R 1974 40 RIDiQLIJI10~ ~Q.. .lJ!Zi A RESOLIJI10N OF THE CfIY roUNClL OF THE CfIY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING AN EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PROGRAM, INCLUDING A SALARY SCHEDULE, POSmON CLAsstFICATIONS AND SALARY STEPS ' WmuN THE RESPECI1VE RANGES FOR roNFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEBS, PART-TIME EMPLOYEES, VOLUNTEBRS, RESERVES ANDMANAGBMBNT PERSONNEL FOR 1986/87, 1987/88 AND 1988/89, WHERE APPLICABLE, AND REPEALING RESOLIJI10NS 1778 and 1787 ON JULY I, 1986. THE CfIY roUNClL OF THE CfIY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES RBSOLVE AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, this Council deems it to be in the best interests of the City of Anoyo Grande and its various eq)Ioyees that mini..."" and mazinun compensation be fixed for various ..I...ifjcatiooa of eqioyment in the various offices and departments of the City of Anoyo Grande as hereinafter provided. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RBSOL VED that the terms of this resolution shall be effective July J I, 1986 and shall apply to the fiscal years 1986/87 and 1987/88. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this resolution shall supercede and repeal ReOAI...;"n Nos. 1778 and 1787 which previously established salary schedule and position rl,.,iR<:atiIJIIs and amendments. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the minin..n cGq)ensation as of date of eqioyment and the intermediate and mazinun compensation for such aopIoyment shall be as hereinafter enumerated, effective July I, 1986, and that, where identified, said eqioyees shall be as.;sned to salary ste~ within the respective pay range of the position classification as set forth in the e:a:bibits, and further, that exhibits attached hereto are made a part hereof by reference, all of which are hereby adopted as follows: AQMINIST&AnQ~ Qf nm mMPENSATIOM lLAM AU full-time confidential aopIoyees entering the eqioy of the City shall be paid at a step within the established salary range. Salary step increases, as provided herein, are not aut_tic, but based on perfonnance and metit. EmpJoyees shall be placed on the step and qualify for increase in COIq?eDSation for advancement to the nen higher step of the pay ranges in the ...-r following: 1. EqIJoyees may qualify for advancement to the second step, after camp\etion of six months service, upon the recomneodation of the department head and approval by the City Manager. , 2. EqIJoyees may qualify for advancement to the third step, after the camp\etion of _ year of service in step two, upon recomnendation of the department head and approval by the City Manager. 3. EmpJoyees may qualify for advancement to the fourth step, after the campletion of one year of service at the third step, upon recomnendation of the department head and approval by the City Manager. 4. ~yees may qualify for advancement to the fifth step, after cDqlletion of one year of service in step four, upon recomnendarion of the department head and approval by the City Manager. 5. a. Confidential eqioyees may qualify for advancement of one salary range above their position classified range upon receipt of an Associated Arts Degree in a fieJd relative to their job ..Iusification, from an accredited JlIIIior College or College, or upon earning a .peciallicense or certificate, deemed to be equivalent to an AA degree in value to the City and an enhancement to the productivity of an eqioyee in his,.her job, upon re~adation of the J department head and approval by the City Manager. b. Confidential eqioyees may qualify for advancement of two salary range. above their posirion classified range, upon receipt of a Bachelor of Scicnce/Bachclor of Arts Degree, in a fieJd relative to their job claasification, from an accredited College, upon recoamendation of the department head and approval by the City Manager. c. Exceptions : Where job ..I....mcations or requirements include an Associated Arts or ( Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts Degree, Section 5a. and Section 5b. above wiJl not ! apply. 6. A perfonnance report on each eqioyee rec_oded for advancement shall be submitted to the City Manager priM to final action on such rer.........nc:lation. 7. AU Part-time and management eqioyees shall be paid without benefit of a salary range or position ..1..Ufication and at rates as specified in this resolution. __H ----