R 0242 <1<'::,; , '~~~i."''.:_';'' " ';.'f-.~"":(" ,'~\ _. ""'\, :,:-,--...-p""'-" ., ~ :' ' "- _'to:' .,,; RESOW'll. 10.' 242 , -"'i -....- ~ " . ARESOLUTION OF T~EGtTY OQUe~'OF'_OP -.nOYO GRANDE RELATIIc~i_ ' '. ' "'. =BIG:E ,FD~RE~lIS ,', 'va .i,. " ' 11" ",'. , " ,I WORKERS.'" .' , ." WHEREAS, Section 1"9..a...t,~"](t-'j)t417~iV..J'''8 Ct.., Cb.ap~erlO4., Statutes 194.6:,,'.,~t ~~rf,,>_.l''', ~}Ft:, " " Pl"4trl.~.'!iJ. 1iIfQEAS, tbe Califorata, 8t.1..I>1....t..-: ;.~.~ ...., '~l I ' ". .".i'", ' 4., " 3._~ ..,ted rules aad regul'a'ti." .'~.etlf.~t.~j.u ,t41..."r "",'0. wotb~., the scope ot d..t:Le. _t i.a.. 01.'::.'.' .... of ng~'\;t'.~i.. Qf such volute,.r 1ftmkQ<U ~.tI;i ."f.j\S, Section lf99,:.'2of'''. nJb"1"I.i&V.~U,'" Cd.., i, ' . '1 ' : _,': ~',:'" , ,~ , , ',: ,', ,',' ' .. .. ; _, '.. _' ,_ " e.,~..r ;1e',,", Statutes 1~4.6, Fint, Ex1i;~~d"'ary .B9~,~~~.,,1 , "" , -=" disaster Ci'iil .~ie.iD.!h:n"-~ t ru.es alii. 11' au.,,_ ! .- .1:U.rbia Stat Dha..- 1'It~. :: '.,1M ~..gSieJIS of 8811;1'. ~ '.. '" , .' , ia..blly e_ i j 1ot:1.i1i,i .""11 ." Uti... aboll ~a. ...,gg H"ster Coua.~l. ' ' 44 not Derore, ~ 'U. aC'l'edited diuster c. '~1 ..';' .KlWi, the City or 'AIrre,..;Gt:'....i~ii},~lll,'i..... t'tta1fter _bat..r D-..aster SerTie. W~rk.rel"ci j" WlElEAS, tneCity ot ~roy." G".... d..~,1ie -',a.-$.. .. ~ ",'<" ' ".' ,',' ,'" , '. .k~"1..... D1eUtler Council. O"'Il1..'t.~.. ,\la" ~~tF1~";1..~' Iit...t.er 88X"'dce workers r.gis~... "'t)l., 11>;_ ~\i_ 't'" ....- . ' -," _":f' ..,. .....~... ':Caapter 104, Statatea 19", ;Fir. ~.'in""'Ii_, lOW THEREFORE, Be 1 t 1?"ol,.i\rt~lae C:t;1o, otA",~~. GraM,e as foll..sl , ,. -]A Jt i'i', ':', ~, " ' t '~' ~'~:":"'i1~':;/~ ,~~ ~ _..- - -, , ~ .,., '!'hat the City of Arroyo Graade -.&nby agree. to fellow the , ' . :f'a1,ea,a.a r$~tion5 establi$hed. by the Ca:1~to1"a1.a ~t;. ,Disaster "", "",J> . , Coucil liMer 4ate of April 4, 191.6, ,.....a~ totOe~U... of' Seotie. 1"9.1 of the Military.' aftd: Vet."ts O'....._~r 1m.., 8111108,'.. ,l'~. First Extraorciiaa.ry Seaai... '1'&. City Clerk is her.", ina~ct... to .......enitt.. cepie8 hereof to the California StlJ,te Dd...811~' ~~'. (~ic. of Civil >>.re....) PASSED AID ADOPTED this ,. 7~j~, ..~...-........., 1.. 8y t.. fol1ow:1.. Tote: AY!S: Councilmen Wd.ters, .C1ar,*'~ "'t !lone ABI.t': Councilmsn D,..., \ nTlS1: .~&~.1a~ . ! ~.' ....' .,t'