Minutes 1991-06-25 411 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1991 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA . The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande met at 7:30 P.M., with Mayor Pro Tem Gene Moots presiding. l. & 2. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION Mayor Pro Tern Moots led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag, and the Rev. Phil Young delivered the invocation. ' ' i I 3. ROLL CALL i Present were Mayor Pro Tern Moots and Council Members Doris Olsen and B'Ann Smith. Absent were Mayor Mark M. Millis and I council Member A. K. "Pete" Dougall. Staff Members present were "- City Manager Chris Christiansen, city Attorney Judy Skousen, City Clerk Nancy Davis, Public Works Director Paul Karp and Building and Fire Chief Doug Hamp. 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS MRS. JACK EGAN of P.O. Box 689 spoke in favor of the city purchasing water from the State Water Project. She said water is more important than money, and water from the st.ate and other sources is needed by the city. '. Mr. Christiansen and Ms. Skousen said a lawsuit has been filed against the state concerning the Water Project's Environmental Impact Report. He said the project may be delayed and Arroyo Grande citizens still may have a chance to vote on the issue in 1992. " SCOTT GROSS of Sausalito gave the Council an update on the Arroyo Grande Hospital since the City's participation in the hospital's financing six months ago. He said the Hospital's bond rating is Be Plus. He said a $1.6 million CAT Scanner GE 9800 has been purchased, the old part of the hospital is being refurbished, and $250,000 worth of equipment has been purchased for the operating rooms. He said the first bond payment has been made, and by mid-July there will be a positive cash flow. 5. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Smith/Olsen, and the motion passed to approve Consent Agenda Items 5.A., S.D. , 5.E. and 5.G. through 5.J., with the recommended courses of action. 5.A. June 11, 1991, city council Minutes. Approved. 5.D. Progress Payment No. 2, Asphalt Concrete Paving and Road Reconstruction on Various city streets, Project No. 90-90-1. 'Approved. 5.E. Utility Agreement No. 552.0.11: Oak Park Interchange at U.S. 10l. Authorized. 5.G. Soto sports Complex; Master Plan Update; Request to Hire Fred Schott & Associates. Approved. 5.H. Progress Payment No.1; Nelson street Sewer Main Improvements: project No. 70-90-1. Approved. 5.I. Village Entrance signs/City Hall Signs. Approved. 5.J. 1991-92 Landscape Maintenance Contract. Awarded to Low Bidder. 1 ~-_.- --- 412 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES . " JUNE 25, 1991 5.B. Progress Payment, Construction of Arroyo Grande Well No. 8, Project No. 60-90-3, and S.C. Progress Payment, Construction of Arroyo Grande Well No. 9, Project No. 60-90-4. Mr. Christiansen recommended that the Council approve Progress Payments to R. Baker, Inc., for construction of Arroyo Grande wells No. 8 and 9, Project No. 60-90-3 and 4. He said, however, the projects should not be accepted at this time since there is more work to be done. It was moved by Smith/Olsen, and the motion passed to approve Mr. Christiansen's recommendation., 5.F. Cancellation of Oak Park Health Plaza Project; June 11, 1991. council Member Smith said any signs advertising the canceled project should be removed. It was moved by Smith/Olsen, and the '1 motion passed to approve the cancellation of the Oak Park Health Place Project, and reimbursement of fees to Mr. Kennedy in the amount of $972.42. 5.K. Building JanitQrial and Maintenance Bids. Council Member smith asked questions of Staff with regard to the city's bidding procedures. Council Member Olsen asked if bids from South county cleaning businesses had been solicited, and chief Hamp said yes. There were other questions concerning the bids. council Member smith said the bids were too high and she felt the City should have kept its own personnel to do the wor~. council Member Olsen moved to approve chief Hamp's recommendation. The motion died for lack of a second. council Member smith moved to continue the Agenda item to the meeting of July 9, 1991 and for the council to be provided with the specifications and requirements of the job. The motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Moots, and it was passed. 6. REGISTER OF CHECKS There were questions about various cash disbursements. It was moved by smith/Olsen, and the, motion passed to approve Cash Disbursements in the amount of $819,896.21. 7.A. HOOK RAMPS AT CAMINO MERCADQ Mr. Karp reported that there would be a joint meeting of city officials and Caltrans representatives on 6/27/91 to update the progress made on the Oak Park Interchange improvements. " 1.B. UPDATE ON COUNTY PROJECTS AFFECTING THE CITY Ms. Skousen requested council approval of a plan by which the Staff would no longer be appealing county projects on the city's fringe areas, but would work with the County to form new fringe development standards. The council approved, but asked to be kept ,informed if development standards are not produced. 8.A. TRACT 1769: OKUI (HERB PHILLIPS) ""'\ JIM MC GILLIS, surveyor for San Luis Engineering, requested Council approval to contact Grover City to see if the tract could ! be connected with the Grover city sewer system, thereby eliminating i the necessity of constructing a lift station for the Arroyo Grande sewer system. He said the developer had given approval to use the "money saved, approximately $60,000, for park improvements at the So to Sports Complex. Mr. Karp said there would be details to work out, such as which entity would receive sewer fees. There was council consensus that Mr. Mc Gillis should be given approval to contact officials at Grover city on the matter. 2 ------ - "_W___________ 413 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 25, 1991 8.B. DEED OF CONVEYANCE. HAMMERHEAD AT 502 MAY STREET Mr. Christiansen said that in January, 1989, the Council approved a parcel map at 502 May Street, with the condition that the applicant should maintain the street hammerhead and not the City. He said since then the property has been sold and the broker, Merilee Peck Newdoll, has requested that the city take over maintenance of the hammerhead. He recommended that the responsibility for the hammerhead remain with the property owner and not the City. " WILBUR L. FISHER, new owner of 502 May Street, also requested I that the city take over the maintenance of a street hammerhead on his property. He said he went through a two-week escrow, and found I out afterward that he owned a public street. He said he was led to , believe that the City would accept the maintenance of the street. \-, Council Member$ explained that the developer gained a third lot when the parcel map was approved, and the Council clearly stated that ,a condition of 'approval was that the property owner should maintain the hammerhead. ! After further discussion, Mayor Pro Tem Mootli.requested the i City Attorney to look into the matter as a courtesy to,~r. Fisher. I council Member Smith requested that the item be on the next Council agenda, and other Council members agreed. I 8.C. RESOLUTION REGARDING PREPARATION AND SUBMITTAL OF SOURCE , i REDUCTION AND RECYCLING ELEMENTS. HOUSEHOLD WASTE ELEMENT. AND RELATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTS Mr. Christiansen said that by adopting this resolution the I City would be in conformance with provisions of AD 939 regarding , EIRs and various plans relating to hazardous waste and recycling. It was moved by Smith/Olsen (3-0-2, smith, Olsen and Moots voting aye, Millis and Dougall absent) to approve Resolution No. 2478 Regarding Preparation and Submittal of Source Reduction and Recycling Elements, Household Hazardous Waste Element, and related Environmental Impact Reports. a.D. LOAN OF FEDERAL AID URBAN FUNDS TO CITY OF ~TASCADERO Mr. Karp recommended that the Council consider adoption of a resolution to loan $2,750 to the city of Atascadero from Arroyo Grande's unexpended Federal Aid Urban Funds. It was moved by Smith/Olsen (3-0-2, Smith, Olsen and Moots voting aye, Millis and Dougall absent) to approve Resolution No. 2479 Authorizing the Lending of Federal Aid Urban Funds to the City 'of Atascadero. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Smith requested a progress report on the large 'trucks parking on property at 111 Clarence Avenue. Ms. Skousen said all attempts to solve the problem outside of court have failed, and that a trial date is set for July 20, 1991. Mayor Pro Tem Moots requested Staff to look into the matter of the large pile of dirt on property at Halcyon Road and El Camino Real. He said the dirt had been there for eight months. Mr. Christiansen said Staff would investigate. Counc4.l Member Olsen said that sprinklers were not set properly on landscaping in front of Sunrise Terrace Mobilehome 3 ~_n.__ -.-. _._..~..- ---~_.__._--._._- 414 . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 25, 1991 Park, and that apparently water was being wasted. Mr. Christiansen said he would look into the matter. . ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Smith/Olsen, and the motion passed to adjourn the meeting at 8:31 P.M. . ~M~ GE E MOOTS, MAYOR PRO TEN . ATTEST: '""'\ i , " . " """\ I r 4 . .__..~--_._._.._-