Minutes 1985-01-28 ~ -- , .' CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 28, 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA I :00 P.M. STUDY SESSION The Council met in regular adjourned study session, with Mayor B'Ann Smith presiding, to consider the Paseo Street Development Proposal. JIM McGILLIS, Surveyor, San Luis Engineering, displayed a large photograph of the Paseo Street area for Council's study. He explained details of the proposed development plan pointing out the location of the Tally Ho Creek and the boundaries of the development. Discussion revealed the City owns no property rights on the Creek, and Council discussed the obligation to service and maintain the Creek, which is the responsibility of the individual property owners. Council also discussed the anticipated traffic flow through the area, commenting on James Way, Huasna Road, Route 227, East Branch Street, May Street, McKinley Street, and Le Point Street. City Engineer Karp suggested that development of Paseo Street might end up connecting to a future connection with an extension of James Way across Tally Ho Creek. He said that the City's wishes to plan for that extension in the General Plan are not the issue at this proceeding. He Indicated that the matter would be discussed during Planning sessions for the revision of the circulation element presently under study by the Planning Department. He indicated that any plan line for Paseo Street could be approved with collector width improvements. This approval would keep the options open if a future revision of the circulation element called for extension of James Way to State Highway 227. Council further discussed the cross-section of a typical home which would be constructed on the lots that front on Paseo Street. Council noted the significant amount of grading and retaining wall construction which would be required to develop the lots. After considerable discussion, Council elected to conceptually approve the Plan Line for Paseo Street with the following conditions on a motion by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried: 1. Paseo Street to be developed on a 64 ft. wide right of way between Highway 227 and the easterly boundary of Lot #17. Development of this street to conform with standard collector street dimensions (44 feet curb to curb with 6 ft. sidewalks). 2. Between Lots #17 and #18 the right of way and improvements developed will taper from a collector road section (44 ft.) to a local street section (40 ft. curb to curb on a 52 ft. or 60 ft. right of way). 3. Lot #10 shall gain access from Le Point Street as far westerly as possible. 4. Lots #8 and #9 shall be developed with a common drive access to Highway 227. 5. Lots #6 and #7 to gain access with a common drive to Paseo Street. 6. Developer shall arrange for appropriate utility and drainage improvement installation, including rights of way prior to approval of final imlJ"ovement plans. 7. A stop sign shall be installed on Paseo Street at Highway 227. 8. An effort shall be .made to negotiate regrading the access for the existing home located at 211 Corbett Canyon Road (APN 7-031-18) from Paseo Street. Jim McGillis pointed out that the City Council should consider development of garages for the future homes. Counci I indicated that such an approval could only be granted after a Planning Commission recommendation for variance. '- -~ - CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 28, 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO. City Engineer Karp said that this developer would be required to design the entire roadway for the length of the project, as well as improvements required on the highway by Cal Trans. He pointed out to the City Council that the developer would nonly be required to construct two-thirds of the street and sidewalk improve- ments on his own frontage. Karp indicated that if improvements are desired on the northwesterly frontage of Paseo Street, some other procedure would have to be initiated by the Councilor such coule be required with redevelopment of adjoining properties, which front on that side of Paseo Street. McGillis indicated that through right of way negoiation for a sewer easement this developer had agreed to construct frontage improvements for the parcel known as 221 Corbett Canyon Road (APN 7-031-27). On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Johnson, and unanimously carried, the Council adjourned the Study Session to Regular Session at 1:50 P.M. ~'(Jftt,AJ.~ ~ KAYOR ATTEST: ._.-:._:....~/ D TV CITY CL K . ---~_.-