R 0256 ',~ . - ""\ I R~OLUTION NO. .;2 /.>""-b .1 . .J I RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ..--~ ....q, [- ADOPTING BUDGE'!' AKD APPROVING MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR EXPENDI'rURE OF GAS TAX ALLOCATION FOR MAJOR CITY STRQIB. WHEREAS, a memor-.ndum 01' agreelientblwl ~ pre.ented to be entered into with the Staite o1'OalU'0",1. 1n acoord- ance with a proJeot state.ent 8Ub1Ut:ted by ,1.... C1_ of A:1~~t "'Jm'- for e~end1 t1l.reottlie 11M tax al- looation to 01 ties tor the nseal yeir ..' an4 WHERiAS, the 01ty 00~o11has h.ar4 ~"14"",- .ent 1n full and 1s 1'am1l1ar wtth the oont.'" ,~..t: TIfERD'ORE, be lt resolved "bJ th. oi;tt,j,",IIUl ott" Cl ty 01' "'11" Ij '\t that sald pro~._....., be and 1 t ls herebJ adopted a8 the bIjdg... .~'.~I"'" .... i I pen41tures 01' the gas tax allooaUc>n to oi.$t.-.. .. .... agre..ent be and the same 18 hereby .p1"o..... .... ..,.. and the 01 ty olerk are dlrected to stgn t..... 011 ~1' 01' sald City, said agreement to be b1nd2,1IC ~ .. CU, upon 1 ts execution by the authorized o1'1'1o~.ottlN Itate. I ADOPTED th1s /~-~ ~ ot ~ . 1-' M~or 0 e 0 A....t: ~.~4td"~~ ' lty Clerk o1'the CU'IO, '.. . :'.JrtJII I hereby oertlfy that th.~r=1nll =a~. .. duly and regular~ passe~( by .~~U .,o~:I-',,'''1117 ot .III.I4~ 'fl. ~tl at a ;1:W tae.tS. ".t'lle'~ I 6- , 19 ". ' I , '1IO-'lO ,~"~J ' .,',"" i;<<iCi-:;:, ~'?,I~ _.._~ ,,'.-;'~ .