Minutes 1990-08-28 - ---~. .-- ---~. "' 295 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1990 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The city Council of the city of Arroyo Grande met at 7:30 P.M., with Mayor Mark M. Millis presiding. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION Mayor Millis led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag, and the Rev. Larry Booker delivered the invocation. " ROLL CALL Present were Mayor Millis and Council Members A. K. "Pete" Dougall, Gene Moots, Doris Olsen and B'Ann Smith. Staff Members present were City Manager Chris Christiansen, City Attorney Judy Skousen, City Clerk Nancy Davis, Public Works Director Paul Karp and Planning Director Doreen Liberto-Blanck. 4. PRESENTATION OF PLAOUE OF APPRECIATION TO FORMER PLANNING COMMISSIONER TONY FLORES Mayor Millis requested that the Planning Director deliver the plaque to Mr. Flores, who served on the Planning Commission for four years. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. 6. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Smith/Dougall, and the motion passed, to approve Consent Agenda Items 5.B. through 5.X. , with the recommended courses of action. 6.B. August 14, 1990, City Council Minutes. Approved. 6.C. Permission to Hold a Block Party on Saturday, september 1, 1990: Residents of Sandalwood Avenue and Alder Street. Approved. 6.D. Liability Claim, Chester Duncan. Rejection approved. 6.E. Purchase of Budgeted Item; Police Canine; Police Department. Approved. 6.F. Purchase of Budgeted Item: 90-Pound Pneumatic Pavement Breaker; Public Works Department. Approved. 6.G. Purchase of Budgeted Item: vibratory Plate Compactor: Public Works Department. Approved. 6.H. Purchase of Budgeted Item: Root cutter: . Public Works Department. Approved. 6.1. Purchase of Budgeted Item: Cut-Off Saw: Public Works Department. Approved. 6.J. Purchase of Budgeted Item; Hand Tamper: Public works Department. Approved. , I 6.K. Purchase of Budgeted Item; Crack Sealing Equipment: Public Works Department. Approved. Under Consent Agenda Item 6.A., Mayor Millis presented a i proclamation for "Good Neighbor" Months, September, October, I November and December, 1990, to Ted Hall of United Way of San Luis Obispo County. 7. REGISTER OF CHECKS It was moved by Dougall/Olsen, and the motion passed, to 1 r _.-- ,- ----.- ---------. -----~---~,-----_._--- -----_._-~--~-~-- - I 296 - , approve the cash disbursements in the amount of $824,436.99, as contained in the August 22, 1990 Staff Report of Finance Director David Bacon. 8. PUBLIC HEARING - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 90-475: ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 90-456: REOUEST TO REPLACE EXISTING OUONSET HUT WITH A 640-S0UARE FOOT SECOND RESIDENTIAL UNIT: 311 SHORT STREET. EDWIN J. THALMAN Planning Director Liberto-Blanck referred to her Staff Report of August 28, 1990, and said the Planning commission has recommended that the City council approve a resolution which adopts a Negative Declaration: instructs the City Clerk to file a Notice of Determination, and approves the project with an added condition of approval calling for removal of the existing quonset hut prior to issuance of a building permit. '1 After being assured that the pUblic Hearing had been duly , published and all legal requirements met, Mayor Millis declared the hearing open and said all persons would be heard regarding the matter. EDWIN J. THALMAN, 307 Short street, the applicant, requested that the Council allow him to live in the quonset hut while the second residential unit is being built, and to destroy the hut before occupancy of the second unit. There being no further public discussion on the matter, Mayor Millis closed the hearing to the floor. Council Members and the city Attorney discussed ways to ensure the destruction of the quonset hut after the second unit is built, and it was decided that the Planning Department Condition No. 8 should read: "Additional Planning Department condition The applicant shall remove the existing quonset hut prior to any electric connections to the new unit. The applicant also shall sign an agreement, prior to applying for a building permit, that is satisfactory to the Planning Director and city Attorney and guarantees removal of the quonset hut." It was moved by OlsenjMoots (5-0-0, Olsen, Moots, Smith, Dougall and Millis voting aye) to approve Resolution No. 2413 Adopting a Negative Declaration, Instructing the city Clerk to File a Notice of Determination and Approving conditional Use Permit Case No. 90-475, Applied for by Edwin J. Thalman, Located at 311 Short, to Replace an Existing Quonset Hut with a 640 Square Foot Second Residential Unit located at 311 Short Street. (Because there was some doubt as to whether the Council had taken a vote on the motion approving this resolution, the motion as shown above was taken at the end of the meeting.) Ms. Liberto-Blanck said the Planning Commission also had requested that the Council approve Architectural Review Case No. ~ 90-456. It was moved by Moots/Dougall, and the motion passed, to , , ! approve the recommendation. 9.A. HOOK RAMPS AT CAMINO MERCADO No Report. 9.8. INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT WEST BRANCH STREET/GRAND AVENUE/TRAFFIC WAY AND WESLEY STREET No Report. 9.C. BOND FINANCING - ARRofo GRANDE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Mr. Christiansen introduced from the audience Dick Woolslayer, Arroyo Grande Hospital administrator; Scott Gross, chief executive of Alpha Group, and John Myers, a bond attorney with Orrick, Herrington and Sutcliffe. The City Manager referred to the Agenda Synopsis and said that Alpha Group is requesting a bond issue in 2 .--.--- .. ...-. - - -- --....-- - -- ---.... .-~.~--------~---_..._.,--.- .- . .~..-._-----------_.,._-- 297 the amount of $25,000,000 to $26,000,000. He said a project of this type can be consummated with absolutely no financial liability to the City, if it is done properly. Speaking in favor of the City facilitating the hospital purchase via tax-free bonds were MR. GROSS and MR. MYERS, who said that the plan would be tax-e:Kempt financing for a private non- I profit hospital. Mr. Myers said Federal law requires a PUblic Hearing on September 25, 1990. There were council questions of Mr. Gross and Mr. Myers concerning, the advantages or disadvantages to the City of issuing the bonds: the sale of the Certificates of Participation: the possible future sale of the hospital by Vista Hospital systems: the I difference between non-profit and profit hospitals and the I regulation of non-profit ones; the Management Fee amount, and the financial feasibility study. Mayor Millis said the council has requested pUblic hearings on September 11 as well as september 25, 1990. Council Member Olsen said the council should follow the City Managers recommendation and hire an attorney to represent the City in the matter. Mayor Millis suggested that the applicants continuing speaking to as many community groups as possible. He also requested that Mr. Woolslayer poll the Arroyo Grande Hospital doctors on their support or non-support of the plan. Mr. Christiansen recommended that the City hire as counsel Dave McEwen of Yocca, Carlson and Rauth, attorneys at law. He said Mr. McEwen's fee would be paid by Vista Hospital Systems. City Attorney Skousen agreed that an attorney should be hired to represent the city and said that these matters are beyond her e:Kpertise. It was moved by Olsen/Dougall, and the motion passed, to approve Mr. Christiansen's recommendation. 9.D. UPDATE ON COUNTY PROJECTS AFFECTING THE CITY Mr. Christiansen said the County hearing on projects affecting the city had been continued to september 11, 1990. He said the city Attorney, the Long Range Planner and the Public Works Director will be meeting with their counterparts at the County on the two projects affecting the city. 9.E. PROPERTY TRANSFER - FIVE ACRES No Report. 10.A. RESOLUTION COMMITTING TO FINANCIAL AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR A COMPREHENSIVE SOUTH COUNTY TRAFFIC MODEL AND STUDY r After Council discussion, it was moved by Moots/Smith (5-0-0, with Moots, smith, olsen, Dougall and Millis voting aye) to approve Resolution No. 2414 Committing the city to Financial and Technical support for a Comprehensive South County Traffic Model and Study initiated by the San Luis Obispo County Area coordinating Council. 10.B. RECOMMENDATION OF PARKING AND TRAFFIC COMMISSION After Council questions of Staff, it was moved by smith/Dougall (5-0-0, with smith, Dougall, Moots, Olsen and Millis voting aye) to apprQve Resolution No. 2415 Establishing a "No parking" Zone on a Portion of Hillcrest Drive (1320-1342 Hillcrest Drive) (Municipal Code Sec. 2-7.04). 11. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None. 12. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS I Mayor Millis announced his intention to nominate at the ne:Kt 3 ----.------- 1-~-9 8 ,- ,- -,- ----~--------- - meeting Don Boggess to the Planning Commission. He also said he would be nominating Tony Orefice, architect; Bill Daviny, mechanical engineer, and one more person, whose name would be announced on August 29, 1990, to the City's new Architectural Advisory Committee. 13. CLOSED SESSION None. 14. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by DougalljMoots, and the motion passed, to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 P.M. :;h~'MAl~ '1 ATTEST: ~a.~~~ NANCY A. AVIS, CITY CLERK l 4