R 0295 ) "... oJ . '- , ( . . aQte ot Calitomia FON LAJ)~SA , J)eJMl1'tlMDt ot P1nance . (9-~) aESOI.t1rIOO NO. 295 (To Chanc. "Au1ihorised A&ent") ~,tM C1t.7 COuDCU ot the C1V of A:r'I'o~ OI'ande' (aovenUq bOaT> " . ttas heretofore adopted , CIiOi1 A,.qJ ' . reeolut.ioft 01" neolut,iOlll tdmtit1ed as tOUGWIII i ~. - 22.3 4-S-SO 2O-18n 1d1ieh in part autbori.zed Bell Dr _ too act .e ...' . "Au1ihori..d Agent" tor the Clt.7 of -m CInDde CfMit XiiiiOi) with respect too the appUcat10n or appUcatioaW dNcr1bed. therein; and WHEREAS, the C1~ Ccnmo1l ot the ('181 n1nC boii) now d.sires to replace C~~Y~o..y"" " sa1d BeD D. . as "Author11ed. ..-" by . nam1nc J. B.~ Jr. in hie atM4 .s "Autbol'1zed Agent;" J Naf, THEBEFC8I!i, BE rr RESOLVEDI 1. Tttat all powers, I'1pta and duties ecmterred upon .... Do c-.. (iraii8) by the ator...id reeolut1on or resolutions are herewith reV'Oked. 2. That all act. h1therto pertonud by said J. ~_. "Jr. as "Authorised Agent" tor 'O1~~' are herewith ratified. and cOllt1I'1118d. 3. That J. I. _. Jr. . us1n.' , , t. (A~u) , , 1. herewith deai8Mted a. "Autbori.ed Ag~" of Ci~ ott~U:~ with resl*Ot to the above application or applications and 1. _wed with all rights, powers and duties eonterred upon said tOI'll81' agent, BeD D-. . by the atoreea1d relOlut1on 01" resolutiOlll, or otherw1... . I, Mr.. IdDa H. 1iI~~n''''' , Clerk/Secratary ot the cJMal Cit.7 ot An070 OI'and4I . State ot California, do her.by c.rU!7 Agency ) the fore80iJIs to be . full, true and ccmplet.e coPT ot . reeolution adoJIted by ---'-'-- ! . " r ' . '- FOI'II LAD AdIIt-4!SA (9-18-50) Page 2 , t the Oi>>- CounoU of the el~ 1"'~~ -'~m~b~) , I ' , palled at a regular/l]iIT ~1nC"On the ~C7) 1:_ Iia7 of June , , 19 S3 '.,. al the lame appear I of record in 1117 oUtce. .IH1.W}.'TNES$)WHEREOF. I.l!&ve be_to set I1fI' Mnd and aff1xed the Seal of lald ".Cl~~, ~. '," .,IIIT office in the ' }',' .,;IP!1" , ,J). , City ot Ct~ 01, ~,~ . this 17~.. fit' '.rue, . 19..51-. i ~-W:.~~ ( SEA L ) B7. *ty (Note: Submit two certified copiel of this relO1ution tor each application to which it relates.)  -- ------_.._-,-- --' ".