R 0241 ,~" -., v .. '. a.- ....'_.. ,','. RESOLUTION 11,1. ~~./ A RESOLUTION RE<;-ARDU'GCIV~ DE.f~ AND DISASTER ORGANIZATION' OF T eU! ,Q1I' !RHO YO GRANDE WHEREAS, Ordinance No. ,i:g- o~ the City ,o~ Arroyo Grande relating b civil de~ense arid disaster provides that the Civil de~enBe and disaster or'ganization, the di81r~*1en ot civil , de~ense powers and duties, the Usi~nt o~ :t1unC,tl'~Cd a&rYices and the recruitment, direction and tloainiq of ~~",1.~11 be , . j . prescribed by resolution adopted conourren:t1y "ttb!t~ ."pUan o~ said ordinance now, there~ore. BE IT RESOLVED by the t)ountSU or, the ct;W' 'o:r~OJo Grande as ~011GW8: ,- Sec. 1. The civil de~etl8e/and dJ-sut.r ~"on of this city sb.a1 be as hereinai'termGre part1eUlar:J,y ~.e"~d lJila a.shown on the attached chars marked Exbibit A; and ent:1ot;],.~ ~.~cl , Jfod.J.~,al Organization of Ci"u Patailee"'. Sa1d~~t ~ beluding . ' j ",' , all intorDlll.tion shown thereon, is as' IISIIeh ~ pat't iQr th,LszoQelution as 11'tbe materials and 1n1'ormaU.n set 1'or~ by .;.14~1t1t were all rull~ described herein. Sec. 2. DIVISION OF Tl1e,.. i. hereby created a Division of Operating &er~c..s. FG)r tbe,~..~ $1: civil , defense p11l!Ullng and organizaUon, the chiie! or...h ~P.1"B!t'ing iervice I wi,thin this divis ion shall be responsible toth._tiet..1' t;b.fough the "sshtant'llrector o~ civil de~ense and di;s&ster..; , ' . >~ I ti thin this di vis ion, tbe1'~ sha~l be t~ tel:),()w1ng6'1~1'I ' : defense and disaster services: ti (1) fire servicej (2) ~aw enforcement servtce, w~1ch 8h/1tJ.1 '1.'-1-' the (3) plant protectiG~ SSJi'V1dej . .,' ' engineering serHce~ ;Whlch'sall 1.n..l~"~illty (4) service, sheltet' prQt;ecHo. aQIi, :11"~..1'T:1~.; heal th and medif;a1 service.,w'hhh Ithan include (5) special weapons deffil'D,SeJ a1\d, .. mass care serviCe (emergeniy we1r~,e service). T~ <&trector shall aRDint a chlef of .!lch such '.1"v.~c;., except as 'hereina~ter provided. The chiH o~ 'the fire dep81'tment of the City of .A:rl"Oyo Grande shall be chief of .~ f~e Ser"I"1. .. oibtet ot .. 1". ,~-",':.._-~-,-- - ~'- - - ----- -- -- ----~--------~ --------,--- - --., , . . ~ police of the City of Arroyo Grande shall be chief of the law enforcement service, The city engineer of the City of krroyo Grande shall be chief of the engineering service. Sec. 3. DIVISIO:W OF ~PEq~~ViIq.,. '.rhe1'e 18 hereby created a division of special civil defenlte and dl,,"'er services. This aivil10n shall be under the directioR and cont1'\ol of a deputy director of civil defense. who shall beaI>pointeci 1r1 the director. For the purpose of civil defense and d,isa.ter pl......1ng ,,1114 0r- ganization, the deputy director isrespon4ible to $_ aireetor through the assistant director of cfvil de tense " a_:dUaster. , ' Within this division there shall be thet~ll_1aS services; (1) mutual aid pl~; (2) evacuation service; (~) transportation serviae; ( ) warden servicei' (5) communicathns.ervice. which ahal), :1~liJ.de (6) civil air raid .~~ng; supply servic.; (A) public ai'1'airs-.n,d information a.1"'riOil, ( ) training servic8; , . (0) personnel servl.., Wh1ch ~Ui~l~ .. recrui tment of eit'iJ,:iJan.a ilia~".. to military acti,vitiu;an4. . (10) general administration service. The director shall appoint II ,cMef of ei!rOb. ~h"rvice who shall be responsible to the deputy di:tjectol" at t~' D1vi81on of Special Services. The Director may appo~t t.e '.... 1fr80Q as chief of two or more services. The D1.J.ectpJl ma;rr. if ~ ... it necessary for more e1'ficient operation ot the...rv1.s de8t:"n~ 111 Sf'ctions 2 and 3 hereof, appoint sucha4ditioa_l ed,OrdlniJ~" or deputy directors as he may deem neces.<<rytO~ro.r_ '~. o.t tl>> dUties " . ~ ' -- " herein specified. Sec. 4. The city attorney shall serTe a..'t~ lapl advisor to the director of civil detense and to t~t1"ll detense organizat ion. Sec. 5. AMERICAN, Uij,CRQII. ~ City of A:h-oyo Gnnde rill aX'rlplge with such local chapter ot the Amerie~atH1 01'0118 as 1"\ is available to the City of Arroyo Grande. in,..~~l dis.ster, fUl'n$.ah 1'00", clothing. shelter.. re"'$l;ra-thn _. $_~"'QD - 2 - ,i-, .. . ~_...,,_..,-'-,..:,~,_.,-_._--. ._-~----- ---~----- ~ --'~~-~'----'---'----- -- - - '-":~""-"----'--''''-''-------'--' '------ '-..-----,---_.----- ~ ~ ii,,,, ""i '":- ~ -, ""~ . , . , .....~....,.l..eA1ia17 lUa.1cal se:ni.o... :~.I".a" r.... _~t.a "0 1A41 vidll..le an4 tPlU.___,,,,. .'.1..... Ia ....r-o..u.ed dieaater, u.a ..3d..,.. -4~ 1.. "'tIU1, '....k "11 ':fGM.. olothiAg a.n4 .helter to at~""JiD41.~:t ~j"U". .,~f'" AaeriCall Ii.. 01'''' ..,1Upd;U.t 1'",-,""'.._ t. t1...~!'''~. rel1et opuaU.. ......-fIIi'~....!J~.'"._il :::''2.~: :.':~:"~:;Z!::-"::~ .. 41reotor .....u h~~~'_ $Ie '4JiUlJtJ. ._ 1 " ~~ .ta1... 0,1' n.. aldlk.r~~ec ........,,_.'.... .:\:l....u.. .1' taG 11ft 0"... 1a ei'dil ..,..... ...:,""'.... ... ';'$' ....j. 1. .... 01' war-oall.8ed 41...,.,. UIiI_"'~,~n~lI-ll', "~4~" t1l.. "4 01'0'. alld t~ d.u ""., ....... ...... .r lit. .161....1'. ...toa 6. ~. _ ea........ ''':H.~nn.. '''1.. ",' ",....' e<t...,.tr 41r..1ior aAd t-. o~. ., ....~"-.~.!.:...'.. ....1_ .~... shaU lie as 4..or1_4 1a.~."".. ".'..;Jntll.r. . ' ;', '.. ..,,_.a.a..itT BeBOIlJ.'O.' B.ut .-....'" _. ....:'~~ 19""oopt.. e<t wbich shall b. t1~e4 :LiI,.. ..1'41..'......1(..... I f.~.~' ad Hu1AaUoA by 1i~ p.11.. ... ,...:~_ b .. " - v,; ,:,)..."..~~.... 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