Minutes 1991-01-22 - 'l 1:-; t.... .; MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1991 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande met at 7:30 P.M., with Mayor Mark M. Millis presiding. I.AND 2. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION Mayor Millis led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag, and the Rev. Phil Coleman of Oak Park Foursquare Church delivered the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL Present were Mayor Millis and Council Members Dougall, Moots and Smith. council Member Olsen was absent. Staff members present were City Manager Chris Christiansen, city Attorney Judy Skousen, City Clerk Nancy Davis, Public Works Director Paul Karp and construction Inspector Steve Kapka. 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. 5. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Smith/Dougall, and the motion passed, to approve Consent Agenda Items 5.A. through 5.F. , with the recommended courses of action. 5.A. January 8, 1991, City Council Minutes. Approved. 5.B. Fourth Quarter, Departmental Monthly Reports~ Information. S.C. December, 1990, Investment Report. Information. 5.D. Letter, of Resignation from Belinda Vidal, Downtown Parking Advisory Board Member. Accepted with regrets. 5.E. Liability Claim, Pedro Araya. Rejection letter to be sent. 5.F. Planning commission Recommendation to Authorize PUblic Works Director to utilize Funds to Install Parking Lot Improvements at 221 East Branch Street: Murphy's Law Office. Authorized. 6. REGISTER OF CHECKS It was moved by smith/Dougall, and the motion passed, to approve the cash disbursements in the amount of $1,008,598.77, as contained in the January 16, 1991 Staff Report of Finance Director David Bacon. r 7. PUBLIC HEARING TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER A PUBLIC NUISANCE EXISTS AT PROPERTY LOCATED AT 221 CORBETT CANYON ROAD (APN 007-031-027). NEWPORT PROPERTIES. GENERAL PARTNERSHIP Mr. Karp said he had spoken to the owner of the property that afternoon and he had planned to be at the hearing. Mayor Millis said that according to the agenda, the hearing should not start until 7:45 P.M., and he would continue it until later with the hope that the property owner would arrive. 8.A. HOOK RAMPS AT CAMINO MERCADO No Report. 8.B. INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT WEST BRANCH STREET/GRAND AVENUE/ TRAFFIC WAY AND WESLEY STREET No Report. ------ n____. ~ - --.- - " -_._-~--" "------ ._.._"._---~--,-,---~- --"-~-._-,._---_.._- 3 '~8 - MINUTES JANUARY 22, 1991 8.C. SOLID WASTE TASK FORCE Council Member Dougall said that the California Integrated Waste Management Act AB 939 has mandated that the cities and county prepare a plan which would provide for the reduction of 25 percent of the waste stream by 1995 and 50 percent by 2000. He said that a consultant hired by the Solid Waste Management Task Force is conducting a waste characterization study at Cold Canyon Landfill to determine what is being thrown away. He said from that study a plan will be made for recycling and compliance with AB 939. 8.D. UPDATE ON COUNTY PROJECTS AFFECTING THE CITY '1 Ms. Skousen reported that she, Planning Director Doreen Liberto-Blanck and Public works Director Paul Karp had testified at the Board of Supervisors hearing on the Mesa Drive fringe area I project. She said the Board had agreed to all the city concerns except water availability. She said because of the city's I involvement in the project, the Board had adopted more stringent I development standards. She said the Mesa Drive residents were happy with the results. I i Mayor Millis thanked the Staff for their efforts, and said these appearances have made a difference in the fringe projects. He said he hoped the City's active interest in County projects on the fringe of the City would continue. Ms. Skousen said the staff will be acting on a number of projects on the Supervisors' agenda. 8.E. GRANT APPLICATION: FUNDS FROM THE URBAN STREAMS RESTORATION , PROGRAM: FINDING OF CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION FRO~ REVIEW UNDER I I CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL OUALITY ACT (CEOA) I Mr. Karp referred to his Staff Report of January 17, 1991, and I recommended that the Council adopt a Resolution authorizing an application for a grant from the Department of Water Resources for I local assistance in the restoration of creek banks in the Arroyo , I Grande Creek, and adopt a finding of categorical exemption from , CEQA review. He said the grant funds would be used to restore I erosion beneath four culverts which discharge runoff into the , Arroyo Grande Creek in the vicinity of the downtown area. He said I I the Kiwanis Club of Arroyo Grande Valley will be cosponsor of the I project and will contribute $l,OOO worth of labor. He said staff was soliciting letters of support from service clubs and other I organizations in the South County. It was moved by Smith/Dougall (4-0-1, smith, Dougall, Moots and Millis voting aye, Olsen absent) to approve Resolution No. 2442 Authorizing an Application to the state Department of Water Resources for Grant Funds Under the Urban Stream Restoration Program to Construct a Project Entitled Arroyo Grande Creek Stabilization Project: and Approving the Filing of a Notice of "i Exemption from CEQA. 8.F. PROPERTY TRANSFER - FIVE ACRES No Report. 7.A. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER A PUBLIC NUISANCE EXISTS AT PROPERTY LOCATED AT 221 CORBETT CANYON ROAD Mr. Karp referred to his Staff Report of January 17, 1991, and recommended that the City Council conduct the public hearing and determine whether a public nuisance exists at the property in question. After being assured that the public hearing had been duly published and all legal requirements met, Mayor Millis declared the hearing open and said all persons would be heard regarding the matter. 2 -- , " ' 'I t..'t1 :..1 MINUTES JANUARY 22, 1991 RON ABELOE of 1259 poplar street, owner of the property, said the debris in question will be dumped at a legal site in the Santa Maria area, but that he needed more time to do it. He said there may be a problem getting the heavy equipment into the area to remove the debris, particularly if there is rain. Mr. Karp explained City Ordinance No. 309 C.S., which covers the procedures for abatement of public nuisances. When no one further came forward to speak, Mayor Millis closed the hearing to the floor. council Members discussed the amount of time to be allowed for Mr. Abeloe to remove the debris, and decided that 45 days would be sufficient. It was moved by Dougall/Moots (4-0-1, Dougall, Moots, Smith and Millis voting aye, Olsen absent) to approve Resolution No. 2443 Finding a Public Nuisance and Ordering Abatement Thereof at 221 corbett Canyon Road, with paragraph four being amended to read, " . . . that a public nuisance exists as described above and said nuisance shall be abated within 45 days after adoption of this resolution by removal of the construction debris, restoring the site, and by re-seeding the graded area." 9.A. LETTER OF REOUEST FROM MARC LUNDGREN TO CONSTRUCT A DECK ON THE REAR OF HIS RESIDENCE LOCATED AT 325 MESOUITE LANE. ROYAL OAKS SUBDIVISION Mr. christiansen recommended approval of the request, with the stipulation that all building regulations be follow~d. It was moved by Smith/Dougall, and the motion passed, to approve the city Manager's recommendation. 10. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Mr. christiansen suggested a Council tour of Rancho Grande subdivision to prepare for when the proposed buildout of the development comes before the Council. February 7, 1991 at 3:30 P.M. were set as the date and time of the tour. Mayor Millis said the tour should be advertised and accommodations made for the public. 11. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Millis suggested that the city's American Flags be flown in honor of the service men and women taking part in the war in the Middle East. Other council Members agreed and Staff was directed to put up the flags. 12. CLOSED SESSION r- None I , 13. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Dougall/Smith, and the motion passed, to adjourn the meeting at 7:56 P.M. ~~:p,," ATTEST: ~a. 0n.l"'~~ NANCY A . AVIS, CITY CLERK 3