R 0299 - --- lU:SOLUTION' NO. .~ '19 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ......0 .m~ JI ADOPTING BUDGET' AND APPROVING ,~ ...~ JMEKORANDUJC~~ENT FOR EXPENDITURE or GAS TAX' ALLOCATION FOR MAJOR CITY STREETS. "'" allul....-aL WHEREAS. a,msmorandum of agrsemsnt has been presented to be entere4 1nto with the State of California in accord- ; ance with a pro,ect state.ent eubm1 tted by the City of .....,.. "'011 for expenditure of' the gas tax al- loca'1on to,oj,~i.s for the fUcal ;year .... and '~. the c1t;y council haa heard read sa14 agree- msnt in full and is f'&d1liar with the contents thereof; THEREFORE. be it resolved b,y the city council of' the City of All'" .,~... that said proJec. statement be and it i. hereb,y adopted as the budget ot proposed ex- penditures of' the gas tax allocation to cities, and sald agreement be and the 8ame is hereby approved and the DI810r and the c1 ty clerk are directed to sign the same on behalf' /.. of sald City. a~d agreement to be binding upon thevCity "..... , upon its exeoution by the authorized off'icials of'the State. AOOP'nD this 7 ~ day of (f)~ c"; . },.: ~' .. / ? 'J . . , 11t,,,--; Mayor of h C ty of --1ft 1tI'J -,. "'e.t, ~. 'Ii.. h..,jle1;J~ City Clerk of' the City of ' I'.A" I hereby certity that the foregoing resolution was duly an~larlY passed by the oity council of' the City of /JI ..... at a j',Igular meeting thereof held lk' 7 . 19i'.r Jnw. ~ht,g Clerk of t e City of ~C-10 ------".'-,. . ---, '-