R 0321 - RF.SOLUTION #321 RESOLUTION AD'l'HORIZING ACCEPTAi,CE MID RECORDATION OF AN EASEHENT. BE IT RESOLVED, THAT THE EASEtJEi,T FROJVJ JAHES AND JEM HEAD Ai@ T. L. Aiill GERTRUDE PEDEN TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAJ@E, ATTACHED HERETO Aim THE SANE IS HEREWITH ORDERED RECORDED. FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowl~dged, J~1ES and JEAN HEAD and T. L. and GERTRUDE PEDEN, do heregy grant to the CITY OF AI!ROYO GRANDE, a municipal corporation, a right-of-way and easement across the hereinafter described real property for the purpose of constructing, installing, maintaining, repairing and/or replacing a water or water lines together with a right- of access thereto. Said real property is located in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, and more particularly described as follows, to-wit: A right of way for an 8 inch water line across the following described real property: That portion of Lot 107 of Stratton's Survey of parts of the Ranchos Corral de Piedra, Pismo and Bolsa de Ohemisal described as follows: rieg~nning at a point on the East line of the Alpine Street extension as conveyed to the City of Arroyo Grande by deed recorded in Volume 424 at page 221 of Official Records of said County on the 4th day of October 1946, distant thereon North 10 9' West 246 feet from the South line of the Rulll property; thence North 890 47' East and parallel with the South line of said Rulll property tothe East line of said Ruhl property; thence Southerly along said East line to the Northeast corner of the William E. Scranton property; thence South 890 47' "est along the North line of said Scranton property to the East line of said Alpine Street extension; thence North 10 9' West along said East line of said Alpine Street, extension 62 feet to the point of beginning; the right of way across said property is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning on the East line of said property at a point North 110 2' West 4.08 feet from the Southeast corner thereof; thence South 890 47' West 4 feet from and parallel to the South line of said property to the East line of Alpine Street, said easement being a strip of property 8 feet in width and extending 4 feet on either side. Dated this 14th day of September, 1954. On motion of Councilman Pence and seconded by Councilman Kerr and on the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Burt, Kerr and Pence NOES: None Ab"EN1': Councilmen Simpson and Brennan the foregoing resolution was adopted. J "'.A . " . ' - .. HESOLU'!'ION 11321 m::SOlU'l'lOil r.U'l'HOHIZING ACCEPTANCE tV'lD RECOIIDA'l'ION OF M EASEMENT BE IT R~OLVED, th~t the easel~nt from J~mes and Jean Head and T. L. and Gertrude Peden to the City of Arroyo Grande, .tt~ched hereto and the aame is her~with ordered recorded. On lIIotion of Councilll\~n Pence, .nd seconded by Councilman Kerr and on the follo~inc roll call vote: AYES: Cowlcilmen Burt, Kerr and Pence NOt:::i: None Au;;EN'i' : Councilmen Simpson and Drennan the fore~oinc resolution w~s ~dopted. I, .'lrS. Edn~ I'!. ::ichillinc, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Or.nde, " County of San Luis Obispo, St~te of California, do hereby certify the fore,oin: to be a full, true and correct copy of a Resolution made by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, as ~he same appears entered in their Resolution Book. \litness DIY hand and seal of the City of l\rroyo Orande, affixed this 26th d:q of March , 1956. , " , Calif. ~