Minutes 2002-06-25 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 200~ COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 E. BRANcH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor/Chair Lady called the Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL City CounciVRDA: Council/Board Members Dickens, Ferrara, Lubin, Mayor Pro TemNice Chair Runels and Mayor/Chair Ledy were present. City Staff Present: City Manager Adams; City Attomey Carmel; Director of Administrative Services Wetmore; Chief of Police Ter80rch; Director of Building and Fire Fibich; and Director of Financial Services Snodgrass. 3. FLAG S~LUTE Members of the American Legion led the Flag Salute. 4. INVOCATION Jean Bowser, Bahai Faith, Arroyo Grande, delivered the invocation. 5. SPECIAL PRESeNTATIONS 5.a. Proclamation - Attaining the Rank of Eagle Scout. James TrIngham. At the request of the Tringham family, Mayor Lady called for a postponement of this item until the City Council Meeting of July 9, 2002. 6. AGENDA REVIEW None. 6.a. Resolutions and Ordinances Read in Title Only Mayor Pro Tem Runels moved, Council Member Ferrara seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read in title only and all further reading be waived. 7. CITIZENS' INPUT. COMMENTS. AND SUGGESTIONS None. a. CONSENT AGENDA City Attorney Carmel noted that a supplemental memorandum had been distributed to the Council on Agenda Item B.d. with an amendment to the May 30, 2002 minutes. . I , ---- I CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JUNE 25, 2002 PAGE 2 Mayor Pro TemNice Chair Runels moved and Council/Board Member Lubin seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 8.a. through 8.j., with the recommended courses of action: 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification. Action: Approved the listings of cash disbursements for the ~ June 1, 2002 through June 15, 2002. 8.b. Consideration of Cash Flow Analysis/Approval of Interfund AdvMce from the Water Facility Fund. Action: Received and accepted May 2002 cash report and. approve the Interfund advance from the Water Facility Fund to cover cash deficits in other funds at 5/31/02. 8.c. Consideration of Mileage Reimbursement Rate for Employees and Volunteers. [COUNCIURDA] Action: Established 36.54 per mile as the employeelvolunteer mileage reimbursement rate for FY 2002-2003. 8.d. Consideration of Approval of Minutes. Action: Approved minutes for the Special City CounciVRedevelopment Agency Meeting of May 30, 2002 as amended. 8.e. Consideration of Temporary Use Permit No. 02.015; Authorizldlon to CIoN a City Street, Use City Property, and Waive Permit Fees for "4* ef Julv In the Village" on Thursday, July 4, 2002. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 3600 approving Temporary Use Permit 02.()15 for " "4th of July in the Village", authorizing the closure of a City street and the use of City property, and authorizing the waiver of pennit fees. 8.f. Consideration of Salary and Benefit Adjustments for Management Employees. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 3601 approving compensation and benefit adjustments for management employees for FY 2002'()3. 8.g. Consideration of Salary and Benefit Adjustments for Part-Time Employees and Firefighter Volunteers. Action: Adopted Resolution Nos. 3602 and 3603 approving compensation and benefit adjustments for part-time employees and firefighter volunteers for FY 2002- 03. 8.h. Consideration of Approval of First Amendment to Employment ~.ment with the Chief of Pollee. Action: Approved First Amendment to Employment Agreeg"lent with the Chief of Police. 8.1. 2002 General Municipal Election. Action: 1) Adopted Resolution No. 3604 calling and giving notice of a General Municipal Election to be held in the City t;m Tuesday, November 5, 2002, for the election of certain officers of the City; and 2) Adopted Resolution No. 3605 requesting the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo to consolidate the General Municipal Election to be held on November 5, 2002, with the Statewide General Election to be held on the same date pursuant to Section 10403 of the Elections Code. ----------- -- --- - CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JUNE 25, 2002 PAGE 3 8.j. Consideration of Approval of Final Tract Map 2260 Phase III; S&S Homes LLC; Berry Gardens. Action: Approved Final Tract Map 2260, Phase III subdividing approximately 7.3 acres into thirty-eight (38) residential lots. Council AYES: Runels, Lubin, Dickens, Ferrara, Lady NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. RDA AYES: Runels, Lubin, Dickens, Ferrara, Lady NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS 9.a. Consideration of Amendments to Franchise Agreements with South County Sanitary Service to Increase Franchise Fee for CoIlection,DII..... and Disposal of Solid Waste and Replace Recycling Development ProI'IIm and Administration Fee with Franchise Fee for Recycflng Services. City Manager Adams presented the staff report, introduced Tom Martin from South County Sanitary Service, and responded to questions from Council. Staff recomrnei1ded the Council approve the Second Amendment to the Franchise Agreement with South County Sanitary Service for collection, diversion and disposal of solid waste to incre8se the franchise fee from six percent (6%) to ten (10%);' and 2) approve the First Amendment to the Franchise Agreement with South County Sanitary Service for collection, processing and marketing of residential and commercial recyclable materials to eliminate the Recycling Development Program and Administration Fee and establish a franchise fee of ten percent (10%). Mayor Lady opened the Public Hearing and stated ali members of the public were Invited to come forward and speak on the matter. Hearing none, Mayor Lady closed the Public Hearing. Foliowing Council comments in support of the amendments to the Franchise Agreements, Council Member Ferrara moved to approve the Second Amendment to the Franchise Agreement with South County Sanitary Service for collection, diversion and disposal of solid waste to increase the franchise fee from six percent (6%) to ten (10%); and 2) approve the First Amendment to the Franchise Agreement with South County Sanitary Service for collection, processing and marketing of residential and commercial recyclable ~- ---- ---...-- CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JUNE 25, 2002 PAGE 4 materials to eliminate the Recycling Development Program and Administration Fee and establish a franchise fee of ten percent (10%): Council Member Lubin seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote, to wit: AYES: Ferrara, Lubin, Dickens, Runels, Lady NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS 10.a. Consideration of the FY 2002.2003 Annual Budget. [COUNCIURDA] City Manager Adams presented the staff report and responded to questions from Council. Staff recommended the Council adopt a Resolution approving the FY 2002-2003 Annual Budget. Mayor/Chair Lady invited comments from those in the audience who wished to be heard on the matter. and upon hearing none, closed the public comment .periodand brought the issue back to CouncillRDA for consideration. Following comments in support of the amendments made to the preliminary budget with regard to funding the fire engineer positions, Council/Board Member F81'1'111'8 moved to adopt a Resolution adopting the Fiscal Year 2002-03 Annual Budget and making appropriations for the amount budgeted. CouncillBoard Member Dickens seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote, to wit: Council AYES: Ferrara, Dickens, Lubin, Runels, Lady NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. RDA AYES: Ferrara, Dickens, Lubin, Runels, Lady NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. . . 10.b. Consideration of Placing a General Obligation Bond Measure on the November 5, 2002 Ballot to Fund the Proposed Fire Station expansion Project. __ n_ _____._. - ---- I CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JUNE 25, 2002 PAGE 5 City Manager Adams noted that a supplemental memorandum had been distributed to Council regarding an amendment to Section 5 in the proposed Ordinance (on file). Director of Building and Fire/Chief Fibich presented the staff report and reviewed the funding sources estimated for the cost of the Fire Station Expansion project. Staff recommended that Council 1) adopt a Resolution detennining the need for the expansion and improvement of the existing Fire Station; 2) introduce an Ordinance calling and giving notice of a Special Election on the proposition of whether bondsshallbe:issuectandsoldfor the purpose of the fire station expansion project, ordering the submlssion~of 8 measure to the qualified voters of the City at the Consolidated General, Municipal . Election, and establishing specifications for the Election order. Financial Advisor Alan Miller reviewed the process and timellne of Issuing and eelllng bonds if 213 voter approval is achieved at the November 2002 Election. Mr. MIller responded to questions from Council and clarified the estimated tax rate based on assllsed veluatlon; the estimated interest rate (5.25%); the maximum interest rate allowed (8%); and the maximum amount authorized for the bond measure ($1.9 million). Mayor Lady Invited comments from those In the audience who wished to be heard on the matter, and upon hearing none, closed the public commentperiocLandbrought the issue back to Council for consideration. Brian Forbath, Bond Counsel, reviewed the process necessary for Council to approve the placement of a bond measure on the November 2002 ballot. Council Member Dickens expressed cOncems with the wording of the proposed ballot question and suggested that the more technical items be moved to the end of the question and place items such as the need for sleeping facilities and a training room at the beginning of the question. Mayor Pro Tem Runels asked if the bond measure did not pass and the City had to contract with an outside agency for fire services, what resources would the City be required to provide. Director Flbich responded that appropriattt facilities would have to be provided and stated that the City of Pismo Beach Fire Department was required to upgrade its facilities to accommodate Callfomia Department of Forestry personnel. Following discussion regarding revisions to the ballot question, Mayor Lady suggested continuing Item 10.b. to the end of this meeting In order to allow staff time to draft revised language for consideration by the Council. There was consensus of the Council to continue the item to the end of the meeting. 11. NEW BUSINESS None. . ,.. ------------ CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JUNE 25, 2002 PAGE 6 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS a. MAYOR MICHAEL LADY (1) South San Luis Obispo County Senltatlon District (SSLOCSD). 1) Met on June 5th at the plant headquarters for an annual tour of the facilities and to review proposed major budget items and projects; 2) Acquisition of airport property currently being leased is being considered; and 3) Met last Wednesday to adopt the FY 2002-03 budget; the BUdgetinefuc:les $10.7 million in reserves. (2) Other. 1) City Selection Committee met June 7th to make appointments to the Airport Land Use Commission; the County Mayors then met to discuss the county-wide symposium scheduled for September12"to address affordable housing issues; 2) On June 11111 at Pisrno.Coast Village, there was a torch pass fundra/sing event for the Special Olympics, proclamations were presented, and Arroyo Grande was repiesented at the event. b. MAYOR PRO TEM THOMAS A. RUNELS (1) Zone 3 Advisory Board. No report. The TechnicaI.Committee,met;.45% of the stone columns are in place at the Lopez Dam site and the seismic retrofit project is on target for completion on time. Also gave an update on the water treatment plant failure and reported an RFP has been i88Ued to find a contractor to design the upgrade of the water treatment plant. (2) County Water Resources AdvlsOI)' Committee (WRAC). North County issues discussed; issue of State water availability was discussed. (3) Other. None. c. COUNCIL MEMBER JIM DICKENS (1) Economic Opportunity Commission (EOC). Continuing to apply for grant funding to address proposed State and County funding cuts reteted to healthcare clients and issues; and discussions were held at a Special Meeting regarding feasibility of a North County homeless shelter co-Iocating with a Head Start program in Atascadero. (2) South County Youth Coalition. No report. (3) Other. Will be attending the Channel Counties Division quarteriymeeting in Morro Bay on Friday to represent the City of Arroyo Grande. d. COUNCIL MEMBER TONY M. FERRARA (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board (IWMA). On brief hiatus until September. (2) Air Pollution Control District (APCD). Next meeting is in July. (3) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obl.po Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOGlSLORTA). Infonnatlon Item presented relative to further San Luis Obispo airport expansion involving runway extensions to accommodate regional jets. (4) Other. None. ----~-- ---- CITY COUNCIUREDEVElOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JUNE 25, 2002 PAGE 7 e. COUNCIL MEMBER SANDY LUBIN (1) South County Area Transit (SCAT). No quorum at last meeting; postponed meeting until July. (2) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC). Meets tomorrow. (3) Other. None. Mayor Lady called a recess at 8:30 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 8:45 p.m. , , 10.b. Continued. Consideration of Placing a General.Obllgatlon.8ondM.wum on the November 5, 2002 Ballot to Fund the ProposedFIreSt8tlon~on Project. City Manager Adams presented the fOllowing revision to the ballot question to Council for consideration: "Shall the City of Arroyo Gran(le upgrade and expand the Fire Station located on Traffic Way, including adding sleeping facilities and a training classroom, expanding the apparatus bay, construction of a federally-required safe medical clean- up area and a system to remove vehicle exhaust from the,,apparatusroom,seismic retrofitting to meet current building safety standards, and.lnstallatlon.offiresprinklers, by issuing $1,900,000 in general obligation bonds?" Following Council comments supporting the revised language, Council Member Ferrara moved to adopt a Resolution determining the need for the expansion of the exi8tlng fire station. Council Member Lubin seconded the motion, and on the following roIl-caU vote, to wit: AYES: Ferrara, Lubin, Dickens, Runels, Lady NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. Council Member Ferrara moved to introduce an Ordinance, as amended, calling and giving notice of a Special Election on .the proposition of wj1ether bonds shall be Issued and sold for the purpose of the fire station expansion project, ordering the submission of a measure to the qualified voters of the City at a Consolidated General Munfcipal EJectIon, and establishing specifications for the Election order. Council Member Lubin seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote, to wit: AYES: Ferrara, Lubin, Dickens, Runels, Lady NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JUNE 25, 2002 PAGE 8 13. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS . . a) Request to have presentation on San Luis Obispo County Housing Trust Fund (DICKENS) Councii Member Dickens requested, and the City Council agreed, to schedule an item on a future Agenda to receive a presentation by Anita Robinson on the Housing Trust Fund proposal. 14. CITY MANAGER ITEMS None. 15. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Councii Member Ferrara referred to the incident regarding the tree off of Branch Mill Road and inquired whether staff had responded to Mr. Sweeney regarding the status. City Manager Adams gave an update, indicating that the City's arborist is going to look at the tree and provide recommendations for trimming, and he would contact Mr. Sweeney to provide him with an update. 16. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS None. 17. ADJOURNMENT Mayor/Chair Lady djourned the meeting at 9:08.p.m. ATTEST: --.---------------- -.-.-