R 234 ~ESODJTIaN NO.. 234 A EESaDJ'rIaN a? THE CITY COU1l!CIL 0.1" THE CITY OF A..~RaYa GRANDE, ..\UTHORIZIITG ACCEPTA}:C~ OF DE"SD TO. RE/\L EST_'~,"TE. BE IT RESaLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, that the deed of Akira saruwatari and !!asako Saruwatari, husband and wife, and Stone Saruwatari and Ayako saruwatari, husband and wife, to the hereinafter described real property be and the same is herewith ordered accepted. Said property is described as follows, to-wit: That portion of Lot 10.4 of Parts of the Rancho Corral De Piedra, PiSfllO and Polsa de Chamisal surveyed by Jas. T. stratton, C. E., Septeniller, 1873, according to n~p filed for record in the office of the County ~ecorder of said County, described in deed to stone Saruwatari, et al, dated December 14, 1934, and recorded in Book 158 of afficial Records, at page 435, records of said count~, \Ihich lies wi thin the boundaries of a strip of land a feet in \/idth, lying 40. feet on each side of the follov.- ing described center line: Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Grand Avenue and the Easterly line of B~rnett street as said Avenue and ':;treet are shown on the LIap of "JestcI"'n Addition to the TO;Vll of Arroyo Grande, filed for record April 10, 1~94, in the office of the County Recorder of said County; thence North 660 57' East 419.22 feet to the Easterly line of Lot 10.5 of said Subdivision for the true point of beginning; thence from said true point of b egirinillf( N 660 57t E, 755.78 f_eet to a Iwint; thence Y. 21048' E 133.40 feet, more or less to ohe southerly line of California state Eighway 1'"0. 2 CD. s. Hii"l'may 1:0. 10.1) an motion of Councibnan Conrad and seconded by Councilman Dammann, and on the following roll call vote, to-wit f1.YES: Councilmen :!aiters, Dammann, Conrad and Clark FOES: None AE3b]::'r: CounciJ.man Dixson ., the foregoing Resolution is hereQy" adopted. Dated this 18th day of October, 1950 dJ { ~f~ ATTEST:~.f&:)u. iJ~ C~ ty C erk . . !.!E!yor I, l:rs .Scina I.:. SChilling, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, state of California, do hereby certify the foregoini~' to be a full, true and correct copy of a :lesolution made by the City Council of the City of A.rroyo r:rande, as the same a ppears entered in their .'~esolution Book. 'Jitness my hand :::tnd se:::tl of the City of Arroyo Grande, affixed this 18th day of October, 1950. - . -