of the organizational information provided by we and shows the subject acquisition within the we org/lnhatioaal structure. The District Manager/Controller for the . Companies will be located in the San Luis Obispo area and will be in ovenill responsible charge of the Companies_ The District Manager will be accowrtable to the Regional Vice President for the Western Region who is headquartered in Fresno, California and to the Western Region Controller for financial reporting and accounting. 3-2 4.0 FiD.Delal StabWty Information and data regarding we financial stability is presented in Appendix B. A summary of revenues and costs is presented in this section. The parameters used to evaluate financial stability included historical trends, debt to equity ratio, long term debt. status of assets, conditions ofleases, cash reserves, credit lines, sources of revenue, experience with Affilliote<l companies, and experience with renewal of expired ftanchises. The information for evaluation came ftom 10-K's and other financial documents provided by we. 4.1 Revenues we revenues consist mainly of fees charged for service with over 50% of revenues for the year ended coming ftom services provided in exclusive marlcets. As of~hP.r 31, 2000, revenues ftom collection services accounted for about 71 % of total revenue fu1lowed by landfin services at about 13% of total revenue, transfer and processing at about 9"10, recycling services at 6% and "other" at less than 1 % of total revenues. we reports that it bas reviewed the rate regulation methodology in effect for the Companies and has satisfied itself that the methodology should resuh in recovery of its reasoilable costs of providing required services and a reasonable profit margin. WC reports that revenues ftom the Companies are expected to account for about 3~5% to 4% of total WC revenue. WC aJso reports that it expects annual revenue growth fur the' Companies to be in the range of2-4% per year and WC expects to reduce "COsts through use of improved technology and efficiency in admin1..uative operations. The growth is a combination ofCPI adjustments and new accounts. 4.2 Costs Acquisitions have and will continue to be an important component of the growth strategy fullowed by WC. WC has used various t1l1ll1ing mechanisms to oflSet acquisition costs in the past, resulting in a stable financial condition in 2002. WC has, since December 31, 2001 acquired an additional six landfills which has increased the accrued amount fur closure and post closure costs. Cold Canyon L8ndfi11, Inc. is included in the acquisition. Cold Canyon T .andfiJl, Inc. operates Cold Canyon r.anc:lfill which receives solid waste collected by the Companies. WC advises that the amount of the closure and post closure trust fund held by the State fur Cold Canyon l.andfill is about $7.1miUion. The California Integrated Waste Management Board has advised Cold Canyon T -llnilfill.lnc. that, based upon review of documents submitted by Cold Canyon Landfill, Inc., the "closure/postclosure maintenance fund is adequate at this time and meets the requirements ofTit1e 27, California Code of Regulations Division 2, Subdivision I, Chapter 6, SukJmpter 3, Article 1, section 22225." we has reported that it plans to replace the funds in the Cold Canyon CIosure/Post Closure Maintenance Fund with a bond after completion of the acquisition. This is an approved financing method by the California Integrated Waste Manag~ Board. 4-1 -------- ---... ~--_._.._-_.... ------ Based upon audited finimciaJs for the ~ ended December 31, 2000, representations by the we regarding review ofllondfiO closure/post closure estimates and a comm\1nv....mu !tom the California Integrated Weste Management Board, Istndfill closure/post closure maintenance costs do not appear to be a substantial threat to financial stability at this time. WC management appears to be well aware of the risk that these costs pose to the Company. 4.3 Conclusions Approximately 50",4 of total we revenues are !tom services provided under exclusive franchises, contracts or permits. Revenues !tom such service arrangements nonnally are stable. The stability of . the J'P.In'Iinil1g portion of the revenue stream will depend upon we abi1ity to remain competitive with other service providers. WIth respect to recycling market risk, the we approach eliminates the risk that revenue would not be available to' pay we costs ofcol1ection, processing and marketing of recovered materials. Additionally, if established as represented, the we accounting and financial system should be an aid in cost control which should reduce risk of uncontrolled cost increases which could reduce net income. Based upon we representations and draft financial information for the year eoded December 31, 2001, the we plan for repayment of long term debt appears reasonable; however, implementation .ofthe plan requires effective """"'gement performance. Referring to Appendix B tables and figures, the Current Ratio, Long Term DebtlEquity Ratio, Return on Assets, Return on Equity and the information published by Muhex Investor (www.mu1texinvestor.com) for the periods indicated for we and the average for "the Waste Management Services Industry as a whole do not disclose any indication of financial instability. Based upon all of the foregoing and assuming that we ""''''Igement effectiveness continues, there is no reason to conclude that WC is nOt now financially stable and would not continue to be stable with the passage ofthne. - 4-2 -~~-- 5.0 MaDagemeDt ExperieDce The senior management of we bas extensive experience with solid waste management systems, including operations. finance, purcbasing and acquisitions. Brief resumes for the following individuals were provided by WC and are presented in Appendix D. Ronald Mittelstaedt: Chairman of the Board, President, and eEO Steven Bouck: Chief Financial Officer Darrell Chambliss: Executive Vice President - Operations and Secretary Jerri Hunt: Vice President - Human Resources and Risk Management fnnLittle: Vice President- E~ Eugene Dupreau: Regional Vice President - Western Region Although we bas been in existence less than 10 ~ the senior management personnel have 10 years or more experience in their respective professions. The sca1e of experience includes responsible positions in larger private companies (USA Waste Services. Browning-Ferris. Waste Management) and larger comm.mities (Clark County and Pierce County, Washington). we bas stated that the CUlTent flUlnagement of the Companies will be retained after the ftanchise assignment is complete, and that ~loyment agreements are in place with . Tom Martin and Bruce Rizzoli. Mr. Martin and Mr. Rizzoli have each been employed by the Companies for more than 10 years. , we bas provided the following list of primary support that the management of the Companies and staffwill receive fi'om we corporate' and regional offices. . Hwmn Resources - This includes support in appropriate handling of employee matters, health and welf8re Plans. payroll administration and opportunities for 8dw~t within the organization. . . Safety and Compliance - This includes appropriate training programs for drivers in safe work practices and other regulatory required training. AlsO this area of the company is responsible for tracking claims and assisting the operations with implementation of effi:ctive accident and i$ry reduction programs. . Fleet Maintenance and Equipment Purchasing - This area of support will include the implementation of effective preventative maintenance programs to ensure that the equipment is maintained properly to ensure longevity and the lowest operating cost possible. . Management Information Systems - This area of support will include the implementation of current technology for billing and routing systems as well as conununication systems. - 5-1 ---- . Financial Review and Analysis - This area of support includes the review and analysis of the operating perfoI1Il8llCe of the Companies. Conclusions WC has the ma"'lgement experience necessary to perform the services defined in the City Franchise Agreements. A management support structure is in place that is suitable to providing the level of service in the ftanchise agreements. WC has offered assurances . that waste matUlgement services to the City will continue as in the past to be provided by SLG personnel This practice of continuing services with local knowledgeable opetations stafflias been confirmed through contact with other co~mities (Madera, CA and Clark County, W A) where WC took over the incumbent service provider. 5-2 -- 6.0 SigaWeaat Cltatioas or Other Ceasure A significant citation or other censure is defined as an event that has serious consequences ifieft uncorrected by WC. Serious consequences include events of demuh under the fi:anchise agreement and criminal legal actions against the company or its senior management. we reports that it does not currently have any J.'f""!ir1g criminai or civil legal actions against it and/or its current corporate officers or persons who served as an officer within the last two years, which arose from the officer's activities on behalf of the corporation. Additionally, we bas not bad any of these issues in the past five years. we has provided four 3-ring binders contAini~ inspection reports, notices of violations, Agreed Orders to correct violations, and mi......nAnPOus reports and applications for changed operating conditions, all related to landfill.. and transfer stations from throughout the entire service area of the company. ~ reports have been reviewed, focusing on notices of violation. WC has disclosed negotiations on two Agreed Orders: one with the Colorado Air Pollution Control Ageooy and one with the Oklahoma Department ofEnvironmenta! Quality. The air issues in Colorado are of a historical nature as inherited 100m the previous landfill owner. we reports the issues are being resolved. The Oklahoma issue involves the importation of trash 100m I{AIW1S. and the contention by the state' that we must get state approval to take out-of-state waste. we intends to fight this issue in Federal Court ifnecessary. The background on these issues has been provided by we and has been reviewed. Conclusions . The record of environmental citations and other censures does not indicate any significant problems at WC landfill.. and transfer stations. The absence of any record ofdefiwlt events under collection ftanchise agreements indicates there are no significant citations or censures in collection operations. Contacts with other agencies I!CfVOO by WC (Vancouver and elark County, W A) and the records provided by WC indicate that problems are not significant and often quickly resolved. 6-1 ----_.~.- 7.0 Opentions Conducted in an Environmentally Safe and ConKlentioas Fashion The parameters for operations include trucks and mobile equipment, residential and commercial COl'tllit-s, customer service, collection crews (safety and training) and conformance with service terms of the ftancbise agreement. The criteria for meaSuring an environmentally safe and conscientious fushion are a mixture of subjective and objective items. The objective item; include the type of collection containers and trucks (non leaking wheeled carts, low emission truck engines), noise levels during truck operations, liquids J...a1ri11g from packer bodies, and response time to customer complaints of",i~o;ed service. Subjective items include truck ru.""Ige to streets and lost-time events for equipment and labor. WC has developed a comprehensive Safety Manual for implementation and use by all operating districts. That mA"'lal was provided by WC in CD format and reviewed for content. WC reports that District managers are accountable to company management for adequate performance in responding to local enviroIlJ1Y'31tal requirements in their communities. Inadequate performance can be grounds for loss of job. Telephone contact withconummitles served by we (Clark County and Vane6uver, WA) since 1997 gave no objective information on problems with trucks, containers, noise levels and response time to customer complaints. Service complaints are minor and quickly resolved, and there was no documentation in agency files of environmental problems from we equipment. Conclusions we projects and has implemented a corporate culture of conducting operations in an envirofl111P.l1talty sound and conscientious fushion. The Safety Manual is comprehensive in content and conforms to industry standards for training and measuring performance of operations sta1I . 7-1 ----_._..~-_.--_._.._...- 8.0 Solid Waste Management Pnetices (souDdDess aDd eompliaDee witb aU regulatory laws, iDcludiDg hazardous waste) The parameters for soundness and compliance include service contracts, equipment technology, agency ""''''Igement mandates, and commitment to practices of the industry. 8.1 Service contracts Service contracts are sound practice when both parties get what they need without excessive pressures or l11U1cceptable risk. we bas reported numerous types of contracts (governmental certificates, fi'anchise agreements, municipal contracts, colDIDerCial service agreements, residential subscription, residential contract) in the communities being served. This record of performance in accordance with local community contracting procedures indicates a willingness to comply with local requirements. 8.2 Equipment technology Sound practices in equipment technology includes periodic upgrading of containers to meet regulatory requirements for waste storage, adopting engine and body specifications for collection vehicles that reduce engine emissions and noise, and replacing inefficient equipment. we bas been operating equipment for less than 5 years so it is not possible to evaluate historic records to measure sound equipment technology practices. we reports that it expects the usefulJife of collection vehicles to be at least 7 years, and that . equipment age and the capital needed to replace inefficient equipment at the time of acquisition is included in the cost of the acquisition. 8.3 Agency management "",ndates Local and state mandates for hazardous wastes, vehicle emissions and recycling are examples of requhements to be met in comp1iance practices. WC reports offi:ring no services for hazardous waste disposal,' and that they do not intend to offer such services. Where communities have requested the service, we bas provided hazardous waste receiving and packaging services to prepare- materials for pickup and removal by a licensed hazardous waste handIer. we knows of the California waste diversion mandates under AB 939 based on other California collection operations (Chowchilla, Manunoth Lakes), and they have stated that eity requirements for recycling will be continued. , 8.4 Conclusions Ahhough we has operated waste management systems for less than 5 years, they have demonstrated a commitment to sound waste ""''''Igement practices by allowing the managers of subsidiaries to continue practices used in the connnunity for many years before acquisition. Also, many members of we senior management had the opportunity 8-1 -~~'-"'--"----"- to develop sound practices during years of previous employment with other large waste management companies.  8-2 .~--~-- -~ Appendix A City or San Lals Obispo SoUd Waste System Characteristics The City solid waste system is provided and operated under exclusive ftancbises (Solid Waste, Green Waste, Recycling) with San Luis Garbage Company (SLG). The system includes services to residential and commercial customers. Each customer is billed by SLG for services and pays directly to SLG. Service is mandatory to all City residents. The characteristics of the ftanchises are summarized in Table A-I. SLG operates the system using labor, stationary equipment (containers), and mobile equipment. The characteristics of mobile equipment are summarized in Table A-2. A-I [l~1 ~ 6 ffi~- .2 .... ~..' ~' ' Ii j t..., R I 1 I ' Iii If .- ~ I \1 a Ii J II ~ * 1, flh Hi II i J tll . .,U nl II t- . ~I' SII.') 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"" e' Q 1:1 Q!It - , :.~_ ';; ~'. +.~;- >,',:~_(I ':;_",_;(,~""_. '-.,,: - ,- - - ,.- , "tJS-''GS :. ,:" .:I" *_~~~~~~m.~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --_.._~--~.... ------ Table A-2 I ~ MB 68 ~ 2002 VOLVO REARlOADER 4 ill27 YD HElL ,1 line SC 48 ~2OO2VOLVO~ ~YARDBRI 2Une Me 69 4V2t1C6\F.52N333638 2002 VOLVO 3 YD HEll 3 Ine Me 67 4 II2OO2VOLVOREARLOADER 4AXLE 27YD HER..~ 4 line Me 48 4V2HCFMESNN653952192 WHITE 42 YARD ABLE 5111nA SC 37 4V2DC2UE0YN237822I99VOLVOwx64 . NEWAlITOMATEDTRUCK 611ne SLG 59 4V2DC6UE51N321907 12001 V VO 42 YD BRIDGEPORT FRC 7 loe SC 34 1CYCCM483XT043816 199 CRANE CARRIER 25 YD DEMPSTER REAR 8 line SC 33 1CYCCM481XT043815 99 CRANE CARRIER 25YD~ 9 line SC 41 4V2DC2UE4YN256180 2OOOVOLVQ'BRI[ ORT NEW~ 10 line SC 30 VMHCMPESWN75747399WHITEFRONTLOADER 42YARDBRJDGEPORr 11 Hoe SC 40 4V2DC2UE4YN237824 2000 VOLVQ'BRIDGEPORT NEW AUTOMA D TRUCK 12 Ine SC 45 4U2DC2UE8YN256109 2000 VOLVOIBRIDGEPORT SlDE-lOADER 13 Hoe SLG 58 4V2DC2UE8YN258028 2000 VOLVO 40 YD BRIDGEPORT F 14 loe Me 54 4VMDCMPE9XN766182 1999 WHITE 42 YD BRJDGEPORr 15 line Me 52"VMDCMP~401721997WHITE 42YDBRlDGEPORT 161ne MC 53 VMDCMPE-'1WN744758 1997WHITE YD HEILI1I8IIoader 17 Hoe Me 62 4V2DC6UE11N321807 2001 VOLVO FRONT1.OADER 18 Ine ~ 61 4V2HC6UE81N321871 ~1 VOLVO FRONT1.OADER 19 Roe ~G 8 4V2DCFMD1JU501365 1988 WHITE 25 YD HElL 20 Hoe SLG 50 4V5DCFM:1I K124006 96 WHITE/AUTOMATED BRIDGEPORT AUTO 21 line SLG 55 4VMDCMPE0XN768183 1999 WHITE 42 YD BRIDGEPORT FR( 22 line SC 28 1CYCCP487RT041085 1994CRANEJDEMPSTER 25YDREARLOADER 23lloe SC 29 4V2DCFME2RN686899 1994 WHITE/ABLE 40 Y, 24 loe SC 20 1CYCCP489ST041949 1995 CRANE CARRIER 42YDABLEFRONT 25 line SLG 63 4V2HC6UEX1N321869 ~1 VOLVO REARlOADER 25 YD HelL REAR 26 fine MB 21 4V2DC2HE8YN247105 2000 WHITE AUTOMATED 27 line Me 19 4V2DCFME8SN702443 1995WHITE/BTMFRONTLOADER 42YAROFRON11..OADER 2811ne Me . 6 4V2DCFME4NU510530 1992 WHITE EXPEDITOR 25 YD HElL I1I8IIoader 29 rInG SLG 13 4V2HC2UE2YN258172 12000 VOLVO WX EXPEDITOR 25 YD HelL 30 line SLG 12 WXDCHM01HN303500 1987 WHITElHElL 25 YD HElL 31 loe SC 4 4V2DMFMD1MU506888 1991 WHITE FRONT1.0A0ER (MC43\ 42 YD ABLE FR rr . 32 fine SC 10 4V2HC6UE61N321870 2001 VOLVOIHEIL 33 line SC 7 1CYCAA289JT036860 1988 CRANE CARRIER 20 YD RT KING REAR 34 Hoe . SLG 25 4V2DC2UE8YN2561792000WHITE AUTOMATED 35 fine SC 17 1CYCCP484ST0418741995CRANECARRlER 42YDABLEFRONT 36 line SLG 60 4V2DC6UE71N321908 2001 VOLVO 42 YD BRIDGEPORT 37 line SC 36 1WXDCHJD5JU305282 88 WHITE . USEDAUTOMATEDTRUCK 36 Roe SI..G 10 1WXDCHJ08EU067288 1984 HITElHElL 25 YD HelL 39 line SLG 36 4 KU502155 1989 WHlTE/HElL 25 YD HElL REAR. 40 line SLG 51 WXDCHMDXGU099462 1985. 25YD MAXON FRONT 41 line SC 1 1CYCCM288JT037018 1988 CRANE CARRIER. 42 YARD ABLE FRONT 42 line Me 28 WXHCHMD1HN121894 1987WHITE 25YD HElLIMIIoeder 43 line . SC 5 1CYCC 7016 1989 CRANE CARRIER 42 YD ABlE IT 44 Roe SC 48 4V2HC6UE81N258173 2OOOVOLVOaulomatied 32YDHEILREARLOADER "Sine SC 14 1CYCAG28XGT035874 1986 ~ CARRIER 20 YD DUMP .48 line SC 47 WXDCCM09GU099360 1985~ABLEtSLG51 41 YD ABLE 47 line Me 34 4V2DCFMD5KU50215O 1988 WHITE 38YDABLEFRNTLDER 48 line Me 66 4V2HC6UE32N333637 2002 VOLVO REARlOADER 25 YD HElL I8IIIo8der 49 line Me 30 4V2DCFMDOLU506883 1990 wHITE/ABLE 41 YO FRONTt.OADER 50 Roe Me 16 4V2DC6UE81N258110 2000 wHITE ~DGEPORTAUTO 51 Roe SLG 39 WXDCHMD5GU300152 1986 WHITElHElL ~ YD HElL 52 line SLG 1 4V2HCFMD5MU508101 1991 WHITE GMC. LP 25 YD HElL REAR 53 line SLG 7 1M2K124C9CMOO1307 1983 tMCKJHElL . ~ YD HEIURECYCUNG 54 line SLG 14 4V20CFME8RN68798511994WHfTClABlE' ~YARDF OADER 55 Roe SC 3 1.CYCCH282CT032553 1982 CRANE CARRIER 25 YD RT I<ING REAR 56 line SLG 49 4V5DCFPE3TR724004 96 WHITE 40 YD FRON11.0A0ER 57 line SC 23 1CYCCP388MT038707199OCRANECARRlER U2YDABlEFRQNT 58 Hoe SC 38 1W 756 1985WHITEEXPEDITOR 25YD. 591ne SC 31 4VMHCMPE1XN766176 99 WHITE FRON11.0A0ER 142 YARD BRI PORT 60 One SC 15 4V2DCFMD6MU506887 1990 WHITE . 42 YD ABLE F 61 line SC 27 1CYCCP486PT040426 93 CRANE CARRIER 42YARDABLEFRONT 6211118 SC 19 1CYCAA28OHT038346 1987 CRANE CARRIER 20 YD DUMP REAR 63 rme CR 47 4V2DCFMEXRN670850 1994 WHITE ROLLOFF THREE AXLE ROlLOFF 64 line CR 48 4VSCFMEOTR726636 96 WHITE ROLLOFF THREE AXLE ROlLOFF 65 line -- --~-~_._~-----_._-- =- CR 56 4~DCMHE8XN777687 99 VOLVO THREE AXLE ROLL~aC CR 64 4V5KC9UF12N331484 2001 VOLVO VHD ROLLOFF THREE AXLE ROLl 32 YARD RECYCLI~ 68lsoam SlG 40 1L9EJ67B6LK006146 1990 LODAL SLG 33 4V2DAFM06JU501366 1988 WHITE/ABLE 38 YO ABlE FRNT LDER 69 soam SC 35 1WXDCHJD7JU305283 88 WHITE USED AUTOMATED TRUCK 70 soare SLG 24 1WXDCH8D3BN049492 1981 WHITE 25 YO ROUTE KING 71 srmre MB 35 4V2DCFMOOKU502153 1989 WHITE 38 YO ABLE FRNT LDER 72 soare SC 2 4V52AEHCSNR470819 1992 VOLVO RECYCLING TRUCK MOBILE MODULAR 73 soare CR 57 1 Flrf.ZCYBXLL409201 90 FREIGHTLINER 1011011 . THREE AXLE ROLLOFF ~I~are "" MB 37 1WXDCHJDXEU067287 1985 WHITE EXPEDITOR 25 YO HElL 76 soare SC 11 1L9EJ67B6LK006143 1990 LODAL 32 YARD RECYCLING 771soare MC 27 WXDCHMD5GU300149 1988 WHITE/MAXON 25 YO MAXON FRONT 78 1I"'''re MC 31 700027 1979 PETERBILT 25 YO ROUTE KING rear 79 soare SC 6 4V2DCFMDOKU503867 1989 WHITE-ABLE 41 YARD FRONT LOADER 80 soare SC . 32 1 FDZH80U9KVA38345 1989 FORD 25 YO DEMPSTER REAR 81 'soare SLG 11 4V2DCFMEOSR709170 1995 WHITElBRJDGEPORT 25 YO AUTOMATED 82 soare SlG 2 WXDCHMD3GU300148 1986 WHITE/ABLE 41 YD ABLE 83 s""re SLG 4 3ORFFGT034463 1979 WHITElHEIL 25 YO HElL 84 lsoare SlG 3 4V2DCFNOOLU505474 1990 WHITE 41 YO ABLE 851soare CR 32 T49CJ9V600313 1979 GMC ROLlOFF THREE AXLE ROLLOFF 68 snare CR 22 1FDXD80u0FVA19045 1985 FORD ROLlOFF lWO AXLE ROLLOFF 87 soare SC 42 WXDCCMD2GU099359 1986 WHITE/ABLE (SCBI 41 YO ABLE 88 lsoare CR .42 WXDCHMD4HN114470 1987 WHITE ROLLOFF THREE AXLE ROLLOFF 891soare CR 45 4V52AEH83VR70818 1992 VOLVOIROLLOFF lWO AXLE ROLL OFF 90 I"""re MC 29 3ORFFGT034462 1980 WHITE 25 YO HElL rearloader 911soare - Appeadb: B Characteristics of Waste Connections, Inc. Waste Connections, Inc. ("We") is a regional non-hazardous solid waste services company that provides solid waste collection, transfer and recycling services in the Western United States. As of Dcccmbcr 31, WNX served more than 700,000 commercial, industrial and residential customers in fiftccn(15) states.' we was incorporated in the State ofDclaware on September 9,1997 and commenced operations on October 1, 1997 through purchase ofccrtain solid waste operations in the State ofWashiDgton. WC corporate offices arc located at 620 Coolidge Drive, Suite 350, Folsom, eA 95630 where it leases approximately 14,800 square feet of space. Operations Froman iDitial pub1ic offering occurred in May 1998 to December 31, 2001, we nationwide . acquisitions have consisted of 103 collcction operations, 20 Subtitle D IanitfilJ.. that arc operated by We, 30 transfer stations owned or operated by we and 16 recycling facilities? Most rcccnt1y, we ~ that it operates a fleet of approximately 2,250 collection and support vehicles in 18 states and 200 pieces OfllC8VY equipment at 26lanitfil1!t owned or operated by we. Col1cction vehicles arcTCpOrted to consist of approximately 900 rear loading trucks, 350 ftont end loader (PEL) trucks, 650 roll off trucks, 100 automated service trucks with the ba1ancc consisting of a variety of other types of col1cction vehicles and support vehicles. . As ofDcccmbcr 31, 2001, we criJployed approximately 2,010 full time employees~ including approximately211 pcr50ns classified as professionals or managers, approximatelY 1,526 pcr80ns involved in collection, transfer, disposal and recycling operations and approximately 273 sales, clcrical, data processing and other pdminiAtrative employees.4 we provides services to commercial, industrial and residential customers gcncra1ly under either (a) gOY<>l""nual ~cates, (b) exclusive fi:ancbisc agreements, (c) exclusivcmuoicipal contracts, (d) C('UUlllCldal and industrial service agreements, (e) residential subscription and (t) residential contracts. Services other than those provided under governmental certificates, ftancbisc agrccmcnts or municipal contracts arc provided under agrccmcrits ,...f1ging ftom 1 to 7 years. Co~: Table B-1 lists the California communities reported by we as being serviced by WC as of January 2002. S Analysis of the infurmation provided by we shows that commlmitics within California account for about 15% of all the customers served by WC in California, Oregon 1 Annual Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Ad. of 1934 (Form 1 ()..K) for fiscal year ended December 31, 2000 for Waste Connections. Inc. 2 Annual Report Pursuant to section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Ad. of 1934 (Form 1()..K) for fiscal year ended December 31. 2000 for Waste Connections, Inc. 3 we RespOIlS8 to Request for AdditlonallnformatJoo, Item 7. 4 Annual Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Ad. of 1934 (Form 1()..K) for fiscal year ended December 31, 2000 for Waste Connections, Inc. 5 Waste Connedions, Inc., "Ust of Municipal Contracts and Franchises in Califomla, Oregon and Washington" as transmitted by letter dated January 10, 2002 from D. Chambliss, Waste Connections, inc. to B. Worrell, IWMA. Subject: Waste Connections, Inc. Company InformatJoo. B-1 and Washington. The largest comnumities sem:d are Olympia, W A (39,700 total customers receiving solid waste collection service), Clark County, WA (51,700 customers receivingresidentia1 curbside recycling service) and Vancouver, WA (19,600 customers receiving solid waste collection service in eastern part of City and 36,400 customers receiving residential curbside recycling service). WC reports that the some 35,000 accounts served by San Luis Garbage and its affiliates constitutes about 3.5% of the total number of accounts serviced by WC. Other Service: WC also operates transfer stations, 1a,vIfill" and recyclable materials p1'()('~ fiicilities ("MRF') in Madera County and the Town ofMarmpn(h and a transfer station in Mono County, all in California. WC also operates landfills. transfer stations and in Oregon and transfer stations and a MRF in Washington. Organization & Management General: Operations are grouped into three regions- Pacific Northwest. Western and Central. Each region has a Regional Vice President who reports directly to corporate ""'''''gement, is respo~"ble for operations in the region, and who supervises a regional controller and regional business development staft: WIthin each region, District ""'''''gers have autonomous service and decision making authority for their districts. District Managers are responsible for ""'intaining service quality, promoting safety in operations, implementing marketing programs, overseeing day-to-day operations, helping to identify acquisition candidates. integration of acquired o~ns into WC operations, and for achievement ofbudget.6,7 . WC reports that senior management establishes policy guidance for preparation of annual budgets. District Managers are respoDSl"ble for preparing annual budgets based upon their respective service contract requirements and corporate policy guidance. Senior ""'''IIgtmlent visit each District Manager to review proposed budgets and establish agreement regarding each budget. WC & San Luis Garbage: Figure 8-1 is a Sllm,,,,,,y of the organi7>ltional infurmation provided by We!' and shows the subject acquisition within the WC orgam7>ltional structure. The District Manager/Controller for San Luis Garbage & its Rffili..tes will be located in the San Luis Obispo area and will be in overall responsible charge of San Luis Garbage and the affi!i..tpAf companies. The District Manager will be accountable to the Regional Vice President for the Western Region who is headquartered in Fresno, California and to the Western Region Controller for financial reporting and accounting. The General Manager for San Luis Garbage and the Rffili..W<! companies will be respoDSl"ble-for field operations and report to the District Manager/Controller for San Luis Garbage and the affiliated companies. WC has advised that it intends to continue with 10cal names currently utilized by San Luis Garbage and its affiliates and "continue with their 10cal structuring" as wholly owned e Annual Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Fonn 1o-K) for fiscal year endeg December 31, 2000 for Waste ConnectIons, Inc. 7 Meeting with we on February 5, 2002_ · Meeting with we on February 5, 2002. B-2 -.- subsidiaries of we. Corporate support would be provided in the areas of Human Resources, Safety and Compliance, F.11gino 4\1mg, Fleet Mainteoance and Equipment purcbasing, Management - Information Systems (MIS) and financial review and analysis.' we provides a parent company guarantee to each subsidiary.IO WC reports that the persons identified in Figure B-1 as District Manager/Controller and General Manager and WC have executed employment agreements that have a remaining term of 5-8 years each. we reports these agreements may be terminated by mutual consent and by we in the event of a felony conviction, repeated intoxication both alcohol and drugs, violation of company policy, knowing violation of employment law, or long term disability that precludes full performance of duties. we reports that these agreements may be terminated by the employee in the event ofbreach of representation by we., required relocation of the employee by we, or diminution of responsibilities or title by WC. FinaDclal The information in this section has been obtained ftom review of the ID-K reports filed by we with the Securities and Exchange Connnission for the years ended December 31, 1999, and December 31, 2000 and the draft Ba1ance Sheet, Income Statement and Cash Flow Statement for the year ended December 31, 2001 as provided by we. General: we is a publicly traded company listed on the NASDAQ as "WCNX". A?> of February 28, 2001, the aggregate market value of voting stock held by non-affiliates of we was $851,533,151 with 26,590,870 shares of common stock outst,nvling.1I WC significant accounting policies reported in the latest ID-K report provide that (a) property and equipment is stated at cost, (b) depreciation is computed using the straight-line method over the estitnated useful lives of the assets or the lease term, whichever is shorter, (c) revenues are recognized when services are provided with recognition of prepaid billings deferred untll services are provided and (d) accruals are established for landfill closure and post closure costs recogl'i-m,g the effects of passag" b=h1g 1andfilllife and waste flows. Accrual amounts for Iand1ill closure and post closure' in "Other long term. liabiHties" in the we balance sheet. Recycling revenues are booked as cash as of the date of sa1e.12 we reports that it ""'int"in~ complete financial records and systems that allow we to produce income statements and balance sheets by line ofbusiness within a business unit and even by route within the bl1"""",,, unit. we advises that it is able to segregate financial performance within a business unit in situations where service is provided to more than one contractlftanchise clistcimer (e.g. a city and a county area served by one bl1c;iness entity).13 · we, Respot ISe for AdditIonal Information '0 Meeting with we on February 5, 2002. " Annual Report Pursuant to SectIon 13 or 15(d) of the Secui1t\es Exchange Act of 1934 (Form 10-1<) for fiscal yeat ended December 31, 2000 for Waste ConnectIons, Inc. '2 Meeting with we on February 5, 2002. '3 we RespoIlSe to Request for Additional Information, Item 12. B-3 we reports that Ernst & Young, LLP, the independent auditor, bas not and is not cogaged to perform any work for we or any subsidiary or affiliate other than as independent auditor.14 Revenues: we revenues consist mainly of fees charged for service with over 50"10 of revenues for the year ended coming from services provided in exclusive markets. As of December 31, 2000, revenues nom collection services accounted for about 71 % of total revenue followed by landfill services at about 13% of total revenue, transfer and p~g at about 9%, recycling services at 6% and "other" at less than 1% of total revenues. we reports that it bas reviewed the rate regulation methodology in effect for San Luis Garbage and affiliates and bas satisfied itself that the mothodology should result in recovery ofits reasonable costs of providing required services and a reasonable profit margin. WC reports that revenues from San Luis Garbage are expected to account for about 3.5% to 4% of total we revenue. we also reports that it expects annual revenue growth in San Luis Garbage and .its affiliates to be in the range of2-4% per year and we expects to reduce costs through use of improved technology and efficiency in administrative operations. we reports that it bas not purchased a commodity hedge (ie. protection against downturn in market price of recyclable material(s)) and bas no contracts for sale of materials. WC expects that its reasonable costs of conection and ptocessing of recyclable materials and green waste will be recovered through service fees and to take its profits from revenues received ftom ~ of materials. IS . . we reports that it bas never paid cash dividends on its common stock and that it intends to retain all earnings to fund the expansion of its business. T andfill Closure & Post elosure: The report of Ernst & Young LLP, independent auditors, for years ended December 31,1998,1999 and 2000 as provided in the latest 10-Kreport, states that we estimates the present value of all future payments of closure and post closure costs is $5,194,000 as of December 31, 2000 ~ this amount bas been recorded in the balance sheet for the year ended December 31, 2000. WC estm".tes the estimated J'eI1VIjning life of its landfill", based upon then current waste flows, range ftom 11 to 297 years with an estimated average life of77 years. we bas estm".ted that closure and post closure payment obligations for certain of its landfills will begin in 2012. we reports that Ernst & Young, Ill, the independent auditor for the company, retains and engineering firm to review and veri1Y WC estj"",t... of closure and post closure maintenance . costs.16 we also reports that it establishes each landfill as a self contained business entity and combines other operating units together as appropriate to business conditions. we bas, since December 31, 2001 acquired an additional six landfills which bas increased the accrued amoimt for closure and post closure. Cold Canyon Landfill, Inc. is an affiliate of San Luis 14 Meeting with we on February 5, 2002 15 Meeting with we on February 5, 2002 1e Meeting with we on February 5, 2002 B-4 Garbage and included in the acquisition. Cold Canyon T .aqt!fill, Inc. operates Cold Canyon Landfill which receives solid waste collected by San Luis Garbage and its affiliates. WCNX advises that the amount of the closure and post closure trust fund held by the State for Cold Canyon I ",ndfill is about $7. I million. 17 The California Integrated Waste Management Board has advised Cold Canyon Landfill, Inc.11 that, based upon review of documents submitted by Cold Canyon Landfill, Inc., the "closurelpostclosure maintenance fund is adequate at this time and meets the requireinents of Title 27, California Code of Regulations Division 2, Subdivision I, Chapter 6, Subchapter 3, Article I, section 22225." we has reported that it plans to replace the funds in the Cold Canyon elosurelPost Closure Maintenance Fund with a bond after completion of the acquisition.19 Lon!!: Tenn Debt: WC long tenn debt reported in the IO-K for the year ended December 31, 2000 consisted of (1) a Credit Facility used for acquisitions, capital expenditures, working capital, stand- by letters of credit, .and general corporate purposes, (2) bond financings of acquisitions, construction and furni""w.g offilcilities, (3) unsecured notes payable to sellers in connection with acquisitions, and (4) notes payable to third parties and secured by assets of certain subsidiary companies. Credit Facility: we has a $435 million revolving credit facility with a syndicate ofbanks for which Fleet Boston Financial Corp. acts as agent. This credit facility allows we to issue up to $40 million in stand by letters of credit that reduce the total amount available for borrowing under the credit fiIci1ity. Borrowings under the credit facility are secured by virtually all of the Company's assets. Ernst & Young, LLP reports that, as of December 31, 2000, we was in compliance with covenants requiring that certain balances and financial ratios be maintainP.d. The credit facility also restricts payment of cash dividends and is scheduled to mature in 2005. As of December 31, 2000, we had borrowed $308.0 million under the credit facility and had $24.4 million in outstanding letters of credit issued under the credit facility. Bond Financing": Columbia Resource Company, a wholly owned subskUary of we, completed a $13 IDiIlion industrial revenue bond financing in December 1991 for acquisition and construction ofa solid waste transfer station in Clark County, Washington. we comPleted a $1.8 million: tax exempt bond financing for its Madera subsidiary for specijied capital expenditures including a ~ndfill gas recovery system in Madera County, California. we completed a $13.6 million tax exempt bond financing for its Wasco subsidiary to fund acquisition, construction, furn;..\'Iw.g and equipping a Iand1ill in Wasco County, Oregon. As of December 31, 2000 the combined total debt outstanding for the bond financings was $23.025 million. Notes: As of December 31, 2000, the combined total of all notes was $6.813 million consisting of$2.891 million of unsecured debt and $3.922 of debt secured by specific subsidiaries. 17 Meeting with WC on February 5, 2002. 'Ie Letter dated August 6, 2001 from Ms. Diana Vaughn-Thomas, CIWMB, Facilities Operations Branch, Financial Assurances Section to Mr. Tom Martin, Cold Canyon Landfill, Inc., Subject: "Adequacy of the Closure and Post Closure MaIntenance Fund for the Cold Canyon Landfill, Facility No. 40-AA-0004" 18 Meeting with WC February 2, 2002. . 8-5 ___~,... ._.___~_m___'~___ . we Plan.~ for Lo~ Term Debt: Acquisitions have and will continue to be an important component of the growth strategy followed by WC.20 Long term debt, revenues, cost of operations and net income for the period 1998 - 2001 are shown in Figure 2. In the 3 year period, revenues have increased as have cost of operations and net income which has experienced a 13 fold increase.21 Projections of net income for 2002 in "First Call Earnings Estimates" available for we at http://biz.yahoo.comare $1.85 per share or about $50 million with total revenues projected to be $452 million for 2002.22 we advises that consideration of the lo~ term debt and notes payable amOunt reported in the draft Balance Sheet for December 31, 2001 should recognize that (1) aboUt $150 million of said amount is unsecured subordinate debt that converts to common stock at $38 per share and (2) an additional amount of about $18 million is non recourse debt leaving about $249 million as the J"'I1VIinh1g long term debt and notes payable. we also advises that conversion of the unsecured subordinate debt would increase total stockholder equity to about $536 million and that net income for 2001 should be increased by some $6,500 to reflect non-recurring charges in 2001. 23 we has advised that (1) stockholder equity would be more than 200% of the $249 million in long term debt identified above and (2) net income after 2001 will allow for some buy down before the eredit Facility matures in 2005. Consequently, we plans to pay down the Credit Facility debt as allowed by actual net income and other business operations and acquisitions and renegotiate the ba1ance remaining in 2005.24 . Table B-2 is a summary listing of the foregoing infonnation. Figure B-3 shows the Current Ratio and Long Term DebtlEquity Ratio for we and Figure B-4 shows the ROA and RORfOr. we fOJ: the_periads_stated_ineach.chart. _TabJe.B.3Jists.the_ -- -- _u___ ---- infonnation published by Muhex Investor (www.muhexinvestor.com) for the periods indicated for we and the average for the Waste Management Services Industry as a whole. This information does not disclose any indication offinancial instability. 20 Annual Report Pursuant to SectIon 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Ad. of 1934 (Foon 10-1<) for fiscal year ended December 31, 2000 for WafAe Connections, Inc. 21 Annual Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(<1) of the Securities Exchange Ad. of 1934 (Foon 10-1<) for fiscal year ended December 31,2000 forWafAe Connections, Inc. 22 Yahoo Anance, EamlngsEstlmates for we, OArst Call earnings Estimates - Waste Connections, Inc.", January 24, 200i, http://biz.yahoo.comtzIaIwIwcnx.html. 23 we meeting on February 5, 2002. 2A we Meeting on February 5, 2002 and telecon with D. ehambliss and S. Bouck, we on 2/1212002. 8-6 _.~._--_. ---------- TABLE B-1 WC CONTRACTS & FRANCHISES IN CALIFORNIA service Number of ~ € ~ @; Customers & a; a; Agency &11 co 1;; e & c ~ ... 1i a; ~i3 :if ~ i & !t5 & E 'C ::J. C € 'E! u. 'C ~ ~~ os ~ 2!~ c 0:: ~ E & ~ .5 0 en:.. 0::. 1-...... :E 0 c City of Chowchllla Yes X R X 1,933 290 50 Madera coUntY . Yes X X X X 5.375 2.01cJ 600 . Amador CitY Yes X R X 601 8 Amador COUnty Yes X X 618 132 7 Amador COunty Area 1 Yes X 552 122 2 calaveras COunlv Areas A & B Yes X C X 2,160 380 3 CitY of lone Yes X X 644 36 3 CitY of Plvmouth Yes X X 251 32 1 CitY of Sutter Creek Yes X X ('68 87 2 EI Dorado COunty Yes X 1,557 54 - CitY of Exeter Yes X C X 2,347 172 2 CitY of Fannersvllle Yes X X 1,860 90 CitY of Ki Yes X X X 2,747 163 Lemoore Naval Base Yes X 1,045 Rlverdale Public UtIlity District Yes 648 79 Tulare COIJnIv Area D Yes X R X . 729 106 Tulara Countv Area E Yes X X X 1,500 384 9 Invo COUnty No Mono CoUntY No C X . Town of Mammoth Lakes Yes X C X X X 4,695 630 30 SOurce: Waste COnnections, Inc., "Ust of Municipal COntracts and Franchises In Callfomla, Oregon and Washington, as transmitted by WC letter dated January 10, 2002 (1) Garbage"'-' and tnnspcrt 10 11ransIer _ ...1ondIiI. (2) R. Only CIItok1e ...-, of source ~ recycIIIbIe _ c = Only con__ recycling. X . BcIh. (3) CIItok1e ...-. of yard waste (4) 0pI!IIII0n of I tronsIer_ (S) 0per0U0n of llondfiI to receive collected garbage (6) 0per0U0n of. materials .-y ~ 10 process coIecIed recydabIe materials. ----~- ~~- TABLE B-2 SUMMARY OF WC PLAN FOR lONG TERM DEBT REPAYMENT (Note: Dollar amounts are thousands) Determination of Remalnlna Lona Tenn Debt That Must Be Reoald Total Long Term Debt & Notes Payable (1) $417,000 Less Unsecured Subortlinate Debt that converts to common Stock at $381share (2) ($150,000) Less Non Recourse Debt ~ 1$18.000 Remainina Lono Tenn Debt $249,000 Adjus1ment of Stockholders' Equity Total Stockholders' Equity (1) $376.000 Plus COnversion of Unsecured. Subordinate Debt to Common Stock at $38Ishare (2) $150.00( Total Adjusted Eo~ $526,000 0.47 Level Net Income for 2002 2003 & 2004 vs. lono Tenn Debt W01 Income Before EXtraortlinary item (4) $30,700 Plus Nonrecumng Charges shown as Other Income (Expense)Net of Taxes (5) $6,500 II.djusted Annual Net Income for 2001 $37,200 3 years of Adjusted Net Income for 2001 $111,600 3 vears of Adiusted Net Income liS % of Remainlna Lona Tenn Debt 45% Projected Net Income for 2002 vs long Tenn Debt Projected Net Income From "FIrst call Earnings Estimates" (6) ($fshare) $1.85 Total Number of Shares from Dreft Balance Sheet 27,069,685 Additional Shares from COnversion of Unsubordinated Debt at $38Ishare 3,941 Total Estimated Number of Shares . 27,073,632 Total Projected Net Income for 2002 $50,088 3 years of Projected Net Income for 2002 $150,259 3years of Projected Net Income as % of Remalnlna Lona Tenn Debt 60% CNX Conclusion: Since Equity Is more than 2x debt & Net Income will allow some buy down before 2005, the WCNX plan is to pay down debt as allowed by actual net income and other business 0 rations and ren otiate remaini balance of debt In 2005. <') From draft BaIanoe SheelIor WCNX pmvtded at 2I5f2IXr1. meeIIng. (2) As reported by R. ~ lIS ~ en 4/4/2001. To be disclosed in footnote for2002 Audited Financial stat..-m for (3) As reported by R. ~ at 2J5f2!1J2 meeIIng. (4) From draft Income -..... for WCNX pmvtded at 2I5f2IXr1. meeIIng. Net Income after pnMsIon lor Income tax (5) Ainount shown !n draft Income Statement proYIdecI at 2I5f2IXr1. meeIIng reported by R. _ os resulting from (6) From htIp:llwWw.bIz.yahoo.comIzIaIw/wcnx.hIrnI for 1/2412002. TABLE B-3 WASTE CONNECTIONS RELATIVE TO WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES INDUSTRY Item For the Period Stated Below Was1e Industry Connections Averaoe Current Ratio Quarter Ended September 2001 0.83 0.88 Long Term Debt to Equity Quarter Ended September 2001 1.15 1.71 Retum on Equity Trailing 12 Months 8.74% 8.08% Retum on Assets Trailing 12 Months 3.48% 2.56% Net Profit Margin Trailing 12 Months 8.36% 4.15% Source: Multex Investor. Ratio Comparison as of 1/24/2002 -~--- -- - ~ iI 1: . a> c: 'C '" ~1: 'Ii) ~ c ~~ a> 0 0 lOa> ~ '" 1) ,., <=r 0.8 e I!! ~ II-c: ~ ~; 0 8.~ t5~ "'0 51!! :2- oe ...a> ei ...8. i ~o 120 ~; o.C 1\1 -g ~ (f) _:::!: ~ j C 5 -..c- r.................................. ~ : ........................., _ ir--r-- - - r-- i c: .. - .. . - . <=01 CD 0>: 11: : . .e c: e; 1;J! i a> c C>>t!.2 g.c:i ! 3 :2,<: ~I f 2' Q) !: . :I : - "'G> e a> a 0: Sf : Z o.,E mi E ~6! a; ~ ~ :! ei 0 ~g> ~:::!: f SiB! g tJ: U s ~ 5W "_ fD C. ~ . ::! II- ~I ~ ! 8\::~ 3! ~ ~ 1: ID:~ 011 8 Z . : 1:: C ~ r-- r-- --,-:26 ;~~W~TTT~ oi c li i !IS!~; r-L .1. ,.l ~. 0 '5 ";'0 .... c:~ IDU) ll!1;; 1:5 BCI: !~~&5i... I 00; ~1;; ~~:> :; CI 01 CI wZ ~~ 0:::0 c::::!: e!I ;go: o!S : j j € k t CI) ;:)/= 1\1 f,;._'" , : C " :r 5 e' . 0.1:: o.~ ~ i j ~ 0 8 ...I CJo -:12 ~~ -w ~~ ~('3 1: : j .3 ~ ! :i' U.z 5,g Z 00 Q :; c ::;; 0 CI) 0: (J 0 ... .: as fI) 0 '-- ~ :! 0) I r--- - - - ~ - .--- , , , U) (f) , , . , ............................................................... ..:c ~ , s: - , c: (f) 'C I a> . I~ ::;; ~~ I . - ~ . 0 oG C I o.~ ~ a> ~ , I 8 '/!: , 0 . 5 , ~ I . , 8 , , , L ~ , -- . .-.:- , - ...--- c c: 8. G> a> ... E :2 ~ c: il a> 0 8 '" e ~ 2'1;; :!:'" 2'~ ;:~ 0.0 01 0:= c: E~ 0:- 8u.: ~ 0 -~ ~8 ...", 0 Ii .L.- 50 '" ~ a> 0 1!!0 o c a>~ ~ ]jo ~O ~.2 o.Q: .~ ~ s: :1 - 8 8 0- a> 0 T 5 '" :E T ~ 0 0 T - -,.- -, t ~ ~ 0 .~ '* 4) .. ~ "Z , , . . , 'k \ \ fJ) , , ~ ~ ,. 0 . \ -.;:! tu , Q) ~~ , , g- , I , \ 0 "0 wO 0 cs~ "" ~ "iii , . 0 u-~ , . <.) , \ . Ooz, .of . t)0 -0'% I I 00 11>-0"'- \. \ -0 0 , CiOUl ~%% , tn -'d; 'a~"'- , I ';/' u.\~4 II>-o~ \ . , .~ ~~~ , S. \) '6\ ~m~ ~o>"'i '. ... 0) , .@.$-o 0) ~ , ~ . (!) i1. ct. 0"'- ~ , I _ 0 o.~ 1I>~'a \ ~ U-itU- ~ II> ~~ -::t...-.... 4) '-0'" . I 0 S?II)~ c \\\0 E-o ~ , ~ ~II) , Q) O~ o...-m \- \S.-- , ~~ ~~8 . ~ o~i , 'CO ~ 3 3::11)11) ---- c-a 0) Woz, eoc:o ~ ~ \ ~. C)06 eg~ ~ _t:!o '5 ~~3:: .::J 0...- g g g 0 0 ~ 8 g 0 0 g 0 g g 0 0 g g g g g i g 6 g ~ ~ N ~ ~ fft . ~ ~ fft fI't fft fft S.l\3\\oQ ~o SpU\3Sno\.\l. ------------.... .------ / .~ - '0 0 ~ - \ f! en.... ~ CO 0 eno 0 ~. II 1"- ~ ~% ~ 0 a:. ........ ~ ~ ~~ ........ ..... "i"i ~ 0 \\ I ~ U. en ?<.'iii'iii 6- 5 ts ~.~ Ul ~ ~'OO ~ E~':. Q) ~ 00\11 0 ~o! E ~%(/) 5 ~~8 'Q) <.) ~ c r 6....~ ~ u1 ~'Ocn g C1~ ~ ~ -8~ 3 ~ - c ~ ; (D4:t 0 $!.oP'O '&~ ~ ~'iii o~ 0 ':)0 -p ~u.. & u..CI) ~ ~ '5 ~ 0 i \ Q ~ ~ $ u.. co ~~ .r--: 0) 0 ~ ~ \ - ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ 0 0 o. 0 0 0 <;to 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ ...------. ..---^ FIGURE 8-4 FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF WASTE CONNECTIONS 10.0% 9.0% 8.0% 8.4% 8.1% 7.0% 6.0% 5.0% 4.0% 4.2% 3.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0.0% 1999 2000 2001 I~Retum on Assets ~Retum on Equity I Appendix C Waste Connections Senior Management Resumes Ronald Mittlestadt has been President, Chief Executive Officer and a director since we was furmed, and was elected Chairman in January 1998. He also served as a consultant to we in August and September 1997. Mr. Mittlestadt has more than ten years of experience in the solid waste industry. He served as a consultant to United Waste Systems, Inc., with title of Executive Vice President, ftomJanuary 1997 to August 1997, where he was responsible for corporate development for all states west of Colorado. As Regional Vice ~dei1t ofUSA Waste Services, Inc., flom November 1993 to January 1997, he was responsible for all operations in 16 states and OtnMII Mr. Mittlestadt held various positions at Browning-Ferris Industries, Inc. flom August 1987 to November 1993. Previously, he was the District Manager responsible for BFI's operations in Sacramento and the surronrvlil1g areas. He holds a B.S, in Finance flom the University of California at Santa Barbara. Steven Bouck has been Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer since February 1998. Mr. Bouck held various.positions with First Analysis Corporation ftom 1986 to 1998, including most recently was ""'rt".""ging Director COOMm,,",,& corporate finance. In that capacity, he provided merger and acquisition advisory services to companies in the environmental industry. Mr. Bouck was also responsible for assisting in investing ve1ltu1'e capital funds focUSed on the environmental industry that were managed by First Analysis. In connection with those investments, he served on the boards of directors of several companies. While at First Analysis, Mr. Bouck also provided analytical research coverage of a number of publk:ly traded environmental services companies. Mr. Bouck holds B.S. and MS. degrees in mechanical engineering fi:oro Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and an MB.A. in Finance ftom the Wharton School He has been a Chartered Financial Analyst since 1990. Darrell Chambliss has been Execu