R 0305 - . ; . . , '~ ",-,- - ,~ , -, RESOLUTION NO. 3 tJ ~ WHEREAS, there is presently located a bouelvard r-'" _ ,,~":' IV~ stop sign on the ~tbwest corner of the intersection of Bridge and Nelson Streets whereby traffic proceed- ing in a Southerly direction on Bridge Street is re- quired to stop at the entrance to Nelson Street from Bridge Street; and WHEREAS, it appears desirahle to change'the l.oation of said sign so as to permit through travel in a Southerly direction on Bridge Street in crossing the intersection of Bsl.,. Street. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the boule- """;.," vard stop sign located on thett~west corner of Bridge Street at its intersection of Nelson Street be, and it is herewith ordered removed. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that a boulevard stop sign be erected at the Southwellt oorner of the intersection I of Nelson and Bridge Streets on Nelson Street so as to I . cause traffic proceeding in an Easterly direction on Nelson Street tO'make a houlevard stop as it approaches . the intersection of Nelson Street with Bridge Street. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Superintendent of PubHc Works of the City of Arroyo Grande be, and he is herewith ordered to make the necessary removals and installations of signs to carry out the orders of the Council and the intent of this Resolution. On motion of Councilman ~~~L~ ,seconded by Councilman ~~~ and on the following roll call vote, to-witt -------'-'-'-, -----,....~-- -..~----- . " .\' - "- " '- AYES: ee.-...e.:.P~/~1 ~ ~~~~~. NOES: >U--. ABSENT: &V.-- t:.e-~ ~. the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted this I 7-1=. day of Karch, 1954. I , Kayor of the City of Arroyo Grande ATTEST: ~A. ~~t fh. M1iJ2':Q ty Clerk 7 . -~,~,~,------- - -