R 1334 24H ( ') RESOLUTION NO. 1334 A MSOUITION Of THE CITY COIIIKU. Of Ttf( CITY Of MItOYO ..~_ ADOI'TlItG TtIt: ME..II C'ICU- LATlON (STUET AttD HlfiMWAY) ELf.1IT Of THt: GENUAL !'LAN. WHEREAS, the Planning Caamlulon of the City of Arroyo Gran. ha, pra,.red a general pl_ report toGether with a general plan Map and has Mopted the _nded ClrclI- latlon (St....t MId NI......y EI_t) of the Gener.1 Plan: .nd . WHEREAS. pursuant to Govar_t Code Sec;tlon 65501, at uq. the City tcMInc;ll g.ve required notice MId did hold. public hearln, on MoveIIber 28. I"'. for the purpose of conslderl", the Moptlon of the _nded Clrcul.tloet (Street MId "I~) EI....t of the Gener.1 ". report"'" ..." and .t whlc;h public; heerlng the r-de" Clrc;vl.tlon (St....t and HIghwey) EJ_t report and ..., were dlspl.yed, expl.lne4 _ reported upon; MId r WHElEAS. said .-n4ed Clrcul.tlon (Street and Highway) U_t of the .....r.1 "'.... r.port end ..., thereof .re necess.ry for sound future QIJ1llrlty develc.-nt, the pra..rvat Ion of 1;1 unity values, and the prOllOtlon of the general _!th. safaty, conYtlfllance and .lfara of the c:1 tlzens of the CI ty of Arroyo lir......; aM WHEMAS, the City Counc:Il of the CI ty of Arroyo Grande has . re5pOftslbll I ty to , plan for the deslrola future tr~h and d.vel~t of the City of Arroyo flrancle; IIOW, TltEUFOU, THE cln COUItCll OF THE CITY OF AMOVO .WIIE ..S MEUIY MSOlVE AS FOllOWS: Section I. The City Council of the City of Arroyo fir.... cion herQy fln4 and detamlne that the public: Intarast, convenience and necasslty r..-lre thet the I nod.d Clr'ul.tlon (Street"'" Highway) Elflllent of the Gener.1 Plen report an4 .., be acfopted. Sec:tlon 2. The City Council of the City of A,royo fir...... heNlily adapts the 11II1nll... Clrc:vlaUon (Street and HI"""y) Elflllent of the General "... together wIth the ..ps MId de"rl,tl..,. .tarlal to provIde IS foll_: (a) The East Frontage Roed c:ross sactlon be Inc;....sed In width to 56 f..t ofr I ght of way. (~) TMt Tally No Roed be shown as a "local" street ratMr then . "collactor" street, wi th a 52 'oot rl,M .f .y. On the !MItlon of tounc:lI .....r de Leon, seconded"" Council ......1' ..II.....' ami on the followl", roll c:a II vote. to wi t: AYES: Council .....rs Gall..her, de Leon. SMith, Pope an4 MiIyor "IIIls. NOES: tIQfte . AlSEItT: tIQfte . the foretOl", "soh.tlon was ~ssee! and Moptee! this 12th day 0' OK- -Ir, 1'7'. [ ATTEST: ~-~ .. tetherl.. L. Jaftsan, Deputy CIty Clark of the City of Arr.". Ir....... County 0' Saft LuIs "'spo, State of CaU'ornla, do hereby certify thet the fortlfOltIf ..solut-Ion 110. 1)3_ I. . true. 'ull MId corrKt copy of ..Id "solution H.... .... .,~ teet by the City Council of the (Ity of Arroyo Ir.... at . regular _trill of "'It CeuMII held Oft the 12th day of DecJ~'.r, 1978. WITIIISS ., ....... and the Seal of tM City of Arroyo fir...... .ffl.... th" 13th day of ..Clltlllet'. 'm. (SEAL) L~ ~. ..... .".~_ '~:-'_::-;~r :.,.:,I:,!,:.."t}~::Y:,},j":f'5~~t ..,,,,. '" .,.....,'t':"::,.,.\ll.\'.!~,'4;'6,,.~ .'~; . .~. - .-...."'.'""~~1"r",.':,I',"':.,.....''''..;~,,'T'''..>I'. .,~":"..",,.." ~1 .~~1,,, ,,~p,.~,<,t "':I:,J,~:"JJ~ >:R,.,:;"J:J-m~ ;:\:.,t;~~ "",.... . .;t. roDIJ.rfk