R 235 3~ -~. - -- ....'... - ) C") :J':.. () NOES a None ABSEtlTa Councilman Dixson The foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted. Dated thie 18th day of October, 1950 ATTEST I City Clerk .Mayor . . This resolution replaced by No. 237 RESOLUTION NO. 135 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY CF ARROYO GRANDE, COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISI'D. - RELATIVE TO THE ANNEXATION OF CERTIAIN UNIRHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY CF ARROYO GRANDE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of ArI'OJo Grande, ~ounty ot San Luis Obispo, State of CI'Ufornia, has received requests from persons own- ing property lying within the territorialltmits of the hereinafteI-described parcels of property for annexation of said property to the City o~ Arroyo Grande, and WHEREAS, ti appears desirable to the s'Jid City Council of the City of Arroyo Gratde to annex the hereinafter-described parcels of real property to the City of Arroyo Grande, said propertiell being contiguous to eaid C1 ty, WHEREAS, the stid property is uninhabited property 1d. thin the me~ ing of Section 5162 of. the General Laws of the State of California and, WHEREAS. the said City Council of the City of Arroyo Grandedeeires to 11' oceed with the matter of armexa.t1 on on its OlIn motion lIS provided in Section 5162 of the General Laws of the State of CaUfomia. N<W THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luie Obispo, 5t&te of California, that the here- inafter described real property be annexed to the Ci ty of Arroyo Grande, and that all neceesary stepe be taken to consUl1!III8.te this annexation. BE IT FURIIHBR RESOLVED that the hereinafter-described property shall I be desi~ated as tollows, to-wit a Parcell, "The WOOD_DITMORE ADDITICJI" Parcel 2, "THE HUASNA RO~O ADDITION" the /laid parcels of property being contiguous' to the present City Undts ot the Ci ty of Arroyo Orsnde. , --------..-- - 39 ~ - ,:) BF. IT FURTHER RESOLVED that on the 17th day of January, 1951, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M., it the Council Chambers of the City Council of the City or Arroyo Grande, in the City Hall in the' City of Arroyo Grande, County of S"n Luis Obispo, State of California, a hearing will be held, at which time owners of propert:' lying within the limitFl of the hereinatter-described parcels of property, Md any. others who may be interasted, may appear and shaw cause, if they have, why the hereinafter -described parcels ot ralil propeety, to-wit: i PArcell, "THE WOOD-DITJIIORE ADDITION", and Parcel 2, "TIlE HlASNA ROAD ADDITION", . Arroyo Grande, County ot San ~is ~ispo should not be Annexed' to the City 0 Stat.e of !)aHfornia. ProtestE- may be made in writing prior to the hearing or in writing or orally At the time And place of the hearing. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this rasolution shlill be pub- lished at least once a week for two successive weeks before the hearing on the lItI',tter of the annexAtion hereinabove mentioned. Publication of said resolution . shnlJ be in the He.ald Recorder, a weekly newspaper published and circulated in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of Sl'In' Luis Obispo, State of Caifornia. i The property Jroposed to be anmxed to the said CJT of Arroyo Grande, and designated as Parcell, "THE WOOD -' DI!MORI ADDrrION". is described as follows, To.wit: , Commencing at the most Northerly corner of Lot 7 in Block I, lIS said Lot and'Block'are shown on that certAin map entitled, "Hip of Tract ~Io. ,8, etc.", filed for record in the Office of the County Recorder of S,," Lml.s Obispo County, Clilifornia, in Volll\te S, of Mp!lS at page 75, and resuming thence S 68. ,0' E, 441.32 feetJ thence 5 O. 08' W, 125.17 feet) thence 589. ,2' E, 176 feet to a point on the Westerly line of Hlilcyon Roa:lJ thence continuing S 89. 52' E, to It point on the Easterly line of said Halcyon Road, sdd Easterly line of Hlilcyoh Road being the Westerly line of the City Limits of the City of Arroyo GrandeJ thence S o. 06' W, along the said Westerly line of the City L1mi ts of the City of Arroyo Grande, a diatance of 240 feet, to an intefsection with 'the easterly pro longation of the Southerly line of a ~ foot roRe:! right ' of W"7, known !IS Dodson WI!1J thence N 89. 53' W, along the Southerly line of sRid Dodson W~, a distance of 567.92 feet to the Easterly line of Alder Street as said street is shown on that certain map entitled "Map . of the Fair Oaks' Tract, etc.", filed for record in the office of the County Recorder of San Luis Obispo Coun~, California, in Volume 3 of MapS at page 82J thence N o. 08' E, along the Easterly line of said Alder Street, a distance of 532.56 feet to the point of commencement. The property propesed to be annexed to the !laid City of Arroyo Grande, and designAted as Parcel 2, ~ HAVSNA R~n ADDITION", is described as follows, to-wit: I , i I i ! i ! I ---..- 36 ......, .- _.~ " ~ -- ') ~ -./ ::r-_ () Commencing at stake S 32 Location at the Southeut c corner of Lot Thirteen (13) as ehown on the map of the Resubdi vbi on of a part of the Ranchos Corral de Piedra, Pismo and Bolsa de Chemisal, 118 surveyed by R.R. Harris in November 1865, which map was filed for re ord November 24, 1886, in the office of the County Recorder of San Luis Obispo, Cillfornia, and running thence N 15- 30' E, along the Easterly line of sdd Lot 13, wich sAid line is also the City Limits line of the City of Arroyo GrAnde a distance of 622.79feet, thence S 9- 00' E, 450.00 fletto line of said Lot 13, and running S 74- 30' E, 215.5 feet I to a point, thence S 15- 30' W, 85.00 feet, thence N 6~ ~cff>;t E &n \~e'~oJi~e\l1i'fftfee ~f 9; ~ t~ 'i?gaf> /aT! to Southerly line of said 50 foot road being the Northerly boundary line of the City of Arroyo Orande, thence S 81.00' W~ along the said Southerly line of Bald 50 foot road. 910.7 feet to the point of intersection with the Southwesterly pro1~ngation of the Easterly line of aforementioned Lot 13. thence N 15.' 30' E, 54.95 feet to the point of commencement, being portions of Lot Fourteen (14) imil. the adjacent 50 foot roade, as llaid Lot III1d roads are shown on the above-mentioned map of .Rellubdiv1l11on of a PArt L' of Ranohos Corral de Piedra, PiIlMO and Bolsa de Chem1sal-. On motion of Councilman seconded by Councilman and on the following roll call vote, to-wi t I AYES I NOES I ABSENT I The foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted. Dated this d~ of January, 1951. ATTEST I , City Clerk Mayor , RESOLt1l'ION NUMBEJUI.36 OF TIIK CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDI WHEREAS it appears that the property desoribed in that deed to AKIRA SARUWATARI and MASAKO SARUWATARI, hUllblind. and wite, and STONE S,. SARUWATARI .and AYAKO SAR1MATARI, husband and wife, dated August 16, 1950, is no longer necessary: tor publio UIIe. it being property which 1e to be oonveyed to the above named grantees in eJiohange tor property immediately adjacent thereto, which said. p'roperty ill to be used for road purpcses, NCW THEREFORE BE it resolved that the property described in said deed be ooveyed , to the said per,sons, AKIRA SARUWATARI and MASAKO SARUWATARI, and STONB SARIMATARI and -~-_. AYAKO SARUWATARI, and the M~or of the City ot Arroyo Orande 111 herewith author1~d to exeoute the deed of the sdd city to llaid pereOl1s. conveying the property deecrlbed therin to AKIRA SARUWATARI and MASAKO SARUWATARI, husband and. wite, and STONE SARUWATARI and AYAKO SARUWATARI, husband and wife. .:i