Minutes 1990-04-09 SP 218- , ~ MINUTES MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, APRIL 9, 1990 SOUTH COUNTY REGIONAL CENTER, 800 WEST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met at 7:30 P.M., with Mayor Mark M. Millis presiding. FLAG SALUTE Mayor Millis led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. ROLL CA~ ' Present were Mayor Millis and council Members A. K. "Pete" I Dougall, Gene Moots, Doris Olsen and B'Ann Smith. The subject of the meeting was the General Plan Update of the J Land Use, Housing, open Space and conservation Elements. Mayor Millis said this was the first City Council hearing on the General Plan Update. He said the Planning Commission had held five public hearings and heard considerable testimony before recommending adoption of the four General Plan elements and the environmental protection report. He said the Council would accept as much testimony as possible. Planning Director Doreen Liberto-Blanck referred to her April 9, 1990 Staff Report, and gave background on the preparation of the Update. She said the Staff is recommending that the City Council (1) Open the public hearing and accept testimony on the General Plan Update and Environmental Impact Report; (2) Discuss the Planning Commission's recommendations, as listed in the Staff Report, and make changes where appropriate: and (3) If all issues are resolved, direct Staff to return at a future meeting with the necessary findings and resolutions for certification of the EIR and adoption of the General Plan Elements. Lloyd Zola of Planning Network, consultant hired by the City to prepare the General Plan Update, pointed out changes in the General Plan Land Use map made by the Planning Commission. He said the changes were highlighted in the April 9, 1990 Staff Report. He said there also are changes in the General Plan text made by the Planning Commission, and are ~n the Staff Report. He referred to Page 13, Table 1 Planning Commission Approved Plan (vs. EIR Lower Density Alternative). Mr. Zola explained actions taken by the Planning commission with regard to the determination of economic viability of agriculture and said a definition is provided in the plan. He discussed another issue concerning industrial use of land. He said that to create a new use it will have to be demonstrated that there is compatibility with, surrounding uses. He said a petroleum dealer, who has been in business for 40 years in the Industrial Zone, has demonstrated that his business is compatible with the I surrounding area. I , I After being assured that the Public Hearing had been duly -.,) published and all legal requirements met, Mayor Millis declared the hearing open and said all persons would be heard regarding the matter. Three speakers referred to the land bounded by Oak Park Boulevard, Grand Avenue, Ash and Spruce Streets (existing strawberry fields). BURT JOHNSON, representing Kingo Kawaoko Farms: , HENRY DEA, representing Masako Matsumoto, and JIM MASON, , representing owners of property at 1536 Grand Avenue, said that , farming the land is not economically viable, and requested that the Council change the land designation to a residential category at this time rather than showing it as an agriculture. They said the -, 1 ~ .........._...___ _"_.__..,~_____~_~____._.____~_~____._._.__,______~'_____~__ __________.__.__...__n___________._._.___ __ ____n_ _ _____.___ ----- --..--- . 219 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 9, 1990 property along Grand Avenue should be general commercial. They had concerns about the requirement of a specific plan. Mr. Dea said according to the agriculture category in the Update, only agriculture products produced on site could be sold on the property. He said the Matsumotos would like to farm the land as long as possible. Mr. Mason said the front half of the property he is representing has a commercial use on it, and the back half is rented to the Matsumoto familY for $1,000. He requested that the I requirement for a specific plan be dropped because, as a property I owner with the least acreage, his clients would not have much input. \.., Hill said ELLA HONEYCUTT of 560 Oak Road the strawberry farmers are not the only farmers in the area. She said an equi table plan for all farmers is needed. She said there are liquefaction concerns in floodplain areas. She asked the City to do a comprehensive plan on the strawberry fields and allow the farmers to use density transfers. JOHN WILBANKS of RRM Design Group, representing owners of 60 acres south of Arroyo Grande High School, said his client, Wilma Pacific, supports the Planning Commission recommendation for this property as long as a General Plan amendment still can be processed. He said Wilma Pacific is willing to provide affordable housing if a restrictive pOlicy is added to the General Plan to allow higher density. COKER ELLSWORTH of 129 Bridge Street said his land is not economically viable for agriculture, and the net income from the property is $7,000 per year. He said his property is zoned for RAB-3 and he has paid taxes on residential value. He submitted a letter from his attorney and court records to the City Clerk for inclusion in the record. JENNIFER BECKER of Garing, Taylor and Associates, represented Richard Lemon, who owns property on pearwood Avenue. She said Mr. Lemon should be able to develop his property at the same density as the surrounding area. She said standards in the existing zoning ordinance should be used for determining lot sizes on the basis of slope. She submitted a letter dated April 9, 1990, stating Mr. Lemon's position on the matter. GREG WHITFORD of 1148 Pair Oaks Avenue said he was against the R-3 conversion to lower density. He said lower densities drive home prices up, and more water will be used in landscaping the larger lots. EARL PATTON of 121 Poole Street requested that he be exempt from this Update and that his property remain R-3. "- JAMES P. DOTSON of 801 Huasna Road said he does not object to the R-S designation for his 8.5 acre property, but he raises llamas and wanted to know if the Update would affect them. He said that property he owns on Short Street currently zoned R-3 is proposed for M-P. He objected to the lower density. ROSS N. MCGOWAN of 241 Corbett Canyon Road said he objected to the change in the R-S category from three dwelling units per acre to 2.5 dwelling units per acre. He said water concerns are not a legitimate reason for reducing densities. He said the Council should consider other resources also. JIM MCGILLIS of 133 Bridge Street said he agreed with the .'. 2 -. - ----" , _.~. -.. --. --~-_._-~----_..- - ,..-" 220 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 9, 1990 .. Planning Commission's recommendations on Items M and 0 on Page 7 of the April 9, 1990, Staff Report. He questioned the adequacy of the EIR with regard to the low density alternative. He said California will grow in the next 10 years. He said that reduced densities will require people to live farther away from work and therefore cause more traffic and air quality impacts. He said growth is inevitable, and the agricultural land will be developed. He said the Council should get rid of the Low Density Alternative and save the City's greatest resource, the land. TIM MCKENNA of 250 Pleasant Lane said he supports the Planning commission's recommendation on Item J on Page 6 of the April 9, ""\ 1990 Staff Report. He said he also was representing Helen sturges, , who owns property adjacent to his. He asked the Council to reconsider the low density alternative. MARIE CATTOIR of 195 Orchid Lane said property owners in her area w~h to retain the RAB-3 land uses so they will not be non- conforming under the new General Plan. She said residents should be informed of new development at the beginning. Mayor Millis accepted into the record a petition from residents of Pearwood and Rosewood Avenues supporting the Planning Commission's decision on the property of Richard L. Lemon. The petition said Mr. Lemon did agree to the conditions imposed by the City when he received his four lot split on November 14, 1975. It said the increased density requested by Mr. Lemon is a danger to houses below because of the severe steepness of the hillside which exceeds 50 percent grade on 90 percent of the hill. RON ABELOE of 1259 Poplar Street said the farmers do not want the protection the City is offering. He said the farmers should be able to choose whether to farm or not to farm. He said the farmers should develop feasibility requirements. He said the city is negligent in affordable housing, and the Council should support it. He said the state will be doing the planning if the City does not. He opposed the Planning commission recommendation of the low density alternative, and supported the original proposal. KARL HOGAN of 1255 poplar said industrial land should be down wind. He said parks should be consolidated. He said city commissions should work on water, sewer and garbage rather than design requirements. He said City borders should be smoothed out. He was in favor of affordable housing, and against 20,000 square foot lots. He said his property on poplar has been rezoned four times. He asked for a definition of the M-F (Multiple Family) designation. RON STOB of 295 Alder agreed with the Planning commission recommendation with regard to Alder House. l THE COUNCIL RECESSED FROM 8:40 TO 8:45 P.M. I Mayor Millis answered Mr. Hogan's question about the M-F zoning designation in the General Plan Update, and said it is 9 units per acre. MANUEL L. SEBASTIAN of 1131 El Camino Real spoke on the industrial category, and said industrial parks and offices are separate uses. He said all commercial zones are storing and selling hazardous materials. He said the wording in industrial category needs to reflect what the Council wants since it is conflicting in several areas. He said the Sphere of Influence should be extended south of the City along Highway 101 and Los Berros Road. He said that not having industrial areas in the city will send people further away for jobs. 3 .--~- ~-_._----- . 221 \ \ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 9, 1990 Referring to Mr. Sebastian's gasoline and oil distribution business on El Camino Real, Mayor Millis said in 1980, when the Brisco Island was annexed to the city, there was a promise made by the City that all existing uses would remain the same. ROGER PEARSON, representing Landmark Missionary Baptist Church, asked the Council if the proposed P-F designation would alter the church's master plan to build a senior retirement home. JOHN E. ROBERTSON of 261 Hillcrest Drive objected to reduction in density for property at Spruce and Ash Streets. He requested senior housing. HEATHER JENSEN, executive director of the Chamt,ler of Commerce, urged the Council to consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission to extend the City's Sphere of Influence. She said the '-, Chamber is looking for land for a light industrial commerce park. W. VON BISKUPSKY of Santa Barbara said he would like to convert apartments at 1173 Fair Oaks to condominiums but feels the Housing Element might preclude this. He said condominiums allow first time buyers to become property owners. He asked the Council to change the time frame for adoption of a Condominium Conversion Ordinance to 1990 in the Housing Element. Mr. Von Biskupsky submitted a letter dated April 9, 1990, stating his position on the matter. SIGRID GREEN of 315 South Elm Street opposed the reduction in density in multiple family zoned areas. DENNIS FITZSIMMON of 145 Rosewood supported the Planning commission recommendation regarding Page 10, Item V of the April 9, 1990, Staff Report. He said he was concerned with development on the hillside. PAT MCKENNA of 137 Juniper street said her property on Juniper should not be down zoned to single family. Mr. Abeloe reiterated his opposition to lowering the density, and said the council should listen to Staff. CECIL GOLLEHER of 304 Lincoln Street, Taft, said he has a lot on south Traffic Way and wanted to know how the General Plan affects him if he wants to build. A written comment was entered into the record from DONALD R. BENCH, 602 Grant Terrace, Taft, who was opposed to rezoning if it would prevent him from building a home on his property. city Manager Chris Christiansen said that after the Agenda packets for this meeting were delivered to the Council, nUmerous letters were received commenting on the General Plan Update. He said they had been numbered 77 and on. Mayor Millis said they all would be entered into the record. Mr. Christiansen said Staff ~ would be responding to the letters. Mayor Millis said when the Public Hearing was closed tonight, discussion at the next City Council meeting would be limited to the Council. Ms. Liberto-Blanck said Staff also would be responding to oral and written comments received at this meeting. Council Member Moots requested that in the future an index of testimony and written comments be made for the Council to use at the meeting. Mr. Von Biskupsky spoke again in favor of affordable housing, 4 , " , . .-. .-- . ...-------------.-.----- -------- - -- 222 '. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 9, 1990 \:' and objected to lowering the density. When no one else came forward to speak, Mayor Millis closed the hearing to the floor, and said at the next Council meeting on April 24, 1990, Staff would be responding to written and verbal comments made at this meeting. Ms. Liberto-Blanck said Staff needs Council direction as to whether it agrees with the Planning Commission recommendations or has any changes to make. She requested that Council then direct Staff to return with resolutions and findings for adoption. ""' Mayor Millis thanked all those who came to the meeting. On motion of Council Member Moots, seconded by Council Member Smith, the meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M. ~111Auu~ B'ANN SMITH, MAYOR PRO TEM ATTEST: ~ O. ~1"'~) NANCY A. AVIS, CITY CLERK 'i I I 5