Agenda Packet 2002-06-25 CITY COUNCIL City of AGENDA jIrroyo qrancfe Michael A. Lady Mayor Thomas A. Runels Mayor Pro Tem Steven Adams City Manager Jim Dickens Council Member Tony Ferrara Council Member Timothy J. Carmel City Attomey Sandy Lubin Council Member Kelly Wetmore Director, Administrative Services NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday June 25. 2002 6:15 P.M. Arrovo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC COMMENT on Special Meeting Agenda Items. Members of the public wishing to address the Council on any item described in this Notice may do so when recognized by the Presiding Officer. 3. CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION: a. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Govemment Code Section 54957.6: Agency Negotiator: Daniel Hemandez Represented Employees: Arroyo Grande Police Officers' Association (AGPOA) 4. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION: Announcement of reportable action from closed session, if any. 5. ADJOURNMENT. c:closedsession.agenda.062502. I ---.-..- ---.- _J CITY COUNCIL City of AGENDA jIrroyo qrancfe Michael A. Lady Mayor Thomas A. Runels Mayor Pro Tem Jim Dickens Council Member Steven Adams City Manager Tony Ferrara Council Member Timothy J. Carmel City Attorney Sandy Lubin Council Member Kelly Wetmore Director, Administrative BelVices AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 2002 7:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL COUNCIURDA 3. FLAG SALUTE: AL OLIVARES, AMERICAN LEGION 4. INVOCATION: JEAN BOWSER BAHAI FAITH, ARROYO GRANDE 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: 5.a. Proclamation - Attainina the Rank of Eaale Scout - James Robert Trlnaham 6. AGENDA REVIEW: 6.a. Move that all resolutions and ordinances presented tonight be read in title only and all further readings be waived. -----.-. .._.~- --- AGENDA SUMMARY - JUNE 25, 2002 PAGE 2 7. CITIZENS' INPUT. COMMENTS. AND SUGGESTIONS: Persons in the audience may discuss business not scheduled on this agenda regarding any item of interest within the jurisdiction of the Council. The Council will listen to all communication; however, in compliance with the Brown Act, will not take any action on items that are not on the agenda. Upon completing your comments: . You may be directed to staff for assistance; . A Council Member may indicate an interest in discussing your issue with you subsequent to the Council meeting; . The Council may direct staff to research the issue and subsequently report back to the Council (generally in the form of a memorandum or staff report); or . No action is required or taken. 8. CONSENT AGENDA: The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. B.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification (SNODGRASS) Recommended ActIon: Approve the listings of cash disbursements for the period June 1, 2002 through June 15, 2002. B.b. Consideration of Cash Flow AnalysislADoroval of Interfund Advance from the Water Facllltv Fund (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Receive and accept May 2002 cash report and approve the interfund advance from the Water Facility Fund to cover cash deficits in other funds at 5/31/02. B.c. Consideration of Mileaae R.imbursement Rate for Emolov..s .nd Volunteers [COUNCIURDA] (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Establish 36.5cj: per mile as the employee/volunteer mileage reimbursement rate for FY 2002-2003. 8.d. Consideration of ADoroval of Minutes (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Approve minutes for the Special City CounciVRedevelopment Agency Meeting of May 30, 2002 as submitted. 8.e. Consideration of TemDOrarv Use Permit No. 02-015: Autho'3flon to Close a Cltv Street. Use Cltv Prooertv. and Waive Permit Fees for "4 of JulY In the Vlllaae" on Thursdav. Julv 4. 2002 (STRONG) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution approving Temporary Use Permit 02-015 for "4th of July in the Village", authorizing the closure of a City street and the use of City property, and authorizing the waiver of permit fees. , I \ ------ ----------- AGENDA SUMMARY - JUNE 25, 2002 PAGE 3 8. CONSENT AGENDA: (continued) 8.1. Consideration of Salarv and Benefit Adlustments for Manaaement Emolovees (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Adopt the Resolution approving compensation and benefit adjustments for management employees for FY 2002-03. B.g. Consideration of Salarv and Benefit Adlustments for Part-Time EmDlovees and Flreflphter Volunteers (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolutions approving compensation and benefit adjustments for part-time employees and firefighter volunteers for FY 2002-03. 8.h. Consideration of ADoroval Qf Flret Amendment to Emolovment Aareement with the Chief qf Police (CARMEL) Recommended Action: Approve Employment Agreement between the City and the Chief of Police. B.i. 2002 General MuniciDaI election (WETMORE) Recommended Action: 1) Adopt Resolution calling and giving notice of a General Municipal Election to be held in the City on Tuesday, November 5, 2002, for the election of certain officers of the City; and 2) Adopt Resolution requesting the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo to consolidate the General Municipal Election to be held on November 5, 2002, with the Statewide General Election to be held on the same date pursuant to Section 10403 of the Elections Code. 8.j. Consideration of ADoroval of Final Tract Mao 2260 Phase III: Q$ t,lomes LLC: Berrv Gardens (SPAGNOLO) Recommended ActIon: Approve Final Tract Map 2260, Phase III subdividing approximately 7.3 acres into thirty-eight (38) residential lots. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: I 9.a. Consl~eratlon of Amendments to Franchise ADreements with South County I Sanltarv Service to Increase Franchise F~ for Collection. QIversIon .nd I plsoosal 9.f !Jolld Waste and Reol.ce Recvcll.na..!2lDlo~ ProarMI and A5bI.DlItmSlon Fee wjlh Franchise Fee for RecvcllnaServl!ill (ADAMS) Recommended Action: 1) Approve the Second Amendment to the Franchise Agreement with South County Sanitary Service for collection, diversion and disposal of solid waste to increase the franchise fee from six percent (6%) to ten (10%); and 2) Approve the First Amendment to the Franchise Agreement with South County Sanitary Service for collection, processing and marketing of residential and commercial recyclable materials to eliminate the Recycling Development Program and Administration Fee and establish a franchise fee of ten percent (10%). i i --------------- -- I AGENDA SUMMARY - JUNE 25, 2002 PAGE 4 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: 10.a. Consl~eration of the FY 2002-2003 Annual Budaet (ADAMS/SNODGRASS) [COUNCILlRDA] Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution approving the FY 2002-2003 Annual Budget. 10.b. Consideration of Placina a General Obllaation Bond Measure on the November 5. 2002 Ballot to Fund the Prooosed Fire Station Exoanslon Proiect (ADAMSlFIBICH) Recommended Action: 1) Adopt Resolution determining the need for the expansion of the existing fire station; and 2) Introduce Ordinance calling and giving notice of a Special Election on the proposition of whether bonds shall be issued and sold for the purpose of the fire station expansion project, ordering the submission of a measure to the qualified voters of the City at a Consolidated General Municipal Election, and establishing specifications for the Election order. 11. NEW ~VSINESS: None. 12. CITY CQUNCIL REPORTS: This item gives the Mayor and Council Members the opportunity to present reports to the other members regarding committees, commissions, boards, or special projects on which they may be participating. (a) MAYOR MICHAEL A. LADY: (1) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD) I (2) Other I (b) MAYOR PRO TEM THOMAS A. RUNELS: I (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board I , (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC) (3) Other (c) COUNCIL MEMBER JIM DICKENS: (1) Economic Opportunity Commission (EOC) (2) South County Youth Coalition (3) Other (d) COUNCIL MEMBER TONY M. FERRARA: I (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA) (2) Air Pollution Control District (APCD) (3) San Luis Obispo Council of GovemmentslSan Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORTA) (4) Other I ---_._- ----.--- I AGENDA SUMMARY - JUNE 25, 2002 PAGE 5 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS (continued): (e) COUNCIL MEMBER SANDY LUBIN: (1) South County Area Transit (SCAT) (2) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC) (3) Other 13. CITY COVNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the Mayor and/or a Council Member who would like to receive feedback, direct staff to prepare information, and/or request a formal agenda report be prepared and the item placed on a future agenda. No formal action can be taken. a) Request to have presentation on San Luis Obispo County Housing Trust Fund (DICKENS) 14. CITY MAt:lAGER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the City Manager in order to receive feedback and/or request direction from the Council. No formal action can be taken. a) None. 15. COUNCfIL COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Council. 16. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Manager. 17. ADJQURNMENT , I I I i I I i i I I I I I I I I I r I ----_.,--_._-_.~---- . --------.. -- I AGENDA SUMMARY - JUNE 25, 2002 PAGE 6 * * . . * * * Copies of the staff reports or other written materials relating to each item of business referred to on this agenda are on file with the Director of Administrative Services and are available for public inspection and reproduction at cost. If you have questions regarding any agenda item, please contact the Director of Administrative Services at (80S) 473-5414. * * * * * * * In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting, please contact the Director of Administrative Services at the number listed above at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to ensure that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting. * * * . * * * Note: This agenda is subject to amendment up to 72 hours prior to the date and time set for the meeting. Please refer to the agenda posted at City Hall for any revisions, or call the Director of Administrative Services at (805) 473-5414 for more information. www.arrovoarande.ora I I i i ~,-- --~-~ J Honorary Proclamation Recognizing 5.a. JAMES TRINGHAM for Attaining the Rank of Eagle Scout WHEREAS, The Boy Scouts of America, since its founding in 1910 has been the preeminent organization for lnstilling positive values in its youth membersbip; and WHEREAS, Approximately two percent of all Boy Scouts nationwide attain the rank of Eagle Scout; and WHEREA.S, Good Citizensbip, Character Development, Physical Fitness, and Service to Others, are qualities promoted by the Boy Scout Program and are demonstrated in both attitude and action of Eagle Scouts; and WHEREA.S, Troop 234 of Arroyo Grande, Califon:rla, is honoring one of its very own members - JAMES ROBERT TRINGHAM, who has attained the rank of EAGLE SCOUT. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED, that I, Michael A. Lady, Mayor of the City of Arroyo Grande, on behalf of the City Council, do hereby . . congratulate JAMES ROBERT TRINGHAM for acbieving the rank of EAGLE SCOUT, and take this opportunity to recognize JAMES' commitment, diligence, and dedication in undertaking and completing bis Eagle Scout Project. The outcome of wbich resulted in the construction of a I fence, the installation of an irrigation system, and the landscaping of the I , , area in front of the Sisters of Mercy Convent behind St. Patrick's Catholic School. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande to be affixed this 2~ day of June, 2002. MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR. ..____mn. I -~-_.- J 8.a. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES~ BY: JANET M. HUWALDT, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR SUBJECT: CASH DISBURSEMENT RATIFICATION DATE: JUNE 25, 2002 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council ratify the attached listing of cash disbursements for the period June 1 - June 15, 2002. FUNDING: There is a $509,698.64 fiscal impact. DISCUSSION: The attached listing represents the cash disbursements required of normal and usual operations. It is requested that the City Council approve these payments. ATTACHMENTS: ATTACHMENT 1 - Cash Disbursement Listing ATTACHMENT 2 - June 7,2002 Accounts Payable Check Register ATTACHMENT 3 - June 14, 2002 Accounts Payable Check Register ATTACHMENT 4 - June 14, 2002 Payroll Checks and Benefit Checks I ~_._._--_.- ~ I ATIACHMENT 1 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CASH DISBURSEMENTS For the Period of June 1 Through June 15, 2002 June 25/ 2002 Presented are the cash disbursements issued by the Deparbnent of Financial Services for the period June 1 to June 15/ 2002 Shown are cash disbursements by week of occurrence and type of payment i;_I!,ii;mli.il~..ii ....ii..i....ii.ii ..,....,.,..,.........,.,.,.,..:....,llill..1 June 7/ 2002 Accounts Payable Cks 106050-106135 2 $ 177,377.11 June 14/ 2002 Accounts Payable Cks 106136-106217 3 73/312.28 Payroll Checks and Benefit Checks 4 295.279.25 332.591.53 Two Week Total ~ sq,,~,~ CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE INDEX FOR BUDGET DEPARTMENTS EDEN COMPUI'ER SYSTEM GENERAL FUND /0101 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS City Government (Fund 010) Park Development Fee Fund (Fund 213) 4001 - City Council 4550 - Park Development Fee 4002 - Administrative Services Traffic Signal Fund (Fund 222) 4003 - City Attorney 4501 - Traffic Fund 4101 - City Manager Transportation Fund (Fund 225) 4102 - Printing/Duplicating 4553 - Public Transit System 4120 - Financial Services Construction Tax Fund (Fund 230) 4121 - Taxes/ Insurance/ Bonds 4556 - Construction Tax 4130 - Community Development Police Grant Funds 4131 - Community Building (CDBG) 4201 - Law Enforcement Equip. (Fd 272) 4140 - Management Information System 4202 - State AB3229 Cops Grant (Fd 271) 4145 - Non Departmental 4203 - Federal Universal Hiring (Fd 274) Public Safety (Fund 010) 4208 - Federal Local Law Enforcmt (FD 279) 4201 - Police Redevelopment Agency ( Fund 284) 4211 - Fire 4103 - Redevelopment Administration 4212 - Building & Safety ENTERPRISE FUNDS Public Works (Fund 010) Sewer Fund (Fund 612) 4301 - Public Works-Admin & Engineering 4610 - Sewer Maintenance 4303 - Street/Bridge Maintenance Water Fund (Fund 640) 4304 - Street lighting 4710 - Water Administration 4305 - Automotive Shop 4711 - Water Production Parks & Recreation (Fund 010) 4712 - Water Distribution 4420 - Parks Lopez Administration (Fund 641) 4421 - Recreation 4750 - Lopez Administration 4422 - General Recreation CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS (Fund 3501 4423 - Pre-School Program 5501-5599 - Park Projects 4424 - Recreation-Special Programs 5601-5699 - Streets Projects 4425 - Children in Motion 5701-5799 - Drainage Projects 4426 - Five Cities Youth Basketball 5801-5899 - Water/Sewer/Street Projects 4430 - Soto Sport Complex 5901-5999 - Water Projects 4213 - Government Buildings 4460 - Parkway Maintenance I I Dept. Index rorCouncil.xls I I I ATTACHNENT 2 VQUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 1 06/05/02 07:47 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 12 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 106050 06/07/02 100882 ADVANCE MARKING SYSTEMS NAME TAGS 010.4211.5324 24.55 24.55 106051 06/07/02 102509 API WASTE SERVICES RIO BIN-DUMP/RETURN sves. 010.4213.5604 250.00 106051 06/07/02 102509 API WASTE SERVICES Rio BIN-DUMP/RETURN sves. 010.4213.5604 250.00 500.00 106052 06/07/02 102050 AVAYA, INC. MERLIN PHONE sve. AGREEMENT 010.4145.5403 28.16 28.16 106053 06/07/02 100902 Aveo FIRE EXTINGUISHER VALVE STEM 010.4211. 5603 B.58 8.58 106054 06/07/02 101810 BASIC CHEMICAL SOLUTION SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 640.4712.5274 429.39 429.39 1060S5 06/07/02 102997 BEARY CUTE BEARS 16 PANDA BEARS-EVERY 15 MINUTE 010.4201. 5597 720.00 720.00 106056 06/07/02 012168 BOXX EXPRESS UPS SHIPPING CHARGES 010.4211.5201 7.67 106056 06/07/02 012168 BOXX EXPRESS UPS SHIPPING CHARGES 010.4211.5201 6.06 106056 06/07/02 012168 BOXX EXPRESS UPS SHIPPING CHARGES 010.4201.5201 24.95 38.68 106057 06/07/02 012754 BREZDEN PEST CONTROL QUARTLEY PEST CONTROL 010.4213.5604 92.00 92.00 106058 06/07/02 013026 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER HOSES 220.4303.5613 166.65 166.65 106059 06/07/02 102971 MATT BROCK S/BALL LEAGUE UMP-BROCK 010.4424.5352 96.00 96 .00 106060 06/07/02 013572 BRUMIT DIESEL,INC OPACITY TEST 5 ENGINES 010.4211.5601 165.50 106060 06/07/02 013572 BRUMIT DIESEL,INC OPACITY TEST OES272 010.4211.5601 33 .10 198.60 106061 06/07/02 101431 BURDINE PRINTING 5 COPIES-R.G.PARK 350.5512.7301 103.78 103.78 106062 06/07/02 102939 CID CABRIALES NHTSA TRAFFIC STOPS 010.4201.5597 285.96 285.96 106063 06/07/02 021138 CENTRAL COAST FENCE 3 GATES BUILT/INSTL-PONDS 220.4303.5613 1,078.00 1,078.00 106064 06/07/02 021918 CENTRAL COAST SUPPLY BLDG MAINT. SUPPLIES 010.4213.5604 454.41 454.41 106065 06/07/02 102386 CHIEF SUPPLY BOOTS/COVERALLS/LADDER 010.4211.5325 219.93 219.93 I 106066 06/07/02 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET ELECTRICAL REPRS 010.4301.5601 72.85 106066 06/07/02 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET R/R FUEL SENDER/FUEL TRANSFER 010.4420.5601 547.55 620.40 106067 06/07/02 102928 COLLEGE TOWING SmITH BURNED VEH MOVED-546 DIANA 010.4201.5303 55.00 55.00 106068 06/07/02 102341 COMADE 50 SPIT MESH HOODS 010.4201.5272 165.76 165.76 106069 06/07/02 101638 TYLER COON S/BALL LEAGUE SCORER-COON 010.4424.5352 37.50 37.50 106070 06/07/02 026286 CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LAB WATER SAMPLES 640.4710.5310 70.00 70.00 106071 06/07/02 102998 JIM CREEKMORE DJ FATHER/DAUGHTER DATE NIGHT 010.4424.5353 250.00 250.00 106072 06/07/02 026754 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER C BOTTLED WATER 010.4001.5201 5.50 106072 06/07/02 026754 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER C BOTTLED WATER 010.4212.5201 15.75 21.25 I , ---._._~ VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 2 06/05/02 07:47 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 12 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 106073 06/07/02 101779 erE COMPUTER TRAINING C CRYSTAL RPT TRAINING-LINTNER 010.4201.5607 532.00 532.00 106074 06/07/02 027144 L.N CURTIS & SONS TURNOUT COATS/NAME TAGS 010.4211.5272 3,088.26 106074 06/07/02 027144 L.N CURTIS & SONS WILDLAND JACKETS/PANTS/SHIRTS 010.4211.5272 1,245.71 106074 06/07/02 027144 L.N CURTIS & SONS BULLET CHAIN LOOP 010.4211.5273 300.30 4,634.27 106075 06/07/02 027534 D.G.REPAIR REPR.OIL LEAK 010.4213.5601 50.25 50.25 106076 06/07/02 028548 DAYSTAR INDUSTRIES STREET SWEEPING 612.4610.5303 6,113.70 6,113.70 106077 06/07/02 101716 JIM DECECCO S/BALL LEAGUE UMP-DECECCO 010.4424.5352 128.00 128.00 106078 06/07/02 029250 J.B. DEWAR,INC. OIL 220.4303.5608 121.19 121.19 106079 06/07/02 029484 DIESELRO INC. ELECTRICAL WORK ON BOOM 612.4610.5603 84.50 106079 06/07/02 029484 DIESELRO INC. SWITCH 612.4610.5603 75.53 106079 06/07/02 029484 DIESELRO INC. REMOTE SWITCH 612.4610.5603 32.50 106079 06/07/02 029484 DIESELRO INC. SERVICE CHIPPER 220.4303.5603 226.40 418.93 106080 06/07/02 030584 DEBI DYKZEUL S/BALL SCORER-DYKZEUL 010.4424.5352 67.50 67.50 106081 06/07/02 102563 EMPIRE LABS,INC SOY RELEASE AGENT 220.4303.5601 489.65 489.65 106082 06/07/02 100310 EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATION DDS 11 DAT TAPES/CLEANING 010.4201.5607 180.09 180.09 106083 06/07/02 101817 FIVE CITIES YOUTH BASKE 5 C YOUTH B/BALL 010.4426.5319 15,925.64 15,925.64 106084 06/07/02 036738 GALL'S INC NAME TAGS 010.4211.5324 19.99 106084 06/07/02 036738 GALL'S INC RECHARG.BATTERY STICK 010.4211.5325 64.74 84.73 106085 06/07/02 101814 GST INDUSTRIES, INC. CONTROL 010.4211.5603 408.46 106085 06/07/02 101814 GST INDUSTRIES, INC. TIP NOZZLES/BASE SHUT OFF 010.4211.5325 3,111.45 106085 06/07/02 101814 GST INDUSTRIES, INC. CR:CONTROL 010.4211.5603 408.46- 106085 06/07/02 101814 GST INDUSTRIES,INC. CR: TIP NOZZLE CHARGE 010.4211.5325 858.00- 2,253.45 106086 06/07/02 040092 ALLAN HANCOCK COLLEGE REGIS-4 DRIVING FORCE SIM. 010.4201.5501 119.00 106086 06/07/02 040092 ~ HANCOCK COLLEGE ENROLL FEE-GRAVES/KRUSE/QUINLA 010.4211.5501 23.00 142.00 106087 06/07/02 100099 HAYWARD LUMBER DIGGER BARS 220..4303.5273 77 .19 77 .19 1 106088 06/07/02 +02701 INDOFF,INC. CART/DATA/PENS 010.4211.5201 124.57 124.57 106089 06/07/02 045708 INTOXIMETERS, INC. SOFTWARE 010.4201.5607 32.56 32.56 I 106090 06/07/02 100673 RON JOHNSON TUBES/WHEEL BEARING 010.4211.5608 377.27 377.27 106091 06/07/02 100692 KENNEDY CLUB FITNESS FIRE DEPT MEMB 6/1-7/15 010.4211. 5501 300.00 300.00 106092 06/07/02 048360 LINDA KEY REIMB.SUPPLIES-KEY 010.4423.5253 61.41 61.41 106093 06/07/02 049764 LAB SAFETY SUPPLY, INC GAS MONITOR 010.4211.5325 1,000.00 -~_. VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 3 06/05/02 07:47 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 12 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 106093 06/07/02 049764 LAB SAFETY SUPPLY, INC GAS MONITOR 010.4211.5324 944.06 1,944.06 106094 06/07/02 100985 DOUG LINTNER S/BALL LGE.OFFICIAL-LINTNER 010.4424.5352 112.00 112.00 106095 06/07/02 052416 SUSAN LINTNER CRYSTAL RPT.TRAINING 010.4201. 5607 40.00 40.00 106096 06/07/02 053118 LUCIA MAR UN.SCH.DIST. TENNIS COURT RENT 010.4424.5251 3.00 3.00 106097 06/07/02 102329 MARCH OF DIMES REF. TEMP. USE PERM-MARCH OF 010.0000.4162 105.00 105.00 106098 06/07/02 100968 MAXIMUS PROF.SVCS 010.4145.5303 700.00 700.00 106099 06/07/02 102987 MEDICAL RESEARCH LABS,I DEFIBRILLATOR/CASE 010.4211.5324 3,022.20 106099 06/07/02 102987 MEDICAL RESEARCH LABS, I CABLE ADAPTORS 010.4211.5206 135.00 3,157.20 106100 06/07/02 102086 MEDSTOP URGENT CARE DMV PHYS-WHITNEY 010.4211. 5315 75.00 75.00 106101 06/07/02 056628 MID STATE BANK-MASTERCA GASOLINE 010.4201.5608 120.81 106101 06/07/02 056628 MID STATE BANK-MASTERCA TRAVEL/TRAINING EXP 010.4201.5501 461.90 582.71 106102 06/07/02 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE FILTERS/OIL/LUBE/ROTATE 220.4303.5601 54.08 54.08 106103 06/07/02 057096 MINER I S ACE HARDWARE PVC CONDUIT 010.4201.5607 30.79 106103 06/07/02 057096 MINER I S ACE HARDWARE BATTERIES 640.4712.5255 2.67 106103 06/07/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PAINT/PAINTING SUPPLIES 010.4211.5255 23.33 106103 06/07/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE RUST DESTROYER 010.4211.5255 17.15 106103 06/07/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE MAGNET ROUNDBASE 010.4211. 5255 7.28 106103 06/07/02 057096 MINER I S ACE HARDWARE PLUG 010.4211.5255 2.67 106103 06/07/02 057096 MINER I S ACE HARDWARE GFCI TESTER 010.4212.5255 11. 57 106103 06/07/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE BULBS/PLUMBING SUPPLIES 010.4211.5255 7.06 106103 06/07/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PVC CONDUIT 010.4201. 5607 17.11 106103 06/07/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE DUCK TAPE/GASKET MAKER SETS 350.5906.7001 101. 92 106103 06/07/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE FASTNERS/CLAMPS 640.4712.5610 2.67 106103 06/07/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE MISC. HARDWARE/MARKING PAINT 010.4430.5605 62.24 I 106103 06/07/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE FLUSHING JARS 640.4712.5255 8.57 106103 06/07/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE BUSHING/PLUMBING SUPPLIES 010.4430.5605 2.49 106103 06/07/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE VAC PARTS 010.4305.5603 16.69 106103 06/07/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE SPRAY PAINT 010.4211.5255 4.28 106103 06/07/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE CR: SPRAY PAINT 010.4211. 5255 4.28- 106103 06/07/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE AM BA'ITERY 640.4712.5255 4.06 318.27 106104 06/07/02 058578 MULLAHEY FORD HEADLIGHT ASSEMBLY 010.4211. 5601 128.80 128.BO 106105 06/07/02 102988 LINDA ODELL REIMB.MILEAGE-OXNARD ODELL 010.4145.5501 88.67 88.67 106106 06/07/02 062712 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE ANNUAL PLANTS 010.4430.5605 76.51 106106 06/07/02 062712 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE WD 40 612.4610.5610 23.88 106106 06/07/02 062712 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE THREADLOCK 612.4610.5610 7.50 107.89 106107 06/07/02 063960 PACIFIC BELL 271-7480 010.4201.5403 64.82 106107 06/07/02 063960 PACIFIC BELL 489-9867 010.4201.5403 54.00 118.B2 I -- --_.~---- j VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 4 06/05/02 07:47 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 12 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 106108 06/07/02 064194 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 010.4304.5402 2,206.98 106108 06/07/02 064194 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 640.4712.5402 642.42 106108 06/07/02 064194 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 640.4711.5402 13,631.49 106108 06/07/02 064194 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 612.4610.5402 1,230.38 106108 06/07/02 064194 PACIFIC GAS << ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 010.4145.5401 8,596.42 106108 06/07/02 064194 PACIFIC GAS << ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 217.4460.5355 7.45 106108 06/07/02 064194 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 010.4145.5401 111.16 - 106108 06/07/02 064194 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 010.4304.5402 15,033.38 41,237.36 106109 06/07/02 102488 STEVE PARKER S/BALL LEAGUE UMPIRE-PARKER 010.4424.5352 82.50 82.50 106110 06/07/02 102996 PDR 2002 PDR 010.4201.5255 59.95 59.95 106111 06/07/02 066320 PIONEER EQUIPMENT CO. SERVICE BACKHOE 220.4303.5603 424.66 424.66 106112 06/07/02 068200 PMX WILDLAND GOGGLES 010.4211.5272 95.93 106112 06/07/02 068200 PMX MISC. MEDICAL SUPPLIES 010.4211.5206 1,649.97 1,745.90 106113 06/07/02 102673 PULITZER 5C TPR SUB TO 7/6 010.4120.5503 20.00 106113 06/07/02 102673 PULITZER LEGAL 113869 010.4130.5301 96.00 106113 06/07/02 102673 PULITZER LEGAL 113890 010.4130.5301 74.25 190.25 106114 06/07/02 069148 R & T EMBROIDERY,INC PUBLIC WORKS HATS 220.4303.5143 229.47 106114 06/07/02 069148 R & T EMBROIDERY,INC PUBLIC WORKS HATS 640.4711.5143 100.00 329.47 106115 06/07/02 100893 RANCHO GRANDE MOTORS, IN LUBE/OIL/FILTER/SERVICE 010.4420.5601 201.88 201. 88 106116 06/07/02 071682 GREG ROSE S/BALL LEAGUE OFFICIAL-ROSE 010.4424.5352 64.00 64.00 106117 06/07/02 102719 ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, PROF.SVCS-GENERAL IMPLEMENTAT 284.4103.5303 281.25 281.25 106118 06/07/02 102816 RUTAN & TUCKER,LLP PROF.SVCS-GENERAL PLAN 010.4003.5319 19,296.73 19,296.73 i 106119 06/07/02 077024 ANN SARMIENTO S/BALL SCORER-SARMIENTO 010.4424.5352 105.00 105.00 I 106120 06/07/02 077142 JOYCE SARUWATARI REIMB.GRAD/CRAFT SUPPLIES 010.4423.5253 37.84 37.84 I 106121 06/07/02 102909 MARK SCHAFFER S/BALL LGE.UMP-SCHAFFER 010.4424.5352 160.00 160.00 106122 06/07/02 078156 SEBASTIAN OIL DISTRIB. DIESEL FUEL 010.4211.5608 126.04 126.04 106123 06/07/02 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY BACKUP HORN/RELAY 010.4211. 5601 33.29 106123 06/07/02 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY RADIO SUPPRESSOR 010.4211.5255 8.23 41.52 106124 06/07/02 101554 SOUZA CONSTRUCTION,INC OAK PK BLVD. WIDENING #3 350.5609.7001 56,928.26 56,928.26 I 106125 06/07/02 082212 RANDY STEFFAN MEALS-STRUCT.FIRE 010.4211.5255 249.09 249.09 I 106126 06/07/02 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS INSTL FLASHLIGHT CHARGER/CAMER 010.4201.5601 124.00 106126 06/07/02 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS REPR.VIDEO UNIT 010.4201.5601 86.00 106126 06/07/02 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS 1 EES DOUBLE HOT SHOE MIRROR 010.4201.5601 1,737.15 I n_ ----- J VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 5 06/05/02 07:47 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 12 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT !\MOUNT 106126 06/07/02 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS 1 EES DOUBLE HOT SHOE MIRROR 010.4201.5601 1,737.15 3,684.30 106127 06/07/02 102318 DENNIS THURMAN S/BALL LEAGUE OFFICIAL-THURMAN 010.4424.5352 64.00 64.00 106128 06/07/02 102244 TITAN INDUSTRIAL HATCH FRISKER GLOVES 010.4201.5272 169.46 169.46 106129 06/07/02 088062 UNION ASPHALT INC FILL SAND 350.5906.7001 206.84 106129 06/07/02 088062 UNION ASPHALT INC FILL SAND 350.5906.7001 207.36 414.20 106130 06/07/02 087672 UNITED RENTALS RENTAL-BOOM PORTER 010.4430.5605 469.59 469.59 106131 06/07/02 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE-FIRE PORTABLE 010.4211.5403 16.77 106131 06/07/02 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS MOTOR CELL PHONES 5/17/6/16 010.4201.5403 200.81 217.58 106132 06/07/02 101866 VERIZON WIRELESS MESSAG PAGERS-FIRE/BLDG. MIS 010.4211.5403 23.66 106132 06/07/02 101866 VERIZON, WIRELESS MESSAG PAGERS-FIRE/BLDG. MIS 010.4212.5403 11.83 106132 06/07/02 101866 VERIZON WIRELESS MESSAG PAGERS-FIRE/BLDG.MIS 010.4140.5303 11.83 47.32 106133 06/07/02 102486 WATERBOYS PLUMBING REPL.TOILET IN CELL #2 010.4201.5604 1,030.00 1,030.00 106134 06/07/02 100431 WILLARD PAPER CO ENVELOPES/NCR/PAPER 010.4102.5255 556.45 106134 06/07/02 100431 WILLARD PAPER CO PAPER 010.4102.5255 205.12 761.57 106135 06/07/02 092430 JAMES WILLIAMS REIMB.MICROCASSETTE RECORDER 010.4201. 5606 42.89 42.89 TOTAL CHECKS 173,777.11 I I I , I i I I , i I i I --- .-. .~ VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 6 06/05/02 07:47 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 12 FUND TITLE AMOUNT 010 GENERAL FUND 90,613.70 217 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 7.45 220 STREETS FUND 2,867.29 284 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUND 281. 25 350 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 57,548.16 612 SEWER FUND 7,567.99 640 WATER FUND 14,891.27 TOTAL 173,777.11 I I ATTACH!-IENT 3 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 1 06/12/02 15:41 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 12 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 67798 06/06/02 101002 KELLY HEFFERNON MILEAGE-HEFFERNON 010.4130.5501 266.00 266.00 61800 06/05/02 103006 EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT EMPLOY.DEV.lST QTR 2002 SUI 010.4140.5142 3,317.00 67800 06/05/02 103006 EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT EMPLOY.DEV.lST QTR 2002 SUI 010.4211.5142 295.00 3,612.00 67801 06/06/02 103017 BILL ADAMS MAINT AGREE-HAMADA PRINT. PRESS 010.4102.5603 1,000.00 1,000.00 106136 06/14/02 103015 TOM ABSHERE REF.PARK DEPOSIT-ABSHERE 010.0000.4354 26.00 26.00 106137 06/14/02 000936 AFSS-SOUTHERN DIVISION AFSS DUES-HAGLUND 010.4211.5503 50.00 50.00 106138 06/14/02 103009 ANGELICA ANAYA REF. PARK DEPOSIT-ANAYA 010.0000.4354 26.00 26.00 106139 06/14/02 006006 ARROYO GRANDE FLOWER SH FLOWERS-COSGROVE/DASMANN 010.4201. 5303 93.84 93.84 106140 06/14/02 009750 BRENDA BARROW REIMB. FATHER DAUGHTER SPLY 010.4424.5252 485.27 106140 06/14/02 009750 BRENDA BARROW REIMB. PLAYGROUND SPLY 010.4422.5256 10.03 106140 06/14/02 009750 BRENDA BARROW REIMB. PRESCHOOL SPLYS 010.4423.5253 33.31 528.61 106141 06/14/02 103012 LINDA OR NATHAN BELCH REF.PARK DEPOSIT-BELCH 010.0000.4354 50.00 50.00 106142 06/14/02 011426 BLUEPRINT EXPRESS 10 COPIES-R.G.PARK 350.5512.7301 319.07 319.07 106143 06/14/02 013026 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER ROPE 220.4303.5613 7.28 106143 '06/14/02 013026 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER POST 220.4303.5613 14.80 22.08 106144 06/14/02 013338 BROWNELLS, INC. ARMORY MAINT. EQUIP. PARTS 010.4201.5603 476.23 476.23 106145 06/14/02 021762 CENTRAL COAST PRINTING CITY NEWSLETTER PRINTING 010.4002.5504 2,006.00 2,006.00 106146 06/14/02 102664 BLAKE CHAFFEE REF. WATER NEUTRAL-660 PASEO 226.0000.4027 2,200.00 2,200.00 10614 7 06/14/02 022632 CHAPARRAL MAINT/COPIER USEAGE 010.4421.5602 94.00 106147 06/14/02 022632 CHAPARRAL COPIER OVERAGE 010.4421.5602 15.97 109.97 106148 06/14/02 100471 KAREN CIPOLLA REF.PARK DEPOSIT-CIPOLLA 010.0000.4354 26.00 26.00 106149 06/14/02 101638 TYLER COON S/BALL LEAGUE SCORER-COON 010.4424.5352 15.00 15.00 106150 06/14/02 103007 MARSELLA CORDA REF. PARK DEPOSIT-CORDA 010.0000.4354 26.00 26.00 106151 06/14/02 026286 CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LAB WATER SAMPLES 640.4710.5310 70.00 106151 06/14/02 026286 CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LAB WATER SAMPLES 640.4710.5310 100.00 170.00 106152 06/14/02 102998 JIM CREEKMORE DJ FATHER/DAUGHTER NIGHT 010.4424.5353 25.00 25.00 106153 06/14/02 102926 CRUISERS 4 SEAT ASSEMB. 010.4201.5601 1,715.07 1,715.07 106154 06/14/02 076848 LENNY DE LOS SANTOS TENNIS CLASSES-DE LOS SANTOS 010.4424.5351 116.55 116.55 106155 06/14/02 101716 JIM DECECCO S/BALL LEAGUE UMP-DECECCO 010.4424.5352 48.00 48.00 i , -- ~.-..__.._--- J VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 2 06/12/02 15:41 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 12 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 106156 06/14/02 103011 RHEKA DENNEY REF. PARK DEPOSIT-DENNEY 010.0000.4354 26.00 26.00 106157 06/14/02 074840 DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFF VEHICLE FORFEITURE#VF 02-004 010.0000.2217 100.00 100.00 106158 06/14/02 101167 DTSC EPA CALOOO031205 220.4303.5613 200.00 200.00 106159 06/14/02 030284 DENISE DUFFY & ASSOCIAT CREEKSIDE CTR EIR JOB #2202 010.0000.2550 13,405.20 13,405.20 106160 06/14/02 030584 DEBI DYKZEUL S/BALL SCORER-DYKZEUL 010.4424.5352 15.00 15.00 106161 06/14/02 102574 EARTHLINK, INC INTERNET SVCS TO JUNE 20 010.4201.5607 41. 90 41. 90 106162 06/14/02 103005 BILL FINDLEY REIMB. TOMBSTONE-EVERY 15 MIN 010.4201.5597 113.13 113.13 106163 06/14/02 102405 SUMMER FRAPPIER REF. PARK DEPOSIT-FRAPPIER 010.0000.4354 26.00 26.00 106164 06/14/02 103003 GCCCA QTLY MTG- WETMORE 010.4002.5501 25.00 25.00 106165 06/14/02 102979 KAREN GIBBS SPECIAL EVENT SUPPLIES 010.4424.5252 57.78 57.78 106166 06/14/02 103010 GOSPEL LIGHTHOUSE REF. PARK DEPOSIT-GOSPEL 010.0000.4354 26.00 26.00 106167 06/14/02 042354 HI STANDARD AUTOMOTIVE TROY SINGLE CUP HOLDERS 010.4201.5601 87.96 87.96 106168 06/14/02 043914 JOSEPH IANNEO REIMB. PLANE TICKET-EVERY 15 010.4201.5597 120.00 120.00 106169 06/14/02 044496 INFORMATION SERVICES DAS SVCS 4/13-4/30 WKS 15 & 16 010.4140.5303 2,818.80 106169 06/14/02 044496 INFORMATION SERVICES DAS WEEKS 17/18/19/20 010.4140.5303 6,107.40 106169 06/14/02 044496 INFORMATION SERVICES DATA COMM.SVCS-B.DAVIS 010.4140.5303 2,176.00 11,102.20 106170 06/14/02 045474 INT'L INSTIT.MUNI.CLERK CC RESOURCE PUBLICATIONS 010.4002.5503 36.12 36.12 106171 06/14/02 045708 INTOXIMETERS, INC. MOUTHPIECES 010.4201.5255 53.69 53.69 106172 06/14/02 046176 J J'S FOOD COMPANY MEETING SUPPLIES-LOPEZ TECH 010.4001. 5504 22.92 22.92 106173 06/14/02 103004 LISA JORALEMUN REIMB.CRAFT SPLYS-EVRY 15 MIN 010.4201.5597 9.07 9.07 106174 06/14/02 103002 KERN CNTY ASSESSOR'S OF 2002 EDITION-RECORDER'S DOC 010.4002.5201 51.36 51.36 106175 06/14/02 102666 VALERIE KLINE PILATES CLASS-KLINE 010.4424.5351 266.00 266.00 106176 06/14/02 103013 ANNA LAWING REF. PARK DEPOSIT-LAWING 010.0000.4354 26.00 26.00 106177 06/14/02 100985 DOUG LINTNER S/BALL LGE.OFFICIAL-LINTNER 010.4424.5352 112.00 112.00 106178 06/14/02 052416 SUSAN LINTNER REIMB.GRIM REAPER COSTUME 010.4201.5597 21.45 21.45 106179 06/14/02 052806 E.C. LOOMIS & SON FEED K-9 SUPPLIES 010.4201.5322 39.58 39.58 106180 06/14/02 102667 ROSEMARIE LOPEZ CHEER & POM CLASS-LOPEZ 010.4424.5351 108.50 108.50 i -,-~..- ---- _J VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 3 06/12/02 15:41 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 12 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 106181 06/14/02 054494 CATHY MALLORY REIMB.PRE-SCHOOL SUPPLIES 010.4423.5253 48.66 48.66 106182 06/14/02 103008 ALFREDO MENDEZ REF. PARK DEPOSIT-MENDEZ 010.0000.4354 26.00 26.00 106183 06/14/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PLUG 010.4213.5604 6.42 106183 06/14/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PUTTY/TEFLON TAPE/PIPE JOINT 010.4213.5604 8.55 106183 06/14/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PLUG 010.4213.5604 6.42 106183 06/14/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE SPRAYERS 010.4430.5605 37.52 106183 06/14/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE D BATTERY 612.4610.5255 16.07 106183 06/14/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PLUGS 010.4213.5604 .54 106183 06/14/02 057096 MlNER'S ACE HARDWARE TUBE EXTEND 010.4213.5604 5.14 106183 06/14/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PAINT/FASTENERS 010.4201. 5605 9.56 106183 06/14/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE FAUCET BUBBLER 010.4430.5605 30.02 106183 06/14/02 057096 MlNER'S ACE HARDWARE HEX WRENCH SET 010.4420.5273 9.64 106183 06/14/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PAINT 010.4430.5605 173.40 106183 06/14/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE DUCK TAPE 220.4303.5255 25.70 106183 06/14/02 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE POLY TARP 640.4712.5610 37.53 366.51 106184 06/14/02 103014 STEPHANIE MORGAN REF. PARK DEPOSIT-MORGAN 010.0000.4354 26.00 26.00 106185 06/14/02 101750 OFFlCEMAX CREDIT PLAN KEYBOARD 010.4201.5607 69.71 69.71 106186 06/14/02 062712 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE DRYWALL SCREWS 220.4303.5273 107.24 106186 06/14/02 062712 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE CR:BOLTS 612.4610.5610 8.92- 106186 06/14/02 062712 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE WATER FILTERS/LIGHTS/HOSE 640.4712.5255 67.50 106186 06/14/02 062712 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE BOLTS 612.4610.5610 8.92 I 106186 06/14/02 062712 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE CLEANER 612.4610.5610 22.51 197.25 I I I 106187 06/14/02 102995 PACIFIC BELL/WORLDCOM PHONE 473-0379 010.4140.5303 67.36 i 106187 06/14/02 102995 PACIFIC BELL/WORLDCOM PHONE 021-2713 APRIL 010.4145.5403 289.59 356.95 I , 106188 06/14/02 064194 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 010.4304.5402 51.14 51.14 106189 06/14/02 103016 PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL PIPE 640.4712.5610 84.46 84.46 106190 06/14/02 102488 STEVE PARKER S/BALL LEAGUE UMPIRE-PARKER 010.4424.5352 37.50 37.50 106191 06/14/02 090284 SHAWN PRYOR REIMB.GASOLlNE-PRYOR 010.4201.5608 40.45 40.45 I 106192 06/14/02 102673 PULITZER LEGAL 113861 010.4002.5301 143.40 143.40 106193 06/14/02 069108 QUINN COMPANY PARTS-PW14 220.4303.5603 1,049.24 1,049.24 106194 06/14/02 069576 RADIOSHACK PHOTO PK2 DL123 BATTERIES 010.4301.5255 13.90 13.90 106195 06/14/02 103018 JESSE A. RAMEY REF:BUSlNESS LICENSE-RAMEY 010.0000.4050 25.00 25.00 106196 06/14/02 102547 RlCOH LEASING COPIER PROPERTY TAX REIMB-COPY 010.4421.5602 289.56 289.56 106197 06/14/02 102975 RINCON CONSULTANTS, INC. TTM 01-001 SUBSEQUENT EIR 010.0000.2475 7,512.80 7,512.80 .~- VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 4 06/12/02 15:41 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 12 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 106198 06/14/02 071058 KEVIN ROCHA REIMB.MILEAGE-ROCHA 010.4420.5501 17.50 17.50 106199 06/14/02 071682 GREG ROSE S/BALL LEAGUE OFFICIAL-ROSE 010.4424.5352 32.00 32.00 106200 06/14/02 077024 ANN SARMIENTO S/BALL SCORER-SARMIENTO 010.4424.5352 75.00 106200 06/14/02 077024 ANN SARMIENTO 2 HRS.LIGHT TURN OFF/ON 010.4424.5352 15.00 90.00 106201 06/14/02 102909 MARK SCHAFFER S/BALL LGE.liMP-SCHAFFER 010.4424.5352 64.00 64.00 106202 06/14/02 074100 SLO CNTY AUDITOR-CONTRO VEHICLE FORFEIT #0101830 010.0000.2217 89.00 89.00 106203 06/14/02 073944 SLO CO. ANIMAL REGULATIO ANIMAL SVCS.APRIL/JUNE 2002 010.4201.5321 8,951.25 8,951.25 106204 06/14/02 102545 CURT SMARIO REF. PARK DEPOSIT-SMARIO 010.0000.4354 26.00 26.00 106205 06/14/02 080964 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 133.71 106205 06/14/02 080964 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 83.29 106205 06/14/02 080964 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 53.02 106205 06/14/02 080964 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 38.85 106205 06/14/02 080964 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 32.13 341.00 106206 06/14/02 081432 BOB SPEAR S/BALL LOE.UMPIRE-SPEAR 010.4424.5352 16.00 16.00 106207 06/14/02 082640 STRADLING, YOCCA, CARLSON TED MOORE DEV PROF.SVCS 284.4103.5303 2,510.82 2,510.82 106208 06/14/02 083382 SUPERIOR QUALITY COPIER TONER CARTRIDGE 010.4101.5602 156.59 156.59 106209 06/14/02 102785 TEMPLETON UNIFORMS UNIFORM-ZIGELMAN 010.4201.5255 1,006.76 1,006.76 106210 06/14/02 102318 DENNIS THURMAN S/BALL LEAGUE OFFICIAL-THURMAN 010.4424.5352 32.00 32.00 106211 06/14/02 088826 PEGGY VALKO ART CLASSES-VALKO 010.4424.5351 462.40 462.40 106212 06/14/02 100184 BRUCE VANDER VEEN REF. WATER NEUTRAL-624 PASEO 226.0000.4027 2,200.00 106212 06/14/02 100184 BRUCE VANDER VEEN REF. WATER NEUTRAL-612 PASEO 226.0000.4027 2,200.00 4,400.00 106213 06/14/02 090480 WAYNE'S TIRE TIRES/ALIGN 010.4201.5601 96.74 106213 06/14/02 090480 WAYNE'S TIRE LUBE/OIL/FILTER/REPR.FLAT 010.4201. 5601 65.39 162.13 I I 106214 06/14/02 091026 WEST GROUP PAYMENT CTR. 2ND C D ROM SET OF CA CODES 010.4003.5503 101.89 106214 06/14/02 091026 WEST GROUP PAYMENT CTR. 2ND C D ROM SET OF CA CODES 010.4003.5503 101.89- 106214 06/14/02 091026 WEST GROUP PAYMENT CTR. BALANCE DUE 5/00 &. 6/00 CODES 010.4003.5503 102.96 106214 06/14/02 091026 WEST GROUP PAYMENT CTR. CA CODES-CD ROM SUBSCRIP 010.4003.5503 158.74 261.70 106215 06/14/02 103001 JAMES OR NOELLE WHITE REF. WATER DEP-163 BRISCO #B 640.0000.2302 180.00 106215 06/14/02 103001 JAMES OR NOELLE WHITE PREVIOUS BALANCE-163 BRISCO B 640.0000.4751 67.13- 112.87 106216 06/14/02 101820 ROOER WIGHTMAN ADVANCE REG. TOURNAMENT EXPEND 010.0000.2013 3,666.64 106216 06/14/02 101820 ROGER WIGH'I'MAN ADVANCE REG. TOURNAMENT EXPEND 010.4424.5353 333.36 4,000.00 106217 06/14/02 100431 WILLARD PAPER CO PAPER/ENVELOPES 010.4102.5255 929.76 106217 06/14/02 100431 WILLARD PAPER CO ENVELOPES 010.4102.5255 291. 69 1,222.45 - -~ ---, TOTAL CHECKS 73,312.28 , , I I I ! I - .~. --..--------- ---- VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 5 06/12/02 15:41 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 12 FUND TITLE AMOUNT 010 GENERAL FUND 61,967.19 220 STREETS FUND 1,404.26 226 WATER NEUTRALIZATION IMPACT 6,600.00 284 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUND 2,510.82 350 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 319.07 612 SEWER FUND 38.58 640 WATER FUND 472.36 TOTAL 73,312.28 I ------ -~-_.- ---.- ATTACIliIENT 4 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEPARTMENTAL LABOR DISTRIBUTION PAY PERIOD OS/24/02 - 06/06/02 06/14/02 FUND 010 261,447.55 Salaries Full time 153,025.00 FUND 220 12,592.38 Salaries Part-Time - PPT 22.602.60 FUND 284 5.159.60 Salaries Part-Time - TPT 7,511.89 FUND 612 4,373.69 Salaries OverTime 14.981.17 FUND 840 11,706.03 Salaries Standby 375.75 295,279.25 Holiday Pay 17,006.84 Sick Pay 3,350.62 Annual Leave By Back - Vacation Buyback - Sick Leave Buyback - Vacation Pay 5,179.38 Comp Pay 3,973.20 Annual Leave Pay 1,269.47 PERS Retirement 16.913.65 Social Security 16,432.60 PARS Retirement 277.78 State Disability Ins. 750.51 Hea~h Insurance 25,310.31 Dental Insurance 3,983.10 Vision Insurance 880.78 Life Insurance 579.60 Long Term Disability - Uniform Allowance - Car Allowance 400.00 Council Expense 375.00 Employee Assistance - Boot Allowance - I Motor Pay 100.00 295,279.25 -_._--.~. --..- ---_.------ - --_._.~ S.b. I MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR DF FINANCIAL SERVICES!fit SUBJECT: CASH FLOW ANAL YSISlAPPROVAL OF INTERFUND ADVANC FROM THE WATER FACILITY FUND DATE: JUNE 25, 2002 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: . Accept the May 2002 cash report, . Approve the interfund advance of $660,999 from the Water Facility Fund to cover cash deficits in other funds as of May 31, 2002. I FUNDING: No outside funding is required. I Attachment A - Cash Balancellnterfund Advance Report I I , , ------..-- ATTACHMENT A I CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CASH BALANCE IINTERFUND ADVANCE REPORT AtMay31,2002 Balance at Recommended Revised Fund OS131102 Advances Balance 010 Genmal Fuud 2,22S,133 2,22S,133 210 Fire Protectioa Impact Fees 118,819 118,819 212 Police Protectioa Impact Fees 22,l1S 22,l1S 213 Park~ 473,S84 473,S84 214 Park Improvement S8,409 S8,409 2lS Recreation Community Center 3,771 3,771 217 hndecape Maintenance 31,076 31,076 220 Street(GuTax)Fund 147,722 147,722 222 Traffic Sivali7Jlltion S3S,994 S35,994 223 Traffic CiJculation 476,44S 476,44S 224 Transportation Facility Impact 1,926,938 1,926,938 22S TransporIation 22,S38 22,S38 226 Water Ncutralization Impact 477,2S8 477,2S8 230 Conslrudion Tax 237,322 237,322 231 Draina&cFacility 17,938 17,938 232 In-Lieu Affordable Housing 601,8S1 601,8S1 241 Lopez Facility Fund 867,812 867,812 2SO CDBG Fuud 0 0 271 State COPS Block Grant Fund 11,404 11,404 272 Calif. Law Enf. Technology Grant 3S,826 35,826 279 00-01 Fed Local Law Enforcement Grant S,209 S,209 284 Redevelopment Agency (160,614) 160,614 0 28S Redevelopment Set Aside 56,219 S6,219 3SO Capital Projects (46S,871) 46S,871 0 612 Sewer Fund (34,S 14) 34,S14 0 634 Sewer Facility 128,611 128,611 640 WaterFuud 2,747,620 2,747,620 641 Lopez 46S,441 46S,441 642 Water Facility 1,49S,127 (660,999) 834,128 151 Downtown Parlring 43,359 43,359 760 Sanitation District Fund 93,359 93,3S9 Total City Wide Cash 12,66S,901 0 12,66S,901 THE ABOVE USTlNG ARE THE CASH BALANCES SHOWN IN THE GENERAL LEDGER OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AS OF MAY 31, 2002 ~~9?-~~/ K.S Director of Financial Services --- --- -------- ~~------_._- 8.c. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES ~ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF INCREASE IN MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT RATE FOR EMPLOYEES AND VOLUNTEERS DATE: JUNE 25, 2002 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City CounciVAgency establish 36.5i per mile as tt1e employeelvolunteer mileage reimbursement rate for FY 2002-03. FUNDING: A minor fiscal impact will occur by increasing the reimbursement rate from 34.5i to 36.5i per mile. Sufficient funding is currently budgeted in respective Department accounts for the increase. DISCUSSION: The City's Administrative Policy No. A-013, Mileage Reimbursement for Private Vehicles, states that authorized expenses shall be reimbursed at the per-mile reimbursement rate established by the City Council. Staff is proposing that the Council/Board establish the mileage rate at 36.5i per mile for FY 2002-03. Mileage is currently being reimbursed, in most cases, at 34.59\ per mile in accorc:tance with City Council action of June 12, 2001. However, in certain instances invoMng tnIinifIg, the Police Department reimburses using the Peace OfflC8l"s Standards & TrIIining (POST) rate of 349! per mile. The change to 36.59\, from 34.59\, will bring the City into compliance with the Internal Revenue Service rate. ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council/RDA Board are as follows: 1. Establish the mileage reimbursement rate for employees at 36.59! per mile for FY 2002-03. 2. Establish the rate at a cost figure established by the City Council. 3. Retain current reimbursement rate. 4. Provide direction to staff. I I i ....~- ,..~--- ..._------- 8.d. MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY THURSDAY, MAY 30, 2000 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER The City Council/Redevelopment Agency of the City of Arroyo Grande met in special session at 6:30 p.m. to consider the Fiscal Year 2002-03 Preliminary Annual Budget, with Mayor/Chair Michael A. Lady presiding. ROLL CALL Mayor/Chair Lady, Mayor Pro TemNice-Chair Runels, Council/Board Member Dickens, Council/Board Member Ferrara, and Council/Board Member Lubin were present. Staff members present were City Manager Adams,. Chief of Police TerBorch, Director of Administrative Services Wetmore, Director of Building and Fire Fibich, Public Works Director Spagnolo, Parks, Recreation, and Facilities Director Hernandez, Community Development Director Strong, Financial Services Director Snodgrass, and Economic Development Director Sheeley. FLAG SALUTE Mayor/Chair Lady led the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. CITIZENS' INPUT. COMMENTS. AND SUGGESTIONS Winton Tullis, on behalf of the Arroyo Grande Firefighters' Association, spoke of the Department's activities and stated that the City has outgrown what should be expected of volunteers. He expressed support for the proposed funding for a full-time Engineer. He thanked the Council for its continued support of the Department. CONSIDERATION OF FISCAL YEAR 2002-03 PRELIMINARY ANNUAL BUDGET City Manager Adams presented the proposed FY 2002-03 Preliminary Budget to the City Council/RDA Board Members. He explained that the recommended budget addresses the priorities established by the City Council at the initiation of the budget process and that all funds are balanced in the recommended budget. Staff recommended the Council review, discuss, and. obtain public input on the budget and provide direction to staff on any changes to the proposed budget. City Manager Adams provided an outline of staff's budget presentations which would include a review of revenue and expenditure projections and recommendations; an overview of budget highlights focusing on changes from last year's budget; contingency planning; an overview of the Capital Improvement Program; and presentation of departmental key goals and accomplishments. -.-"..- ------ SPECIAL CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING MINUTES MAY 30, 2002 PAGE 2 Financial Services Director Snodgrass presented an overview of projected 2002-03 Citywide Revenues and Transfers ($18,944,103); explained how Citywide appropriations are divided (Salaries & Benefits-46%; Services & Supplies-27%; Equipment & CIP-12%; and Debt & Transfers-15%); reviewed General Fund Estimated Revenues & Transfers ($10,431,160); reviewed General Fund Appropriations ($10,123,540); and reviewed the City's projected Fund Balances for 2002-03, including General Fund ($2,585,456) and Special Revenue funds (Redevelopment Agency). City Manager Adams gave an overview of budget goals for 2002-03 which include the 2002 Election; an extension of City Hall; the addition of one Fire Engineer position as the result of the Fire Department Needs Assessment study; and personnel compensation adjustments. City Manager Adams responded to questions from the Council/RDA concerning the proposed funding for the Fire Engineer position, and the recommendation that the Council approve an acceleration of the implementation plan to fund the remaining two engineer positions no later than July 1, 2003. City Manager Adams continued with a review of issues relating to a projected shortfall in I the Sewer Fund and identified recommendations; and reviewed contingency planning items in preparation for potential outcomes relating to the adoption of the State budget. Chief T erBorch gave a brief update on the current status of the State budget. Director of Public Works Spagnolo gave an overview of the City's Five-Year Capital I Improvement Program (CIP). He stated that for FY 2002-03, there were 39 capital I projects budgeted totaling $8,601,865. He gave a brief overview of the major projects for 2002-03 and projects that may be funded by.future grant funding; reviewed 2002-03 CIP Proposed Funding Sources; reviewed 2002-03 CIP Expenditures by Project Type; and gave an update on the funding strategy for the Branch Mill Road project. City Manager Adams and Directors of the Financial Services, Administrative Services, Community Development, Public Works, Parks, Recreation & Facilities, Police, Building & Fire, and Economic Development Departments presented FY 2001-02 Department Accomplishments and FY 2002-03 Department Goals. Mayor/Chair Lady invited comments from those in the audience who wished to be heard on the matter, and upon hearing none, closed the public comment period and brought I the issue back to Council for questions and discussion. Council/Board Member discussion and questions of staff ensued regarding the financial status of the Redevelopment Agency; clarification that the proposed FY 2002-03 budget does not include funds for anticipated increases as a result of employee group salary and benefit negotiations; recognition of the State budget crisis; whether staff could forecast potential reductions in the City's tax base; acknowledgement that the City has reached its Reserve Fund balance goal; staffing and liability issues related to the Fire Department; clarification regarding the impact on the budget should the three proposed ----- -- SPECIAL CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING MINUTES MAY 30, 2002 PAGE 3 fire engineers be approved; and clarifications regarding service level/budget amendment requests. Following questions and comments, Council/Board Members Dickens and Ferrara supported the FY 2002-03 Preliminary Budget as presented. Mayor Pro Tem/Vice Chair Runels supported the Preliminary Budget with the inclusion of funding required to accelerate the addition and hiring of three full-time fire engineers in FY 2002-03. Mayor/Chair Lady supported the Preliminary Budget; however, he proposed accelerating the schedule of approving full-time fire engineers by including funding in the FY 02-03 budget for two positions effective immediately and funding the third position at mid-year for six months. Council/Board Member Ferrara asked questions about the funding options and asked for clarification from City Manager Adams and Chief Fibich about timeframes required for recruiting as it related to timeframes for filling the positions. He proposed as an option that two engineers be funded effective January 2003 and putting off the third position until July 2003. Following discussion, staff was directed to develop funding options for the addition of a second Fire Engineer position in the FY 2002-03 budget. 6. ADJOURNMENT i Mayor/Chair Lady adjourned the Special Meeting at 9:20 p.m. to the next Regular Meeting on Tuesday, June 11, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. Michael A. Lady, Mayor/Chair f I ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Services/ I Deputy City Clerk/Agency Secretary I I - -- ---,-_.._......~---- - -------- t,' . J '\ MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES .J/;J SUBJECT: JUNE 25, 2002 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA, ITEM 8.d. MINUTES OF SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 30, 2002 DATE: JUNE 24, 2002 Enclosed you will find an amendment to the minutes for the Special City Council Meeting of May 30, 2002. The information that has been added is highlighted on page 3 for your review and consideration. Staff recommends the Council approve the minutes, as amended. c: City Manager City Attorney ----- .- - . SPECIAL CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING MINUTES MAY 30, 2002 PAGE 3 fire engineers be approved; and clarifications regarding service level/budget amendment requests. Followin questions and comments, Council/Board Members Dickens and Ferrara supported the FY 2002-03 Preliminary Budget as presented. Mayor Pro T emlVice Chair Runels supported the Preliminary Budget with the inclusion of funding required to accelerate the addition and hiring of three full-time fire engineers in FY 2002-03. Mayor/Chair Lady supported the Preliminary Budget; however, he proposed accelerating the schedule of approving full-time fire engineers by including funding in the FY 02-03 budget for two positions effective immediately and funding the third position at mid-year for six months. Council/Board Member Ferrara asked questions about the funding options and asked for clarification from City Manager Adams and Chief Fibich about timeframes required for recruiting as it related to timeframes for filling the positions. He proposed as an option that two engineers be funded effective January 2003 and putting off the third position until July 2003. Following discussion, staff was directed to develop funding options for the addition of a second Fire Engineer position in the FY 2002-03 budget. 6. ADJOURNMENT Mayor/Chair Lady adjourned the Special Meeting at 9:20 p.m. to the next Regular Meeting on Tuesday, June 11, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. Michael A. Lady, Mayor/Chair ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Servicesl Deputy City Clerk/Agency Secretary --------- 8.e. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECT~ BY: RYAN FOSTER, PLANNING IN~ SUBJECT: TEMPORARY USE PERMIT NO. 02-015; AUTHORIZATION TO CLOSE A CITY STREET, USE CITY PROPERTY, AND WAIVE PERMIT FEES FOR "4TH OF JULY IN THE VILLAGE" ON THURSDAY, JULY 4,2002 DATE: JUNE 25, 2002 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt the attached resolution, approving Temporary Use Permit 02-015 for "4th of July in the Village", authorizing the closure of a City street and the use of City pfoperty, and authorizing the waiver of permit fees. FUNDING: The waiver of the "1;emporary Use Permit fee will result in lost revenue to the City of $105.00. ".... DISCUSSION: On June 13, 2002, the Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association submitted an application for a temporary use permit for the annual "4th of July in the Village" scheduled for Thursday, July 4, 2002. The City has approved temporary use permits for this event in previous years. The descriptions of the areas to be used are as follows: 1. Closure of Short Street between Branch Street and Olohan Alley on Thursday, July 4, 2002 from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm. 2. Use of the Village Gazebo and surrounding area on Thursday, July 4, 2002 from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm for the purpose of conducting a concert. In addition to the request to close a City street and use City property, the applicant has requested the City waive permit fees. The Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association meets the City Council's established criteria for waiving Temporary Use Permit fees. --.-- --.-- CITY COUNCIL 4TH OF JULY IN THE VILLAGE JUNE 25, 2002 PAGE 2 OF 2 AL TERNATIVES: - Adopt the attached resolution approving Temporary Use Permit 02-015, authorizing the closure of a City street and the use of City property, and authorizing the waiver of permit fees; - Modify and adopt the attached resolution; - Do not adopt the attached resolution; - Provide direction to staff. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING TEMPORARY USE PERMIT NO. 02-015; AUTHORIZING THE CLOSURE OF A CITY STREET, USE OF CITY PROPERTY, AND WAIVER OF PERMIT FEES FOR "4TH OF JULY IN THE VILLAGE" TO BE HELD THURSDAY, JULY 4, 2002 WHEREAS, the Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association has requested closure of a certain City street and the use of City property as outlined below, for "4th of July in the Village", to be held on Thursday, July 4, 2002; and WHEREAS, the Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association has requested that the City waive the fees for the Temporary Use Permit; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby resolve as follows: 1. Closure of Short Street between Branch Street and Olohan Alley on Thursday, July 4, 2002 from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm. 2. Use of the Village Gazebo and surrounding area on Thursday, July 4, 2002 from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm for the purpose of conducting a concert. 3. That the Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association will adhere to certain requirements and conditions set forth by the Public Works, Police, and Building and Fire Departments as set forth in Exhibit "A"; I and 4. That fees for the Temporary Use Permit are waived. . ( - RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: . NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 25TH day of June, 2002. I I , r I I ,I ,.-- --- _ ----.- RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 MICHAEL A. LADY. MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE. DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS. CITY MANAGER I I APPROVED AS TO FORM: I I i I TIMOTHY J. CARMEL. CITY ATTORNEY i i I I , I i , I I , I i I . ( I I -- _..- EXHIBIT "AU CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL "4TH OF JULY IN THE VILLAGE" TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 02-015 THURSDAY, JULY 4,2002 General Conditions 1. The applicant shall ascertain and comply with All State, County and City requirements as are applicable to this project. 2. The event shall occur in substantial conformance with the application on file in the Community Development Department office. 3. The applicant shall agree to defend at his/her sole expense any action brought against the City, its agents, officers, or employees because of the issuance of said approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any court costs and attorney's fee's which the City, its agents, officers or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his/her obligations under this condition. 4. The applicant shall obtain an electrical permit from the Building Department prior to installation of any electrical lights or equipment. 5. The applicant shall contact the Public Works Department at least one (1) week I I prior to the event regarding the placement of barricades and signage to close Short Street. .; - I B.f. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGE~~ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF SALARY AND BENEFIT ADJUSTMENTS FOR MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES DATE: JUNE 25, 2002 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt the attached resolution approving compensation and benefit adjustments for management employees for FY 2002-03. FUNDING: The cost impact of the recommendations is approximately $76,000 for FY 2002-03. Funding is included within the proposed FY 2002-03 Annual Budget. DISCUSSION: Management compensation is reviewed on an annual basis and adjustments are normally recommended in conjunction with the annual budget process. The City's current salary and classification system was structured based on a compensation and classification study completed by Ralph Andersen & Associates in September 1997. As noted in the study, the goals of the City's compensation plan are to: . Ensure that the City has the ability to attract and retain well-qualified personnel for all job classes; . Ensure that the City's compensation practices are competitive with those of comparable employers; . Provide defensibility to City salary ranges based on the pay practices of similar employers; and . Ensure pay consistency and equity among related classes based on the duties and responsibilities assumed. In order to maintain these goals, the attached resolutions include the following changes: . The first element of the recommendations is a proposed 3.5% "Cost of Living Adjustment" (COLA), which would affect all employees in the Management I -~ CITY COUNCIL MANAGEMENT SALARY AND BENEFIT ADJUSTMENTS JUNE 25, 2002 PAGE 2 classification. This is comparable with recent increases by other jurisdictions in the County. . A study was conducted to determine if current salary ranges paid to Management positions are competitive within the current market based on comparative cities within San Luis Obispo County. The study indicated that 9 position classifications are in need of equity adjustments. These positions include: Classification Current Salarv Rance ProDosed Salarv Rance Assistant City Engineer M-50 M-S1 Associate Planner M-36 M-37 Building & Fire Director M-58 M-59 Chief Building Inspector M-45 M-46 Community Development Director M-S8 M-59 Financial Services Director M-57 M-58 Parks, Recreation & Facilities Director M-57 M-58 Police Commander M-51 M-S2 Police Chief M-61 M-63 Public Works Director M-58 M-60 The recommended adjustment for the Police Chief position is for purposes of the City's established classifications and salary ranges. The actual salary amount at this time is established by the Police Chiefs existing Agreement. . It is recommended that the City of Arroyo Grande establish a deferred compensation benefit consisting of $100 per month for department directors and $50 per month for managers, effective January 1, 2003. The City currently provides the ability for employees to participate in the ICMA (International City Management Association) deferred compensation system, but does not provide any contribution toward it. Contributions into a deferred compensation program are a common benefit for management in municipal organizations. Below is a comparison of deferred compensation benefits provided by cities in San Luis Obispo County: City Amount Atascadero $1,000 annually for department directors/$SOO for managers Grover Beach $SO monthly match Paso Robles $4,200 annually for management/up to an additional $2,SOO match for department directors Pismo Beach $2,SOO annually for all management employees San Luis Obispo 2% of salary for department directors/1 % of salary for management ------ ----- -.....-- --- _J CITY COUNCIL MANAGEMENT SALARY AND BENEFIT ADJUSTMENTS JUNE 25, 2002 PAGE 3 . It is recommended to adjust severance pay provisions for Department Directors to provide an option of either three months of salary and benefits or equivalent cash. Department Directors are "at will" employees and can be terminated without cause. As a result, existing contracts with department directors include a severance provision that provides for 20% of the director's annual salary and benefits. This equates to approximately 2.4 months. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Adopt resolutions approving the salary and benefit adjustments as outlined above; - Modify as appropriate and adopt the resolutions approving salary and benefit adjustments; - Provide direction to staff. ~--_.- _______n ____.____ RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING SALARY AND BENEFIT ADJUSTMENTS FOR MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2002-03 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande ("City") deems it in the best interest of the City that compensation and benefits for Management employees be adjusted as hereinafter provided. I , I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande I I that: I 1. All management classifications shall receive a salary Cost of Living Adjustment I (COLA) of 3.5% to be effective for the pay period beginning July 1, 2002. I 2. Salary ranges for management classifications shall be adjusted as designated in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 3. Effective January 1,2003, the following management classifications shall receive a contribution of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per month to the employee's International City Management Association (lCMA) deferred compensation plan: Administrative Services Director Economic Development Director Parks, Recreation & Facilities Director Financial Services Director Building & Fire Director I Public Works Director I I Community Development Director Police Chief 3. Effective January 1, 2003, the following management classifications shall receive a contribution of fifty dollars ($50.00) per month to the employee's International City Management Association (ICMA) deferred compensation plan: Office Assistant I Office Assistant II Administrative Secretary Executive Secretary ., Assistant Planner Associate Planner Executive Assistant to the City Manager Chief Building Inspector RESOLUTION NO. Human Resources Manager Assistant City Engineer Police Commander 4. Severance pay provisions for Department Directors shall be adjusted in their Agreements to provide an option of either three months of salary and benefits or equivalent cash if the "at will" employee is terminated without good cause. On motion of Council Member seconded by Council Member and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of ,2002. I t I . r I I .--- RESOLUTION NO. MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: I , I STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY I , ,r I , - EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Management Salary Ranges 3.5% Salary Range Adjustments 7-1-02 3.5% 3.5% 3.5% Ranp,e Low Mid Hil(h Position M-10 Old 1,844 2,033 2,241 New 1,908 2,104 2,320 M-ll Old 1,891 2,084 2,298 New 1,957 2,157 2,378 M-12 Old 1,937 2,136 2,354 New 2,005 2,210 2,436 M-13 Old 1,985 2,189 . 2,413 I 1 New 2,055 2,265 2,498 M-14 Old 2,035 2,244 2,474 Office Assistant I New 2,106 2,322 2,560 M-15 Old 2,087 2,301 2,536 New 2,160 2,382 2,625 M-16 Old 2,138 2,357 2,600 New 2,213 2,440 2,691 M-17 Old 2,219 2,444 2,691 New 2,297 2,530 2,785 M-18 Old 2,246 2,477 2,731 Office Assistant II New 2,324 2,564 2,827 M-19 Old 2,303 2,538 2,799 New 2,384 2,627 2,897 I M-20 Old 2,360 2,602 2,869 I New 2,443 2.693 2.969 i M-21 Old 2,419 2,668 2,941 New 2,503 2,761 3,044 I I t M-22 Old 2,480 2.734 3,014 Administrative Secretary. New 2,567 2,830 3,120 M-23 Old 2,542 2,803 3,090 ,{ New 2{631 2,901 3,198 , - CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Management Salary Ranges 3.5% Salary Range Adjustments 7-1-02 3.5% 3.5% 3.5% Range Low Mid High Position M-24 Old 2,606 2,873 3,168 New 2,697 2,974 3,279 M-25 Old 2,671 2,945 3,247 New 2,764 3,048 3,361 M-26 Old 2,738 3,017 3,327 New 2,833 3,123 3,443 I M-27 Old 2,807 3,095 3,411 Executive Secretary , I New 2,905 3,203 3,530 ! I I M-28 Old 2,877 3,172 3,496 j ! New 2,977 3,283 3,618 M-29 Old 2,949 3,251 3,583 New 3,052 3,365 3,709 I M-30 Old 3,022 3,332 3,674 I New 3,127 3,449 3,802 M-31 Old 3,098 3,415 3,766 New 3,206 3,534 3,898 M-32 Old 3,175 3,501 3,859 Assistant Planner New 3,287 3,623 3,994 M-33 Old 3,254 3,588 3,955 New 3,368 3,713 4,094 M-34 Old 3,336 3,678 4,054 I New 3,453 3,806 4,196 I Old : M-35 3,419 3,770 4,156 i I New 3,539 3,902 4,301 l M-36 Old 3,505 3,864 4,260 New 3,628 4,000 4,409 M-37 Old 3,592 3,960 4,367 Assodate Planner New 3,718 4,098 4,519 " u_ I , CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Management Salary Ranges 3.5% Salary Range Adjustments 7-1-02 3.5% 3.5% 3.5% Range Low Mid High Position M-38 Old 3,682 4,059 4,476 Executive Assistant to the CM. New 3,811 4,201 4,632 M-39 Old 3,774 4,160 4,587 New 3,906 4,306 4,748 M-40 Old 3,867 4,264 4,703 I I New 4,003 4.413 4,867 I M-41 Old 3,965 4,371 4,819 New 4,104 4,524 4,988 M-42 Old 4,062 4,480 4,940 New 4,205 4,637 5,113 M-43 Old 4,166 4,592 5,063 I New 4,312 4,753 5,240 M-44 Old 4,270 . 4,708 5,190 New 4,420 4,873 5,372 M-45 Old 4,378 4,827 5,321 Chief Building Inspector New 4,532 4,996 5,507 M-46 Old 4,487 4,947 5,454 Administrative Services Director I New 4,645 5,121 5,645 Chief Building Inspector I M-47 Old 4,600 5,071 5,591 Human Resources Manager I New 4,761 5,249 5,786 I M-48 Old 4,716 5,199 5,731 I I New 4,881 5,381 5,931 I M-49 Old 4,832 5,328 5,875 i I New 5,001 5,514 6,080 M-50 Old 4,954 5,462 6,021 I New 5,127 5,653 6,232 M-51 Old 5,077 5,597 6,173 Assistant City Engineer j New 5,254 5,793 6,389 ~ { ----.-'" I CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Management Salary Ranges 3.5% 5aIMy Range Adjustments 7-1-02 3.5% 3.5% 3.5% Range Low Mid High Position M-52 Old 5,205 5,739 6,326 Police Commander New 5,387 5,940 6,548 M-53 Old 5,335 5,882 6,485 Economic Development Director New 5,522 6,088 6,712 M-54 Old 5,470 6,030 6,648 New 5,661 6,241 6,880 I M-55 Old 5,607 6,181 6,814 New 5,803 6,398 7,052 M-56 Old 5,747 6,335 6,985 New 5,948 6,557 7,229 M-57 Old 5,890 6,494 7,159 New 6,096 6,721 7,410 M-58 Old -6,038 6,657 7,339 Pks, Rec. & Facilities Director New 6,249 6,890 7,595 Financial Services Director M-59 Old 6,189 6,823 7,523 Building & Fire Director New 6,405 7,062 7,786 CD. Director M-60 Old 6,344 6,994 7,712 P.W. Director I New 6,566 7,239 7,982 M-61 Old 6,502 7,169 7,903 New 6,730 7,420 8,180 M-62 Old 6,666 7,349 8,102 New 6,899 7,606 8,385 M-63 Old 6,832 7,532 8,304 Police Chief New 7,071 7,796 8,595 M-64 Old 7,003 7,721 8,513 New 7,248 7,991 8,811 M-65 Old 7,178 7,914 8,725 New 7,430 8,191 9,030 ., .- CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Management 5aIary Ranges 3.5%Sa1ary Range Adjustments 7-1-02 3.5% 3.5% 3.5% RanRe Low Mid HiRh Position M-66 Old 7,357 8,110 8,942 New 7,614 8,394 9,255 M-67 Old 7,540 8,314 9,166 New 7,804 8,605 9,487 I M-68 Old 7,729 8,521 9,395 New 7,999 8,820 9,724 M-69 Old 7,923 8,734 9,630 New 8,200 9,040 9,%7 M-70 Old 8,121 8,954 9,871 New 8,405 9,267 10,216 M-71 Old 8,324 9,176 10,116 New 8,616 9,498 10,471 M-72 . Old 8,531 9,405 10,370 New 8,829 9,734 10,733 I M-73 Old 8,745 9,642 10,629 I New 9,051 9,979 11,001 I I M-74 Old 8,964 9,882 10,895 I New 9,278 10,228 11,277 I M-75 Old 9,187 10,129 11,l68 I New 9,508 10,484 11,559 i , i ., --~-- ---"'~'--'-. ~ 8.g. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGE~ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF SALARY AND BENEFIT ADJUSTMENTS FOR PART-TIME EMPLOYEES AND FIREFIGHTER VOLUNTEERS DATE: JUNE 25, 2002 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving compensation and benefit adjustments for part-time employees and firefighter volunteers for FY 2002-03. FUNDING: The cost impact of the recommendations is approximately $18,000 for FY 2002-03. Funding is included within the proposed FY 2002-03 Annual Budget. DISCUSSION: In order to continue to enable the City to recruit" and maintain quality employees in part- time and volunteer firefighter positions, the following adjustments are recommended: . A 5% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for part-time recreation staff; . Adjust pay for Police cadets from $6.75 an hour to a pay scale of $7.75 starting, $8.75 after 12 months, and $9.75 after 24 months; . A 3% COLA for all other part-time employees; and . Increase the Fire Department Evening Staffing Program pay from $45 to $50. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Adopt resolutions approving the salary and benefit adjustments as outlined above; - Modify as appropriate and adopt the resolutions approving salary and benefit adjustments; - Provide direction to staff. ~_.__.- -.------------...- --~ RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING A SALARY AND BENEFIT PROGRAM FOR PART.TIME EMPLOYEES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2002-03 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande ("City") deems it in the best interest of the City that compensation for part-time employees be fixed as hereinafter provided. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande that: 1. Part-time employees shall receive the salaries as designated in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. The terms of this Resolution shall be effective for the pay period beginning July 1, 2002. 3. All other part-time employee salary and benefit terms and conditions remain in full force and effect as set forth in Resolution No. 3463. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of ,2002. .1 I ----.- ..-- I RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR I I i ATTEST: I I I I , I i I i KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ I i i DEPUTY CITY CLERK i APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: , i I I I I STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER I I I APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY .r I i - I RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 EXHIBIT "A" PART-TIME EMPLOYEES SALARIES FY 2002-03 I I I , I I PERMANENT PART -TIME EMPLOYEES I I I POLICE DEPARTMENT HOURLY RATE ! Designated Levell Reserve Officer $ 19.03 Senior Police Reserve Officer 16.96 Police Reserve Officer 15.12 Police Reserve Officer Trainee 12.71 Police Dispatcher/Clerk II 16.24 Police Dispatcher/Clerk I 14.29 Police Dispatcher/Clerk Trainee 12.37 HOURLY RATE PARKS AND START 1 YEAR 2 YEARS 3 YEARS (+) RECREATION DEPARTMENT PAY SERVICE. SERVICE SERVICE Recreation Senior Leader $ 8.52 $ 8.74 $ 9.18 $ 9.61 Recreation Assistant Senior Leader 7.11 7.32 7.70 8.09 I AM/PM Childcare Coordinator 10.91 11.19 11.76 12.31 AM/PM Teacher 9.25 9.47 9.97 10.47 AM/PM Assistant Teacher 8.6B B.91 9.35 9.BO I AM/PM Assistant I 7.52 7.69 B.07 8.46 AM/PM Assistant.11 7.24 7.46 7.B5 B.24 AM/PM Assistant III, High School 7.09 7.28 7.64 8.02 Pre-School Teacher 10.91 11.19 11.76 12.31 MISCELLANEOUS PART-TIME HOURLY RATE ! Printer $ 15.12 Recreation Building Supervisor 9.07 Recreation Building Coordinator 7.05 Office Assistant 11.62 I START 1 YEAR 2 YEARS (+) I I PAY SERVICE SERVICE I Maintenance Worker - Parks, I Public Works, Building $ 9.14 $ 10.28 $ 12.50. ( Mechanic's Assistant 12.43 13.34 15.13 I I I I I I ~".._n .--- I RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 4 EXHIBIT "A" PART-TIME EMPLOYEES SALARIES FY 2002-03 TEMPORARY PART-TIME EMPLOYEES POLICE DEPARTMENT HOURLY RATE Crossing Guard $ 7.51 HOURLY RATE START 1 YEAR 2 YEARS PAY SERVICE SERVICE Police Cadet $ 7.75 $ 8.75 $ 9.75 HOURLY RATE PARKS AND START 1 YEAR 2 YEARS 3 YEARS (+) RECREATION DEPARTMENT PAY SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE (Substitute) Recreation Senior Leader $8.52 . $ 8.74 $ 9.18 $ 9.61 (Substitute) Recreation Assistant Sr. Ldr. 7.11 7.32 7.70 8.09 (Substitute) AM/PM Childcare Coordinator 10.91 11.19 11.76 12.31 (Substitute) AM/PM Teacher 9.25 9.47 9.97 10.47 I (Substitute) AM/PM Assistant Teacher B.6B 8.91 9.35 9.80 (Substitute) AM/PM Assistant I 7.52 7.69 B.07 8.46 I (Substitute) AM/PM Assistant II 7.24 7.46 7.85 8.24 (Substitute) AM/PM Assistant III, High School 7.09 7.2B 7.64 8.02 , (Substitute) Pre-School Teacher 10.91 11.19 11.76 12.31 MISCELLANEOUS PART-TIME HOURLY RATE Administrative Secretary $ 14.14 Office Assistant 11.62 (Seasonal) Maintenance Worker - Parks, 9.14 Public Works, Building Student Intern 6.95 START 1 YEAR 2 YEARS (+) PAY SERVICE SERVICE Administrative Intern $ 9.55 $ 10.02 $ '10.53 I I I ~-- ---_._..--_.~ - RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MODIFYING BENEFITS FOR FIRE VOLUNTEERS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2002-03 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande ("City") deems it in the best interest of the City and its fire volunteers that a stipend and specified benefits be fixed as hereinafter provided. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande I that: I , The Department of Building and Fire's Evening Staffing shall be paid a flat fee of I 1. I $50 per night. i 2. The terms of this Resolution shall be effective for the pay period beginning July 1, , I 2002; I I 3. All other stipend and benefit terms and conditions remain in full force and effect. I I On motion of Council Member seconded by Council Member I and on the following roll call vote, to wit: i I I AYES: i I NOES: ABSENT: . I the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of ,2002. I .'.1 I , ! ! i , i i ----..- .- I RESOLUTION NO. MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: I i KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ I DEPUTY CITY CLERK , I I APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: I STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: I I TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY I I I I I I I ..l I i ~~ I 8.h. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL I FROM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEYlL--- SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF FIRST AMENDMENT TO EMPLOYME~T AGREEMENT WITH RICK TerBORCH, CHIEF OF POLICE DATE: JUNE 25, 2002 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council approve and authorize the City Manager to execute the attached First Amendment to Employment Agreement with Rick TerBorch, Chief of Police. FUNDING: Funding for Chief TerBorch's salary will be included in future City budgets. DISCUSSION: Recently, Chief TerBorch requested that the Council consider amending his Employment Agreement. The attached First Amendment to Employment Agreement is , the product of several discussions between the City and Chief TerBorch. I ALTERNATIVES: I i The following altematives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve the First Amendment to Employment Agreement; - Do not approve the First Amendment to Employment Agreement; - Modify as appropriate and approve the First Amendment to Employment Agreement; or - Provide direction to staff. Attachment: I 1. First Amendment to Employment Agreement. -------- --------..- -----------._-- ------- ---- ---~ Attachment 1 FIRST AMENDMENT TO EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of June, 2002, by and between the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, a municipal corporation formed under the laws of the State of California (hereinafter referred to as "City" and LESTER F. TerBORCH, JR., an individual (hereinafter referred to as the "Employee"). I WHEREAS, the parties entered into an Employment Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Original Agreement") dated October 10, 2000; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend certain provisions of the Original Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, for valuable consideration, the receipt and accuracy of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties do mutually agree as follows: 1. Section 3 of the Original Agreement is hereby deleted and replaced in its entirety . i as follows: I Section 3: Salarv. "City agrees to pay Employee for his services rendered pursuant hereto an annual salary of $102,000, payable in equal installments at the same time other employees of the City are paid. On July 1, 2003, Employee shall be granted a one and two- thirds percent (1.667%) increase in salary. Employee shall be granted general cost of living increases, if any, given to management employees during the term of this Agreement." 2. Except as modified herein, all terms and conditions of the Original Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Employee have caused this First Amendment to . Employment Agreement to be signed and executed on its behalf by its City Manager and duly attested by its Director of Administrative Services, and Employee has signed and executed this Agreement, both in duplicate, the day and year first above written. EMPLOYEE: LESTER F. TerBORCH, JR. I , I ! ^---- ------- - FIRST AMENDMENT TO EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT - LESTER F. TerBORCH, JR. PAGE 2 EMPLOYER: CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE By: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: LYON & CARMEL - N :\USERS\MARY\Staff Reports.Agenda\ TerBorch Amendment.062502. .doc --~-.._--_. ----- 8.i. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ~ SUBJECT: 2002 GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION DATE: JUNE 25, 2002 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: 1) Adopt Resolution calling and giving notice of a General Municipal Election to be held in the City on Tuesday, November 5, 2002, for the election of certain officers of the City; 2) Adopt Resolution requesting the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo to consolidate the General Municipal Election to be held on November 5, 2002, with the Statewide General Election to be held on the same date pursuant to Section 10403 of the Elections Code. FUNDING: An appropriation of $13,000 is needed to fund the November 2002 General Election. Such an appropriation is included in the Administrative Services Fiscal Year 2002-03 budget requests. DISCUSSION: This year, the terms of Mayor Lady, Council Member Dickens, and Council Member Ferrara are expiring. The Califomia Elections Code establishes procedures and requirements for conducting a Municipal Election. As the first step in the election process, certain resolutions must be adopted by the local goveming agency. Pursuant to Municipal Code Section 1.08.010, the City's general municipal election shall be held on the same day as, and consolidated with, statewide general elections. Therefore, the City is requesting the County Board of Supervisors consolidate the City's General Municipal Election with the Statewide General Election on Tuesday, November 5, 2002, for the purpose of electing a Mayor for a full term of two years, and two members of the City Council for full terms of four years. By consolidating the election with other jurisdictions, costs are substantially reduced. Following the election, the County invoices the City for its share of the costs. The County Elections Department has provided the City with an estimate of $13,000 for election-related costs, which staff has included in the Preliminary Fiscal Year 2002-03 Budget. CITY COUNCIL 2002 GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION JUNE 25, 2002 PAGE 2 AL TERNA TIVES: The following altematives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve staffs recommendations; - Do not approve staffs recommendations; or - Provide direction to staff. -.-. i RESOLUTION NO. - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, CALLING AND GIVING NQTI.CE OF THE HOLDING OF A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2002, FOR'THE ELECTION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS AS REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA RELATING TO GENERAL LAW CITIES WHEREAS, under the provisions of the laws relating to General Law Cities in the State of California, a General Municipal Election shall be held on November 5, 2002, for the election of Municipal Officers; and NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: I I SECTION 1. That pursuant to the requirements of the laws of the State of California relating to General Law Cities, there is called and ordered to be held in the City of Arroyo Grande, California on Tuesday, November 5,.2002, a General Municipal Election for the purpose of electing a Mayor for the full term of 2 years; and two Members of the City Council each for the full term offour years. SECTION 2. That the ballots to be used at the election shall be in form and content as required by law. SECTION 3. That the Director of Administrative Services/City Elections Official is authorized, instructed and directed to procure and furnish any and all official ballots, notices, printed matter and all supplies, equipment and paraphernalia that may be necessary in order to properly and lawfully conduct the election. SECTION 4. That the polls for the election shall be open at seven o'clock a.m. of the day of the election and shall remain open continuously from that time until eight o'clock p.m. of the same day when the polls shall be closed, except as provided in ~14401 of I the Elections Code of the State of California. SECTION 5. That in all particulars not recited in this Resolution, the election shall be held and conducted as provided by law for holding municipal elections. SECTION 6. That notice of the time and place of holding the election is given and the Director of Administrative Services/City Elections Official is authorized, instructed and directed to give further or additional notice of the eleCtion, in the time, form and manner as required by law. ..' / -~------- . RESOLUTION NO. - JUNE 25, 2002 PAGE 2 SECTION 7. That the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution and enter it into the book of original Resolutions. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on . the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this _ day of June, 2002. I I i i I I I , I I I I I I . , ------ .___u.__ _ RESOLUTION NO. - JUNE 25, 2002 PAGE 3 MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: I KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ I I DEPUTY CITY CLERK , , I APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ! I STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER I I APPROVED AS TO FORM: I i I I , I TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY . r I I I , . I , ---~--------- --- RESOLUTION NO. - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO TO CONSOLIDATE A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 5, 2002. WITH THE STATEWIDE GENERAL ELECTION TO BE -HELD ON THE DATE PURSUANT TO _ fi10403 OF THE ELECTIONS CODE WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, called a General Municipal Election to be held on November 5, 2002, for the purpose of the election of a Mayor and two Members of the City Council; and I I WHEREAS, it is desirable that the General Municipal Election be consolidated with the I I Statewide General election to be held on the same date and that within the City the precincts, polling places and election officers of the two elections be the same, and that the county election department of the County of San Luis Obispo canvass the returns of the General Municipal Election and that the election be held in all respects as if there were only one election; NOW, THEREFORE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE . DOES RESOLVE. DECLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That pursuant to the requirements of 9 10403 of the Elections Code, the I Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis 'Obispo is hereby requested to consent and agree to the consolidation of a General Election with the Statewide General election on Tuesday, November 5, 2002, for the purpose of a Mayor, and two Members of the City Council. SECTION 2. That the county election department is authorized to canvass the returns of the Gerieral Municipal Election. The election shall be held in all respects as if there were only one election, and only one form of ballot shall be used. SECTION 3. That the Board of Supervisors is requested to issue instructions to the - county election department to take any and all steps necessary for the holding of the consolidated election. SECTION 4. That the City of Arroyo Grande recognizes that additional costs will be incurred by the County by reason of this consolidation and agrees to reimburse the County for any costs. SECTION 5. That the Director of Administrative Services/City Elections Official is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with thEiBoard of Supervisors and the county eiection department of the County of San Luis Obispo. I , ------ RESOLUTION NO. - JUNE 25, 2002 PAGE 2 SECTION 6. That the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution and enter it into the book of original resolutions. On motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll-call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this _ day of June, 2002. I I ! i I I I .r I I I I I I I I -~---- -~~ RESOLUTION NO. - JUNE 25, 2002 PAGE 3 MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: I I I STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER I I I I APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY I I I ,f ---~- - -.-- 8.j. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER ID' SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF FINAL TRACT MAP 2260, PHASE III; SAND S HOMES LLC; BERRY GARDENS DATE: JUNE 25, 2002 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council approve Final Tract Map 2260, Phase III subdividing approximately 7.3 acres into thirty-eight (38) residential lots. FUNDING: There is no fiscal impact. DISCUSSION: On September 8, 1998 the City Council adopted Resolution 3324 approving Vesting Tentative Tract Map 2260 owned by Sand S Homes. Phase I and Phase II ofthe Tract Map 2260 have recorded previously. This map splits one parcel of 7.3 acres in size into thirty-eight (38) separate lots ranging in size from 6,000 to 10,714 square feet. The current zoning for the lots is single family residential (SF) with a Planned Development (PD) overlay. All required conditions of approval have been complied with, except the requirements for which the applicant has placed securities to guaranty completion. The applicant has requested that the City Council approve the map in order to eliminate the need for a 10-day review period, which applies when a final map is approved by the City Engineer. This will enable the applicant to continue on schedule and eliminate the risk of a work stoppage for certain specialized trade crews. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: . Approve staff's recommendation; . Do not approve staff's recommendation; . Modify as appropriate and approve staff's recommendation; or . Provide direction to staff. Attachment: Exhibit 1 - Vicinity Map I I i ! ... D ..., . ..... ........... ~ ! 8Z-81'1 -g ~3d 01 IJ\t~l i s:lNIIIYJII IJ SISY8 ~ I ~-~. ---r- ~~I! ~ ., ., ~ a 0 I> ~~i ~ en I> 'I to I> j~ I ~ ,.... I> , I 10 I> , I If) I> b I! ~ ~ ~!II i .. :: ! 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CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande to consider the following item: CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENTS TO FRANCHISE AGREEMENTS WITH SOUTH COUNTY SANITARY SERVICE. APPLICANT: City of Arroyo Grande PROPOSAL: The Council will consider amendments to the Franchise Agreements w~h South County Sanitary Service to I increase the franchise fee from six percent (6%) to ten percent (10%) for collection, diversion and disposal of solid waste, and to replace the recycling development program and administration fee with a ten percent (10%) I franchise fee for recycling services. REPRESENTATIVE: City Manager Any person affected or concerned by the proposal may submit written comments to the Office. of the City Manager before the City Council hearing, or appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the proposal at the time of the hearing. Any person interested in the proposal can contact the City Manager's Office at 214 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, California, or by telephone at (805) 473-5430 during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.). The proposal will be available for public inspection at the above address. If you challenge an item in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or prior to, the public hearing. I Failure of any person to receive the notice shall not constitute grounds for any court to I I invalidate the action of the legislative body for which the notice was given. Date and Time of Hearing: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. Place of Hearing: Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 E. Branch Street J Arroyo Grande, Califomia 93420 '4/~. W di1AJDA,'- Kelly etmor Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk Publish 1 time, Friday, June 14, 2002 ---.------..- .- MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGERJA- SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENTS TO FRANCHISE AGREEMENTS WITH SOUTH COUNTY SANITARY SERVICE TO INCREASE FRANCHISE FEE FOR COLLECTION, DIVERSION AND DISPOSAL OF SOLID WASTE AND REPLACE RECYCLING DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND ADMINISTRATION FEE WITH FRANCHISE FEE FOR RECYCLING SERVICES DATE: JUNE 25, 2002 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: 1) approve the second amendment to the Franchise Agreement with South County Sanitary Service for collection, diversion and disposal of solid waste to increase the franchise fee from six percent (6%) to ten percent (10%); and 2) approve the first amendment to the Franchise Agreement with South County Sanitary Service for collection, processing and marketing of residential and commercial recyclable materials to eliminate the Recycling Development Program and Administration Fee and establish a franchise fee of ten percent (10%). FUNDING: The increase in the refuse collection franchise fee is projected to increase annual payments by approximately $50,000. Increased revenue the first year is estimated to be approximately $12,500. The replacement of the Recycling Development Program and Administration Fee with a franchise fee for recycling services will increase revenue by an estimated $2,500 the first year. DISCUSSION: On November 12,1997, the City entered into a franchise agreement with South County Sanitary Service, Inc. for collection, diversion and disposal of solid waste. On August 24, 1999, the City also entered into a franchise agreement with South County Sanitary Service for recycling services. The agreement for collection, diversion and disposal services specifies that the franchisee shall pay to the City a franchise fee of six percent (6%) of gross revenues. The franchise agreement for recycling services includes a Recycling Development Program and Administration Fee of $1,500 per month. I i I ---------- -------.. ------ ------- ._--~ CITY COUNCIL AMENDMENTS TO FRANCHISE AGREEMENTS WITH SOUTH COUNTY SANITARY SERVICE JUNE 25, 2002 PAGE 2 One of the issues that needed to be addressed in the budget process was a projected shortfall in the Sewer Fund. In addition, street sweeping is currently charged to the Sewer Fund, which staff does not recommend as the appropriate revenue source for this service. Therefore, in order to address the Sewer Fund shortfall, it is recommended that street sweeping be removed from the Sewer Fund. Staff surveyed jurisdictions throughout the State to determine how street sweeping is most commonly funded. The most common practices included charging street sweeping to the general fund, gas tax revenues, refuse collection fees, or stormwater management enterprise funds. As a result, it was recommended that a portion of street sweeping costs be paid from gas tax revenues and a portion be charged to the General Fund, indirectly from refuse fees by increasing the franchise fee on refuse and recycling services. It is proposed that the refuse collection franchise fee be increased from six percent (6%) to ten percent (10%). This is the same rate currently charged by both Grover Beach and Oceano. The recycling franchise currently has a monthly administration fee of $1,500. It is recommended that this fee be eliminated and replaced with a ten percent (10%) franchise fee to make both agreements consistent. It will also simplify accounting for both the City and South County Sanitary Service. The franchise fees are a "pass-through" expense. Therefore, the increases will result in an increase to refuse collection and recycling rates. Based on the current rate structure, it is estimated that the change will result in an increase of approximately 63~ for a 64-gallon container account. The amendments specify that the changes will become effective on April 1, 2003 in order to incorporate the increase into the annual rate adjustment by the refuse operator. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve the proposed amendments to both franchise agreements; - Approve only the proposed amendment to the refuse collection franchise agreement; - Do not approve the amendments to the franchise agreements and direct staff to develop other alternatives for addressing the Sewer Fund projected shortfall; - Provide staff direction. Attachments: 1. Second amendment to Franchise Agreement for refuse collection and disposal 2. First amendment to Franchise Agreement for recycling services - ___ _un __ _n_..--__ _____ ___J ATTACHMENT 1 SECOND AMENDMENT TO FRANCHISE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AND SOUTH COUNTY SANITARY SERVICE,INC. This SECOND AMENDMENT TO FRANCHISE AGREEMENT is made and entered into this of June, 2002, by and between the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, a municipal corporation of the State of California (hereinafter referred to as "CITY") and SOUTH COUNTY SANITARY SERVICE, INC., a California corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "FRANCHISEE"). WHEREAS, the parties entered into a Franchise Agreement between the City of Arroyo Grande and South County Sanitary Service, Inc. dated November 12, 1997 (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Agreement") wherein Franchisee agreed to provide for collection, processing diversion and disposal of solid waste within the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, in consideration of the exclusive franchise, the Agreement sets forth provisions for payment of a "franchise fee" of six percent (6%) of FRANCHISEE's gross revenues by the FRANCHISEE to the CITY; and WHEREAS, the CITY and FRANCHISEE have mutually agreed to increase said franchise fee to ten percent (10%) of FRANCHISEE's gross revenues effective on April 1, 2003 in order to offset certain administrative and other costs of City. NOW, THEREFORE, for valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency for which are hereby acknowledged, the parties mutually agree that ARTICLE 8. , Section 8.1 shall be amended to read: 1. 8.1 Franchise Fee Pavments In consideration of the exclusive franchise provided for in Article 4 of this Agreement, Franchisee shall pay the City ten percent (10%) of Franchisee's gross revenues for collection and disposal of solid waste within the City. Such franchise fee shall be a "pass-through" expense for purposes of rate review and setting. Each monthly remittance of fees to City shall be accompanied by a statement detailing gross receipts for the period covered from all operations conducted or permitted pursuant to this Agreement. 2. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. I ------~-----------_._---- --- ----, .._._--_._._.~ _ ___.._____m.___ __.____ ---~--~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CITY and FRANCHISEE have executed this Amendment to Franchise Agreement on the day and year first set forth above. FRANCHISEE: SOUTH COUNTY SANITARY SERVICE By: CITY: CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE By: Michael A. Lady, Mayor ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Timothy J. Carmel, City Attorney i I i -----------.....- .~_J ATTACHMENT 2 FIRST AMENDMENT TO FRANCHISE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AND SOUTH COUNTY SANITARY SERVICE,INC. This FIRST AMENDMENT TO FRANCHISE AGREEMENT is made and entered into this of June, 2002, by and between the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, a municipal corporation of the State of California (hereinafter referred to as "CITY") and SOUTH COUNTY SANITARY SERVICE, INC., a California corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "CONTRACTOR"). WHEREAS, the parties entered into a Franchise Agreement between the City of Arroyo Grande and South County Sanitary Service, Inc. dated August 24, 1999, (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Agreement") wherein Franchisee agreed to provide for collection, processing and marketing of residential and commercial recyclable materials and the performance of other services related to meeting the goals and requirements of the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989; and WHEREAS, the Agreement sets forth that the CONTRACTOR shall pay to CITY a monthly Recycling Development Program and Administration Fee of $1,500; and WHEREAS, the CITY and CONTRACTOR have mutually agreed to eliminate said monthly Recycling Development Program and Administration Fee and institute a "franchise fee" of ten percent (10%) of Franchisee's gross revenues to be paid by CONTRACTOR to CITY effective on April 1, 2003 in order to offset certain administrative and other costs of City. NOW, THEREFORE, for valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency for which are hereby acknowledged, the parties mutually agree that ARTICLE 7., Section 7.1 shall be amended to read: 1. 7.1 Franchise Fee Pavments In consideration of the exclusive franchise provided for in Article 4 of this Agreement, Franchisee shall pay the City ten percent (10%) of Franchisee's gross revenues for collection, processing and marketing of residential and commercial recyclable materials within the City. Such franchise fee shall be a "pass-through" expense for purposes of rate review and setting. Each monthly remittance of fees to City shall be . .------- ---- I accompanied by a statement detailing gross receipts for the period covered from all operations conducted or permitted pursuant to this Agreement. 2. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CITY and FRANCHISEE have executed this Amendment to Franchise Agreement on the day and year first set forth above. FRANCHISEE: SOUTH COUNTY SANITARY SERVICE By: CITY: CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE By: Michael A. Lady, Mayor ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Timothy J. Carmel, City Attorney -----. - ------------ - ------ 10.a. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER ~ LYNDA SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR F FINANCIAL SERVICE~ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF FY 2002-03 ANNUAL BUDGET DATE: JUNE 25, 2002 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt the attached resolution approving the FY 2002-03 Annual Budget. FUNDING: The proposed General Fund budget is $10,210,640 and the total recommended City budget is $18,700,997. All funds are balanced. DISCUSSION: The Preliminary Budget for FY 2002-03 was presented and reviewed at the special City Council workshop on May 30, 2002. At that meeting, staff was directed to provide recommendations for funding a second new Fire Engineer position. The proposed budget includes 2 new Fire Engineer positions, which will both be filled January 1, 2003. This modification resulted in an increase of $31,300. The following corresponding modifications are recommended in order to fund this additional expenditure: . A reduction of $5,000 from the Facilities Maintenance budget. This amount had been budgeted for sealing of bricks at the Fire Station, but will now instead be included in the proposed Fire Station Expansion project. . A reduction of $3,000 in proposed Fire Department Evening Staffing Program pay expenses. It is recommended that pay be increased from $45 to $50 instead of $55 previously budgeted. This still represents an 11 % increase. . An increase of $12,000 in telecommunication site lease revenue. Staff will be proposing a cell tower lease at Soto Sports Complex within the next couple months. ---- -- --------...----- ...------..-..------ CITY COUNCIL FY 2002-03 ANNUAL BUDGET JUNE 25, 2002 PAGE 2 . An increase of $2,500 in recycling franchise fee revenue. It is proposed the recycling franchise be modified to be consistent with the refuse collection franchise fee. . A decrease of $2,000 in the Economic Development budget. A corresponding adjustment will be made to the transfer amount to the General Fund. . A reduction in the funding budgeted for the Housing Element from $40,000 to $38,000. . A reduction of $1,000 in the citywide training budget. The primary focus on citywide training this upcoming year will be on safety related programs. Much of this training will be funded through the Central Coast Cities Self Insurance Fund. Therefore, the training account can be reduced. . A reduction in the Printing/Duplicating budget of $1,800. We have experienced some savings due to the addition of the new printing press last year. . The remaining $2,000 will be addressed through unallocated funding available within the original proposed budget. The revised budget also now includes funding for recommended management salary and benefit adjustments. These resulted in an increased cost of $73,000, $68,600 of which is in the General Fund. The budget is an important document because it represents the collective recommendation of the department directors for the work plan for the upcoming year. All funds are balanced under the proposal. We believe the budget addresses existing needs, but does so prudently by managing ongoing costs, balancing priorities and planning long term. City funds, as proposed, are balanced. When transfers are excluded, the total recommended Citywide budget is $16,140,547. After accounting for carryover appropriations from the prior year, this represents a decrease of .64% from the FY 2001-02 Amended Budget. However, the reduction results primarily from a decrease in new one-time funding for capital projects. The General Fund, which finances the majority of what are considered traditional government services, is proposed to be $10,210,640. This represents an increase of 2.59%. Before including service level changes and salary adjustments, the General Fund budget is reduced by approximately $242,200 from the current year adjusted budget. This is an indication of the operational efficiency of each of the City's departments. Projected revenues exceed the recommended expenses by $237,020. However, a portion of this amount will be reduced by carryovers. I ----"-.-"-' ----......-..-.--- _____J CITY COUNCIL FY 2002-03 ANNUAL BUDGET JUNE 25, 2002 PAGE 3 The recommended budget addresses each of the budget priorities established by the City Council at the initiation of the budget process. New funding is included for an update to the City's Housing Element of the General Plan, the addition of one Maintenance Worker position for the addition of the Rancho Grande Park, the addition of two full-time paid Fire Engineer positions, an increase in funding for street improvements, an extension and improvements to City Hall to make the building compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), costs for the November 2002 municipal election and employee compensation adjustments. These service level and budget adjustments were funded through increases in revenues, reductions in ongoing operational costs, and other cost saving measures. The most significant accomplishment is that the projected June 30, 2002 Fund Balance of the General Fund will exceed the City's 15% reserve policy goal. The current year fund balance is projected to be approximately $2,273,614 (22.2% of appropriations). By the end of FY 2002-03, the proposed budget projects the Fund Balance to be slightly more than $2.5 million. Major projects programmed in the Capital Improvement Program for FY 2002-03 include Rancho Grande Park, City Hall extension and ADA improvements, Creekside Path, Bridge Street bridge deck rehabilitation, Newsom Springs drainage improvements, Sewer Lift Station No.1, East Grand Avenue Phase 3 reconstruction, and Reservoir No. 1 replacement. A plan is also incorporated in the 5-year CIP for completion of Branch Mill resurfacing in early FY 2003-04, which has been adjusted due to State funding delays. A plan to address a shortfall in the Redevelopment Agency Fund is on target. Based on current trends, the fund is expected to begin repaying outstanding debt by FY 2005-06. The budget proposals also include contingency planning for potential impacts of the State budget crisis on local funding sources and projected increases in health benefit costs. Plans include unallocated funds within the budget, available reserves, review of positions that become vacant, a delay in the City Hall extension project if necessary, and ongoing efforts to increase revenues and reduce costs. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Adopt resolution approving FY 2001-02 Annual Budget; - Modify and approve FY 2001-02 Annual Budget; - Provide direction to staff. I ---- .-----..- _ ._--1 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE C'TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2002- 03 ANNUAL BUDGET AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE AMOUNT BUDGETED WHEREAS, a proposed Annual Budget for the City of Arroyo Grande for the Fiscal Year commencing July 1, 2002 and ending June 30, 2003 was submitted to the City Council and is on file with the Director of Administrative Services; and i WHEREAS, the City Council also serves as the Redevelopment Agency Board of . Directors; and WHEREAS, proceedings for adoption of said Budget have been duly taken; and I WHEREAS, the City Council made certain revisions, corrections, and modifications to reflect the changes ordered by the City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Budget, as amended, is adopted as the Annual Budget for the City of Arroyo Grande for the Fiscal Year commencing July 1, 2002 and ending June 30, 2003. SECTION 2. At the close of the Fiscal Year, unexpended appropriations in the Operating Budget will be carried forward to the next fiscal year as necessary to underwrite the expense of outstanding purchase commitments. Unexpended appropriations for authorized, but uncompleted projects as approved by the City Council, may be carried forward to the next succeeding Budget upon recommendation by the Financial Services Director and approval of the City Manager. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the followir;1g roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of ,2002. ...I , i I 10.b. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER~ ~ TERRY FIBICH, DIRECTOR OF BUILDING AND FI ::f: SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF PLACING A GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND MEASURE ON THE NOVEMBER 5, 2002 BALLOT TO FUND THE PROPOSED FIRE STATION EXPANSION PROJECT DATE: JUNE 25, 2002 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: 1) Adopt a Resolution determining the need for the expansion and improvement of the existing Fire Station; and 2) Introduce an Ordinance calling and giving notice of a Special Election on the proposition of whether bonds shall be issued and sold for the purpose of the fire station expansion project, ordering the submission of a measure to the qualified voters of the City at the Consolidated General Municipal Election, and establishing specifications for the Election order. FUNDING: Funding for all election costs has been included in the FY 2002-03 Annual Budget. The revised estimate for the cost of the Fire Station Expansion project is $1,732,691. This results in a recommended General Obligation bond measure authorization of $1.9 million. The cost breakdown is as follows: Construction Fund $1,733,000 Underwriting Fee (1.25% max) 23,750 Financial Advisor/all printing & mailing 25,000 Bond CounsellDisclosure/disbursements 36,000 Bond Rating 8,000 Trustee (initial fee+first year's fee) 5,000 Contingency 69.250 Total $1,900,000 DISCUSSION: The City of Arroyo Grande Fire Station was constructed in 1980. At that time, it served an all-volunteer and part-time fire force. The facility now houses staff on a 24-hour basis with one paid chief, three paid captains and hourly pay for volunteers on assigned shifts. A plan is also being developed to add three paid CITY COUNCIL FIRE STATION EXPANSION GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND MEASURE JUNE 25, 2002 PAGE 2 engineer positions over the next year. Since the station was constructed, call volume has increased by 723%. In April 2002, DMG-Maximus completed a Facility and Staffing Needs Assessment of the City of Arroyo Grande Fire Department. The independent study found the existing station to be "undersized by about 2,349 square feet" and identified a number of unmet needs of the facility. A Fire Station Expansion Feasibility Study was completed by RRM Design in May 2002, which presented two expansion design alternatives to address each of the needs identified. The results of the Fire Station Expansion Feasibility Study were presented by RRM Design at the May 28, 2002 City Council meeting. The design alternative selected by the City Council will provide 5,779 additional square feet, primarily through the addition of a second floor to the existing Station, for a total of 13,374 square feet. The primary needs for the facility identified include the following: . Sleeping and multi-gender shower/restroom facilities - The existing station has no sleeping facilities for evening shift staff. . Medical clean-up area - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) rules and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards specify that a designated area be provided for safe clean up of blood-borne pathogens after medical calls. The existing station has no medical clean-up area. . Tumout room - OSHA rules and NFPA standards specify that turnout clothing be stored in a ventilated, enclosed area, to limit off-gassing of any hazardous material or by-products of combustions to which firefighters may have been exposed. The existing station does not provide for a turnout room. . Diesel exhaust removal/elimination system - OSHA rules specify that equipment be installed in the apparatus garage to divert Fire vehicle exhaust from the apparatus rooms. . Training room - The needs assessment found the Fire Station's training room to be inadequate to provide training programs to the existing 40- member force. . Fire sprinklers - If constructed today, the Uniform Fire Code would require the building to be fire sprinkled. . Seismic retrofit - The facility does not meet current seismic standards for essential facility structures. ----_.-- ------------- CITY COUNCIL FIRE STATION EXPANSION GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND MEASURE JUNE 25, 2002 PAGE 3 . Apparatus bay expansion - The current apparatus garage is not sufficient to house all the Department's vehicles, which results in premature aging of valuable equipment. After studying funding alternatives, given the cost of the project and the City's available funding, it was determined that the only feasible option at this time is to place a measure on the November 5, 2002 ballot to issue General Obligation Bonds. If approved, the debt service on the bonds would be paid by an increased property tax assessment. Given the importance of Fire suppression and prevention services to the community, the demonstrated need for the improvements, and the fact that staff is proposing the most cost effective means of meeting these needs, we are hopeful that the level of public support necessary to approve the proposed measure will exist. The City may finance acquisition and construction of various projects and capital assets through the issuance and sale of municipal securities. Securities are sold and the proceeds from the sale are used to fund the acquisition and/or improvement of real property. State law strictly regulates the use to which bond proceeds may be put; specifically, tax-exempt municipal bonds must be used for capital projects (buying property and improving it). The proceeds can not be used to fund programs. The proposed bond is a general obligation bond, which means that the bond pledges the City's general funds as security for payment of principal and interest to bond holders. Two-thirds voter approval is required to issue general obligation bonds. Staff and the Financial Advisor recommend that the bonds have a maturity of 20 years. Assuming a bond sale in July 2003, the first tax would appear on the 2003-04 tax bills. Projecting the City assessed value (a.v.) to be $1,355,205,000 (current year plus 2% annual increase), the tax rate needed to support the estimated $158,000 debt service in the first year (20 year issue at 5.25%) would be $0.01166 per $100 a.v. This would result in an annual tax of $11.66 for every $100,000 of assessed valuation. Since the debt service would remain approximately level in subsequent years and City assessed valuation will undoubtedly increase, the tax rate necessary to support the bonds in subsequent years would likely decline. At the meeting, the City Council expressed an interest in obtaining public feedback prior to consideration of approving the placement of the bond measure on the ballot. Press releases were issued, information was provided on the City's web site and cable television government channel, and the Fire Department conducted an open house at the Fire Station on June 22, 2002. Articles appeared in both the Telegram Tribune and Times Press Recorder as a result of the press release and individual meetings with reporters. Staff has not received a significant amount of feedback. However, the input that has been received has been generally positive. -- ~._-- ___m_______n____________ -~.- CITY COUNCIL FIRE STATION EXPANSION GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND MEASURE JUNE 25, 2002 PAGE 4 Before placing a bond measure on the ballot for the November 5, 2002 election for consideration by the electorate, the City must take a number of actions. The first action is to approve a resolution determining public necessity for the improvements and to introduce an ordinance calling for the election and setting forth the bond measure language. The resolution and ordinance are attached for City Council consideration. The proposed language is as follows: Shall the City of Arroyo Grande upgrade and expand the Fire Station located on Traffic Way, including seismic retrofitting to meet current building safety standards and installation of fire sprinklers, construction of a Federally required area for safe cleanup of blood-bome pathogens and a system to remove vehicle exhaust from apparatus rooms, adding sleeping facilities and expanding the apparatus bay, by issuing $1,900,000 in general obligation bonds? In order to meet the required timeline to place the item on the November 5, 2002 ballot, the ordinance must be introduced by the City Council at the June 25, 2002 City Council meeting and adopted at the July 9, 2002 meeting. The resolution and ordinance both must be approved by 2/3rds ofthe City Council (4 members). In addition, if the City Council determines to go forward to seek voter approval for such a measure, the City Council must then approve a Tax Rate Statement, authorize filing of a written argument in support of the bond measure, direct the City Attorney to prepare an impartial analysis, authorize arguments and determine the times by which such arguments shall be submitted to the City Elections Official. It is anticipated that such a Tax Rate Statement would be presented to the City Council for consideration at the July 9, 2002 meeting. AL TERNA TIVES: The following altematives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Proceed with placing the proposed bond measure on the November 5, 2002 ballot by adopting the attached resolution and introducing the attached ordinance; - Modify the cost of the project and then place the modified bond measure on the November 5, 2002 ballot by adopting the resolution and introducing the ordinance; - Direct staff to delay the bond measure to a future election; - Do not approve the resolution or ordinance and direct staff to try to develop other funding alternatives; - Do not proceed with the proposed project; - Provide direction to staff. --~._.__.- -----'---..... ---.-.--------- - ~-~ RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DETERMINING THE NEED FOR EXPANDED AND IMPROVED FIRE STATION FACILITIES WHEREAS, the Fire Station facilities for the City's Fire Department are inadequate and in need I of expansion and improvement to ensure the health and safety of the occupants and users of the facilities and to enable the City's Fire Department to provide increased safety and emergency response services to the residents of the City; and I WHEREAS, the City Council has previously studied the need for expanded and improved Fire Station facilities; and WHEREAS, it is determined that expanded and improved Fire Station facilities are "municipal improvements. within the meaning of California Government Code Section 43601 and may be financed in part using proceeds of general obligation bonds. I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande as follows: 1. The above recitals are true and correct. 2. Pursuant to California Government Code Section 43607, the City hereby finds and determines that the public interest and necessity demand the construction of expanded and improved Fire Station facilities for the City's Fire Department. 3. In the judgment of the City Council, it is advisable to provide for the funding of such community safety needs by means of general obligation bonds. 4. The Mayor, the City Manager, the City Attorney, or any other staff or consultant of the City are hereby authorized and directed to do and cause to be done any and all acts and things necessary or proper for carrying out the transactions contemplated by this Resolution. 5. The Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution and thenceforth and thereafter the same shall be in full force and effect. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member I , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: I . r ! the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted on this day of June, 2002: -. ..--- --- - RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: I I KELLY K. WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER I APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY ! ! , I I I , , I i , ( --.--' ----- ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, CALLING AND GIVING NOTICE OF A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION ON THE PROPOSITION OF WHETHER BONDS SHALL BE ISSUED AND SOLD TO FINANCE AN EXPANSION AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE FIRE STATION, ORDERING THE SUBMISSION OF A MEASURE TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE CITY AT A CONSOLIDATED GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION (AS CALLED FOR BY RESOLUTION NO. -> AND ESTABLISHING SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE ELECTION ORDER WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, California (the "City") has determined that the facilities for the City's Fire Department are inadequate and in need of improvement to ensure the health and safety of the occupants and users of the facilities and to enable the City's Fire Department to provide increased safety and emergency response services to the residents of the City; WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the public interest and necessity demand the expansion and improvement of existing fire facilities (the "Public Safety Project") and that it is advisable to provide the funding for the Public Safety Project by means of general obligation bonds; WHEREAS, a request for consolidating the General Municipal Election with the Statewide General Election to be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 has been called by Resolution No. _; and WHEREAS, the City Council also desires to call and give notice of a Special Election to be consolidated with the General Municipal Election as called by Resolution No. _' on the proposition of whether bonds shall be issued and sold for the purpose of expanding and improving the existing fire facilities; and WHEREAS, Section 1(b) of Article XIIIA of the California Constitution excepts from the general one percent (1%) of full cash value limitation those ad valorem taxes used to pay for debt service of any bonded indebtedness for the acquisition or improvement of real property approved on or after July 1, 1978, by two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast by voters on the proposition; WHEREAS, in the judgment of the City Council, it iS,advisable to call a special election on the question of whether bonds shall be issued and sold an~lrad valorem taxes be levied for the purposes set forth below. I I I I ! -~-- ---.- ORDINANCE NO. - PAGE 2 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The above recitals are true and correct. SECTION 2. Pursuant to the laws of the State of California, the City Council hereby calls a special election and orders the submission to the qualified voters of the City the question of: Shall the City of Arroyo Grande upgrade and i I expand the Fire Station located on Traffic Way, , including seismic retrofitting to meet current BONDS-YES I building safety standards and installation of fire I sprinklers, construction of a Federally required I area for safe cleanup of blood-borne pathogens , I and a system to remove vehicle exhaust from apparatus rooms, adding sleeping facilities and expanding the apparatus bay, by issuing BONDS-NO $1,900,000 in general obligation bonds? SECTION 3. The estimated cost of expanding and improving the existing Fire Station facilities is $1,900,000, including costs authorized pursuant to California I Government Code Section 43610.1(a) and (b) which may be paid from the proceeds of I the sale of the Bonds. I SECTION 4. The maximum amount of the Bonds shall be $1,900,000. I I SECTION 5. The maximum number of years any series of Bonds shall run shall I not exceed thirty (30) years. The maximum rate of interest to be paid on the Bonds shall not exceed eight percent (8%) per annum. The actual rate of interest on any I I series of Bonds shall be determined at or prior to the time of the sale of such series. I I SECTION 6. The date of the special election shall be November 5, 2002. i ! SECTION 7. The election shall be consolidated with such other elections to be I held on November 5, 2002 under State law within the territory of the City, and shall be I i held and conducted, and all other proceedings incidental to and connected with the , I election, shall be regulated and done, in accordance with.t~e provisions of law I regulating regularly scheduled elections_ The precincts, polling places for said precincts in the County of San Luis Obispo, and persons appointed and designated to serve as ---- ORDINANCE NO. - PAGE 3 election officers for said election will be those determined, designated, and appointed pursuant to state law by the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk of the County of San Luis Obispo (the "Registrar"). The City., by resolution, has requested that the election be consolidated with the general election and that the Registrar conduct the election as , well as perform various other services required by law on behalf of the City. I I : SECTION 8. The Director of Administrative Services is hereby designated the i I City's Elections Official for any and all purposes. I , SECTION 9. The City Elections Official shall, not later than 88 days prior to the date of the election, cause a certified copy of this Ordinance to be filed with the County I Clerk/Registrar of Voters of the County of San Luis Obispo. i SECTION 10. The City Attorney is hereby directed to prepare an analysis of the I measure and to supply it to the City Elections Official/County Clerk for use in the sample I ballot. , , i , SECTION 11. The City Elections Official is hereby directed to publish this i Ordinance pursuant to California Government Code Section 43611. I SECTION' 12. Notice of the time and place of holding the election is given and the. City Election Official is authorized, instructed and directed to give further or additional notice of the election, in time, form and manner as required by law. SECTION 13. In all particulars not recited in this Ordinance, the election shall be , held and conducted as provided by law for holding municipal and general obiigation I bond elections. The City Elections Official shall make this Ordinance readily available I for public inspection within thirty (30) days of the date this Ordinance is adopted. I I I SECTION 14. Upon its second reading and adoption, the Director of I Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance ! and thenceforth and thereafter the same shall be in full force and effect. I i , I i On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on I the following roll-call vote, to wit I i AYES: NOES: ,{ ABSENT: the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this day of ,2002. ----- -~---. ORDINANCE NO. - PAGE 4 I I i I MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: I ! I KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY I I I I I I . r ~-_.__._-- .---...- I . . MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ~ SUBJECT: JUNE 25, 2002 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA, ITEM 10.b. CONSIDERATION OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND MEASURE DATE: JUNE 24, 2002 Enclosed you will find an amendment to Section 5 in the proposed Ordinance. The additional language has been highlighted on page 2 for your consideration. Staff recommends the Council introduce the Ordinance by title only, as amended. c: City Manager City Attorney --- . ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY I OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, CALLING AND GIVING NOTICE OF A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION ON THE PROPOSITION OF WHETHER BONDS SHALL BE ISSUED AND SOLD TO FINANCE AN EXPANSION AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE FIRE STATION, ORDERING THE SUBMISSION OF A MEASURE TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE CITY AT A CONSOLIDATED GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION (AS CALLED FOR BY RESOLUTION NO. --> AND ESTABLISHING SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE ELECTION I ORDER WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, Califomia (the "City") has determined that the facilities for the City's Fire Department are inadequate and in need of improvement to ensure the health and safety of the occupants and users of the facilities and. to enable the City's Fire Department to provide increased safety and emergency response services to the residents of the City; WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the public interest and necessity demand the expansion and improvement of existing fire facilities (the "Public Safety Project") and that it is advisable to provide the funding for the Public Safety Project by means of general obligation bonds; WHEREAS, a request for consolidating the General Municipal Election with the Statewide General Election to be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 has been called by Resolution No. _; and WHEREAS, the City Council also desires to call and give notice of a Special Election to be consolidated with the General Municipal Election as called by Resolution No. _' on the proposition of whether bonds shall be issued and sold for the purpose of expanding and improving the existing fire facilities; and WHEREAS, Section 1(b) of Article XIIIA of the Califomia Constitution excepts from the general one percent (1 %) of full cash value limitation those ad valorem taxes used to pay for debt service of any bonded indebtedness for the acquisition or improvement of real property approved on or after July 1, 1978, 'by two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast by voters on the proposition; WHEREAS, in the judgment of the City Council, it is advisable to call a special election on the question of whether bonds shall be issued and sold and ad valorem taxes be levied for the purposes set forth below. ----- I ORDINANCE NO. - I PAGE 2 I NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The above recitals are true and correct. SECTION 2. Pursuant to the laws of the State of Califomia, the City Council hereby calls a special election and orders the submission to the qualified voters of the City the question of: Shall the City of Arroyo Grande upgrade and expand the Fire Station located on Traffic Way, including seismic retrofitting to meet current BONDS - YES building safety standards and installation of fire sprinklers, construction of a Federally'required area for safe cleanup of blood-bome pathogens and a system to remove vehicle exhaust from apparatus rooms, adding sleeping facilities and expanding the apparatus bay, by issuing BONDS-NO $1,900,000 in general obligation bonds? SECTION 3. The estimated cost of expanding and improving the existing Fire Station facilities is $1,900,000, including costs authorized pursuant to Califomia Govemment Code Section 43610.1(a) and (b) which may be paid from the proceeds of the sale ofthe Bonds. SECTION 4. The maximum amount of the Bonds shall be $1,900,000. SECTION 5. The maximum number of years any series of Bonds shall run shall not exceed thirty (30) years. The maximum rate of interest to be paid on the Bonds shall not exceed eight percent (8%) per annum. The actual rate of interest on any series of Bonds shall be determined at or prior to the time of the sale of such series. SECTION 6. The date of the special election shall be November 5, 2002. SECTION 7. The election shall be consolidated with such other elections to be held on November 5, 2002 under State law within the territory of the City, and shall be held and conducted, and all other proceedings incidental to and connected with the election, shall be regulated and done, in accordance with the provisions of law regulating regularly scheduled elections. The precincts, polling places for said precincts ----.."- --.__._~--- - ---- ----- r I . ORDINANCE NO. - I PAGE 3 in the County of San Luis Obispo, and persons appointed and designated to serve as election officers. for said election will be those determined, designated, and appointed pursuant to state law by the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk of the County of San Luis Obispo (the "Registrar"). The City, by resolution, has requested that the election be consolidated with the general election and that the Registrar conduct the election as well as perform various other services required by law on behalf of the City. SECTION 8. The Director of Administrative Services is hereby designated the City's Elections Official for any and all purposes. SECTION 9. The City Elections Official shall, not later than 88 days prior to the date of the election, cause a certified copy of this Ordinance to be filed with the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters of the County of San Luis Obispo. SECTION 10. The City Attorney is hereby directed to prepare an analysis of the measure and to supply it to the City Elections Official/County Clerk for use in the sample ballot. SECTION 11. The City Elections Official is hereby directed to publish this Ordinance pursuant to California Govemment Code Section 43611. SECTION 12. Notice of the time and place of holding the election is given and the City Election Official is authorized, instructed and directed to give further or additional notice of the election, in time, form and manner as required by law. SECTION 13. In all particulars not recited'in this Ordinance, the election shall be held and conducted as provided by law for holding municipal and general obligation bond elections. The City Elections Official shall make this Ordinance readily available for public inspection within thirty (30) days of the date this Ordinance is adopted. SECTION 14. Upon its second reading and adoption, the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and thenceforth and thereafter the same shall be in full force and effect. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll-call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this day of ,2002.