R 0287 ~l ,~ REBOLUTICfi I 287 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Arrayo Grande to accept the Check for $50b.80 from the Hartford Indem1ty Co. for damages to the Motor cycle on or about October lh. 1952 and authorizing the MlliYor to sign on behalf of the City. On motion of Councilman Waiters, seconded by Counciblan Sturges and by the following roll csll vote ~ , AYES I Counoilmen Simpson, Kerr, Waltere, Burt and Sturges N(Efh None ~SENTI None The foregoing Resolution W88 adopted. The Report in regard to drainage probleme at the new High Sohool V88 read by Mr. Anderson and diBcussed as to the puticipation on the part ot the City. The report is t.o be presented to the High Sohool Board for discull8ion. Andrew' David esked to have a change in ownership of the alllt'bage Co. approved by the City Council. On !lotion of Councilman Sturges, seconded by Councilman Wa1 tere it w&II agreed to approve the transfer upon proof of the Public , , Liability and Froperty Damage Insurance Policies held by thea and upon the properly executed ta1thtull perf01'lllance bond for .SOOO.OO being tiled and proper]y i aigned by the principals as well as the surety. The bond to expire Maroh 7. 1956. All members voted aye. Billa against the General Fund .tor .1606.~9 and the Water' 1'und for .739.9~ were audited, approved and ordered paid. No further bU8iness appearing the meeting V88 adjourned. Mayor ATTEST & ~8t~a:,d~:P~ ty Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 287-' (See Page 1h4) I I I ____'_'n_