Minutes 1990-05-08 .. /""" ,""' - MINUTES MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1990 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met at 7:30 P.M., with Mayor Mark M. Millis presiding. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION Mayor Millis led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag, and the Rev. Charles Atcheson of st. Barnabas Episcopal Church delivered the invocation. ROLL CALL Present were Mayor Millis and Council Members A. K. "Pete" Dougall, Gene Moots, Doris Olsen and B'Ann Smith. Staff members present were City Manager Chris Christiansen, city Attorney Judy skousen, city Clerk Nancy Davis, Public Works Director Paul Karp and Director of Building and Fire Doug Hamp. 4. PRESENTATION OF PLAOUE OF APPRECIATION TO FIRE FIGHTER HOWARD FERGUSON FOR DONATION TOWARD PURCHASE OF NEW FIRE ENGINE Mayor Millis said the City was presenting a Plaque of Appreciation to Fire Fighter Howard Ferguson for his donation toward the purchase of a new fire engine. Fire Chief Doug Hamp said that the $500.00 donation from Mr. Ferguson would be used to purchase the proper type of steering apparatus for the new engine. He said this donation was typical of the volunteer fire fighters who work for the City. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS A representative of Harvest Bag said that the organization had experienced a $14,000 loss of equipment due to fire. She requested emergency funds in the amount of $500.00 from the city. Mayor Millis directed Staff to add that amount to the requested budget funds for Harvest Bag for 1990/1991. 6. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Smith/Dougall, and the motion passed, to approve Consent Agenda Items 6.D. through 6.N. , with the recommended courses of action. 6.D. April 10, 1990, city Council Minutes. Approved. 6.E. April 19, 1990, city Council Minutes. Approved. 6.F. April 24, 1990, city Council Minutes. Approved. 6.G. May 2, 1990, Senior Advisory Commission Minutes. Information. 6.H. April, 1990, Investment Report. Information. 6.!. Meter Reading and Repair Update; Utilities Department. Information. 6.J. Liability Claim, Bonnie Rice. Rejection recommended. 6.K. Guidelines to the Right to Farm Brochure. Information. I 6.L. Purchase of CAD System; Phase IV; Public Works Department, Budgeted Item. Approved. 6.M. Change Order No.9, Arroyo Grande Police Station Renovation, Project No. 754. Approved. 1 ~ ./~.... CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 8, 1990 6.N. Arroyo Grande Population Change. Information. Item 6.A. - Mayor Millis proclaimed May 9, 1990 as "The Day of the Teacher." Item 6.B. - Mayor Millis proclaimed May, 1990 as "Head Start Month. " Recei ving the proclamation were GARY LIWANAG, head teacher of the Five Cities Head start Program, and JESSICA STORNI, a pupil in the Head Start Program. Item 6.C. - Mayor Millis proclaimed May, 1990 as "Good Posture Month" and May 13-20, 1990 as "Chiropractic Wellness Week." Dr. Michael Lawson accepted the proclamation on behalf of the Central Coast Chiropractic Society. 7. REGISTER OF CHECKS It was moved by Smith/Dougall, and the motion passed to approve the cash disbursements in the Total Amount of $611,618.99 as contained in the May 2, 1990 Staff Report of Finance Director David Bacon. 8.A. HOOK RAMPS AT CAMINO MERCADO No Report. 8.B. INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT WEST BRANCH STREET/GRAND AVENUE/ TRAFFIC WAY AND WESLEY STREET No Report. 8.C. PROPOSED POLICE FACILITY EXPANSION Mr. Christiansen reported that the police would be moving furniture into the building sometime in the next two weeks. 8. D. MEETING OF THE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY WATER RESOURCES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Mr. Karp referred to his May 2, 1990 Staff Report to the City Council, and said he would answer any questions. There were none. 8.E. PROPERTY TRANSFER - FIVE ACRES No Report. 9.A. RESOLUTION APPOINTING A REPRESENTATIVE TO THE SOLID WASTE TASK FORCE AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 2384 It was moved by SmithjMoots (5-0-0, with Smith, Moots, Olsen, Dougall and Millis voting aye) to approve Resolution No. 2388 Appointing a Representative to the Solid Waste Task Force and Rescinding Resolution No. 2384. Council Member Dougall will be the representative. Mayor Millis directed Mr. Christiansen to place this item under "Reports" on the City Council Agenda for the first meeting of each month in the future. 9.B. ADOPTION OF 1990-91 EXPENDITURE APPROPRIATION LIMIT It was moved by Moots/Dougall (5-0-0, with Moots" Dougall, Smith, Olsen and Millis voting aye) to approve Resolution No. 2399 Adopting a Tax Proceeds Expenditure Appropriation Limit for Fiscal Year 1990-199L In answer to Council Member Moots' question regarding the Gann limit, Mr. Christiansen said in the 1990-1991 budget there is a differential of approximately a $1.2 million. 10. EXPIRATION OF TERMS OF OFFICE FOR VARIOUS COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS Mayor Millis referred to the list of city commissioners whose terms are expiring June 30, 1990. He said the openings would be 2 252 . - CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 8, 1990 advertised May 9, 1990; he would announce his intention to fill the vacancies on May 22, 1990, and would be nominating citizens to serve on the commissions in June, 1990. 11. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS A... Mr. Christiansen said an item had been presented to the City after this agenda had been printed concerning a progress billing to Morello Construction Co. He said the company has been working on the rehabilitation of the Bridge Street Bridge. It was moved by Smith/Olsen (5-0-0, Smith, Olsen, Dougall, Moots and Millis voting aye) to add the item to the agenda. Mr. Christiansen referred to Mr. Karp's May 7, 1990 Staff Report on the Bridge Street Bridge Rehabilitation Restoration ~ Project No. 90-89-2. He said that the project is 99 percent complete, and recommended that the Council authorize disbursement of funds requested on Progress Billing #3, to Morello Construction Co. , Inc. , in the total amount of $48,906.00. He said there would be a ten percent retention. It was moved by Smith/Dougall, and the motion passed, to approve Staff recommendation. Jh HERMAN OLA VE, who is working with Harvest Bag, supported the request for emergency funds. 13. CLOSED SESSION'. : . It was moved by Dougall/Smith, and the motion passed, to adjourn at 7:50 P.M. to a Closed Session on Potential Litigation, Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(1); City initiated litigation, Government Code section 54956.9(c), and Personnel, Government Code' Section 54957. 14. ADJOURNMENT The Council reconvened at 8:25 P.M. and immediately adjourned, on passage of a motion by Dougall/Smith. ~~ K M.~, YOR \ . ATTEST: CLERK ....... , I 3 __.o_."__________.__.____