R 0315 ~" 117 the foregoing resolution was adopted this )rd day of August, 1954. ,j'jAn~ OF GALIFORNIA, ) ; ss. COUNTY OF ::;Ai'J LUIb ObI:';PO, ) I, Mrs. Edna M. Schilling, Glerk of tne Gity of Arroyo Grande, Gounty of ;jan Luis Obispo, btate of Galifornia, do hereby certify that the foreGoing is a r full, true aDd correct copy of Resolution n\Jll1ber .31LI passed by the City Council of I the City of Arroyo Grande, County of :';an Luis Obispo, btate of California, on the )rd day of August, 19511, and that upon the passage of said resolution, the vote was as follows, to-wit: Am::;: Councilmen Burt, Kerr, Pence, and Brennan NOE.S: None Ail~;EIiT: Councilman c,impson wITNJ<.bc" my hand and the Seal of the said City Council of the Gity of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, "tate of California, this 3rd day of August, 1954. City Clerk of said City of Arroyo Urande ~ R,;:';OLUUON 1/315 I , !iE.SOLU'nON OF 'rm: CI'1Y COUNCIL Of 'IH~; CITY OF AHi(OYO GRANDE TO ACCEPT 'l'HE BID OF JEfUiY NU~IN SUBJECT '1'0 111\. HARJU:';' APPROVAL AND AUTHORIZING THE ;.rAYOR '10 "IGN 'l'HE CONTRACT IN I3I~HALF 01" '1m; CITY On motion of Councilman Brennan and seconded by Councilman Kerr and by the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYE.S: Councilmen burt, Kerr, Pence and Brennan aOE.S : None A6JEN'r: Gouncilman Gimpson the foregoing resolution was adopted. I -