R 0281 RESOLUTION NO. 281 OPPOSITION TO PROPOSITI<II NO. 10 ON NOVEMBER kJ 19~2, GENERAL ELBCTION B.U.Im WHEREAS J Proposition No. 10 'IIOUld prohibit the proper and eoonomical use of public f'unda for nitaII_ publio purposes by the joint action of allot the cities and other public agencies of California; and WHEREASJ Proposition No. 10 does not prohibit the lIepc-ate expenditure of publio funda to urge legislation or interest to the City of 1rrayo Grande but mere~ prevents the City of kroyo Grande from joining with sister IIIUIlicipalities in urging the adoption of state am rederallegislation of interest to all cities or opposing the enactment or l1IIuurea wbich would be 1mmed1ate~ hanaful to city residents. and WHEREAS, Proposition No. 10J which in no w~ relates to pension8J is advanced by pension promoter George McLain to punish thosll who opposed and dereated a former McLain pension program; and WHEREAS, Proposition No. 10 does not prohibit private interest from influencing legislation on a collective bui" but orUJr prohibits collective representation or publio interest and agencies; and WHEREASJ Proposition No. 10 permment:Q" destroya or severe~ ~ea a oount- less number or quui-public agencies Whos. on:l7 purpose ill the advlDcement of good government and the publio interest, such .. the Leagu. of California Citi.., the Shoreline PlanningJ mstrict Attorne)'ll, Irrigation mstriotaJ Fire Chiefs, Super- visore, SChool Trustees and School .Administrators "sociationsJ am the California Conference of Social Workers,. and WHEREA5, Proposition No. 10 would cause the vuteful and extravagmt expendi- ture of public funds to do individual1y what now .. be .conomicat~ 8Chieved joint~ by cities and other publio ag.ncillll of Calirornia, including the atate and its departments and agencies; now, thererore, / ~ The City Council) of the City or Arroyo Grande does resolve .. follDIII~ that U. ia opposed to the adoption of Proposi tion No. 10 because it would caus. untold harm to the cities of California and their citizen. and urges the eleotora of the City of Arroyo Grande to vote "No" on Proposition No. 10 at the Novanber 4J 19~2, election. ,..._;,;"!,,,:<o', ..~',~'-~.'~T~',~ \,,;. ~}, _~", ~- ~----~~""--"<;i-~/"---" "'::'''-_:~' ' , '" ""-----" ",,, "'-~,._-,.. --- - -"'.."" ~~"". _.~ 4.!' · 'i' ',3 - - -~ -~.Z,:,"~" J~~-'" '-"~"~~}~~~':'-': ,,::::' ~~:~,L""~_:_: /.'~" ","~,. 'I""..,e, ','0:',)'. Jo; -:!}~t>>~:i:"')~ _' ,0, "'. _,', ..,_,_"" ......,_,".,_,,,.,,",,.., ,Jio___~ '" In.~' .. .?-. __. __i:~:.r..' On motion of CoUnci.JJwl. Wai ten , .econded by Councilman S'tVg.. J and on the following roll catl vote: AYES ; COUNCILMEN Simpson, WaitiraJ BurtJ Kerr and Sturges. NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution waa adopted. Dated this 22nd day of OctoberJ 1952. .u..,"'.~.I_~ ATTEST~ IldAac.;c8obn A.d._.., . City Clerk yo - -"'.''',-. ____.~<:i.i~___-- ,.,--