R 0312 June 30, 19,4 Ii RISOLUTION 1312 Ji A Resolution of the City Council ot the City of Arroyo Grande o canoel the tOllowing warrants: 1. General Fund Wan'ant 1160 tor '2.20 Writkn 10..-1.950 to Pun-'. 2. Wa~ ~po81t Fund Wurant 13 .or tl.SO " Writ"en 8..1-19S1 to to. L. ~ '1 3. a...al1und w.rr1ll1t. #Ia,'or '3.20 Writ.ton :L-7-1.9S3 to 4,J,bft't.Ja1g And ~t vlU'!'ant.. be writ-ten t.o rep3,ue the warrant. tol 1. Fuller's tor '2.20 2. Albert 1a.1g tor '3.20 On !lOtion ot ~1b1an ~ and eeconded. 117 Coun.i~ Silll'lIOn and on the follow1ng roll oall vote to-1I1tl AIiBI Councilmen Burt. Jerr, Pence. 8b1peon and BI'eJ)JW1 trOES I None ,I ABSENT I )lone the torego1n& resolution va. adopted. \