R 1188 ......, RESOlUl >ON NO" 1188 A RESi)U.lj!!ON Of THE r., H CO\JNCI L OF THE CiTY OF ARROYO GRANDE NAMING THE PARK ON LE POINT STREET AS "HOOSGOW PARK". WHEREAS, it has been established by Resolution No. 735 that the Parks and Recreation CommissIon wid I I'ecommend names for City Parks to the City Council for' its approval and adoption; and WHEREAS, the Park~ and Recreat on Commission has considered names to be used for identification of certain park areas In the City of Arroyo Grande and has recommended that the park area on Le Poi nt Street be named "HOOSGOW PARK" and be so approved and adopted by the City Council. , I NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCiL OF lHE CiTY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: That the park area on Le POl!'lt Street is heleby officially named "HOO~GOW PARK", as I"ecommended by the Parks and ReCfeatcon COIMI\ssion, On motion of Councilman de Leor) , seconded by Cound1man 5p"eir',ing and on the fol lowing 1011 raP vote, to ",t: AYEc, Cound Imen Spierl iing, de Leon, Schlegel, M'i j J iis a"d Mayor Tal ley NOES: None ABSEN1 : None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 10th day of Novemb~', ~ 9?S" AmST:~ ;:rdR.f~A-i ~~ MAYOR - CITY CLERK f i, !nes Ac del Campo, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of CaJifornia, do he"eby certify that the foregoing P,esolution No. \!8B '5 a true, full and correct COP\! of said Resolut'ion passed and adopted by t"i1eCity Counei 1 of the City of Arroyo Grande at a regular adjourned meeting of said Cound 1 held on the 10th day of November, 1975, WITNESS my hand and the Seai of the Ciity of Anoyo Grande "ffixed thIs 12th day of Novembe'" 1975 -.ftP.<v .Jdld~ City Clerk 0 the C:ty 0' Atr'oyo Grande ( SEAL) -- -"-- _. --..---- --.-- -