R 0244 '~l"j..'n~" .---- ~"'-- ..,,,~; " ,,>,-/" \~. RESOLUTIONJQOo. 244 " . ..OLUTION OF ~ CITY ~UN9:Q:." ~i_em,(j')U:~IlO'~' ~. jOOZPfANCE OF J:JDD TO HIiL "'1'J;.' " .' ' , , , ","', ..'"", ';.;' C' ",: l1li IT RESOLVED by the Ci tt coune1l or_ ...r, ~.... >-" -"'i');:::!tM, ~: ',".., '" ".-., -' ,,', , that ~ Mtd bea Jo. Wo. and JesBie'Ko. ~ Q,:,.,J",....,.:, . ,'.' ".., -~.,. naJ. preperty be and the same i8 ~th. '. ''Iii. ~.....- ~ ,,' ' " 188U8Ci rcrr p8;11l1ent of SaI\leo. Said property it! descnbH ..r~+J.owa. to-wih Portion of Lot 107 of, '~,' .J'isi~ Ol'.,..~oe ~,' ,'... ."ft,.""""I" Ik-_. , Pl., .." aIli Balsa de c~, " ' 1ft, ",\hit,., , ., ,e, i,1tt:, " .of _",II",.,~'~,,';','" ',,",' e~ty of San Luis Ob$~;.....lI-tpWo,..._ ,". .',.' _~ desoribed as h:u...tBt,."." ~, ",J'"It, ~,,' "',...""',"','".,,,' ' " Ealtte1'ly line of CieMl& ., ~,~ ao "S ..,.". "..' ft!rQm the interseet$on or tb.~. lot i..... ..d Lo, ,t 107 with the JJ_wrlT,.u- ",~,.',',' ,.., ,'cR1, > ,R"'", .~".,fi"#!,',.',,Ar[l,(, .,\~ 1IIiB'ked 1111. th an axle .. .. ..~ .. __ ....,fj ili:.n:<t " ., .... "" mod in ""'" ~:t:. ~''';II!!f- .!J> tB ,eount;y of Sa W., ',' _t'Jq,.",.,.,'~..,.,',el" " ~f. \,[,:.'~..',...",!IiIIiIIIIM, ',",.,'. ., r 7' E, 6 rt to pcW14i of.. '.',,' .....'tIt... ;:~\I~" & $0 ftJ thence seol\lfld., ., 8 ',.",", '., ',,:t$!) ~ " ',,; tl1>dM, ", ',' ',',' '. """,,.0. l' W,O tt,to the If lU.::r'...."... bf..,.....;,.".t. K. ~I thence .tout' S , ,- .~jV, 1!1. t. _-,..:_<< PI/,..... ' ',' ty owned by, J.;:, "', ~l,"', ,,',' , ~, '"',.:!I,, ",' t.(t",WI"""".".,.E.",, ',",., ."..,'"..,',',.~, t" ~ing aright o! 'IfiIjy ,tt :1:qi~. f-' .,;= .. Ju_3:1line of the _0'" .'4'es.W,W....... '.'" .",.'" r.. Jute&'ly along the N~h .., .,.. . 'at":" ;, 118,.,J,. '". *,' ..,', .,"f-_,II, ',..,..",..,', ." ',' ' pl'o,~" 572 tt more .. 1. il8,' " '~sllLtf; ".., ,..... tor 1iIe,' IIII-strue, tion, ., ~~, .,','..".'"',..r,, w:tt,",~,,'" ,",." ........,.,,' sad ~ of"., wh1e1! U ~~~.. ""111. " ,"....,. J,r riCht at way 3 rt inwild1ih. __~iftoolll ..,..,...., ' "~ ,"",. above described P~..~ _~ _' i ,.'('" u... lilt' the J. W. and .r..8~. _.~' ,,' f, ,') lit,... 1..- to Alpine 5t1"Ht fticl rtcbt tit .., hr ...ll_ .t.11hn lidmaintenanee ~ & water ...In. 011 lIIIttion of COUl\cilJlan Clan~ ....klted.. C_~1bi!\..'EI " ."1 land_the toURing roll oall WIta, ~t. -'11$.. Councilmen Weittn'll, Clark, ~Gb... C~....;:.' "- NeBs: Neme 1&11'1': None The foregoing Resolution is ',~. .fcptei. Dated this 21st d~ of J'eb~~ '1,$1 A.'r'!UTt, , , ,~, .......... H. """'_. "". """'.. "" ft&,' '~of S.1In Lub ~illpO, S1:ate fit O..oI~.~'~..:~,.: ,,':,~qt-a tI>. 'b. ,~, full, true 1M correet ~ of'" _," . .'., ''-'''.,,' .,......~. II!'. ~. till *' of A:rroyo Grande, .. tiIle .... ....~.. s.'.. . . .',.. . ,. ',' OR Book. ...... ~ ft~ hand and I98U o! till Ot. fit A1Irttyo OW M->> ~ this i , ~ ot .' _ .h 4/77 . 19S1. , " ".. . . ! ,.,,'.;, .,."" ,')}'~ --- -. ... .",. ..,""---..~. .. .' ~ -